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haha aww thanks :) i hate Sejarah ok. no offence to anyone who likes Sejarah la. i mean its nice to read and all, but to memorize, is just seems very VERY impossible :(


yeah. i'm not Malay! i'm Chinese! lol. i felt left out :( and thanks for the link. i was about to ask for it hehe.



Okay, the key to Sejarah is to very clearly imagine the whole thing when you read it,like a really cool black and white movie. Dramatize la sikit the boring bits, sure lekat in your head. Well it did for me....and having done law I've found that Sejarah as a learning discipline is actually useful.


Or you can ask crazy mary, more terer one......just ask us ' government servant / responsible adults" anything anytime :LOL::D.


Bye, gotta go earn my pay.

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haha aww thanks :) i hate Sejarah ok. no offence to anyone who likes Sejarah la. i mean its nice to read and all, but to memorize, is just seems very VERY impossible :(

oh about harry potter



OMG I FORGOT ABOUT DOBBY. how could i? i love Dobby! Dobby is so cute! i wonder what happened to Winky. about Victoire, apparently Teddy Lupin was making out with Victoire. lol i bet she must be pretty.



ye la.. i only cried for minor characters. lol.. dunno why. perhaps coz i kinda expected a lot of people to die in this book other than the fact that my sis told me beforehand after she finished reading it! i have to say, i actually cant stand dobby in the earlier books but somehow i kinda see him as a fallen hero in DH, dying while saving harry like that.. DH is really twisted la.. it makes u feel differently about a lot of characters eh? dumbledore is not too perfect after all but he is still my favourite. seriously i still cant remember victoire. my book is currently with shannaz, lol. so i cant refer to the last chapter.



i was watching the first harry potter movie last night. aww... and to think he's all grown up now. *sniffs*



Okay, the key to Sejarah is to very clearly imagine the whole thing when you read it,like a really cool black and white movie. Dramatize la sikit the boring bits, sure lekat in your head. Well it did for me....and having done law I've found that Sejarah as a learning discipline is actually useful.


Or you can ask crazy mary, more terer one......just ask us ' government servant / responsible adults" anything anytime :LOL::D.


Bye, gotta go earn my pay.


LOL.. i love sejarah! tho i didnt actually score sejarah in SPM :$ i used to have this great sejarah teacher who likes to tell us 'stories' instead of 'teaching' us the facts. so it was easy for us to remember a lot of facts for exam. i scored for my trials but only got ahem for my spm coz i had period painat the time!!! so yeah.. lol too much info heh. sorry


as much as sejarah is difficult to memorise, teaching it is also a pain in the arse! i had to teach form two sejarah last year, and i had to study every night before my sejarah lessons! i had to prepare all those mind maps and check other reference books. bloody hell, if u think learnig is difficult, try teaching it! lol. but one tip, deb. always read the textbooks for sejarah. that's where most of the questions will come out. some books like preston tend to give all those extra info which is, yes interesting but sometimes a bit too much. it seems a lot of my students dont like sejarah as well.. :noey: younger generations!


speakin of exams, i'll be having my PTk exams tomorrow. wish me luck people! tis my 2nd time and i only scored 3 - 3 the last time. i'd rather sit for my MA exams than this. bloody difficult to score la!!

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Thanks for the support!


Now2, why can't u go? Parents?


Well, what if you say you're going with a bunch of responsible adults? :D I even work for the government, heh, if that helps :LOL:.


why dont u try imageshack. woohhh.. 3000 sigs is A LOT man. i wonder how many BHR did they sell here.


i dont think they're coming.:erm:




awww... ickle muse_music..so cute la u! lol




:LOL: yeah muse_music, if ur parents still say no to miele's offer, u can go with aunty mary eh? i too work for the goverment. a teacher some more weh.. and i used to live in JB once so yeah.. dunno if that helps. :unsure:


ahahaha...of course i'd go with my beloved aunties...

now if only i have wings to get to KL :happy:..

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ahahaha...of course i'd go with my beloved aunties...

now if only i have wings to get to KL :happy:..


Ayoo, I'm an auntie now? Your fault la Mary :p Muse_music, naik Air Asia ja, very cheap one. :) But you are very de cute la :)



speakin of exams, i'll be having my PTk exams tomorrow. wish me luck people! tis my 2nd time and i only scored 3 - 3 the last time. i'd rather sit for my MA exams than this. bloody difficult to score la!!


