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yay finally i got the CD+DVD version for RM42 :D:D:D


kay-a, sorry la pasal invite ke kb mall tu....aku baru tahu kau invite bile masuk forum hari ni (rabu 7 oct)...lame tak online sejak last post


does anyone know which track will be a single after uprising?


-it's ok la... hahaha..

-next track ntuk single ? resistance.. x pun, unnatural selection.

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Undisclosed Desires should be the next single imo. it's pretty catchy and has SMBH's vibe so am sure it'll be a more successful single than Uprising? heh.. just my two cents.


Abg Dom must have purposely choose those parts with you to be in the video XDDDD Haha.... see, you must be quite important for them to remember you :D:LOL: Now you are famous :p:D Hehe.... When I saw it, I was like :eek::eek::eek: WAS THAT ACTUALLY KAK FAZ?!!! :eek: So nice XDDD


eheh.. heh heh..:$ well if you put it that way.. am gonna be sooooo perasan now haha.. yup, yup memang Dom purposely did that. :chuckle:


Muse in Japan with the kawaiii crowd! those lucky japs! i wish i could go.. it's bad enough that i can't go to see pearl jam in nz.:(

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I definitely wouldn't mind if MK Ultra is released as the 2nd single. I have a pretty great concept for a music video lol (which doesn't necessarily have to involve evil teddy bears)


Muse in Japan with the kawaiii crowd! those lucky japs! i wish i could go.. it's bad enough that i can't go to see pearl jam in nz.:(

When's PJ playing in NZ?!


Muse will drop by... eventually. We just gotta be patient sigh.


Omg liz, so many things to talk about, i dont know where to start. First things first, do you know why it got posponed? :confused: I heard it was because something happened to Tyson? I also heard that its getting posponed til like.. December or something :stunned: thats crazy. luckily i didnt pay and money for these tickets . oh right i wanted to reply your text! thanks for letting me know about the CD, but on that day itself my sis told me she managed to score 2 tickets for me too so wheee hahha.

ARE YOU DRESSING UP FOR AAR's HALLOWEEN GIG?! Lol I think I might. Just one final crazy thing to do before losing all my hair to my ACCA exams in Dec. Then again, shopping and coming up with ideas for halloween would really take time...and time is something I do not have :(


Good thing it's still in Oct, I believe if it was postponed to Dec I'd be half dead already sigh. Tyson kinda injured his knee or something like that. If you follow nick wheeler's twitter, you can get his updates ;) lol. Apparently he wants to go as Sean Connery (from Entrapment) for the KL gig hahaha someone should become Catherine Zeta Jones then ;)



omg you watched 500 Days Of Summer too? I watched it last friday too! Its waaaay too underrated here. What do you think about it? :) A bit upset that they censored some parts though, like when they were on the bed in Ikea. That part was proper sweet apparently, according to my friend who downloaded it. :)

Zooey and Joe are soooo adorable together. I guess that's just another reason to get the DVD heh :) If you liked this movie, I think you'll like Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist too. If you have the time, do watch it :D



I've only seen Season 1.. did they censor a lot on Cinemax? lol. I want to watch season 2!! but with all the new shows out now, omg, my internet connection is so slow lately from all the downloading sprees haha. Season 2 any good? I read a bit on the True Blood thread on the board, they said Season 1 was better hmmm.

I don't watch on cinemax, usually I curi the DVDs from my Gilmore Girls-obsessed friend. Lol It's funny how it's now all True Blood instead of Gilmore Girls. Haha. I've only caught season 1! I don't have time for S2 yet!!! I havent even watched a single (new) epi of Heroes or House or Dexter. Huhu. And also Flash Forward.


Good luck with your finals! :) You can dooo ittt!

It's gonna be a really loooong battle.

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yay finally i got the CD+DVD version for RM42 :D:D:D


kay-a, sorry la pasal invite ke kb mall tu....aku baru tahu kau invite bile masuk forum hari ni (rabu 7 oct)...lame tak online sejak last post


does anyone know which track will be a single after uprising?


Harap2 Resistance =D

Sebab stakat ni sume org kat skola yg aku suh dgr lagu ni dah addicted.haha :D

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^ awesome! i can't wait to see how the video for Undisclosed Desires would look like. i hope Matt will be playing the keytar?? maybe it's just me but i do get SMBH vibe from UD. :unsure: Resistance is my favourite song from the album. i don't want it to be a single as i don't want it to be spoiled by the airplay..


