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Alright! *high 5's crazy mary* It is damn hard to save. Just imagine seeing Dom's lime floro green pants 'live' for motivation whenever it becomes too hard to save :D. Thank god for 15% increment next month.


I've gone europe-crazy: bought Lonely Planets and phrasebooks at 2nd hand stores. pastu end of the year going to continue learning french.


De7, u rock geek, I think I love you. :D:LOL::LOL:


*high fives back* i've got dom in green pants pix as my wallpaper on my pc and cellphone. :happy: that'll surely help me to handle my urges to buy new pair of shoes.. i've become so cheapskate these days that i burn a copy of LP's latest album from my friend. muse and europe more important! next month ek our increment? thot its end of the year? or maybe u're talking bout ur anual increment.. ah.. this is the reason i love working for the government. :happy:


:eek: u can speak french? that is so sexy.. if only u're a man. lol.


and yeah De7,.. *we're not worthy.. bows* lol.


but anyway, i love dom with green pants! i saw Mika on the Star newspaper the other day in green pants before dom wore his, and i thought "omg dom doesnt have green pants!" but ooooh guess i was wrong :p


i thot the same thing! but dom's super tight la... so sexy and yummy..:LOL:


Totally. And the graphics on the screens pwns!


those satelites are plain crazy.. guess they felt the pressure to put on an almost theaterical show or something after all the hype about their sold out wembley gig.. and dom's remarks about GM.. i would've felt like i was in the broadway or something. very led-zep-like.


very off topic: how do u politely say no to someone who's been asking u out on a date?

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lol yeah his pants are so tight you can see the shape of his arse! :LOL: but seriously though, the wemble pics were HOT. maybe because it was photoshopped and all..


oooh someone asked you on a date? why say no when you can say yes?


maybe you could just say you're not interested.. or say "naaah" or say "maybe some other time". thats what i do anyway :$

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lol yeah his pants are so tight you can see the shape of his arse! :LOL: but seriously though, the wemble pics were HOT. maybe because it was photoshopped and all..


oooh someone asked you on a date? why say no when you can say yes?


maybe you could just say you're not interested.. or say "naaah" or say "maybe some other time". thats what i do anyway :$


yeah.. dom looked super hot in those tight pants esp in this one.. stole it from the PDT hehe.. haf to admit he looked kinda ghey there.. lol. but me still lurve him!



haf to say no coz i'm married! haha..no la.. been saying 'i'm busy' and 'maybe some other time' for lots of time already that i'm running out of ideas on how to say no. am feeling obligated to go out wif this guy coz he helped me a lot.. and am gonna ask for more of his help in the near future..


LP's new album is pretty good. :happy:

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yeah.. dom looked super hot in those tight pants esp in this one.. stole it from the PDT hehe.. haf to admit he looked kinda ghey there.. lol. but me still lurve him!



haf to say no coz i'm married! haha..no la.. been saying 'i'm busy' and 'maybe some other time' for lots of time already that i'm running out of ideas on how to say no. am feeling obligated to go out wif this guy coz he helped me a lot.. and am gonna ask for more of his help in the near future..


LP's new album is pretty good. :happy:


he's so slim!!!!! :eek::eek:i bet i'll feel fat standing next to him. i was told that i gained weight today after seeing an old friend. :(:(


why dont you wanna go out with him? he seems like a nice guy, to help you out a lot and all. go laaaa. its not like you have anything to lose..... or do you? :confused:


i heard LP's new album was like Chester Featuring Mike Shinoda. and that they've strayed off their original LP roots... is it true?

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u can speak french? that is so sexy.. if only u're a man. lol.



Mais non, mon ami, only some basic words. Learnt it for a month zaman cuti SPM lepas tu dah karat....thus need to revise soon. I love languages, but if knowing French helps amps up sexiness, all the better! :D Sorry bout the "not being a man" bit, though. :D


and yeah De7,.. *we're not worthy.. bows* lol.



Yeah, you some cool geeky dude. Too bad my sisters all have have bfrens already and I'm too old, heheh. Joking! :D


Thanks for the bluesy Hyper Music clip, enjoyed that. It's great when you can hear the variants of music : Blues, Flamenco, Arabic etc in their music.



i thot the same thing! but dom's super tight la... so sexy and yummy..