Oooh, good luck! I purposely am not taking it again dua to all the hassle, despite got 4-3)\ only. Betul la Mary, damn that govt policy main paper la, so much stuff to memorise. Gimme legal questions any day.


Btw if u dont mind, what grade are you? I'm an L44.


Aaaand moving on from the govt service stuff, hos everyone doing? Good? :D:LOL:

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Ayoo, I'm an auntie now? Your fault la Mary :p Muse_music, naik Air Asia ja, very cheap one. :) But you are very de cute la :)



uhuh yeah, very the macam my parents let..well, we'll just see how when they really come.

oh right, it already came. and passed.


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uhuh yeah, very the macam my parents let..well, we'll just see how when they really come.

oh right, it already came. and passed.



La so kesian. We try next time kay? To Bangkok in February ka....


Yup, am still hoping.

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u're one positive lady la miele. i've already given up actually. heh


Ayoo, I'm an auntie now? Your fault la Mary :p Muse_music, naik Air Asia ja, very cheap one. :) But you are very de cute la :)





Oooh, good luck! I purposely am not taking it again dua to all the hassle, despite got 4-3)\ only. Betul la Mary, damn that govt policy main paper la, so much stuff to memorise. Gimme legal questions any day.


Btw if u dont mind, what grade are you? I'm an L44.


Aaaand moving on from the govt service stuff, hos everyone doing? Good? :D:LOL:


THANKS!! i need all the luck i could get.


haha... oops, sorry. i only called myself auntie. so ickle muse_music, dont call auntie miele 'auntie' infront of her tau! :p


how can u be L44? gah.. i'm only DG41 and its already my sixth year working for the govt.:$ this is wat being a teacher sucks u noe. i have to wait at least 9 - 10 years to get promoted to 44 regardless getting 4 - 4 for my ptk ( if ). so wat's the use of 2moro's exam? i wonder..:rolleyes: u must studied like hell to get 4- 3 like that. i havent started studying yet la.. still reading some books for my class this friday. i'll study some notes on line tonight.


uhuh yeah, very the macam my parents let..well, we'll just see how when they really come.

oh right, it already came. and passed.



awww u're so young. that's why la. if i haf a daughter like u i'd be worried as well. BUT, i might have accompanied u to the concert and rocked with ya and the crowd! haha..

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u're one positive lady la miele. i've already given up actually. heh


On really important stuff i.e. Muse, I never give up. Almost pengsan last year when heard rumour Muse coming to KL, so well, who knows? :p

Idealistic I know, that's why I love Invincible so much (unlike some people).


haha... oops, sorry. i only called myself auntie. so ickle muse_music, dont call auntie miele 'auntie' infront of her tau!


:LOL::D Ya, better not call me auntie, I de very tak sedar diri dah tua :$:p.

Young at heart eh mary?



THANKS!! i need all the luck i could get.


how can u be L44? gah.. i'm only DG41 and its already my sixth year working for the govt. this is wat being a teacher sucks u noe. i have to wait at least 9 - 10 years to get promoted to 44 regardless getting 4 - 4 for my ptk ( if ). so wat's the use of 2moro's exam? i wonder.. u must studied like hell to get 4- 3 like that. i havent started studying yet la.. still reading some books for my class this friday. i'll study some notes on line tonight.


:$ got 44 through sheer luck: lotsa people in prosecution resigned so lotsa vacant posts. And studying was so last minute: I just sucked in all the knowledge from various study groups and did not sleep at all. So that's the trick: study groups are essential coz you know very well kan u'll never read everything.


Know what u mean 'bout teachers getting a raw deal though, my dad's a retired teacher. I learnt to be thankful for small mercies from him. But fortunately your Minister's fighting for more posts, no?


Still, from what I've known of you, am so confident you'll do well. Good karma and all that. So put in the good fight, eh?

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On really important stuff i.e. Muse, I never give up. Almost pengsan last year when heard rumour Muse coming to KL, so well, who knows? :p

Idealistic I know, that's why I love Invincible so much (unlike some people).




:LOL::D Ya, better not call me auntie, I de very tak sedar diri dah tua :$:p.

Young at heart eh mary?





