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^ Michael Caine! I think in The Prestige he helped Hugh Jackman's character more than he did with Christian's though. But gossh, I still remember at the end of the movie, I felt like my brain was totally fried. If you want a good mindfuck, watch The Prestige. Lol.


Anyway too lazy to MQ at the moment, but yeah my cousins noticed Edison's 5 seconds of fame - I've been told that he originally has a bit more screen time though, but sadly after that sex scandal, he has been cut short to a mere 5 seconds! Poor thing.


Morgan Freeman didn't quit, I believe. He would only leave if that sonar thing continued to be in Wayne Enterprise.


Chirs Nolan says that it's too early to see whether there would be a 3rd movie. If there is though, the same old cast will definitely be in it. Therefore, Christian-oh-so-fucking-hot Bale will no doubt be in the third movie! (Here's hoping there are no scheduling conflicts with the Terminator movies in the near future!) I think it's difficult for Nolan to create a whole new script without really getting the Joker invovled since he left the options for the Joker relatively open at the end of TDK. But we'll see...


Right now, I'm looking forward to the release of Public Enemies. Johnny Depp ANNDDD Christian Bale in the same movie! Plus, David Wenham of Faramir (LOTR) fame will also be playing a part in that movie. Goooshh I'm not sure if my ovaries can take this!



Eeeek, I wish I could've made it for that Chelsea match A friend that went to Pavilion earlier that day said he could hardly see anything at all. Only Michael Ballack's hair. Lol, apparently it was packkked and the Adidas signing session was only meant for Chelsea Malaysia FC. Not open to the public!


Baaaahhh, one assignment and one presentation due in a few hours. After that... a much needed break away from reality and the real world. Can't wait for Singfest!!


correct me if am wrong but i think Micheal Caine is also in Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock. i love him in that movie.. but him as Alfred is way more cool la.. i've watched The Prestige. but i didn't enjoy it much.. something just disturbingly wrong about the movie for me heh heh..


and oh my, Johnny-so-smexy-Depp with Christian-oh-i-so-wanna-marry-u-Bale together in one movie? :eek: oh man... i just have to watch that movie then.. :happy:


lucky i didn't go to the pavilion then.. sayang la macam tuh. it's like going to watch Kimi at Bintang Walk and only able to see his hair..


have fun @ Singfest!


that one i really dunno. maybe you could ask the ppl from The Dark Knight thread? they all seem very obsessive about it. i bet they know every single thing about it haha .apparently there's even like... a reference to Catwoman and The Riddler in the movie. i noticed the Catwoman one though, when Bruce asked whether the new suit can fight off dogs, Lucius asked "dogs? like a chiwawa? it'll do fine against cats" or something like that. i dunno about The Riddler one.


lol i asked if they have any extra tickets, i doubt they'd give me la. different cliques. i'm not very close with them. haha. but nvm la. i'm also not really keen on going up to Genting. i feel so tired.


oh serious? lol read it quick! :D the new book is coming out this monday. wheee. cant wait


Oh yeah, thats true. Twilight is gonna use a Muse song, but they didnt say which song. just an existing one already. and maybe they're gonna remix it to make it sound more twilight-y. but no change in the lyrics or anything though.


LOL when you read JT, i didnt think it was John Terry.. instead I thought it was Justin Timberlake i was like "whaat? JT was in Malaysia? eh? oh John Terry bwahahha!"

wah you're so patriotic la you. supporting Malaysia all the way... if it was Arsenal how? :p


haha i doubt Alfred can make anything. Have you watched The Prestige? it's another Christopher Nolan movie starring Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman. its a super good movie, about magic. something like The Illutionist apparently. anyway, the same old man (i forgot his name) that played Alfred acts in The Prestige too, as the guy who comes up with all the magic tricks for Christian Bale to use for his magic shows. very much like Alfred and Bruce Wayne!


Oooh i noticed Lucius saying dogs and chiwawa too.. i didn't know that was a reference to catwoman.


haha..a lot of Chelsea fans call him JT u know.. so am just tiru them la. when i first heard it i was like bleh.. JT konon, perasan the other JT la tuh.. but now it's stuck. if it was Arsenal i would still be supporting Malaysia of course! but i'll be a fan girly fan for Fabregas and the rest of the gunners haha..


as i mentioned earlier, yup. i've watched the prestige and found the movie quite disturbing esp the part where Christian Bale w cutting his finger? or hand?.. him having a twin in that movie and sharing Scralett Johanson as a wife really freaks me out. plus, Hugh Jackman is too handsome la in the movie..


