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gah.. am starting to hate all these rumours. am having muse nightmares now..seriously, they need to make it official and end our misery. the 1st of dec is perfect. it's a saturday, so no need to go MIA for work..


oh yeah, miele... penang food is the best! but is it cheap there?


I get what u mean bout the rumours, sometimes I'm hopeful but sometimes I despise myself 4 hoping (getting schizo here :LOL:). But today I need a good pick-me-up so will pretend 1 Dec is true...dreaming is free, anyhow.


food prices okla, not as cheap as dulu but still manageable. Mmm pasembur

*stomach growls* It's all ur fault Deb! :D

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aww... bad day? * hugs*


ok. will dream along with u. i've actually got so excited that i've checked air asia's flight info and spm time table just to make sure dec 1st is good for me. and it is... so just waiting for some kind of confirmation now. soon. i hope. am going schizo as well. lol



i got raya cards today from my students. one says "To Ms Muse" and another "To Mrs. Dom" :happy: it's amazing how little things like that can seriously made my day! lol.

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accordin to the rumour, they are playin in december. The festival is in feb. Therefore, it'll probably be their own headline gig. My guess is that the ticket price would be around 1,000 baht. I dnt knw how much that is in malaysian currency, sry!


WOAH if it is 1000bht, that's S$47 which means it's RM$108!!! That's dirt cheap! That is so kick ass.


Did i read somewhere that before the start of this year's tour, i.e before the first gig at Singapore, Muse were at some resort of Thailand, soaking up the sun? Or did i dream that up?

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HOH THAT'S CHEAP. but is it all one price or are there many sections?


i didn't hear about the Muse going to Thailand and soaking up the sun before heading over to S'pore thing. and around that time was when i was full on obsessed with Muse so... either my obsession isn't good enough, or you were dreaming. lol.


noooo December 1st isn't a good date. nono it isn't :'( baaaah. if i go to Thailand, i doubt i can make it for the Langkawi trip with my friends in mid december.... dilemma dilemma :( :'(

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im not too sure though. But the avenged sevenfold and funeral for a friend concert was 1,000 baht. And 1,200 baht if u buy it at the door front. Depends on the venue too. If it is held in the impact arena-the best venue- then the price would be higher. But i doubt that muse will play there. Only artists that are super popular like black eyed peas, beyonce, and lp play there. But u never know! I hope that they would play in impact arena; it's near to my place plus muse always deserve the best :D.


Don't forget! Dec. 2 is chris's bday- he's gna turn 29. And dom's bday is dec. 7- turnin 30.


And im sry about ur problem debbie! hope that u'll get it solved soon.


In the meantime, we hav to wait for a confirmation...

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i got raya cards today from my students. one says "To Ms Muse" and another "To Mrs. Dom" :happy: it's amazing how little things like that can seriously made my day! lol.


Ms. Muse and Mrs. Dom, that's so cute. Your student must've known you that well.


accordin to the rumour, they are playin in december. The festival is in feb. Therefore, it'll probably be their own headline gig. My guess is that the ticket price would be around 1,000 baht. I dnt knw how much that is in malaysian currency, sry!


Helen from the Older Muse Thread posted something about Muse touring until 2008. Dom said it on a recent interview accdg to her. So it's either they're coming on Dec 07 or sometime in 08.


1000 BHT = 1,424.09 PHP


WOW :eek:


That is indeed cheap!


Holy hell that is cheap! Hmm I wonder how much is a ticket for Thailand.


im not too sure though. But the avenged sevenfold and funeral for a friend concert was 1,000 baht. And 1,200 baht if u buy it at the door front. Depends on the venue too. If it is held in the impact arena-the best venue- then the price would be higher. But i doubt that muse will play there. Only artists that are super popular like black eyed peas, beyonce, and lp play there. But u never know! I hope that they would play in impact arena; it's near to my place plus muse always deserve the best :D.


Don't forget! Dec. 2 is chris's bday- he's gna turn 29. And dom's bday is dec. 7- turnin 30.


And im sry about ur problem debbie! hope that u'll get it solved soon.


In the meantime, we hav to wait for a confirmation...


Wonder how much will it be when they play on that impact arena.


Wow, being a PCTer, I didn't know Chris' birhtday tbh. Shame.

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WOAH if it is 1000bht, that's S$47 which means it's RM$108!!! That's dirt cheap! That is so kick ass.


