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I missed allot. :LOL:


Hope you get the scholarship, mynameisdebbie :happy:

Is it really that nerve wrecking... I guess I worry of my future too much, is it normal for a high schooler? I'm already computing the cost of the enrollments, place to rent, good starting job, cars, where do I stay when I'm in my RETIREMENT age, others...


As a guy... I have an odd fascination for Dom :ninja:


I guess I would just have a simple conversation with them... talk about the next album, future tours and everything related... on a concealed tape recorder to get those "next album theories" started ;) If I was somehow related to Dom, I would beg for his transparent drum set... If he gets a new one of course.

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arias, he's the drum god, how can any fascination with him be odd?


deb, now's the time to relax, and pray. We hope along with u, eh.


Awesome news bout Muse winning tour of the year. Must be good karma from their sojourn to SEA countries, eh? :LOL: Maybe they should come here more so more good things come their way. ;)


I'm off, selamat berbuka!

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aww thanks arias and miele, really appreciate it :) because frankly now i'm thinking i wont get it. but you guys are so optimistic and hopeful its really rubbing off onto me! :D


to be honest i dont think he's THE drum god :ninja: dont kill me okay. but have you seen Dream Theatre's drummer? his drumset is like freakin HUGE. its ridiculous. but i'm sure if Dom had a chance to play some DT songs, he'd play it just like the DT drummer. really fast and quick and loud... and heavy. a bit too heavy for my liking. hehheh.


i dont really think about my retirement and stuff to be honest.... i'm gonna worry about that when its the time to worry about that. now you should just relax and enjoy life being 14! i love being 14 :D it was my most carefree year. haha. maybe its different all the way in the Phils though.

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rily sry to interrupt the discussion!! but i got some news about muse in bkk!

The article (from the Nation) is pretty much a review of funeral for a friend concert in bkk. But it mentioned muse again. Here is the part:


"Terminal Extra found Funeral a perfect fit for its "Block Party" concert series. And the promoter has good news for fans of blistering guitar licks - in collaboration with Singapore's LAMC Production it's bringing Muse to Bangkok in December."


I almost had a heart attack. I rily hope that they'll come here b4 i go to turkey!!! *prays* im goin on dec. 29. so i guess the chances arent that bad. I just cant afford to lose the opportunity twice. And comin after final exams would be a bonus :).


But dont forget, nothing's been confirmed yet. and there's a high chance that australia is their last destination. so dnt get ur hopes up too high like me :). I knw it's hard.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/09/13/entertainment/entertainment_30048749.php

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ann, u seriously made me squeeel like a silly girl just now. wat a coincidence to get this kinda news coz i just came back from prayers and dunno why tonite i kept praying for muse. :LOL: adoi tak khusyuk tol semayang.. * ok skip that last sentence if u dont understand it*


hmm why are they collaborating with spore's LAMC eh? they're not coming to spore again??? :mad:


@deb, to help cheer u up, nobody feels confident after any huge interviews. u'll never know ur luck. maybe they were not looking for someone who talks too much and look more on ur academic results..so u might be the kinda person they're looking for. is the scholarship for u to study abroad? did u mention about muse at all? lol .. ok. sorry. ;) btw, never heard of Dream theater.. aper tu? a band or a theater production?



As a guy... I have an odd fascination for Dom :ninja:


:LOL: if were a man, i'd be more facinated with matt really. he's just plain talented and weird.. cool weird, i mean.


am i the only one who thinks matt looks hot in starlight??. that long coat made him look so byronic heroish. and 'em being on a vassel in the middle of the sea.. kinda remind me of rime of the ancient mariner, minus the albatross of course. lol and matt doesnt look old at all in TIRO!


they should come back miele! think they deserve to win that award coz they did a very comprehensive tour this year eh? they really travelled the world and sold out almost every where they go..

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Terminal Extra found Funeral a perfect fit for its "Block Party" concert series. And the promoter has good news for fans of blistering guitar licks - in collaboration with Singapore's LAMC Production it's bringing Muse to Bangkok in December."