Dom looks so gay.


lol yeah his pants are so tight you can see the shape of his arse!



eek::D:D :LOL::LOL: I know he's about my age but why do I feel like a dirty old lady when I look at that photo? Must be my gawking of the strangely youthful, super slim Dom in yummy green pants.


how do u politely say no to someone who's been asking u out on a date?


Weelll, if you really don't feel like it you can try saying: You're a nice person and I'd love to get to know you as a FRIEND for the time being, got too much on my plate right now."


If you have to make nice with him for long-term purposes, there's nothing wrong with just going for coffee (not dinner /movie). Make it really 'chummy' , (bring forth your most tomboyish self) and make it clear you prefer to be frens and still be on good terms with him.


Yes just call me Miss Manners.


It's awesome to get asked out, good for ya, enjoy it. Or perhaps you people get asked out an awful lot, eh, lucky b***ards?


Sometimes I pity guys when they're expected to ask girls out, it's a brave thing to do. Maybe I'll try doing it someday, just for kicks. :D (Okay guys ignore this rambling bit).


P.S- Deb, is the above a photo of you. You gorgeous la, nice photography. Don't worry about gaining weight etc, just live life! You're young, plenty of time to have body issues later, trust me.

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Mais non, mon ami, only some basic words. Learnt it for a month zaman cuti SPM lepas tu dah karat....thus need to revise soon. I love languages, but if knowing French helps amps up sexiness, all the better! :D Sorry bout the "not being a man" bit, though. :D


Yeah, you some cool geeky dude. Too bad my sisters all have have bfrens already and I'm too old, heheh. Joking! :D


Me speak some French!! If it helps amp up my sexy geek image. :D J'mapelle de7ilznite. Ooh la la, Muse c'est bon. :p Oh God, I'm crap.


Je voudrais parle Francais beucoup. Je non parle Francais. :(


btw, age ain't nothang but a number. ;)


Sometimes I pity guys when they're expected to ask girls out, it's a brave thing to do..


Tell me about it. :(

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FeZyqvMhKw <-- Early version of Hyper Music. So bluesy. :cool:


goodness matt wat haf u done wif ur hair ? :LOL: hey.. isnt bakumatsu used to post messages here? at times i do feel that he is gay. but again. i still lurve him..:happy:


why dont you wanna go out with him? he seems like a nice guy, to help you out a lot and all. go laaaa. its not like you have anything to lose..... or do you? :confused:


i heard LP's new album was like Chester Featuring Mike Shinoda. and that they've strayed off their original LP roots... is it true?


things would be so odd if i do go out wif him. there's a million reason why i should not. he's younger than me, he's dead serious about having a relationship and i dont like him that way..i like someone else! (yes. its dom :D) if i do go out wif him it only means i'm giving a signal that i like him or something like that.. i've said no for like 3 times oready that now he's giving me a cold shoulder. bloody hell, why cant dom asked me out? things would be easier if he did. i'd answer yes in like 0.0001 seconds! lol.


and dom is not that slim! well, i do remember of not feeling being fat standing next to him. lol. but i am quite skinny.. so i dunno. women wif curves look so much better than the skinny-model-looking ones.. i'd like to add a few extra kgs.


about the LP album. it is TRUE! they sound different this time around which makes me like 'em even more! mike doesnt rap a lot and chester sings in a lot of the songs. which is a shame. i dont actually like mike singing. he should stick to rapping. check this one out. a fan just gone through the hassel of encoding all the lyrics for almost the entire album. i like in pieces a lot as well as bleed it out.





If you have to make nice with him for long-term purposes, there's nothing wrong with just going for coffee (not dinner /movie). Make it really 'chummy' , (bring forth your most tomboyish self) and make it clear you prefer to be frens and still be on good terms with him.


It's awesome to get asked out, good for ya, enjoy it. Or perhaps you people get asked out an awful lot, eh, lucky b***ards?


Sometimes I pity guys when they're expected to ask girls out, it's a brave thing to do. Maybe I'll try doing it someday, just for kicks. :D (Okay guys ignore this rambling bit).


i prefer to keep things in professional terms wif him. everytime i'm suppose to meet him, i would not wear any make-up and dress poorly just to make him see me in my ugliest state haha... but it didnt work! :eek: i always thot all men would run like hell if they see me wearing an oversize shirt! lol


nah.. i dont get asked out a lot. just once in a while.. and mostly from my students! lol!


oh god. i tried asking a guy i fancy once when i was in uni.. :$ it was kinda fun actually and luckily he was willing to out wif me. but yeah.. give it a go!