Liz, PJ will be touring Australia and New Zealand this November. i was thinking of going to their Christchurch show on Nov 29th but it's Raya Haji! aigoooo... T_T don't think i can go to their concerts in Oz since am still working on those dates. so frustrated! i doubt they'll be coming to our side of the world.:(


EDIT: TV1 (RTM!) used USoE for it's piala malaysia (i think) promo.. so random. lol

Edited by crazy_mary
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So Muse are performing in Japan early Jan. They'll be doing Big Day Out till end Jan. Then they are touring North America in March, April and May.


I think it makes sense if they come to South East Asia after Big Day Out and before heading off to North America. I have a hunch this is going to happen.

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^ awesome! i can't wait to see how the video for Undisclosed Desires would look like. i hope Matt will be playing the keytar?? maybe it's just me but i do get SMBH vibe from UD. :unsure: Resistance is my favourite song from the album. i don't want it to be a single as i don't want it to be spoiled by the airplay..


Liz, PJ will be touring Australia and New Zealand this November. i was thinking of going to their Christchurch show on Nov 29th but it's Raya Haji! aigoooo... T_T don't think i can go to their concerts in Oz since am still working on those dates. so frustrated! i doubt they'll be coming to our side of the world.:(


EDIT: TV1 (RTM!) used USoE for it's piala malaysia (i think) promo.. so random. lol

Lol I have that feeling towards Resistance too ever since watching the VMA vid for it. I simply cannot wait to hear it live.


Pearl Jam & Christchurch ... that would've been a lovely combination!!


Lol I can't see how USoE is related with Msian football, but ...! Kudos to the sound editor for the TV1 promo I guess haha.



I think it makes sense if they come to South East Asia after Big Day Out and before heading off to North America. I have a hunch this is going to happen.

Well, we can't just sit here and speculate I guess... Gotta start emailing & pestering galaxy, lamc, soundscapes, etc. to bring Muse over!

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They will come back 25th Feb for our 3rd anniversary in KL;) When was S'pore's?


Speaking of anniversaries, I suddenly got the urge to write about my Suede gig (which was also my first ever gig).


Then looking at the date, I realized it happened 10 years ago! As it happened a decade ago, I can't really remember much. So I tried to google "Suede gig setlist" . Guess what I found?



I found a blogpost written by me 10 years ago! (posted by my gig mate I assume)

I am so glad I wrote it and shared it with my gig mate. Because I don't remember anymore where I saved it. Heck, I don't even remember writing it :-p


Hehe..we smuggled in a manual camera & a walkman back then :p







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Why is Beautiful Ones missing from the setlist? You did mention it in the review though lol, I bet it was massively awesome!! I remember my eldest sister getting her Suede Malaysian gig tix for (beileve it or not 10 years ago today!) 11th Oct 1999 but they had to cancel the gig due to a certain "illness" (or was it an accident?) that occurred while touring Australia after the Singapore gig. She was so mad at Suede from then onwards haha. I remember her telling me stories of Justine Frinschmann (is that how you spell her name?) and of her leaving Brett for Damon. What a riot!


This goes to show how important it is to really pen down a gig review immediately after a concert...

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So Muse are performing in Japan early Jan. They'll be doing Big Day Out till end Jan. Then they are touring North America in March, April and May.


I think it makes sense if they come to South East Asia after Big Day Out and before heading off to North America. I have a hunch this is going to happen.


where did you get the North American tour info Nut? Asian Tour in February? i have a hunch it'll happen too ha!


They will come back 25th Feb for our 3rd anniversary in KL;) When was S'pore's?


Speaking of anniversaries, I suddenly got the urge to write about my Suede gig (which was also my first ever gig).


Then looking at the date, I realized it happened 10 years ago! As it happened a decade ago, I can't really remember much. So I tried to google "Suede gig setlist" . Guess what I found?



I found a blogpost written by me 10 years ago! (posted by my gig mate I assume)

I am so glad I wrote it and shared it with my gig mate. Because I don't remember anymore where I saved it. Heck, I don't even remember writing it :-p


Hehe..we smuggled in a manual camera & a walkman back then :p








lol 25th Feb 2010? that'll be nice! :D


woooo.. that is GOLD. it's great that you found your blog about it. that ticket looked ancient haha ;) just like my Muse's KL ticket. wait. i think mine is worst and it's only 2 years old. i'm guessing you keep all your concert tickets? was it your first gig?



