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yes, me. teaches. english. heh. (pardon me for my horrible grammar) i always thot that the sound machine is more interesting coz like u said i too kinda dislike mathilde. teruk la her.. but klausner on the other hand reminds me of matt. lol.


OMG we have Roald Dahl fans here??!!? I've been a fan since age 8, my first book was George's Marvellous Medicine. I was addicted after that, I've read all his children's books and adult short stories.


I seriously think Mr. Dahl put some strange thoughts in my head, considering I was such a huge fan from an extremely young age. :LOL:

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thanks...heh, why do they only use their songs for all these dark, end-of-the-world kind of movies.


Ya lah, but like Shrinking Universe was so damn effective for a trailer. Really grabs your emotions and matches the visuals, unlike certain other 'meh' trailers.


Maybe the movie people haven't discovered Bliss / Starlight /Unintended etc yet.

P.S- Endlessly / Unintended would be so suitable for a sad love scene, doncha think? And SMBH for a sexy seduction scene. Ok :$ for the way I'm thinking....

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Maybe the movie people haven't discovered Bliss / Starlight /Unintended etc yet.

P.S- Endlessly / Unintended would be so suitable for a sad love scene, doncha think? And SMBH for a sexy seduction scene. Ok :$ for the way I'm thinking....


:eek::noey: no please no.. do not use smbh for crappy sex scenes...

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matt i guess is easier to fall for because he's the heart of the group. he's the lyrics, the blah blah..


oh come on you don't look anything like a makcik..


yeah.. 'tis very easy to fall for the front man of a band and plus matt is very attractive and writes interesting lyrics and most of the songs so that's why a lot of people worship him. but dom is just sooooo adorable la.. and ahem.. *in serious tone* of course a crazy drummer.


aww... thanks! *loves* but i do feel old.. heh.


grr, 3 more days until wembley.. i wish some rich guy can suddenly pop into our website and just sends us off to wembley.. considering there's still some tickets left, and i'd rather be seated than not watch them at all


its bloody tomorrow! yikes! i'm so jealous. and that poll by tom kirk really makes me wnna cry.. even the tickets look amazing.i should've bloody accepted an offer to study in UK! :(


sometimes i talk to Dom before i sleep..


LOL. i haf to listen to muse songs before i go to sleep..


OMG we have Roald Dahl fans here??!!? I've been a fan since age 8, my first book was George's Marvellous Medicine. I was addicted after that, I've read all his children's books and adult short stories.


I seriously think Mr. Dahl put some strange thoughts in my head, considering I was such a huge fan from an extremely young age. :LOL:


not really. think we're just discussing the short stories that the form 4 and 5 students haf to study for spm. heh. but roald dahl IS a great author. when i was young, thot BFG stands for big fat giant. heh. but wait. i'm not sure.. it is one of mr dahl's books eh? used to love enid blyton la.. the secret seven and famous five.. :happy:


Then I advise you strongly, DO NOT click on this link :D (espec U-18 yr olds):




I had a right laugh reading it tho'. Not to be taken seriously, obviously.


:LOL::LOL::LOL: that's damn weird la..


random question. any of y'all haf jimmy kane? i've downloaded the radio edit version from muselive but there's some ad before that la..

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random question. any of y'all haf jimmy kane? i've downloaded the radio edit version from muselive but there's some ad before that la..


just use a mp3 editor or your windows movie maker and cut the first few seconds.. i had the same problem..

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random question. any of y'all haf jimmy kane? i've downloaded the radio edit version from muselive but there's some ad before that la..


just use a mp3 editor or your windows movie maker and cut the first few seconds.. i had the same problem..


Or you can ask me and i'll give you the studio version, for no charge at all! Good deal eh? I think so too.

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just use a mp3 editor or your windows movie maker and cut the first few seconds.. i had the same problem..


bleh.. dunno how :$. see.. this is where i deserve to be called a mak cik.