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oh god. i tried asking a guy i fancy once when i was in uni.. :$ it was kinda fun actually and luckily he was willing to out wif me. but yeah.. give it a go!


i have a crush on this guy who works at BritishIndia. how do i ask him out?! lol! the thing is im pretty sure he's much much younger than me! but he's really really cute and i see him almost every week and i think he kinda notices me too but....what do i do abt it?! :$

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Ask him casual questions about the shop. Talk about clothes. Ask for discounts or a membership card (or whatever) if you patron the store often, make sure he's the one you ask it from. If you succeed, drop by often (on the pretense that you're shopping) and get to know him. Know his name, then slowly develop it into an acquaintance.


Show only a mild interest in him that builds up slowly as you go along, as in you're waiting for him to impress/interest you. If he takes the bait, act like you think he's mildly interesting. Make a conscious effort do this gradually, make yourself seem slightly challenging. Confidence and slight mystique is always good. Guys secretly like that kinda thing. :happy:


Once you get into this rhythm, it will provide an opportunity to develop into a friendship, in which you can find out more things about him (interests, background, is he single etcetc). Find things you have in common with him. Gradually show him the more attractive traits of your character, sense of humour works best. Don't act all girly with him before the friendship stage and never make yourself seem too available, of course.


btw, try to determine roughly when his working hours are, so you don't have to waste time when you actually plan to see him.


Wow this has turned into a relationship thread. :LOL:


Does anyone wanna hear my story next? ;):p

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Weelll, if you really don't feel like it you can try saying: You're a nice person and I'd love to get to know you as a FRIEND for the time being, got too much on my plate right now."


If you have to make nice with him for long-term purposes, there's nothing wrong with just going for coffee (not dinner /movie). Make it really 'chummy' , (bring forth your most tomboyish self) and make it clear you prefer to be frens and still be on good terms with him.


Yes just call me Miss Manners.


It's awesome to get asked out, good for ya, enjoy it. Or perhaps you people get asked out an awful lot, eh, lucky b***ards?


Sometimes I pity guys when they're expected to ask girls out, it's a brave thing to do. Maybe I'll try doing it someday, just for kicks. :D (Okay guys ignore this rambling bit).


P.S- Deb, is the above a photo of you. You gorgeous la, nice photography. Don't worry about gaining weight etc, just live life! You're young, plenty of time to have body issues later, trust me.


lol thats why most guys make the girl interested in them first before asking them out.. that way, the chances of them getting rejected is low. hehe.


yeah thats me.. :$ hehe thanks. i think i look a bit weird there though. and it took me so long to find out where the black and white option was on adobe photoshop :LOL: i r n00b.


J'mapelle de7ilznite.


thats the ONLY thing i understood. lol. j'mapelle Debbie :D


things would be so odd if i do go out wif him. there's a million reason why i should not. he's younger than me, he's dead serious about having a relationship and i dont like him that way..i like someone else! (yes. its dom :D) if i do go out wif him it only means i'm giving a signal that i like him or something like that.. i've said no for like 3 times oready that now he's giving me a cold shoulder. bloody hell, why cant dom asked me out? things would be easier if he did. i'd answer yes in like 0.0001 seconds! lol.


and dom is not that slim! well, i do remember of not feeling being fat standing next to him. lol. but i am quite skinny.. so i dunno. women wif curves look so much better than the skinny-model-looking ones.. i'd like to add a few extra kgs.


about the LP album. it is TRUE! they sound different this time around which makes me like 'em even more! mike doesnt rap a lot and chester sings in a lot of the songs. which is a shame. i dont actually like mike singing. he should stick to rapping. check this one out. a fan just gone through the hassel of encoding all the lyrics for almost the entire album. i like in pieces a lot as well as bleed it out.


i prefer to keep things in professional terms wif him. everytime i'm suppose to meet him, i would not wear any make-up and dress poorly just to make him see me in my ugliest state haha... but it didnt work! :eek: i always thot all men would run like hell if they see me wearing an oversize shirt! lol


nah.. i dont get asked out a lot. just once in a while.. and mostly from my students! lol!