I almost had a heart attack. I rily hope that they'll come here b4 i go to turkey!!! *prays* im goin on dec. 29. so i guess the chances arent that bad. I just cant afford to lose the opportunity twice. And comin after final exams would be a bonus .


But dont forget, nothing's been confirmed yet. and there's a high chance that australia is their last destination. so dnt get ur hopes up too high like me . I knw it's hard.


*Tries really hard to act cool and not to get excited*


Thanks ann for the sorta good news! Will keep on hoping but the rumour mill is really affecting me tho' :D


You're going to Turkey, how nice! My cousin's there, she says its a wonderful place.



@deb, to help cheer u up, nobody feels confident after any huge interviews. u'll never know ur luck. maybe they were not looking for someone who talks too much and look more on ur academic results..so u might be the kinda person they're looking for. is the scholarship for u to study abroad? did u mention about muse at all? lol .. ok. sorry. ;) btw, never heard of Dream theater.. aper tu? a band or a theater production?


:LOL: if were a man, i'd be more facinated with matt really. he's just plain talented and weird.. cool weird, i mean.


am i the only one who thinks matt looks hot in starlight??. that long coat made him look so byronic heroish. and 'em being on a vassel in the middle of the sea.. kinda remind me of rime of the ancient mariner, minus the albatross of course. lol and matt doesnt look old at all in TIRO!


they should come back miele! think they deserve to win that award coz they did a very comprehensive tour this year eh? they really travelled the world and sold out almost every where they go..


Aaw, deb just listen to faz, such wisdom. ;) She is right tho'.


Dreamtheater (it's a band from, er Finland right?). Also, they kind of idolise muse right? But their music's way more 'complicated' than Muse.


Okay faz of course Matt was uberhot in starlight. Come to think of it, the hotness was also TIRO and SMBH. Of course we don't think he looks old, he's in our age group! You younger girls take note: he ages like fine wine....


I totally LOL'd at ur description of his hotness tho, methinks somebody has been reading romance novels....:D


i think it's normal for guys to be fascinated with Matt, what with the rock godliness and all. but for guys that can identify with Dom, i guess it's the cool laidback laddish sense of humour and the kicka**ness of being the drummer that hits the spot.


Ignore my rantings, just thirsty.....


*Prays for Muse bangkok = december*

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i dont know yet. they're not done interviewing the other applicants. i think i'll know the results by the end of next month...


just be positive. ;)


rily sry to interrupt the discussion!! but i got some news about muse in bkk!

The article (from the Nation) is pretty much a review of funeral for a friend concert in bkk. But it mentioned muse again. Here is the part:


"Terminal Extra found Funeral a perfect fit for its "Block Party" concert series. And the promoter has good news for fans of blistering guitar licks - in collaboration with Singapore's LAMC Production it's bringing Muse to Bangkok in December."


I almost had a heart attack. I rily hope that they'll come here b4 i go to turkey!!! *prays* im goin on dec. 29. so i guess the chances arent that bad. I just cant afford to lose the opportunity twice. And comin after final exams would be a bonus :).


But dont forget, nothing's been confirmed yet. and there's a high chance that australia is their last destination. so dnt get ur hopes up too high like me :). I knw it's hard.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/09/13/entertainment/entertainment_30048749.php


*gasp* this december? *hopes and prays it'll come true* please, please, please let us get what we want.


Oh Matt looks smexy on TIRO and SMBH. :happy: Don't kill me but on Starlight he looks kinda like Count Dracula with his collar and hair standing up too :p

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:LOL: Illuminatist, it may sound odd, but i've always think that count dracula and the phantom of the opera are hot. them being very mysterious is soooo attractive. :D


TIRO is sexy but SMBH is not sexy at all. that video made dislike muse for quite a while till starlight. then KoC vid is just... bad. :stunned: i like the idea of it but the end product is quite disappointing.


