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Ooh betul la...Had that Matt wailing bit in my head for weeks after seeing the 28 weeks trailer...kesian orang dalam cinema had to hear me wailing along to him :LOL::LOL:

I put the song on endless repeat after seeing the film. That Danny Boyle is a genius for recognising the awesomeness that is Muse!.


eheheh, there ain't no shame in loving the Bellamy (wailing and all)!


This morning (peak hour) on the fully occupied ferry I almost played air guitar to Plug In Baby. Nasib baik tak sampai skip around all over the place like Matt. It's a disease I tell you, a relentless disease! The great thing is I get all pumped up for work afterwards, so no harm there, eh.


De7, you shameless geek, don't say I didn't warn you. Unintended is such a powerful weapon but in the wrong hands...with great power comes great responsibility..etc etc. ;):p:LOL:


Kesian betul all those people in the cinema. I would've been clapping along to you if I was there though. They would've thrown both of us out for being the weirdos that we are. :LOL:


<--- If you've ever seen Matt rocking out like this, you'd be imitating him all the time. ;) I swear, the man has too much energy.


I have already unleashed the godly power of Unintended to a female audience on acoustic guitar before. It is indeed a tried and tested formula. There is no mightier weapon, I tell you. :p

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Kesian betul all those people in the cinema. I would've been clapping along to you if I was there though. They would've thrown both of us out for being the weirdos that we are.


Yay, ada gang to layan my crazy Muse-influenced antics. My sis just slunked down in her seat, embarassed by me. :rolleyes: I refuse to be grow up when it's to do with Muse, dammit.


<--- If you've ever seen Matt rocking out like this, you'd be imitating him all the time. I swear, the man has too much energy.


I have seen that before, and the moves are way imprinted in my head now. That's the show where Matt was lounging around on the speakers when there was a cockup, right? Btw, what does he say at the end?

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Yay, ada gang to layan my crazy Muse-influenced antics. My sis just slunked down in her seat, embarassed by me. :rolleyes: I refuse to be grow up when it's to do with Muse, dammit.


I have seen that before, and the moves are way imprinted in my head now. That's the show where Matt was lounging around on the speakers when there was a cockup, right? Btw, what does he say at the end?


Your sis is too self-conscious la. :LOL: Immaturity FTW!! :D


Yeah that's the one. If you're talking about the vid I gave you, I think it's "thank yoouuu-hoo-hor-hor-hey!" or something at the end. He never seems to talk much in concerts and when does, he goes super-fast (think the beginning of Stockholm Syndrome at Glastonbury :LOL:).


I used to talk that way also, I remember once in class I spluttered out to my friend "Where's-my-eraser-is-that-my-eraser-did-you-take-my-eraser-without-my-permission" in one smooth sentence and everyone just started cracking up. :$

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Your sis is too self-conscious la. :LOL: Immaturity FTW!! :D


Yeah that's the one. If you're talking about the vid I gave you, I think it's "thank yoouuu-hoo-hor-hor-hey!" or something at the end. He never seems to talk much in concerts and when does, he goes super-fast (think the beginning of Stockholm Syndrome at Glastonbury :LOL:).


I used to talk that way also, I remember once in class I spluttered out to my friend "Where's-my-eraser-is-that-my-eraser-did-you-take-my-eraser-without-my-permission" in one smooth sentence and everyone just started cracking up. :$


Is this another story of how similar to Matt you are? :p

Or are you actually, gasp, Matt Bellamy?. :eek::happy:

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Well, I see myself as a creative person and creative people share similar (albeit slightly neurotic) characteristics. :p


We are sensitive to external stimuli, are easily excitable, are prone to experiencing racing thoughts, are restless and have a lot of energy, are endlessly curious, individualistic yet open-minded, lack inhibition, are impulsive, a tad eccentric and a little immature ;).


In fact, if you look at all the great writers, composers, artists, poets, scientists, explorers and politicians of the past, most of them are complete nutcases. :LOL:


http://www.uwsp.edu/education/lwilson/creativ/CHARACTE.htm <--- This pretty much sums it up. :D

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+1 for the Microcuts love. First time I heard it was like: wtf? but then quickly fell in love. I was walking through the office corridors just now while singing the high bits, I'm afraid I really frightened the makcik cleaner!