Why is Beautiful Ones missing from the setlist? You did mention it in the review though lol, I bet it was massively awesome!! I remember my eldest sister getting her Suede Malaysian gig tix for (beileve it or not 10 years ago today!) 11th Oct 1999 but they had to cancel the gig due to a certain "illness" (or was it an accident?) that occurred while touring Australia after the Singapore gig. She was so mad at Suede from then onwards haha. I remember her telling me stories of Justine Frinschmann (is that how you spell her name?) and of her leaving Brett for Damon. What a riot!


This goes to show how important it is to really pen down a gig review immediately after a concert...


i can understand your sister's feeling. ;)


true, true. keeping reviews from newspapers and magazines are pretty useful too. but it is less personal. i wish i have written reviews about all the concerts that i've been to. but am such a lousy writer.. the most that i've written was for Muse. "Got to the front. saw almost everything but the balloons. best gig ever!" epic fail betul. :facepalm:

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I definitely wouldn't mind if MK Ultra is released as the 2nd single. I have a pretty great concept for a music video lol (which doesn't necessarily have to involve evil teddy bears)


I dont want MK Ultra to be a single :( Neither do I want Unnatural Selection to be a single either, cause they're both just too epic imho! too epic to be played on the radio :chuckle:


ARE YOU DRESSING UP FOR AAR's HALLOWEEN GIG?! Lol I think I might. Just one final crazy thing to do before losing all my hair to my ACCA exams in Dec. Then again, shopping and coming up with ideas for halloween would really take time...and time is something I do not have


Good thing it's still in Oct, I believe if it was postponed to Dec I'd be half dead already sigh. Tyson kinda injured his knee or something like that. If you follow nick wheeler's twitter, you can get his updates lol. Apparently he wants to go as Sean Connery (from Entrapment) for the KL gig hahaha someone should become Catherine Zeta Jones then


omg I never thought of dressing up! ahaha. Are you?? The only passable halloween costume i have is my blue cheongsam, i could dress up as chun lee or something :LOL: but then again wearing a dress to a gig? Not a good idea :confused:. I could dress up as Matt Bellamy!! In the early BH&R era where he wears a black outfit with white suspenders, or an all white outfit with black suspenders! and I have black suspenders woo! :awesome:


I'm scared I cant go though, cause I friggin finally got a job and I dunno if they let me have my days off on weekends :erm: But i shall try! :D


Zooey and Joe are soooo adorable together. I guess that's just another reason to get the DVD heh :) If you liked this movie, I think you'll like Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist too. If you have the time, do watch it


I don't watch on cinemax, usually I curi the DVDs from my Gilmore Girls-obsessed friend. Lol It's funny how it's now all True Blood instead of Gilmore Girls. Haha. I've only caught season 1! I don't have time for S2 yet!!! I havent even watched a single (new) epi of Heroes or House or Dexter. Huhu. And also Flash Forward.


It's gonna be a really loooong battle.


I watched it for the second time again on friday :chuckle: I love this movie la, I really do. I want to buy the DVD because in the two times I've seen (500) days, they censored a lot!! all the sweet kissing scenes like in ikea, and the whole 'penis' thing too. What's Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist about? is the dvd out yet? :D


I stopped watching Heroes since Chapter 4. Fugitives just felt kinda boring to me. Is it still any good? I feel like Heroes have lost their charm :(


^ awesome! i can't wait to see how the video for Undisclosed Desires would look like. i hope Matt will be playing the keytar?? maybe it's just me but i do get SMBH vibe from UD. Resistance is my favourite song from the album. i don't want it to be a single as i don't want it to be spoiled by the airplay..


EDIT: TV1 (RTM!) used USoE for it's piala malaysia (i think) promo.. so random. lol


Yeah I feel a very hiphop/r&b vibe from UD too, so maybe it'll be a single! Sorry to say but i have a feeling Resistance might be a single too! Since they played it live for the VMAs :( sorry kak faz. Its already kinda spoiled for me too cause my friend, who is like only into teeny bopper crap and stuff thats on the radio, LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Resistance :'(


So Muse are performing in Japan early Jan. They'll be doing Big Day Out till end Jan. Then they are touring North America in March, April and May.


I think it makes sense if they come to South East Asia after Big Day Out and before heading off to North America. I have a hunch this is going to happen.


Omg. They left February blank for Asia!! At least, I sure friggin hope so :stunned: Sigh Japan. They're so lucky.


Sooo how do we go about asking LAMC or Marctensia or Galaxy or whatever other concert organising companies to bring Muse down here? :D

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They will come back 25th Feb for our 3rd anniversary in KL;) When was S'pore's?