Or you can ask me and i'll give you the studio version, for no charge at all! Good deal eh? I think so too.


yay! :happy: do u mind sending it to me? or just post a link here so everyone who are interested can also download it.. either way i'm pm-ing u..

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OMG we have Roald Dahl fans here??!!? I've been a fan since age 8, my first book was George's Marvellous Medicine. I was addicted after that, I've read all his children's books and adult short stories.


I seriously think Mr. Dahl put some strange thoughts in my head, considering I was such a huge fan from an extremely young age. :LOL:


ok i'll be honest here, i'm not a huge fan of roald dahl :$ i mean, i'm a fan la, but i've only read umm.... 3 books of his. Charlie and the Choc Factory, The Sound Machine (though its not really a book, but more of a short story), and the something of Henry Sugar and other stories. i have to admit, his books are the only books that are "un-put-down-able" for me. i finished Charlie and the choc factory in a day, and that never happens! cause i normally read before i sleep, so i only read like maybe a chapter a day or so. but Charlie and the Choc Factory was just so.. addictive :eek:


the something of Henry Sugar was really interesting. haha. and that was my first Roald Dahl book that i read last year. (yeah i started reading Roald Dahl last year, i know i'm very deprived as a child :$) and i actually thought it was real! i thought all Yogis could see with their eyes closed, but when my friend said that Roald Dahl's books are like that, very possible yet its not true, i felt so gullible :$ lol.


its bloody tomorrow! yikes! i'm so jealous. and that poll by tom kirk really makes me wnna cry.. even the tickets look amazing.i should've bloody accepted an offer to study in UK! :(



not really. think we're just discussing the short stories that the form 4 and 5 students haf to study for spm. heh. but roald dahl IS a great author. when i was young, thot BFG stands for big fat giant. heh. but wait. i'm not sure.. it is one of mr dahl's books eh? used to love enid blyton la.. the secret seven and famous five.. :happy:


WHY DIDNT YOUUU??? i'd do anything to study overseas man. i'm gonna apply for scholarships and stuff after my SPM. got any to recommend, cikgu faz? :D


lol yeah i thought BFG was big fat giant too! :LOL:


Or you can ask me and i'll give you the studio version, for no charge at all! Good deal eh? I think so too.


yeah i looove you for sending me all those b-sides man. :happy:

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yeah i looove you for sending me all those b-sides man. :happy:


Woohoo! HAhaha. NO problem. I know how it feels like not having a song.. I love to share what i have, i think it's healthy.


About Roald Dahl, he is simply THE MAN. I read his sort of auto biography, BOY and something else i forgot.. His life is so interesting. Charlie and the choc factory was the first book that got me into his awesome stories.. And enid blyton is THE WOMAN. I think i must have read all her short story books, and Noddy and the famous five and the secret seven! gosh. I almost forgot i've read them once in my life. thanks for mentioning her name. :D


I dono if you all have read Goosebumps? i think by R L Stine.. A book series i grew up reading. All these weird stories that has twisted endings and sometimes lame ones. But they're all greeaat.

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OK no problem!




This is one song i hardly listen to.


thanks! really ke? why? i like it a lot..:happy::happy::happy:


WHY DIDNT YOUUU??? i'd do anything to study overseas man. i'm gonna apply for scholarships and stuff after my SPM. got any to recommend, cikgu faz? :D


lol yeah i thought BFG was big fat giant too! :LOL:


for an obvious reason la... MONEY. i didnt get any scholarship to go there.. better wait when i'm doing my doctorate heh. berangan je la.. honestly, UM is bloody tough to score.


i dunno.. it depends on what course u're thinking of doing. better ask for scholarships from JPA or the ministry.. although they give u VERY small ammount of monthly allowance

(which means u'd haf to work part time and normally our student visa will only allow us to do so for certain hours ..) u'll not be in debt after u graduate like those PTPTN graduates. but its not easy to get those scholarships.. alamak suddenly feels like a counsellor pulak. ;). ask ur counsellors. they'll give u better advice. mine would be merapu a bit. ;)


Woohoo! HAhaha. NO problem. I know how it feels like not having a song.. I love to share what i have, i think it's healthy.