*Tries really hard to act cool and not to get excited*


Thanks ann for the sorta good news! Will keep on hoping but the rumour mill is really affecting me tho' :D


You're going to Turkey, how nice! My cousin's there, she says its a wonderful place.



Aaw, deb just listen to faz, such wisdom. ;) She is right tho'.


Dreamtheater (it's a band from, er Finland right?). Also, they kind of idolise muse right? But their music's way more 'complicated' than Muse.


Okay faz of course Matt was uberhot in starlight. Come to think of it, the hotness was also TIRO and SMBH. Of course we don't think he looks old, he's in our age group! You younger girls take note: he ages like fine wine....


I totally LOL'd at ur description of his hotness tho, methinks somebody has been reading romance novels....:D


i think it's normal for guys to be fascinated with Matt, what with the rock godliness and all. but for guys that can identify with Dom, i guess it's the cool laidback laddish sense of humour and the kicka**ness of being the drummer that hits the spot.

Ignore my rantings, just thirsty.....


*Prays for Muse bangkok = december*


yeah rite, trying really hard to picture u holding ur breath, controlling yourself not to squeel of excitement. :LOL:


i actually thot 'em to be much younger actually.. heh. guess am bad in guessing people's age.


hahaha... i totally dig 19th century romance novels. u noe those by Austen and the Bronte sisters.. forgive me for being too romantic.


Dom is the epitome of coolness!! :happy:


* jd makmum miele praying for muse in bangkok* :p

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:LOL: Illuminatist, it may sound odd, but i've always think that count dracula and the phantom of the opera are hot. them being very mysterious is soooo attractive. :D


TIRO is sexy but SMBH is not sexy at all. that video made dislike muse for quite a while till starlight. then KoC vid is just... bad. :stunned: i like the idea of it but the end product is quite disappointing.


yeah rite, trying really hard to picture u holding ur breath, controlling yourself not to squeel of excitement. :LOL:


* jd makmum miele praying for muse in bangkok* :p



:LOL: nice one faz. Thanks.


U dont like SMBH vid? But but, it has Pouty Matt and the Supersmexy Cheekbones!

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yeah, wat's zentai suit? is it the one the weird dancers wore? matt's voice is sexy there but not his looks. that red jacket made him look like yzma from emperor's new groove cartoon. :p .. i normally love what Floria Sigismondi does, esp incubus's crow left of the murder vid. but SMBH is just too ghey.. lol. seriously hate the dancers and the fat guy/ person.


happy 7th anniversary!! it's also pay day! yay! :happy:

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:LOL: Illuminatist, it may sound odd, but i've always think that count dracula and the phantom of the opera are hot. them being very mysterious is soooo attractive. :D


TIRO is sexy but SMBH is not sexy at all. that video made dislike muse for quite a while till starlight. then KoC vid is just... bad. :stunned: i like the idea of it but the end product is quite disappointing.


come to think of it you're right! after all being mysterious is what makes a person sexy.


KOC is weird, that's all. As arias have said sweaty Matt is just...I should stop now *think of Chris..think of Chris*

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come to think of it you're right! after all being mysterious is what makes a person sexy.


KOC is weird, that's all. As arias have said sweaty Matt is just...I should stop now *think of Chris..think of Chris*



Those black n white photos of Chris. Fwoh.


Must. remember. fasting. Till 7.20!