Did i read somewhere that before the start of this year's tour, i.e before the first gig at Singapore, Muse were at some resort of Thailand, soaking up the sun? Or did i dream that up?


:LOL: U sure u weren't dreaming it was you who was doing that? I'd dream that too! Preferably together with Muse... But you're going to Langkawi, eh. Other than the beaches, check out the waterfalls, tis wonderful.


Deb Langkawi + friends vs Muse + Bangkok is a dilemma. How about Bangkok for 1 night and then to Phuket instead with ur friends? Cost is about the same...


since we're talking prices, if this becomes true let's share lodgings eh? i've also been crazy enuff to check air Asia as well, nasib baik tak clik 'confirm', heheh.


Mrs Dom / Ms Muse, how sweet! Maybe can book hotel in that name :D


For Chris' bday, I think he'd be happy to be close to his family. But we are able replacements, no? Or maybe he brings the kiddies to Thailand, y'no, since it's winter and all.


Speculating is fun.

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Well i hope the pricing is about there.. So even if there're sections the prices won't have so much difference. Actually I might be going to Langkawi in early Dec! :eek: u stalker! :LOL:


:eek: youuu're the stalker! :eek:*fiuh. and i thought i almost got caught there*

what a smaaall world eh. eh you come to Malaysia a lot don't you?



im not too sure though. But the avenged sevenfold and funeral for a friend concert was 1,000 baht. And 1,200 baht if u buy it at the door front. Depends on the venue too. If it is held in the impact arena-the best venue- then the price would be higher. But i doubt that muse will play there. Only artists that are super popular like black eyed peas, beyonce, and lp play there. But u never know! I hope that they would play in impact arena; it's near to my place plus muse always deserve the best :D.


Don't forget! Dec. 2 is chris's bday- he's gna turn 29. And dom's bday is dec. 7- turnin 30.


And im sry about ur problem debbie! hope that u'll get it solved soon.


In the meantime, we hav to wait for a confirmation...


lol don't forget! my birthday is on december too! heehee! December 6 :D a day before dom's one. i cant wait for confirmation on the gig... seriously. :stunned:


:LOL: U sure u weren't dreaming it was you who was doing that? I'd dream that too! Preferably together with Muse... But you're going to Langkawi, eh. Other than the beaches, check out the waterfalls, tis wonderful.


Deb Langkawi + friends vs Muse + Bangkok is a dilemma. How about Bangkok for 1 night and then to Phuket instead with ur friends? Cost is about the same...


since we're talking prices, if this becomes true let's share lodgings eh? i've also been crazy enuff to check air Asia as well, nasib baik tak clik 'confirm', heheh.


Mrs Dom / Ms Muse, how sweet! Maybe can book hotel in that name :D


For Chris' bday, I think he'd be happy to be close to his family. But we are able replacements, no? Or maybe he brings the kiddies to Thailand, y'no, since it's winter and all.


Speculating is fun.


haha Muse should go to Langkawi too. Matt needs a tan, seriously. :p


i doubt my friends would want to travel all the way to Phuket though. Langkawi is duty free, you see :happy: so stuff there is cheaper! aand its still in M'sia so you dont have to worry about your passports and stuff.


lol how much is a flight ticket there via air asia?

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im not too sure though. But the avenged sevenfold and funeral for a friend concert was 1,000 baht. And 1,200 baht if u buy it at the door front. Depends on the venue too. If it is held in the impact arena-the best venue- then the price would be higher. But i doubt that muse will play there. Only artists that are super popular like black eyed peas, beyonce, and lp play there. But u never know! I hope that they would play in impact arena; it's near to my place plus muse always deserve the best :D.


Don't forget! Dec. 2 is chris's bday- he's gna turn 29. And dom's bday is dec. 7- turnin 30.


And im sry about ur problem debbie! hope that u'll get it solved soon.


In the meantime, we hav to wait for a confirmation...


HAHA i don even know their birthdates.. I guess that's a good thing. Wow not too bad eh, the pricing at Bangkok.. For your sake, i hope they do play at Bangkok and in the impact arena!


:LOL: U sure u weren't dreaming it was you who was doing that? I'd dream that too! Preferably together with Muse... But you're going to Langkawi, eh. Other than the beaches, check out the waterfalls, tis wonderful.