Speaking of anniversaries, I suddenly got the urge to write about my Suede gig (which was also my first ever gig).


Then looking at the date, I realized it happened 10 years ago! As it happened a decade ago, I can't really remember much. So I tried to google "Suede gig setlist" . Guess what I found?



I found a blogpost written by me 10 years ago! (posted by my gig mate I assume)

I am so glad I wrote it and shared it with my gig mate. Because I don't remember anymore where I saved it. Heck, I don't even remember writing it :-p


Hehe..we smuggled in a manual camera & a walkman back then :p








Wow that review was so long and detailed and nicely written! My Muse review was like.. shit compared to that hahaha. Probably becuase I couldnt see much from where I was standing :(


But still! Wow.. 10 years, thats just awesome. I should learn to write things down in more detail next time :)

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Wow Aida, respect for still having that 10 yr old ticket! My first gig ever was MJ!:awesome: That was early Sept of '93 if I remember correctly. Pretty bummed when I lost the ticket afterwards.


@Liz Actually I emailed Laurietta from LAMC right after I found out about BDO. No reply though. Apparenty lots of people are requesting for Muse on their FB (me being one of them of course). We shall not go down into the night without a fight!


@Kak Faz I read this interview about the North American dates:



There's this interview cum radio performance I downloaded from ML and Matt said "Overall I think we'll be going on probably till the end of next year. At the moment we got the U2 tour, then the European tour then we're doing Asia and Australia and then we're coming in for quite an extensive US tour..."


I sure hope that this is not another case of Asia = Japan only.


@Debbie Yeah exactly; Feb is looking so quiet now, without any tour dates for Muse! It should make a lot of sense for them to come from Australia! So effing near!:p

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lol 25th Feb 2010? that'll be nice!

Our 3rd Muse anniversary! :D


i can understand your sister's feeling. ;)


true, true. keeping reviews from newspapers and magazines are pretty useful too. but it is less personal. i wish i have written reviews about all the concerts that i've been to. but am such a lousy writer.. the most that i've written was for Muse. "Got to the front. saw almost everything but the balloons. best gig ever!" epic fail betul. :facepalm:

Ouch. It was pretty last minute too, right? :(


Speaking of gigs in the 90s - did Third Eye Blind really played a live show in Malaysia? I've heard of interviewers speaking to Steve Jenkins personally when he paid a visit to KL but I can't find anything on the gig...




I dont want MK Ultra to be a single. Neither do I want Unnatural Selection to be a single either, cause they're both just too epic imho! too epic to be played on the radio

:chuckle: In that case, MK Ultra should stay unreleased and only for us to enjoy! ;] Perhaps 2nd single could be the alternative version to I Belong To You since New Moon's releasing that pretty soon. Would be rather disastrous though...



omg I never thought of dressing up! ahaha. Are you?? The only passable halloween costume i have is my blue cheongsam, i could dress up as chun lee or something.but then again wearing a dress to a gig? Not a good idea :confused:. I could dress up as Matt Bellamy!! In the early BH&R era where he wears a black outfit with white suspenders, or an all white outfit with black suspenders! and I have black suspenders woo! :awesome:


I'm scared I cant go though, cause I friggin finally got a job and I dunno if they let me have my days off on weekends. But i shall try!

suspenders lol! Maybe I'll go as Robert Smith from the Cure, and make sure I have Boy's Don't Cry as my ringtone.


Congrats for your recent employment!! (not sure if that's a good or bad thing lol...no more free leisure time doing nothing) Do tell us about it :) I'm positive you'll find your way to make sure you're free on the 31st eventually... Heh.




What's Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist about? is the dvd out yet?

I think it's best not knowing anything about Nick & Norah before the movie. All I can say is that it has a wonderful soundtrack. :happy: If you're really curious though, here's the

. Any trailer with We Are Scientists' After Hours deserves attention I say. Haha.



I stopped watching Heroes since Chapter 4. Fugitives just felt kinda boring to me. Is it still any good? I feel like Heroes have lost their charm

They killed off Kristen Bell's character in the most distasteful manner ever :( Well, they have the Pushing Daisies writer back (he wrote episodes for most of Heroes' first season) so here's hoping things would get better... I can't help watching Zachary Quinto lol.