Crazy_mary: just wanted to tell you that i went for the UK interview yesterday. Scared about my chances la, the AG totally fried me to bits


Never mind we still on for the Europe trip right? Anyone else want to come along? Maybe catch a Muse concert or two?


i'm a totally kronik muse lover and head-banger whilst driving. if i am stuck in a bloody traffic jam, KoC and plug in baby are the best remedy wif images from the concert in me head :happy:. i dont care wat people think, cant stop smiling when remembering the concert!


aww. cheer up! * hugs* am sure they were just doing their job to fry people wif killer questions. hope u'll get the gig!


indeed we are!!! * spits on hand.. ready for a promise handshake* ;)


hahah...matt's screaming is a pleasure for me(i mean he never make my ears ache like some screamer might),that part in KOC is quite tough but he does it very well even live(recalling back the Stadium Negara memories).Actually i hate screaming people but matt's is and exceptional,hahah even him whimpers i still like it.....


he does have a kinda haunting scream sound doesnt he? not the scary type but the type that lingers in ur mind and u keep hearing him in ur head when ur doing ur work. well, in my head anyways..


I have already unleashed the godly power of Unintended to a female audience on acoustic guitar before. It is indeed a tried and tested formula. There is no mightier weapon, I tell you. :p


oh man.. sure cair semua hati wanita.. :LOL:


I refuse to be grow up when it's to do with Muse, dammit.


yay! +1! :yesey: feels like i'm in neverland or something. lol. its kinda amazing to see older and more mature, -us not included miele.. we're still young, dont ya think? -*clears throat* still go to see muse live in wembley and are members of this board ( muse moms, for an example). those peeps have my respect!


In fact, if you look at all the great writers, composers, artists, poets, scientists, explorers and politicians of the past, most of them are complete nutcases.


haha.. indeed. awesome. so i dont haf to worry about calling myself crazy!!


Is this another story of how similar to Matt you are? :p

Or are you actually, gasp, Matt Bellamy?. :eek::happy:


matt belammy who can cakap melayu..? that is so sexy..:LOL:


Just found this vid. :D i love, love it. as clear as vspirit's but the audio kinda sux. we were an awesome crowd!!! so proud of ourselves. lol!


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i'm a totally kronik muse lover and head-banger whilst driving. if i am stuck in a bloody traffic jam, KoC and plug in baby are the best remedy wif images from the concert in me head :happy:. i dont care wat people think, cant stop smiling when remembering the concert!


Oh man...I remember once I was driving and Knights of Cydonia was playing. When the green light was on I sorta did a kinda rocking motion like I was riding a horse to the beat of the music while driving (like the cowboy in the music video). I was so happy with myself until I realised some girl was watching me from another car. She grinned at me and gave the thumbs up signal. :D


Ahah. Ahahaha. Ah. :$

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^ :LOL:. that happened to me too a couple of times. see, if people understand how crazy we are about music, than that's just fine. but some peeps might think i'm one crazy tudung woman, head banging and sometimes air piano-ing in the car. :rolleyes:


cant believe i'm still watching tired.unhappy's vid. :$

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Ooh betul la...Had that Matt wailing bit in my head for weeks after seeing the 28 weeks trailer...kesian orang dalam cinema had to hear me wailing along to him

I put the song on endless repeat after seeing the film. That Danny Boyle is a genius for recognising the awesomeness that is Muse!.


This morning (peak hour) on the fully occupied ferry I almost played air guitar to Plug In Baby. Nasib baik tak sampai skip around all over the place like Matt. It's a disease I tell you, a relentless disease! The great thing is I get all pumped up for work afterwards, so no harm there, eh.




De7, you shameless geek, don't say I didn't warn you. Unintended is such a powerful weapon but in the wrong hands...with great power comes great responsibility..etc etc.

yes i'm completely inlove with Shrinking universe once again after watching the trailer. seriously man.


and i agree, once you've seen muse live and once you've seen matt jumping and prancing around like a little pixie high on ecstacy, you'd feel like jumping around with him too. its highly contagious!!


Unintended is THE perfect song to serenade a girl with... just dont play it too slow or she might fall asleep. it is a bit draggy for a song though :$


Kesian betul all those people in the cinema. I would've been clapping along to you if I was there though. They would've thrown both of us out for being the weirdos that we are. :LOL:


<--- If you've ever seen Matt rocking out like this, you'd be imitating him all the time. ;) I swear, the man has too much energy.