Deb Langkawi + friends vs Muse + Bangkok is a dilemma. How about Bangkok for 1 night and then to Phuket instead with ur friends? Cost is about the same...


since we're talking prices, if this becomes true let's share lodgings eh? i've also been crazy enuff to check air Asia as well, nasib baik tak clik 'confirm', heheh.


Mrs Dom / Ms Muse, how sweet! Maybe can book hotel in that name :D


For Chris' bday, I think he'd be happy to be close to his family. But we are able replacements, no? Or maybe he brings the kiddies to Thailand, y'no, since it's winter and all.


Speculating is fun.


LOL maybe i did dream it up, but that would be weird; dreaming about guys.

I will be sure to check out the waterfalls in Langkawi if i go there! Are the beaches still beautiful?


:eek: youuu're the stalker! :eek:*fiuh. and i thought i almost got caught there*

what a smaaall world eh. eh you come to Malaysia a lot don't you?





lol don't forget! my birthday is on december too! heehee! December 6 :D a day before dom's one. i cant wait for confirmation on the gig... seriously. :stunned:




haha Muse should go to Langkawi too. Matt needs a tan, seriously. :p


i doubt my friends would want to travel all the way to Phuket though. Langkawi is duty free, you see :happy: so stuff there is cheaper! aand its still in M'sia so you dont have to worry about your passports and stuff.


lol how much is a flight ticket there via air asia?


Oh yeah i love Malaysia. Main reason is cuz it's cheaper there than here. And i love the fact that i can eat almost anything there, without giving much thought about the food being Halal or not, esp Chinese food. Yum!


It's true that Matt needs a tan. When my bro saw him in Singapore in the van, like really close, he was shocked to see that Matt was so pale.


I know Air Asia had some promo about the 1BHT ticket to Bangkok or smething like that? :unsure:


And i found a cool tee, that is over the top with skulls.


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from afar the shirt looks seriously nice. but kalau dekat, yikes! :eek:


it's not only matt who needs a tan, dom does too. he's quite pale as well.


guys, this is not good :noey: we're taking the rumours seriously now, do we?


*checks air asia and search for decent hotels* :D


miele, i dont mind sharing lodgings with u. we'll have to book as Mrs Dom tho! :D


EDIT: apparently going to gold cost is cheaper than the flights to Bangkok in early december :eek:.


wat's up with the major concert announcement on LAMC website eh? could it be MUSE??? indeed, speculating is really fun. can give u false hope at times but fun nevertheless.

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You are right about the tee... I don't really like it too heh heh.


Holy shaizer! LAMC sure are cheeky to post something like that at a time like this! The major concert will be on the 28th Nov! That's conveniently 3 days after Muse's Christchurch gig at NZ... My guess is they will announce it next week or something...

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You are right about the tee... I don't really like it too heh heh.


Holy shaizer! LAMC sure are cheeky to post something like that at a time like this! The major concert will be on the 28th Nov! That's conveniently 3 days after Muse's Christchurch gig at NZ... My guess is they will announce it next week or something...


And NZ is just near Asia, 5 to 8 hours flight.

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You are right about the tee... I don't really like it too heh heh.


Holy shaizer! LAMC sure are cheeky to post something like that at a time like this! The major concert will be on the 28th Nov! That's conveniently 3 days after Muse's Christchurch gig at NZ... My guess is they will announce it next week or something...

EH DONT LA :( my spm wont be over by then okay!! :'(

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i don't want the concert to be on the 28th as well. that'll be in the middle of the week so it'll be difficult to excuse myself from work. please let it be on the 1st. but nothing is certain now. the major concert can turn out to be britney's first world tour gig or something. oh but i hope, hope it's muse.


You are right about the tee... I don't really like it too heh heh.


Holy shaizer! LAMC sure are cheeky to post something like that at a time like this! The major concert will be on the 28th Nov! That's conveniently 3 days after Muse's Christchurch gig at NZ... My guess is they will announce it next week or something...


the tee is very gothic! heh.


yeah.. i agree. they should announce it next week. i'll be so dissapointed if it's not muse.


Air Asia has a promo right now if we're going to Malaysia since it's visit Malaysia year.


If this'll push through I'd like to share lodging with you guys too.


I know it's hard not to speculate too much but heck this is Muse we're talking about.


are the flights to malaysia cheap? u should come and check out malaysia, illuminatist. i'm sure u'll love it here.


the more the merrier, illuminatist. it'll be so cool if we could all meet up in bangkok. woah.. imagine that.. :eek::happy:


ok sorry. i'm taking these rumours way too seriously now. i blame rushdie for that. lol.