How are u today? how's Manila? :D

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wah i missed so much :eek: my school decided to give us ANOTHER round of exams again. seriously i'm so sick of it la. but i have to go if i want to upgrade my trial results. meh :(


ok right back on topic, er... i think Matt looks a bit old in the Starlight vid. i love his young look during the showbiz era la.. dunno why noone else does :erm::$ and i thought Matt looks really hot in the SMBH vid because he's wearing eyeliner and he's grooving to the sexy song :D haha. Dom on the other hand, looks really good in both vids. including KoC. haha i'm trying not to be biased here okay! :p


oh yeah i wanted to ask... why fast til 7.20 ar? i thought it was usually 7? :confused:

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wah i missed so much :eek: my school decided to give us ANOTHER round of exams again. seriously i'm so sick of it la. but i have to go if i want to upgrade my trial results. meh :(


ok right back on topic, er... i think Matt looks a bit old in the Starlight vid. i love his young look during the showbiz era la.. dunno why noone else does :erm::$ and i thought Matt looks really hot in the SMBH vid because he's wearing eyeliner and he's grooving to the sexy song :D haha. Dom on the other hand, looks really good in both vids. including KoC. haha i'm trying not to be biased here okay! :p


oh yeah i wanted to ask... why fast til 7.20 ar? i thought it was usually 7? :confused:


Hang in there deb! Just a bit more.


Honestly Ididnt notice Dom in the videos, sorry :$


7.20 = maghrib time. the time varies along with the Islamic calendar. omigod it's now. Ta!

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maghrib is 7.15 here, so i get to eat and drink 5 minutes earlier than u miele. :p lol


come to think of it you're right! after all being mysterious is what makes a person sexy.


KOC is weird, that's all. As arias have said sweaty Matt is just...I should stop now *think of Chris..think of Chris*


KoC is dissapointing. period. i blame joseph khan for that. lol.. but serioulsy if spike jonze was directing the vid, it'd be way better and funnier.


wah i missed so much :eek: my school decided to give us ANOTHER round of exams again. seriously i'm so sick of it la. but i have to go if i want to upgrade my trial results. meh :(


ok right back on topic, er... i think Matt looks a bit old in the Starlight vid. i love his young look during the showbiz era la.. dunno why noone else does :erm::$ and i thought Matt looks really hot in the SMBH vid because he's wearing eyeliner and he's grooving to the sexy song :D haha. Dom on the other hand, looks really good in both vids. including KoC. haha i'm trying not to be biased here okay! :p


oh yeah i wanted to ask... why fast til 7.20 ar? i thought it was usually 7? :confused:


yeah.. i pity u guys, fifth formers. it's not only ur school. think the whole country's fifth formers are tortured with exams and tests, non-stop till spm. if u're sick of sittting for exams, i'm sick of marking. lol. but the exams will really help you come spm time. so hold on.. dont give up the fight, u will be alrite .. coz there's no one like u in the universe ( eh, that last bit not really berkaitan eh? )


:eek: u mean, u like emo matt?? lol.i cant imagine dom wearing eye liner. he's not that dark. he's sun shiny kinda person..:happy:

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Is it still ramadan there?


Manila's doing great, same old polluted area. :LOL:


If you meant Ramadan as in fasting for this day, yeah it's till 7 plus pm. But if u meant the month of Ramadan, then yeah we still have a long way to go, bout two weeks.


yeah I know what u mean, I'm kinda cynical about my city (Penang) too. Excellent history / interesting places, but mostly so dirty. :$




HOLY SHIZNITS!!! i was so freaking busy yesterday i forgot its our 7th month anniversary!!!


luckily i still have tomorrow's anniversary!!! but im still not happy with myself


Aaw don't be too hard on yourself, we (me n faz) kept the anniversary flame alive for you. :D



Here's the rumour of the day guys:

Originally Posted by serialkisser

i've heard from an officer who works in Thai Ticket Major.He said Muse is coming to have a gig on 1 Dec.2007 and he told me to spread this news. Cant wait to see them in BKK.


Trying not to go batshit but that date is just perfect!

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Hang in there deb! Just a bit more.