oh god. i tried asking a guy i fancy once when i was in uni.. :$ it was kinda fun actually and luckily he was willing to out wif me. but yeah.. give it a go!


some guys think that its cute for a girl to wear an oversized t-shirt. some might think its sexy! i dunno, i guess different guys have different tastes and opinions i guess.


i bet if Dom asked you out, before he even finishes his sentance, you'd say "ABSOLUTELY!!! :D:D" haha. i know i would!! :LOL:



and about the whole dating issue, just as long as you dont throw yourself at him, then that's fine. also, do guys think girls are easy if we ask them out? maybe thats why we hint about going out, rather than asking. but some guys just dont get the 'signs', or tend to misinterpret the 'signs'. lol.


but then again, what do i know? i'm only 17. :p

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wow de7! thank u so much for that advise! u really are full of information! :D im gonna give it a go, wish me luck! ;)


oh by the way....whats ur story? ;)


As much as I give decent advice, I'm pretty crap at actually applying my theories. :LOL:


Well, my story is long and slightly complicated and I'm not sure if it's possible for me to find some sort of resolution at the moment. It may take some time to fully type out....hmm, maybe later lah. I'm a bit tired right now. Remind me ok? :p

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Okay, this is so off-topic..hehe..


Glastonbury 2004

did anyone perasan that the interlude(matt with his piano thingy) before Apocalyse Please was actually Take A Bow song?


Anyone? Anyone? Or is it just me notice that. But Im really sure that Take A Bow was written way back in 2004 and just been officially released in BHAR.


CrazyMary: That guy that asked you out is trying too hard. NOT GOOD.


Oh!Harry Potter countdown: 14 days: 21 hours: 49 minutes: and many many seconds to go!

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wow de7! thank u so much for that advise! u really are full of information!im gonna give it a go, wish me luck! ;)


good luck! u can do it! think i'm gonna pm tom kirk and ask him to ask dom out for me since i reeaaaly fancy him :D


some guys think that its cute for a girl to wear an oversized t-shirt. some might think its sexy! i dunno, i guess different guys have different tastes and opinions i guess.


i bet if Dom asked you out, before he even finishes his sentance, you'd say "ABSOLUTELY!!!" haha. i know i would!! :LOL:


yes i agree. i think its cute that men wear selipar jepun to shopping malls. :$ my friends always told that it is actually weird. :stunned:


absolutely while jumping up and down! :LOL:



and about the whole dating issue, just as long as you dont throw yourself at him, then that's fine. also, do guys think girls are easy if we ask them out? maybe thats why we hint about going out, rather than asking. but some guys just dont get the 'signs', or tend to misinterpret the 'signs'. lol.


i dont think so. it depends on how and who u ask. think its pretty common nowadays for girls to ask guys out. men just never undertand signs and signals we give.:rolleyes:


As much as I give decent advice, I'm pretty crap at actually applying my theories.


Well, my story is long and slightly complicated and I'm not sure if it's possible for me to find some sort of resolution at the moment. It may take some time to fully type out....hmm, maybe later lah. I'm a bit tired right now. Remind me ok? :p


aren't we all? lol. eh, tell la..


Okay, this is so off-topic..hehe..


Glastonbury 2004

did anyone perasan that the interlude(matt with his piano thingy) before Apocalyse Please was actually Take A Bow song?


Anyone? Anyone? Or is it just me notice that. But Im really sure that Take A Bow was written way back in 2004 and just been officially released in BHAR.


Oh!Harry Potter countdown: 14 days: 21 hours: 49 minutes: and many many seconds to go!


no. i never noticed that. am checking it now.thanks for that. always thot TaB is a recent song wif its political lyrics.


ooohhh.. u're counting down Harry Potter! *joins* :happy:


CrazyMary: That guy that asked you out is trying too hard. NOT GOOD.


:yesey: exactly.. thank u.

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Okay, this is so off-topic..hehe..


Glastonbury 2004

did anyone perasan that the interlude(matt with his piano thingy) before Apocalyse Please was actually Take A Bow song?