I have already unleashed the godly power of Unintended to a female audience on acoustic guitar before. It is indeed a tried and tested formula. There is no mightier weapon, I tell you. :p




how was the female audience's reaction? did they go all fangirly on you? :LOL:


Oh man...I remember once I was driving and Knights of Cydonia was playing. When the green light was on I sorta did a kinda rocking motion like I was riding a horse to the beat of the music while driving (like the cowboy in the music video). I was so happy with myself until I realised some girl was watching me from another car. She grinned at me and gave the thumbs up signal. :D


Ahah. Ahahaha. Ah. :$


wow now i really cant wait to drive and blast Muse. whenever i go out with my sister, she puts on Muse and we sing sing sing out loud! damn syok. plus, now that i've cut off my messy mop of hair, its way more fun to headbang/headbob to Muse :LOL:




I am not from Malaysia, but on a layover I was recently at the Kuala Lumpur airport, nice airport! :p


hello! yes we Malaysians are proud of our airport :D what were you doing there anyway?

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how was the female audience's reaction? did they go all fangirly on you? :LOL:


One girl kinda gushed and went, "So nice" to her friend. :p:LOL: Girls like acoustic-picked songs compared to the heavier stuff. I also played "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica, which also went down well. :D


It feels corny playing this stuff to girls, but it's a winning formula. :LOL:


wow now i really cant wait to drive and blast Muse. whenever i go out with my sister, she puts on Muse and we sing sing sing out loud! damn syok. plus, now that i've cut off my messy mop of hair, its way more fun to headbang/headbob to Muse :LOL:


Yeah!! Tak malu!! :LOL:

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Yay,page 200!


yeah woot! 200 pages! *throws confetti* And welcome back arnold.


Originally Posted by Babette



I am not from Malaysia, but on a layover I was recently at the Kuala Lumpur airport, nice airport!


Hello and thank you. KLIA is cited by some backpacker's website to be the most comfortable airport to spend a night in: just head to the kids playroom or one of those comfy benches and snooze away. :D


When the green light was on I sorta did a kinda rocking motion like I was riding a horse to the beat of the music while driving (like the cowboy in the music video).


And I thought I was sad...:LOL::LOL: You big geek you.


It feels corny playing this stuff to girls, but it's a winning formula.


And the shameless geek strikes again :p:LOL:


aww. cheer up! * hugs* am sure they were just doing their job to fry people wif killer questions. hope u'll get the gig!



Thanks crazy_mary, i've recovered somewhat and am now focused on Plan B: Europe here we come. heheh. *quickly put money in cash box.*




i'm a totally kronik muse lover and head-banger whilst driving. if i am stuck in a bloody traffic jam, KoC and plug in baby are the best remedy wif images from the concert in me head . i dont care wat people think, cant stop smiling when remembering the concert!

yay! +1! feels like i'm in neverland or something. lol. its kinda amazing to see older and more mature, -us not included miele.. we're still young, dont ya think? -*clears throat* still go to see muse live in wembley and are members of this board ( muse moms, for an example). those peeps have my respect!



+1234567! In my head I'm still 25 :D. Muse is the fountain of youth I tell you. I mean, just look at how young Dom looks.


Glad to have a kindred spirit on the 'still not over the concert' thing. You can't imagine how many times people have said to me: "dahla tu, dah berbulan lepas dah concertnya"... :D I've clicked on the links and watched the videos over and over again. I've been to plenty of concerts but nothing can even compete with the energy of 25th February.


If this is a madness, well, then, I'm happy to be strait-jacketed! ;)

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I am not from Malaysia, but on a layover I was recently at the Kuala Lumpur airport, nice airport! :p


i love KLIA too.. mostly because of muse related memories there.:D


wow now i really cant wait to drive and blast Muse. whenever i go out with my sister, she puts on Muse and we sing sing sing out loud! damn syok. plus, now that i've cut off my messy mop of hair, its way more fun to headbang/headbob to Muse :LOL:


its actually very dangerous to be driving while headbanging / headbobbing to muse. u might get dizzy or wont see the car infront braking.. lol. but it IS damn syok!