Then you better start brainwashing yourself!


Maybe they will...they'll suddenly turn off the lights. And then stormtroopers (from Star Wars) would come marching from every entrance, and then multiple coloured light beams will be flashing everywhere from every corner, and there would be some very intense music playing, and then suddenly the three of them would be standing back to back on a circular platform which slowly emerges from underneath the center of the stage, and when that happens, the last part of TAB would be playing, and the lights would just point and move slowly without flashing (the lights would be like the lights at the end of Starlight when they played at the MTV Europe Music Awards) and it would be so EPIC.


I haven't read it either..





Edward is the potion. :LOL:


would be sooooo freaking cool if Muse suddenly come out on stage! haha..


Haha.... Yeah. Me too. After all he is the one who created all those for Batman :happy: Haha... I bet that Christian-so-freaking-hot-Bale is definitely still going to be the batman for the other batman movies


Haha.... Me too. I only know about 4-5 of thier songs from their first and second album So hopefully they will keep us energetic througout the whole concert


Hehe.... I know how you look because I seen all the pictures that you all took with Muse in KLIA


Yeah, I do hope Muse go to MAA as well but if they actually go, I think I might climb the fence of the Arena of Stars to get into there Hahahahahah.... It is kinda weird there is no live telecast : Maybe it is to censored some not so nice stuff...


4 - 5 songs is ok la.. i only know 1. i've downloaded a number of their songs from youtube but i have yet to listen to 'em.


oh yeah la.. i forgot about those pictures! haha... oh man, me and my baju kurung..:$


waahhhh she went to the game?

lucky her!!!

and yes, it's sooo fucking cool that he's having another one and congrats to him

apart from BHAR, they've spawned a baby for each album


yes. i went to the game.


LOL.. congrats Chris!! :happy:

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i couldn't stop screaming

it was too exciting!

and dom!!!!!!!!!! hahahah dom ol dom :LOL: :LOL:

matt's hair was sooooo hot :eyebrows:

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^ Michael Caine! I think in The Prestige he helped Hugh Jackman's character more than he did with Christian's though. But gossh, I still remember at the end of the movie, I felt like my brain was totally fried. If you want a good mindfuck, watch The Prestige. Lol.


Anyway too lazy to MQ at the moment, but yeah my cousins noticed Edison's 5 seconds of fame - I've been told that he originally has a bit more screen time though, but sadly after that sex scandal, he has been cut short to a mere 5 seconds! Poor thing.


Morgan Freeman didn't quit, I believe. He would only leave if that sonar thing continued to be in Wayne Enterprise.


Chirs Nolan says that it's too early to see whether there would be a 3rd movie. If there is though, the same old cast will definitely be in it. Therefore, Christian-oh-so-fucking-hot Bale will no doubt be in the third movie! (Here's hoping there are no scheduling conflicts with the Terminator movies in the near future!) I think it's difficult for Nolan to create a whole new script without really getting the Joker invovled since he left the options for the Joker relatively open at the end of TDK. But we'll see...


Right now, I'm looking forward to the release of Public Enemies. Johnny Depp ANNDDD Christian Bale in the same movie! :eek::happy: Plus, David Wenham of Faramir (LOTR) fame will also be playing a part in that movie. Goooshh I'm not sure if my ovaries can take this!


OH YEAAAAH thats his name! Michael Caine. i love him! he's always acting as the teacher, or the instructor. and he does a bloody good job at it :happy:

I loooooove love The Prestige. its so well written! and all the twists was just... FUCK. damn chun. and got damn a lot of eye candy too :LOL:


wah. i feel like watching TDK again just to spot him :LOL: poor him though. he finally got a chance to appear in THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR aaaaand its only for 5 seconds :( all because he wanted to film himself. tsk tsk tsk.