Anyone? Anyone? Or is it just me notice that. But Im really sure that Take A Bow was written way back in 2004 and just been officially released in BHAR.


CrazyMary: That guy that asked you out is trying too hard. NOT GOOD.


Oh!Harry Potter countdown: 14 days: 21 hours: 49 minutes: and many many seconds to go!


sorry to burst your bubble but its been discovered quite a while ago... i dont think TaB was written back in 2004, but maybe they just got the idea of how it would sound like, before they wrote the lyrics and used more synths and whatnots.


ok shame on me but, I'M READING THE FIRST HARRY POTTER BOOK NOW LOL. my first harry potter book! i know i'm late. but i was always too lazy. haha.


yes i agree. i think its cute that men wear selipar jepun to shopping malls. :$ my friends always told that it is actually weird. :stunned:


absolutely while jumping up and down! :LOL:





i dont think so. it depends on how and who u ask. think its pretty common nowadays for girls to ask guys out. men just never undertand signs and signals we give.:rolleyes:


apa tu selipar jepun? those clogs ar?


yeah true.. now its the modern world. where women are more independant! :yesey:




eh de7ilznite, tell laaa. :p

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i dont think so. it depends on how and who u ask. think its pretty common nowadays for girls to ask guys out. men just never undertand signs and signals we give.:rolleyes:


Yeah, I suck at that. The girl I like was basically throwing herself at me all the time, I was just a bit slow on the uptake. :LOL:


She's liked me for 3 years and the signs were pretty obvious, now that I look back. Anyway, I wasn't ready for a relationship of any kind, even though I felt the same way. I had personal problems that I needed to take care of first...this resulted in an argument with some friends of hers. They generally like me (they even seem to want us to be together) but I had some issues with one or two of them. Eventually, they persuaded her to scold me for some things I had said. I explained things to them later and now they completely understand me. However, she now has a boyfriend and it's a long distance relationship.


I get the idea that their clique planned to make me jealous and come back to them so that they could use her to hurt me back (I've been away for awhile cuz I wanted to be alone). Not really to "hurt" me, but to just "punish" me for things I had said. They don't hate me or anything - they think I'm a nice guy. They have all acted like they don't really mind when they talk to me, but she acts like there is a problem when she's around me, so it's pretty obvious. I eventually called her and sorta made a confession (which I kinda regret now), which was when she started scolding me. However, I explained things to her and she started to understand. Her voice softened on the phone when I explained certain things to her.


I can tell her friends regret a lot of things they've done to try and hurt me back now that they get the big picture. Nowadays, they are always asking about me from the friends that I hang out with. They have blocked me on MSN, but I feel it's mostly because they can't face me anymore. One wrote in her blog, "she can't wait for you forever, no matter how much she's into you" but that seems more of an excuse to justify how they treated me. They probably feel a bit guilty now. Even when we met up recently, there was a look of pure guilt on the face of one of them. :LOL:


Even though she's attached, I still get the feeling she still feels the same way about me. When we hang out, the signs are still the same - it's just that she was unsure what to make of me, ie why I was behaving out of character for awhile.


So now, it's a bit of a stalemate between both sides, no one is to blame. One of their friends (she gossips a lot) has asked a lot about me from my friends and is no doubt acting as a spy to see what's going on in my life so she can inform the clique. I get plenty of hints from my friends that I should call them and hang out with them again.


She's been with this other guy for a year, but they only see each other for midyear and end of the year holidays. She has known him throughout high school - she knew me for 3 years and yet we only really know each other through friends. But I think I was her first choice. Forgive me if I sound a bit perasan here. :p


So....any suggestions?? :LOL:

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Yeah, I suck at that. The girl I like was basically throwing herself at me all the time, I was just a bit slow on the uptake. :LOL:


She's liked me for 3 years and the signs were pretty obvious, now that I look back. Anyway, I wasn't ready for a relationship of any kind, even though I felt the same way. I had personal problems that I needed to take care of first...this resulted in an argument with some friends of hers. They generally like me (they even seem to want us to be together) but I had some issues with one or two of them. Eventually, they persuaded her to scold me for some things I had said. I explained things to them later and now they completely understand me. However, she now has a boyfriend and it's a long distance relationship.