About Roald Dahl, he is simply THE MAN. I read his sort of auto biography, BOY and something else i forgot.. His life is so interesting. Charlie and the choc factory was the first book that got me into his awesome stories.. And enid blyton is THE WOMAN. I think i must have read all her short story books, and Noddy and the famous five and the secret seven! gosh. I almost forgot i've read them once in my life. thanks for mentioning her name. :D


I dono if you all have read Goosebumps? i think by R L Stine.. A book series i grew up reading. All these weird stories that has twisted endings and sometimes lame ones. But they're all greeaat.


i always thot enid blyton is a man. lol. her books are amazing. i still read some of 'em during my spare time just to relax.. and goosebumps are like so lame la.. and talking about children books, i love reading harry potter too.. heh.

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WHY DIDNT YOUUU??? i'd do anything to study overseas man. i'm gonna apply for scholarships and stuff after my SPM. got any to recommend, cikgu faz? :D


where do u plan to go and what do u plan to study? UK is pretty easy to get but u have to get a scholarship since it's bloody expensive unless u've got rich parents, but if you're an excellent student and have been thinking of the US, it's quite easy to find scholarships in US.. some of them even make allowances for students like us (meaning international and from developed countries), and cuts of tuition and boarding fees.


i dunno.. it depends on what course u're thinking of doing. better ask for scholarships from JPA or the ministry.. although they give u VERY small ammount of monthly allowance

(which means u'd haf to work part time and normally our student visa will only allow us to do so for certain hours ..) u'll not be in debt after u graduate like those PTPTN graduates. but its not easy to get those scholarships..


she's right.. plus check out whether it's actually a loan or a scholarship.. some people end up going thinking they're on scholarship but after getting mediocre grade got stuck with loads of debt..

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Woohoo! HAhaha. NO problem. I know how it feels like not having a song.. I love to share what i have, i think it's healthy.


About Roald Dahl, he is simply THE MAN. I read his sort of auto biography, BOY and something else i forgot.. His life is so interesting. Charlie and the choc factory was the first book that got me into his awesome stories.. And enid blyton is THE WOMAN. I think i must have read all her short story books, and Noddy and the famous five and the secret seven! gosh. I almost forgot i've read them once in my life. thanks for mentioning her name. :D


I dono if you all have read Goosebumps? i think by R L Stine.. A book series i grew up reading. All these weird stories that has twisted endings and sometimes lame ones. But they're all greeaat.


i used to read goosebumps! lol. and to be honest, i wasnt really much of a kid who reads a lot. but when i was in secondary school i started reading more and more and now i read every night! :D yay you care! because sharing is caring after all. lol.


for an obvious reason la... MONEY. i didnt get any scholarship to go there.. better wait when i'm doing my doctorate heh. berangan je la.. honestly, UM is bloody tough to score.


i dunno.. it depends on what course u're thinking of doing. better ask for scholarships from JPA or the ministry.. although they give u VERY small ammount of monthly allowance

(which means u'd haf to work part time and normally our student visa will only allow us to do so for certain hours ..) u'll not be in debt after u graduate like those PTPTN graduates. but its not easy to get those scholarships.. alamak suddenly feels like a counsellor pulak. ;). ask ur counsellors. they'll give u better advice. mine would be merapu a bit. ;)




where do u plan to go and what do u plan to study? UK is pretty easy to get but u have to get a scholarship since it's bloody expensive unless u've got rich parents, but if you're an excellent student and have been thinking of the US, it's quite easy to find scholarships in US.. some of them even make allowances for students like us (meaning international and from developed countries), and cuts of tuition and boarding fees.




she's right.. plus check out whether it's actually a loan or a scholarship.. some people end up going thinking they're on scholarship but after getting mediocre grade got stuck with loads of debt..