I dont really want a third movie. the second one is just good as it is. noone can replace Heath. unless they make the third movie that's completely Joker-less la, but then it wouldnt be Batman without The Joker!


hahaha what's Public Enemies about?? a movie with both Christian Bale AND Johnny Depp cant go wrong :happy:







i couldn't stop screaming

it was too exciting!

and dom!!!!!!!!!! hahahah dom ol dom

matt's hair was sooooo hot :eyebrows:





Okay i'm too lazy to multiquote but..


omg Chris cant keep his sperm to himself la :LOL: this is like what, his fifth child? use some contraception already! :LOL:

but oh well. jokes aside, BEST WISHES!! :D:D :D

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i couldn't stop screaming

it was too exciting!

and dom!!!!!!!!!! hahahah dom ol dom :LOL: :LOL:

matt's hair was sooooo hot :eyebrows:


ZOMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dom!!! He is so funny and goofy. :LOL:


Can't stop laughing when I saw that. So nice he did something special on recieving this award :D



And when they are annoucing the nominees, the first one they said was BEP right? Haha... I thought BEP won because in the Breakout award, they didn't mention any nominees and straight away anounce Click 5 right? I thought it was the same for Bring the House Down award... :rolleyes: I was so damn dissapointed and then when they say Christina, my hopes soar up back :D Hehe...


And when they are about the annouce the winner, I was so damn kin chiong and keep on saying, Muse, Muse.... Lol... They win in the end!!! YAY!!!! So happy :D:D

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Congrats to Muse for winning the MAA !



Btw, just got back from Singfest with Guilt-Stricken


Nut, did u go?


My highlight is Travis. :-)

They played from 11pm- 12.30am. So actually they played on 2 days ;-)

All together 20 songs, including 4 new songs from their upcoming yet to release album :-)


Faz, I think it's quite weird if I post Travis pics here. Maybe I'll send you privately



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Hallo ppl!


Oh noes, I totally missed everything. Damn futsal tournament!


Would anyone be so kind to write an in-depth, lengthy post on Muse's win and Singfest please? Heeeeelp? :) Especially Muse's thank u speech? i cant view youtube at work, heheh.


Awesome that Muse won, that has brightened up Monday considerably. I wanna hear them say 'Malaysia' again :happy:



Weresodisco, nak tengok ler gak gambar Travis tu please, can ar? :D


Nut, how was the Brazil the game? And to repeat weresodisco, did u manage to crash Singfest?



Faz, my PATD plans have hit a glitch. If suddenly I can go, will definitely ring u ok. What time ETA @ Bukit Jalil?

Edited by miele
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Congrats to Muse for winning the MAA !



Btw, just got back from Singfest with Guilt-Stricken


Nut, did u go?


My highlight is Travis. :-)

They played from 11pm- 12.30am. So actually they played on 2 days ;-)

All together 20 songs, including 4 new songs from their upcoming yet to release album :-)


Faz, I think it's quite weird if I post Travis pics here. Maybe I'll send you privately





Hey i didn't go! I went to watch fireworks instead with my friends ... :'(

But i did drop by for a bit during Lost Prophet's set. It was so tempting. There were these two girls who were selling a couple of the 150 tix for 100! But none of my friends thought it was worth it.. Sorry i did not get to meet you guys...


And i would like to see the pics of Travis too, please!


Hallo ppl!


Oh noes, I totally missed everything. Damn futsal tournament!


Would anyone be so kind to write an in-depth, lengthy post on Muse's win and Singfest please? Heeeeelp? :) Especially Muse's thank u speech? i cant view youtube at work, heheh.


Awesome that Muse won, that has brightened up Monday considerably. I wanna hear them say 'Malaysia' again :happy:



Weresodisco, nak tengok ler gak gambar Travis tu please, can ar? :D


Nut, how was the Brazil the game? And to repeat weresodisco, did u manage to crash Singfest?



Faz, my PATD plans have hit a glitch. If suddenly I can go, will definitely ring u ok. What time ETA @ Bukit Jalil?


Brazil won 3-0! You could see they were just holding back. It was a very interesting match, nevertheless!


You have to watch the acceptance video lah, no words can describe the hilariousness of Dom!

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weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! :D Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ :eek: Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?!


Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe ;) but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol.




The rest all turned out to look like this :




Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis!


Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY :( ]



Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =]


It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. :LOL: Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked :)


Oh and Nut, we seriously thought you made it in because we saw your screen name plastered all over the Main House! (Too bad I can't transfer the picture now - so that you can understand, but hopefully weresodisco can help out a bit in this part? ;) )




MAA! I can't wait to watch the repeat. How was the Jared Leto/Karen Mok hosts combo? YAY for Muse winning! Thanks for the youtube link :LOL:




Has anyone finished reading Breaking Dawn yet? :O!




Boy, wasn't that an eventful weekend?


Oh, and I managed to buy a cute little Batman/The Dark Knight tee from Singapore!



Edited by guilt-stricken
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weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! :D Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ :eek: Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?!


Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe ;) but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol.




The rest all turned out to look like this :




Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis!


Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY :( ]



Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =]


It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. :LOL: Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked :)

^ omg guilt_stricken, the envy that am feeling rite now!! lol..wow. thanks for the report and the picture. tell us more! i thought FCP is quite hilly that Von almost died during muse concert there. were u guys at the top of the hill or rite in front of the stage during Travis?


Congrats to Muse for winning the MAA !



Btw, just got back from Singfest with Guilt-Stricken


Nut, did u go?


My highlight is Travis. :-)

They played from 11pm- 12.30am. So actually they played on 2 days ;-)

All together 20 songs, including 4 new songs from their upcoming yet to release album :-)


Faz, I think it's quite weird if I post Travis pics here. Maybe I'll send you privately




wow 20 songs is quite a lot! please post the pix here.. as u know nut and miele would love to see 'em too! :D


Hallo ppl!


Oh noes, I totally missed everything. Damn futsal tournament



Faz, my PATD plans have hit a glitch. If suddenly I can go, will definitely ring u ok. What time ETA @ Bukit Jalil?


aww..:( u're not going? well, just give me a call or sms me if u change yr mind. am going in the evening, maybe around 5 before the massive traffic congestion starts @ Klang so i'll probably be there around 6 - 630 pm. i can't believe it's tomorrow.. i wish it's muse. :(

Edited by crazy_mary
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My highlight is Travis. :-)

They played from 11pm- 12.30am. So actually they played on 2 days ;-)

All together 20 songs, including 4 new songs from their upcoming yet to release album :-)


Faz, I think it's quite weird if I post Travis pics here. Maybe I'll send you privately




omg 20 songs! thats awesome! did they play Closer? and Why Does It Always Rain On

Me? and er... Love Will Come Through? i love love will come through! :happy:


Eh share your pics la :D why will it be weird? :)


weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! :D Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?!


Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe ;) but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol.




The rest all turned out to look like this :




Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis!


Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY ]



Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =]


It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked


Oh and Nut, we seriously thought you made it in because we saw your screen name plastered all over the Main House! (Too bad I can't transfer the picture now - so that you can understand, but hopefully weresodisco can help out a bit in this part? )


aww man it sounds like you guys had a huge blast at Singfest! you guys spent your saturday night gigging, whereas for me, i spent it watching a shitty movie. haha. great.


Omg who is this Andy dude? he went for the Stereophonics and James Blunt and Switchfoot both in S'pore and KL and MCR and others. sounds like some crazy hardcore gigger :eek: i wanna marry him lol! :LOL: kidding. :p


hahaha that Travis dude is funny! "is it me or is it just so hot?"


lol so awesome la :LOL:


What was his screenname doing there?? lol.


MAA! I can't wait to watch the repeat. How was the Jared Leto/Karen Mok hosts combo? YAY for Muse winning! Thanks for the youtube link


Has anyone finished reading Breaking Dawn yet? :O!


Boy, wasn't that an eventful weekend?


Oh, and I managed to buy a cute little Batman/The Dark Knight tee from Singapore!


JARED LETO IS SO HOT OH MY CHRIST SERIOUSLY. I wish he werent a rocker though. he should just stick to acting. he looks horrid with guyliner and matted hair (in my opinion :p) but when he's clean... oh man he suuuure is clean! :D Karen Mok was really enthusiastic, which is really fun la. she can bring the energy up.


i was pretty annoyed with the crowd though. when Jared was giving out the Inspirational Award to Karen, giving that speech and all, the crowd just wont shut up! you can tell he was quite annoyed because he kept pausing to see if the crowd will settle down abit.. but they just kept yelling and cheering.

what to do la right? its not everyday you get Panic, The Click Five, PCD, One Republic, and Jared Leto all together in one room. the crowd should have at least settled down abit though :indiff:


I juuuuuust bought Breakign Dawn this afternoon! I'm gonna start reading it tonight. whee =D


i wanna see the tee! =D


aww.. u're not going? well, just give me a call or sms me if u change yr mind. am going in the evening, maybe around 5 before the massive traffic congestion starts @ Klang so i'll probably be there around 6 - 630 pm. i can't believe it's tomorrow.. i wish it's muse.


aww man i really wanna go la kak faz! :( but i cant. sooo many complications. like having class at 8am the next day, to not having transport. take lotsa videos okay! :'(


i wish it was muse too :(

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weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! :D Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ :eek: Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?!


Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe ;) but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol.




The rest all turned out to look like this :




Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis!


Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY :( ]



Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =]


It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. :LOL: Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked :)


Oh and Nut, we seriously thought you made it in because we saw your screen name plastered all over the Main House! (Too bad I can't transfer the picture now - so that you can understand, but hopefully weresodisco can help out a bit in this part? ;) )




MAA! I can't wait to watch the repeat. How was the Jared Leto/Karen Mok hosts combo? YAY for Muse winning! Thanks for the youtube link :LOL:




Has anyone finished reading Breaking Dawn yet? :O!




Boy, wasn't that an eventful weekend?


Oh, and I managed to buy a cute little Batman/The Dark Knight tee from Singapore!





Woah syiok pictures!! nice! LOL you guys were reading during NFG's set!! Were there lcoal bands at the other stages?


I know what you mean about Nutcracker being all over the place! I saw they had "Nutcracker Auditions" signs all over fort canning LOL!! Such an honour.:LOL:

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wow 20 songs is quite a lot! please post the pix here.. as u know nut and miele would love to see 'em too! :D




aww..:( u're not going? well, just give me a call or sms me if u change yr mind. am going in the evening, maybe around 5 before the massive traffic congestion starts @ Klang so i'll probably be there around 6 - 630 pm. i can't believe it's tomorrow.. i wish it's muse. :(


Yeah i echo Faz, gracias for the great report and pics, made me forget to be jealous of u guys, heheh.Gah damn that Travis sebab tak singgah KL.




I will so try to go Faz, last minute can still buy tix at Bkt Jalil rite? I need to escape from bowling training though:p A gig beat the hell outta bowling dammit.



Ohhh, if it was Muse, i'd be on fake sick leave and dah camping at KLIA since Monday :LOL:



I know what you mean about Nutcracker being all over the place! I saw they had "Nutcracker Auditions" signs all over fort canning LOL!! Such an honour.:LOL:


Omigod perasannya :rolleyes::D




aww man i really wanna go la kak faz! :( but i cant. sooo many complications. like having class at 8am the next day, to not having transport. take lotsa videos okay! :'(


i wish it was muse too :(



Sorry Deb, but those excuses are lame :LOL: I'm taking LRT to Bkt Jalil, really easy la. And have to be at work at 8 as well.So what say u?


Hehe sorry it's really fun to tease u, u know.

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JARED LETO IS SO HOT OH MY CHRIST SERIOUSLY. I wish he werent a rocker though. he should just stick to acting. he looks horrid with guyliner and matted hair (in my opinion :p) but when he's clean... oh man he suuuure is clean! :D Karen Mok was really enthusiastic, which is really fun la. she can bring the energy up.


i was pretty annoyed with the crowd though. when Jared was giving out the Inspirational Award to Karen, giving that speech and all, the crowd just wont shut up! you can tell he was quite annoyed because he kept pausing to see if the crowd will settle down abit.. but they just kept yelling and cheering.

what to do la right? its not everyday you get Panic, The Click Five, PCD, One Republic, and Jared Leto all together in one room. the crowd should have at least settled down abit though :indiff:


I juuuuuust bought Breakign Dawn this afternoon! I'm gonna start reading it tonight. whee =D


i wanna see the tee! =D


aww man i really wanna go la kak faz! :( but i cant. sooo many complications. like having class at 8am the next day, to not having transport. take lotsa videos okay! :'(


i wish it was muse too :(


i have to admit Jared Leto looked hot while hosting the MAA... him without the guyliner is soo much better.


i'll try to take some pix and vids. well, if am rajin la that is.. lol.