I get the idea that their clique planned to make me jealous and come back to them so that they could use her to hurt me back (I've been away for awhile cuz I wanted to be alone). Not really to "hurt" me, but to just "punish" me for things I had said. They don't hate me or anything - they think I'm a nice guy. They have all acted like they don't really mind when they talk to me, but she acts like there is a problem when she's around me, so it's pretty obvious. I eventually called her and sorta made a confession (which I kinda regret now), which was when she started scolding me. However, I explained things to her and she started to understand. Her voice softened on the phone when I explained certain things to her.


I can tell her friends regret a lot of things they've done to try and hurt me back now that they get the big picture. Nowadays, they are always asking about me from the friends that I hang out with. They have blocked me on MSN, but I feel it's mostly because they can't face me anymore. One wrote in her blog, "she can't wait for you forever, no matter how much she's into you" but that seems more of an excuse to justify how they treated me. They probably feel a bit guilty now. Even when we met up recently, there was a look of pure guilt on the face of one of them. :LOL:


Even though she's attached, I still get the feeling she still feels the same way about me. When we hang out, the signs are still the same - it's just that she was unsure what to make of me, ie why I was behaving out of character for awhile.


So now, it's a bit of a stalemate between both sides, no one is to blame. One of their friends (she gossips a lot) has asked a lot about me from my friends and is no doubt acting as a spy to see what's going on in my life so she can inform the clique. I get plenty of hints from my friends that I should call them and hang out with them again.


She's been with this other guy for a year, but they only see each other for midyear and end of the year holidays. She has known him throughout high school - she knew me for 3 years and yet we only really know each other through friends. But I think I was her first choice. Forgive me if I sound a bit perasan here. :p


So....any suggestions?? :LOL:


what kind of suggestions are u seeking actually?

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How to resolve this rather awkward situation and get back to courting her. Anything really. :LOL:


oh so u want her now la....hmm....its a difficult situation. i gotta say honestly, ive been in HER situation before, lol! but thank God i dont have feelings for that guy anymore ;) and im not sure if he ever noticed that i liked him, i hope he never finds out! :LOL:


well anyways back to ur problem! ok it wont be easy coz she's like someone else's GF now, i mean do u really wanna ruin their relationship? if she's single then its not gonna be a problem at all! but the big question is, how sure are u that she still thinks ur her first choice? ;) i mean if she really still have the same feelings for u, why is she still with that guy instead of u? maybe u would say she doesnt wanna hurt his feelings and bla bla bla...which i think is a bunch of crap! a person can always choose!!! so if she wants u she would've chosen u after u confessed rite? well thats my thought on ur problem, but i dont really know the real picture so i cant really say much based on what u typed :D so u might have to REALLY....like....REALLY think abt whats best for u before u make a decision and make sure u wont regret it :p


p/s: if im her i would just ignore u, lol!!! :LOL: but thats just me :D

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Well, she did give me plenty of hints. I didn't make a move for reasons that I didn't feel like disclosing to anyone just yet. Plus, she did wait for quite awhile, I must admit.


If she's happy, then I guess I'm okay with it. But I secretly still feel the same way. Like her friend said, she couldn't wait forever. Now that she truly understands my problems, she may well be having second thoughts - her friends might think the same way too.


Remember, their previous actions were based on their own assumptions and they didn't know the full story just yet. So now, they are contemplating on how to resolve the situation now that they understand. The ball's kinda in their court, in a way.


And it's not that easy for a girl to suddenly break off with a guy that she's with, especially since she wasn't fully sure what to make of the situation at the time. The fact that she has to consider the other guy's feelings IS important too btw. :LOL: However, there have been plenty of discussions among that clique after that incident, I can assure you that.


If the incident doesn't mean anything to her, why did the rest of her friends block me on MSN too? I must've made an impact. :D This happened less than a year ago and yet her friends are still inquiring about me. If they couldn't care less anymore, they would continue to ignore me completely.

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ah.. .boy drama. i miss boy drama. havent had boy drama in almost a year..


/useless post



ok why dont you just.. dont do anything? maybe you could be romantic and say "now i'm waiting for you" or something like that. and like you said, the ball IS in their court, so just wait for her. whether she's willing to end it with her current boyfriend to be with you or not, thats her choice all in all. dont pressure her.


sorry but i dont really get what's going on with her friends though.. why are they so masuk campur wan?

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