ok my parents arent rich.. if they were, i wouldnt need a scholarship then :LOL: i'd like to study at the UK but yeah like you said, its really expensive. i'm quite scared of going to the US actually.. :stunned: so many disasters happen. i'm getting paranoid. lol.


i'm not exactly sure what to study.. i thought of Actuarial Science at first to be honest. because Mod Math and Add Math are my strongest subjects, so i thought i'd just do something math-based. btu now my Chem and Physics are improving.. so i thought of doing engineering. but thats a very uh, male kind of job. so now i'm honestly... not sure at all. :(


though, now i'm not really aiming for an international scholarship.. i'm not enough of an excellent student. i'm just... average, i suppose. lol. though i didnt get any Ds for my mid term exams! only As and Bs and er... one ugly C :(

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thanks! really ke? why? i like it a lot..:happy::happy::happy:


i always thot enid blyton is a man. lol. her books are amazing. i still read some of 'em during my spare time just to relax.. and goosebumps are like so lame la.. and talking about children books, i love reading harry potter too.. heh.


Ur welcome! I just prefer to listen to their other better B sides! Jimmy Kane is nice, something funky and different... quite cool actually but doesn't have that much appeal to me!


HEy Goosebumps wasn't lame when i was reading them! HAHA. Maybe for your generation it was lame. You see, people DO read or have read Goosebumps and enjoyed it. Refer to the quote below.


i used to read goosebumps! lol. and to be honest, i wasnt really much of a kid who reads a lot. but when i was in secondary school i started reading more and more and now i read every night! :D yay you care! because sharing is caring after all. lol.

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Ur welcome! I just prefer to listen to their other better B sides! Jimmy Kane is nice, something funky and different... quite cool actually but doesn't have that much appeal to me!


HEy Goosebumps wasn't lame when i was reading them! HAHA. Maybe for your generation it was lame. You see, people DO read or have read Goosebumps and enjoyed it. Refer to the quote below.


heehee :D i used to borrow Goosebumps books from the library and take about a month to finish reading it :LOL: yes i was THAT slow :$


Slappy's Nightmare was the first and only Goosebump book i bought! :D

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plus check out whether it's actually a loan or a scholarship.. some people end up going thinking they're on scholarship but after getting mediocre grade got stuck with loads of debt..


:yesey: it's tough when u're in debt after u graduate, esp for those unemployed ones..


ok my parents arent rich.. if they were, i wouldnt need a scholarship then :LOL: i'd like to study at the UK but yeah like you said, its really expensive. i'm quite scared of going to the US actually.. :stunned: so many disasters happen. i'm getting paranoid. lol.


i'm not exactly sure what to study.. i thought of Actuarial Science at first to be honest. because Mod Math and Add Math are my strongest subjects, so i thought i'd just do something math-based. btu now my Chem and Physics are improving.. so i thought of doing engineering. but thats a very uh, male kind of job. so now i'm honestly... not sure at all. :(


though, now i'm not really aiming for an international scholarship.. i'm not enough of an excellent student. i'm just... average, i suppose. lol. though i didnt get any Ds for my mid term exams! only As and Bs and er... one ugly C :(


i dont like going to the US as well. UK is better.. since our country has a kind of history with the English government so that's why it is easier to get accepted there. but yeah.. adyla is rite, in the US they do give some types of support for international students.. but after 9/11 and all the racial issues that i heard there, i'd prefer to study in local universities. think i had experience enuf racism when i was doing my degree. but i'm definitely thinking of applying for a scholarship to further my studies in the UK. i always wanted to go to stamford upon avon and the lake district to see places where dead, famous english writers were born and stuffs.. and watch footy matches as well!:happy:


just give it a go. at the end of the year there'll be forms of application for government scholarships and matriculation programmes. u should buy those forms, fill 'em in and send 'em. wat u haf to worry about rite now, is ur trial and SPM results. As and Bs are quite good.. just need to make sure wat courses u're most interested in doing.. however, u noe la... if u apply for government nyer scholarship, u'll haf to be a government servant for a certain period of time.. but no worries, at least in those years, u're gaining experiences so it'll be easier to get bettter jobs. and there's no such thing as male or female kinda courses or jobs. :rolleyes: if u like engineering or actuarial science just go for it.