Sorry to say but i have a feeling Resistance might be a single too! Since they played it live for the VMAs :( sorry kak faz. Its already kinda spoiled for me too cause my friend, who is like only into teeny bopper crap and stuff thats on the radio, LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Resistance :'(

Yikes, that's good and bad news... I guess we should be thankful Resistance wasn't in the Twilight soundtrack!! (the first verse already sounds very Volturi-ish to me I have to say)



Sooo how do we go about asking LAMC or Marctensia or Galaxy or whatever other concert organising companies to bring Muse down here? :D

We bombard the inbox of people in charge of LAMC/Galaxy/JUNK magazine etc by telling them about Muse's tour calendar that would be relatively "free" in February 2010.

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I dont want MK Ultra to be a single :( Neither do I want Unnatural Selection to be a single either, cause they're both just too epic imho! too epic to be played on the radio :chuckle:


Yeah I feel a very hiphop/r&b vibe from UD too, so maybe it'll be a single! Sorry to say but i have a feeling Resistance might be a single too! Since they played it live for the VMAs :( sorry kak faz. Its already kinda spoiled for me too cause my friend, who is like only into teeny bopper crap and stuff thats on the radio, LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Resistance :'(



i don't want MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection to be a single too! lwah.. i think am pretty greedy eh? don't want to share my fav songs from TR with anyone else! lol


as much as i hate to say this i agree with you deb. when i saw Resistance video from the VMAs, i thought they would release it as a second or third single. :(



@Liz Actually I emailed Laurietta from LAMC right after I found out about BDO. No reply though. Apparenty lots of people are requesting for Muse on their FB (me being one of them of course). We shall not go down into the night without a fight!


@Kak Faz I read this interview about the North American dates:



There's this interview cum radio performance I downloaded from ML and Matt said "Overall I think we'll be going on probably till the end of next year. At the moment we got the U2 tour, then the European tour then we're doing Asia and Australia and then we're coming in for quite an extensive US tour..."


I sure hope that this is not another case of Asia = Japan only.


@Debbie Yeah exactly; Feb is looking so quiet now, without any tour dates for Muse! It should make a lot of sense for them to come from Australia! So effing near!:p


lol.. i think after the bangkok experience, she might have learnt not to reply to any muse fans e-mail. hehe


thanks for the info. i checked musewiki and found it very weird that they've listed 29th and 31st of Feb as BDO dates. wonder if it's true.. and i hope it's not Japan = Asia too.


Our 3rd Muse anniversary! :D



Ouch. It was pretty last minute too, right? :(


Speaking of gigs in the 90s - did Third Eye Blind really played a live show in Malaysia? I've heard of interviewers speaking to Steve Jenkins personally when he paid a visit to KL but I can't find anything on the gig...


yeah it was. =( TEB in KL? i have no idea about that. did they come in 1999? it might be just a visit or something.



:chuckle: In that case, MK Ultra should stay unreleased and only for us to enjoy! ;] Perhaps 2nd single could be the alternative version to I Belong To You since New Moon's releasing that pretty soon. Would be rather disastrous though...


i second that! keep it for us fans only la.. did you managed to hear the 30 seconds preview of I Belong To You for the New Moon soundtrack?


We bombard the inbox of people in charge of LAMC/Galaxy/JUNK magazine etc by telling them about Muse's tour calendar that would be relatively "free" in February 2010.


am very free today. so i did exactly ^ that lol. well, LAMC only la..

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Thanks guys & girls for the encouraging words on my 10-year-old review :happy:

I'm surprised as well that I wrote in such detail (but very glad that I did! )


Oh yeah...Beautiful Ones is missing from the setlist. Thanks for pointing that out! (after 10 years hehe). Oh The Wild Ones is also missing there...


Their KL gig was cancelled due to Neil's poor health. He already looked really tired in S'pore (according to my review)


Justine Frischmann hehe. But Damon eventually broke up with her and wrote a really great album (13)


Ohhhhh I miss Suede :( So glad to have you tube - can relieve the 90s experience there




I still think Muse will come 25th Feb 2010 ;)




My aunt invited me to join her for her son’s convo in Melbourne 20th Nov….which coincides with PJ’s gig 18th Nov (if I’m not mistaken). Wow should I go?

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Ya lah Aida you wld be deemed crazy if you missed out on this chance. GO!I It's PJ not Jonas Bros.!


Kak Faz u must be right lah about LAMC. I think after that incident they had been more careful when it comes to Muse. Just to avoid any onslaught of attacks by us Muse fans.:)


Did you guys hear the New Moon remix of IBTY??



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