:$ got 44 through sheer luck: lotsa people in prosecution resigned so lotsa vacant posts. And studying was so last minute: I just sucked in all the knowledge from various study groups and did not sleep at all. So that's the trick: study groups are essential coz you know very well kan u'll never read everything.


Know what u mean 'bout teachers getting a raw deal though, my dad's a retired teacher. I learnt to be thankful for small mercies from him. But fortunately your Minister's fighting for more posts, no?


Still, from what I've known of you, am so confident you'll do well. Good karma and all that. So put in the good fight, eh?


ahaha lol, rite, sorry about that KAK Miele :happy:

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On really important stuff i.e. Muse, I never give up. Almost pengsan last year when heard rumour Muse coming to KL, so well, who knows? :p

Idealistic I know, that's why I love Invincible so much (unlike some people).


lol. the first time i heard muse was coming here i was jumping and screaming like a maniac! pity my friend who called me to tell me that. she put down the phone and called me back like 5 mins after that but i was still screaming. haha.. aww.. sweet memories la.. :happy: but kudos to u for having that kind of positive outlook in life.



ahaha lol, rite, sorry about that KAK Miele :happy:



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rite!!! i'm done with reading this thread. and this thread IS happening. i thought the muselive.com thread is much more happening but then, after what i've read, i'm sooooo going to stay put. but hey, if i got time, lah--which i dont these days:(

anyway, u guys lagi rock from those guys in muselive.com...no offence, k muselivers? i too love the guys from muselive.com it's just that i dont think there's any MUSE Fans From Malaysia thread and if it does, it is not much hip as this one! hehe..

owh, i oredi signed the petition. i think i'm the 46th/45th person to do so!! c'mon, guys! advertise!!! i'ma do so on muselive.com :D

and wat's this i read about err gathering of muse fans? update me pls?:):happy:

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Hi hannara! U sound familiar, think I've read ur post kt Muselive. Oh and tq for spreading the good word on the petition @ that site!


On the gathering thingy, i think satu dah lepas, so I was thinking of an impromptu one but all a bit hazy at the moment. Biasa la semua org busy.


There's not much Muse news now, except for a certain someone /s' supposedly going to see Muse in OZ / NZ. You know who you are, eh? Jgn lupa bawa balik oleh2!

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There's not much Muse news now, except for a certain someone /s' supposedly going to see Muse in OZ / NZ. You know who you are, eh? Jgn lupa bawa balik oleh2!


Is that a reference to me? Or is someone else gonna come down under here? My Malay is totally rusty right now... don't forget to bring back something?


Haha my cousins always have to translate their Malay phrases into English for me when they blog. Put it into little brackets and such.

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rite!!! i'm done with reading this thread. and this thread IS happening. i thought the muselive.com thread is much more happening but then, after what i've read, i'm sooooo going to stay put. but hey, if i got time, lah--which i dont these days:(

anyway, u guys lagi rock from those guys in muselive.com...no offence, k muselivers? i too love the guys from muselive.com it's just that i dont think there's any MUSE Fans From Malaysia thread and if it does, it is not much hip as this one! hehe..

owh, i oredi signed the petition. i think i'm the 46th/45th person to do so!! c'mon, guys! advertise!!! i'ma do so on muselive.com :D

and wat's this i read about err gathering of muse fans? update me pls?:):happy:


yeay, we rock! :\mm/::musesign:


oh, and guys, please, vote for crazybobbles's musewiki!


www.musewiki.com wonderful site.

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rite!!! i'm done with reading this thread. and this thread IS happening. i thought the muselive.com thread is much more happening but then, after what i've read, i'm sooooo going to stay put. but hey, if i got time, lah--which i dont these days:(

anyway, u guys lagi rock from those guys in muselive.com...no offence, k muselivers? i too love the guys from muselive.com it's just that i dont think there's any MUSE Fans From Malaysia thread and if it does, it is not much hip as this one! hehe..

owh, i oredi signed the petition. i think i'm the 46th/45th person to do so!! c'mon, guys! advertise!!! i'ma do so on muselive.com :D

and wat's this i read about err gathering of muse fans? update me pls?:):happy:


wow, which thread in muselive did u advertise the petition? didnt see it..


we're meeting up again this sunday at midvalley.. yeah, so do join us if u're interested. no pressure tho haha..