HEy Goosebumps wasn't lame when i was reading them! HAHA. Maybe for your generation it was lame. You see, people DO read or have read Goosebumps and enjoyed it. Refer to the quote below.


yeah.. maybe goosebumps are not that lame for younger people like y'all. but they are for me.. lol. sorry. somehow i just dont like american children / teen books or wat they call as chick lit or something like that..:rolleyes:


tonite is wembley nite. better sleep early..:'(

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i'm not exactly sure what to study.. i thought of Actuarial Science at first to be honest. because Mod Math and Add Math are my strongest subjects, so i thought i'd just do something math-based. btu now my Chem and Physics are improving.. so i thought of doing engineering. but thats a very uh, male kind of job. so now i'm honestly... not sure at all. :(


ok, i have no idea about SPM applications, because i didn't do that.. but some of my friends applied individually to corporations, and got it.. but first, they did their a-levels here lah.. they're not the brightest people in the world, but they were from boarding school, so their grades were like perfect..


no worries, if u do decide to study in malaysia and go local, my mom's a lecturer in utm, so if u decide to do engineering AND wanna study there i can help you get your choice course, and not get stuck, ya know, in some lame courses like they always give in the university application form thingy..

i'm doing law local, and during my first year, some engineering student apparently got stuck doing law (he later became my best friend but that doesn't change the fact that i laughed his ass off for switching to such a totally different career than what he intended.)


if u apply for government nyer scholarship, u'll haf to be a government servant for a certain period of time.. but no worries, at least in those years, u're gaining experiences so it'll be easier to get bettter jobs.


this teacher is right.. just imagine it as training.. no self-respecting graduate should just expect to get jobs easily with high gpas if they have zero training..

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gah, am strugglin to keep up wif this thread..:p


oh, debbie, dunno if u heard of this site before: http://tinkosong.com/


its a really comprehensive local site on virtually all scholarships/loans/grants you can apply for..and they have tips for application procedures and interviews etc. ;)


and my bro jz finished his 2nd yr in Actuarial Science..so if you wanna find out more about the course, jz ask ;)


and and Roald Dahl rocks, i remember sitting on the library floor beside the bookshelves reading Esio Trot when i was 7 or 8..:D my fav from him is still the Witches tho..:)

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ok i wont bother multiquoting cause this post is gonna be very long if i do. thanks a lot for commenting and stuff guys :)


ok the thing about actuarial science, i heard that its very finance and business-based. and i'm not really interested in that, to be honest. and also, i heard its REAAAAAAALLY hard. possisbly the hardest paper there is in the history of education! my sister, who is way brighter than me, is already stuggling with her ACCA, so i doubt i can do actuarial science. though to be honest, i'm not exactly sure what actuarial science is. i know its about calculating risk using lotsa calculus and statistics.. and that you have to deal with lotsa cash, and if you make a little mistake, you could go to jail :stunned: scary la. zy3038, can you please tell me more about actuarial science? :D


about engineering, my brother is an engineer, my dad is an engineer, i think my cousins are engineers too. so i guess i feel more secure doing engineering since practically my whole family are engineers. but according to them, engineering gets boring after awhile. and i dont wanna get bored of my job. i want to be those people who loves their jobs! but i guess its each to their own la, maybe i'll love my job if i'm an engineer, maybe not. :confused:


i guess like what kak faz said, i should definately concentrate on my SPM and trials right now. i'm scared that same thing that happened to mike's friend might happen to me.. i choose something, and i end up not being passionate for it :( um.. what and where is utm ? :$


and you're right, training is as important. you guys make it sound bad to work for the government.. is it? :confused:


all i know is that my last resort is being a Tuition Teacher i guess :LOL:

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