Honestly Ididnt notice Dom in the videos, sorry


7.20 = maghrib time. the time varies along with the Islamic calendar. omigod it's now. Ta!


ohhh... no wonder la. i was listening to the radio the other day and i heard the DJ saying that some states have to buka puasa at 7.25 and 7.05 and stuff...


yeah.. Matt gets all the attention in the vids. :(


maghrib is 7.15 here, so i get to eat and drink 5 minutes earlier than u miele. lol




KoC is dissapointing. period. i blame joseph khan for that. lol.. but serioulsy if spike jonze was directing the vid, it'd be way better and funnier.




yeah.. i pity u guys, fifth formers. it's not only ur school. think the whole country's fifth formers are tortured with exams and tests, non-stop till spm. if u're sick of sittting for exams, i'm sick of marking. lol. but the exams will really help you come spm time. so hold on.. dont give up the fight, u will be alrite .. coz there's no one like u in the universe ( eh, that last bit not really berkaitan eh? )


:eek: u mean, u like emo matt?? lol.i cant imagine dom wearing eye liner. he's not that dark. he's sun shiny kinda person..


i like joseph khan! :eek: he's the only music video director that i know of because of... well, the vid he did for the Backstreet Boys back when i was a big huge fangirl :$ i find his videos very creative :D and theatrical. thats why i like em so much iguess.. hehheh.


lol yeah the last line a bit irrelevant la. haha. i cant stand it la.. nonstop exams. no mood to study already, seriously. noone is taking Gerak Gempur seriously now. :stunned:


not emo matt... just er... skinny matt! young matt! i think he looks extremely hot in the Muscle Museum vid.. :$ yeah i'm attracted to young skinny whiny guys with long hair. let my taste grow a bit! i'm only 17! haha :p


HOLY SHIZNITS!!! i was so freaking busy yesterday i forgot its our 7th month anniversary!!!


luckily i still have tomorrow's anniversary!!! but im still not happy with myself


haha Happy Anniversary to you and everyone! :D


If you meant Ramadan as in fasting for this day, yeah it's till 7 plus pm. But if u meant the month of Ramadan, then yeah we still have a long way to go, bout two weeks.


yeah I know what u mean, I'm kinda cynical about my city (Penang) too. Excellent history / interesting places, but mostly so dirty.



Here's the rumour of the day guys:



Trying not to go batshit but that date is just perfect!


i only go to Penang to visit relatives and... eat, to be honest :$ I LOVE THE FOOD AT PENANG SERIOUSLY. OMG. *drools*

eh wait, crap i shouldn't have said that... with you guys fasting and all :( sorry.


try not to think about foood!!




and nooo! it cant be on December 1st! my SPM ends on the 30th of November and i have to be at KLIA at 3am on December the 1st to fetch my friend back from Australia! nooo!!! bad timing!

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i only go to Penang to visit relatives and... eat, to be honest :$ I LOVE THE FOOD AT PENANG SERIOUSLY. OMG. *drools*

eh wait, crap i shouldn't have said that... with you guys fasting and all :( sorry.


try not to think about foood!!




and nooo! it cant be on December 1st! my SPM ends on the 30th of November and i have to be at KLIA at 3am on December the 1st to fetch my friend back from Australia! nooo!!! bad timing!


Know what u mean about Penang food *looks at tummy* And I live here, its heaven and hell at the same time.


Deb, what if, u fetch ur friend then take the 1st flight to Bangkok? The show's (probably) at night. :D

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happy anniversary!!! :musesign: dunno why i was so lazy to iron my "muse baju kurung" this morning. (oh yeah.. i named my historic baju kurung) so it was quite weird not wearing it on the 27th of the month. :(


@deb, i like younger matt too..but older and more mature matt is way more sexy. :happy: and if u compare matt and dom, dom actually looks younger. :stunned: must be becoz of all the moisturisers from that certain bag he has..


and about joseph khan, he is known to direct all those pop vidoes eh? especially a number of britney's .. so, that's why i blame him. lol.


gah.. am starting to hate all these rumours. am having muse nightmares now..seriously, they need to make it official and end our misery. the 1st of dec is perfect. it's a saturday, so no need to go MIA for work..


oh yeah, miele... penang food is the best! but is it cheap there?

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