Mmm rojak...


am guessing u miss rojak, eh? now i'm the one who's craving for rojak buah. lol..


yeay, we rock! :\mm/::musesign:


oh, and guys, please, vote for crazybobbles's musewiki!


www.musewiki.com wonderful site.


done that!! :happy:


well technically, it's already the 25th now. so happy 6th or is it 5th( ? ) anniversary, people!


and here's a little reminder how fun it was..:happy:


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yeay, we rock!


oh, and guys, please, vote for crazybobbles's musewiki!


www.musewiki.com wonderful site.


eh i cant vote! i LOVE musewiki! i always go there for my muse-information-needs even before i registered into this forum :$ but i cant load that link! :(


wow, which thread in muselive did u advertise the petition? didnt see it..


we're meeting up again this sunday at midvalley.. yeah, so do join us if u're interested. no pressure tho haha..




am guessing u miss rojak, eh? now i'm the one who's craving for rojak buah. lol..




done that!! :happy:


well technically, it's already the 25th now. so happy 6th or is it 5th( ? ) anniversary, people!


and here's a little reminder how fun it was..:happy:



lol happy anniversary once again! :D aiks another meet up and i cant go :( why la suddenly have all the meet ups when my trials are just around the corner?? boohoo. :'(


I don't know if the DOM girlie fans know this but he has a new haircut! HAHAHA.




You can check it out here. Looks like a mullet to me...


Yeah TIRO was da bomb at KL! Happy anniversary dudes! :D


lol yeah he FINALLY got a haircut. he looks better now with his hair a bit shorter than that mesy mop. :p saw him on Later With Jools Holland and he was so cute! :$ haha. and he smiled.. oh his smile.. and his pearly whites. seriously to die for, man.


ok i'll shut up now. :LOL:

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I don't know if the DOM girlie fans know this but he has a new haircut! HAHAHA.




You can check it out here. Looks like a mullet to me...


no!! it's not a mullet! :mad: man, i hope not :unsure: i just hate mullets!!


its the 6th months!!! lol! excited! :LOL:

hey i'll be seeing u guys tomorrow at midvalley ok!


it's 6th yeah? lost count already la.. which only means it has been a while now... but why am i still obsessed with muse? :$


lol yeah he FINALLY got a haircut. he looks better now with his hair a bit shorter than that mesy mop. :p saw him on Later With Jools Holland and he was so cute! :$ haha. and he smiled.. oh his smile.. and his pearly whites. seriously to die for, man.


ok i'll shut up now. :LOL:


i love his hair there la... and how cute was he clapping his hands when amy winehouse and jools holland were doing a liltle jam!! aww.... falls head over heels over dom, again.


ok, my turn to shut up now.

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no!! it's not a mullet! :mad: man, i hope not :unsure: i just hate mullets!!




it's 6th yeah? lost count already la.. which only means it has been a while now... but why am i still obsessed with muse? :$




i love his hair there la... and how cute was he clapping his hands when amy winehouse and jools holland were doing a liltle jam!! aww.... falls head over heels over dom, again.


ok, my turn to shut up now.

lol yeah! he was clapping along and when the ... mexican people were playing their guitars, he was clapping along and me SMILED. OH HIS SMILE. lol he's so ... charming la. seriously. :$


damn i still didnt shut up. lol.

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eh i cant vote! i LOVE musewiki! i always go there for my muse-information-needs even before i registered into this forum :$ but i cant load that link! :(


lol yeah he FINALLY got a haircut. he looks better now with his hair a bit shorter than that mesy mop. :p saw him on Later With Jools Holland and he was so cute! :$ haha. and he smiled.. oh his smile.. and his pearly whites. seriously to die for, man.


ok i'll shut up now. :LOL:


hmm...you can get the link at http://www.musewiki.com ....

ahh..nice hair..i wish he would cut it shorter..like 934443464.jpg ord712a121.jpg2d7f826e.jpg


short and brunette..preferably...:supertong ok ok im sorry i noe this isnt the PDT.. :LOL:...ill stop ill stop

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short and brunette..preferably...:supertong ok ok im sorry i noe this isnt the PDT.. :LOL:...ill stop ill stop


LOL! Yeah i like his hair when short, during the Absolution tour. But i also like his mop-like hair! i think it's cool. Personally, i think Dom is the most stylish among the 3.

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