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EH DONT LA :( my spm wont be over by then okay!! :'(


i don't want the concert to be on the 28th as well. that'll be in the middle of the week so it'll be difficult to excuse myself from work. please let it be on the 1st. but nothing is certain now. the major concert can turn out to be britney's first world tour gig or something. oh but i hope, hope it's muse.




the tee is very gothic! heh.


yeah.. i agree. they should announce it next week. i'll be so dissapointed if it's not muse.




are the flights to malaysia cheap? u should come and check out malaysia, illuminatist. i'm sure u'll love it here.


the more the merrier, illuminatist. it'll be so cool if we could all meet up in bangkok. woah.. imagine that.. :eek::happy:


ok sorry. i'm taking these rumours way too seriously now. i blame rushdie for that. lol.


Yeah 28th is a wed... That's crap. I hope it's not the 28th too. How much exactly is the air fare to bangkok?


Have you guys read the interview with Dom? i love it.



You are currently on a big world tour. Where do you feel the best?

Each audience is unique, but last time we felt great was in Korea: Seoul audience was excited, but the rest of East Asia was fun, too. Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong… I love playing in Europe; too, France is for example awesome…


The rest of it

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are the flights to malaysia cheap? u should come and check out malaysia, illuminatist. i'm sure u'll love it here.


the more the merrier, illuminatist. it'll be so cool if we could all meet up in bangkok. woah.. imagine that.. :eek::happy:


ok sorry. i'm taking these rumours way too seriously now. i blame rushdie for that. lol.


Damn exam week.


You guys make me envious that you can plan this things like going out of the country and hotel bookings in just one snap of a finger :LOL:


I don't know why but I feel Malaysia and Thailand are just around the corner and only a 2 hour bus drive from the capital. :stunned::LOL:


[edit] But I don't think its most of it is true... Just like the 2 year old "Muse in the PH" rumor. Do they really need a tan? Aren't Caucasians supposed to be... umm... "white"

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Surprisingly i'm not taking these rumours too seriously. probably because i'm hoping it isn't true. :eek: :eek: its the timing la.. its all oh so wrong. seriously la :( i cant be all excited with you guys. sorry.


aww.. deb. but yeah la.. the timing kinda sucks. i'm supposed to go to s'pore with my course mates around that time for a library visit. (oh yeah.. am such a nerd) .


Yeah 28th is a wed... That's crap. I hope it's not the 28th too. How much exactly is the air fare to bangkok?


Have you guys read the interview with Dom? i love it.



You are currently on a big world tour. Where do you feel the best?

Each audience is unique, but last time we felt great was in Korea: Seoul audience was excited, but the rest of East Asia was fun, too. Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong… I love playing in Europe; too, France is for example awesome…


The rest of it


the flights cost around rm 150 - 300. i think. but it depends on the time and date. the earlier u book the cheaper it is.


:eek::happy: he mentioned KL!! and East Asia.. but no s'pore :p. omg. i'm so in love with dom rite now.:happy: it looks like they're booked till next year for touring. Thanks nutcracker for the link!


Damn exam week.


You guys make me envious that you can plan this things like going out of the country and hotel bookings in just one snap of a finger :LOL:


I don't know why but I feel Malaysia and Thailand are just around the corner and only a 2 hour bus drive from the capital. :stunned::LOL:


[edit] But I don't think its most of it is true... Just like the 2 year old "Muse in the PH" rumor. Do they really need a tan? Aren't Caucasians supposed to be... umm... "white"


if only i could plan a trip out of the country like that.. just browsing for info arias. nothing is booked yet. and yeah.. i do feel the same. we're like very close and yet so far..


i can only imagine matt turned red like a lobster for having too much tan in bangkok.

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are the flights to malaysia cheap? u should come and check out malaysia, illuminatist. i'm sure u'll love it here.


the more the merrier, illuminatist. it'll be so cool if we could all meet up in bangkok. woah.. imagine that.. :eek::happy:


ok sorry. i'm taking these rumours way too seriously now. i blame rushdie for that. lol.


I think so, I will surely love it. Your country has too much story to tell.



Surprisingly i'm not taking these rumours too seriously. probably because i'm hoping it isn't true. :eek: :eek: its the timing la.. its all oh so wrong. seriously la :( i cant be all excited with you guys. sorry.


As a matter of fact you're right. The timing is wrong.

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