I'm planning to learn Assassin and KoC one day, but it seems too hard. :(


it is, isnt it? well, not that i play drums anyway.. but that's what i heard. which only means dom is one hell of a drummer!! :happy:


Hello and thank you. KLIA is cited by some backpacker's website to be the most comfortable airport to spend a night in: just head to the kids playroom or one of those comfy benches and snooze away. :D


lol. that IS true. it is seriously a very comfortable airport.


+1234567! In my head I'm still 25 :D. Muse is the fountain of youth I tell you. I mean, just look at how young Dom looks.


Glad to have a kindred spirit on the 'still not over the concert' thing. You can't imagine how many times people have said to me: "dahla tu, dah berbulan lepas dah concertnya"... :D I've clicked on the links and watched the videos over and over again. I've been to plenty of concerts but nothing can even compete with the energy of 25th February.


If this is a madness, well, then, I'm happy to be strait-jacketed! ;)


in my head, feels like i'm 19!! eheh.


lol. my mom kept saying that to me too! i just haf to say, that right after LP's concert a few years back, i thot it was like the best concert that i've ever been to. the crowd were awesome and they sing-along to every single word of LP's songs, the mike shinoda rapping part included!


but there's just something about muse's concert that made gone all psycho about this band..:happy: i was totally mesmerized all through the concert la.. thot i was dreaming! and when i compare watching on you tube LP live to Muse live or my fav, fav, fav band on the whole wide world Pearl Jam live to Muse live.... muse is wayyyyyy better. muse seriously kick ass live! oh man.. a sudden urge to 'em live again. :(

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yay 200th page! i didnt even notice... lol. if we hit the 10,000 post, we'll probably be the only asian country to have 2 threads! woot :D let that be our goal eh? :D


i listen intently to the drums of Hysteria and i think, if i have a drumset, i might be able to play it. but of course, i wont know which snare or drum thing to hit, and which cymbal to hit, but i wouldnt mind experimenting :D


de7, why dont you take a vid of yourself playing the drums/guitar/bass/singing for whichever song since you're the most instrument-literate among all of us in here :happy:

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i listen intently to the drums of Hysteria and i think, if i have a drumset, i might be able to play it. but of course, i wont know which snare or drum thing to hit, and which cymbal to hit, but i wouldnt mind experimenting :D


de7, why dont you take a vid of yourself playing the drums/guitar/bass/singing for whichever song since you're the most instrument-literate among all of us in here :happy:


Hysteria has a very dancey beat, Matt says they got the idea from Franz Ferdinand (incorporating dance beats into rock music). It's in basic 4/4, with the hi-hat opening and closing on every beat (ie everytime you hit the snare and the bass pedal). The beat during the verse is slightly trickier, took me awhile to get it right.


Ya, I'm thinking of recording Stockholm Syndrome, Unintended, S4A, SMBH, TIRO, Hyper Music, PiB, Sunburn, MM or Cave one day. My friend has proper recording equipment, I'll get it done sometime. Prolly after the holidays. :D


Dunno how I'm gonna record myself playing drums, I don't have a kit. My drummer friend will be getting one in a couple of months though. We'll see how it goes. :)

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Hysteria has a very dancey beat, Matt says they got the idea from Franz Ferdinand (incorporating dance beats into rock music). It's in basic 4/4, with the hi-hat opening and closing on every beat (ie everytime you hit the snare and the bass pedal). The beat during the verse is slightly trickier, took me awhile to get it right.


Ya, I'm thinking of recording Stockholm Syndrome, Unintended, S4A, SMBH, TIRO, Hyper Music, PiB, Sunburn, MM or Cave one day. My friend has proper recording equipment, I'll get it done sometime. Prolly after the holidays. :D


Dunno how I'm gonna record myself playing drums, I don't have a kit. My drummer friend will be getting one in a couple of months though. We'll see how it goes. :)

after the holidays? awww. which holidays are you talking about anyway? i cant wait to hear it seriously. haha. if you're really good, i could be your next fangirl! wahaha.

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Mid year holidays. For now I'm just gonna relax for this one whole month with my family.


Then I'll be back, hopefully jamming and recording some material with friends. Then I'll upload some stuff and show the world how awful I am. :p


I recently bought a Boss MT2 Metalzone distortion pedal and a Dynamic Wah pedal on sale, to add to my arsenal of my Fender Strat and 30 watt Marshall amp. Can't wait to start playing with friends again. Yay. :D

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