Yeah i echo Faz, gracias for the great report and pics, made me forget to be jealous of u guys, heheh.Gah damn that Travis sebab tak singgah KL.



I will so try to go Faz, last minute can still buy tix at Bkt Jalil rite? I need to escape from bowling training though:p A gig beat the hell outta bowling dammit.



Ohhh, if it was Muse, i'd be on fake sick leave and dah camping at KLIA since Monday :LOL:


Sorry Deb, but those excuses are lame :LOL: I'm taking LRT to Bkt Jalil, really easy la. And have to be at work at 8 as well.So what say u?


Hehe sorry it's really fun to tease u, u know.


yeah.. Travis should come to KL too. cancel avril and bring 'em instead!! :p


if u want i can buy the tix for u first if i arrive there early that is. heh heh... bowling is fun too y'know. :D


yeah la.. Deb. i have a 730 class a.k.a work as well the next morning and to go to Bkt Jalil is soooo easy..:p;)

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Sorry Deb, but those excuses are lame :LOL: I'm taking LRT to Bkt Jalil, really easy la. And have to be at work at 8 as well.So what say u?


Hehe sorry it's really fun to tease u, u know.


wah. *terasa* lol.

you're 30 and i'm 17.. thats the difference :( my parents laaa. aiyaaa. i'm sure i'm gonna regret not going. i love panic! :'( and i'm so gig-deprived! :'(


i have to admit Jared Leto looked hot while hosting the MAA... him without the guyliner is soo much better.


i'll try to take some pix and vids. well, if am rajin la that is.. lol.


yeah.. Travis should come to KL too. cancel avril and bring 'em instead!! :p


yeah la.. Deb. i have a 730 class a.k.a work as well the next morning and to go to Bkt Jalil is soooo easy..:p;)


come on! be rajin! like your students! :D set a great example! hahaha.


haha yeah cancel avril and bring anyone else instead :LOL:


i dunno how to get to Bukit Jalil you know :unsure::$ usually when i go to the Putra Stadium (for Cheer and stuff) last time, my friend's parents would fetch. but this time for panic, none of my friends are going (they dont think its worth it to see a band that sucks live). and the ones that ARE going are going at like 2pm, and they're leaving the place at 12am because they're hardcore fans!


but NOW i realise that i could've just followed them there, but go home earlier and take the LRT home instead. oh why oh why did i not think this through :'(:'(:'(

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wah. *terasa* lol.

you're 30 and i'm 17.. thats the difference :( my parents laaa. aiyaaa. i'm sure i'm gonna regret not going. i love panic! :'( and i'm so gig-deprived! :'(


Oh no, sorry Deb. It would not help if I told u the gig ended early then eh. It would have been awesome to have u there, we could have a mini Muser meetup :D


Actually Deb, this is the time for u you to experience life and really go for the gig experience. *Nostalgia alert* I still remember being 17 and going to gigs almost every weekend, it was hardcore fun I tell you. But maybe it had something to do with being @ University and far2 away from parents. So I understand your situation Deb, maybe can la try slowly earn their trust.


Where do u stay?. To go to Bkt Jalil u can take (Putra) LRT Kelana Jaya line to KL Sentral, then take ERL to Bandar Tasik Selatan, then change to Sri Petaling line to Bkt Jalil station.


Much easier if u straightaway take (Star) Sri Petaling line, straight to Bkt Jalil station. Was that tmi? Haha in case its not obvious I rely on public transport.







I don't understand why your friends say Panic suck live, I think they did good for a young band with relatively few albums out.


As for the gig itself, Panic and the venue was okay, shame about 60% of the crowd. Kayu betul, they didnt even clap after each song ended, just stood there. Faz and I were slightly annoyed and we're not even real Panic fans! The immobile crowd just sucked the life of any concert atmosphere.


We had an aweesome centrestage view from the seating area, the crowd there were better than some in the rockzone. Ok I'll stop complaining it's just that malu la if they think Malaysians are lazy concertgoers based on this gig.


I quite like the performance itself especially the newer songs as they were drenched with Beatles-esque sounds. Very Sgt Pepper / White Album.




Nutcracker, duuude, is this true?:



What a great story, did u see it happening? I know the damn song, tis funny. For anyone wondering about the Fabregas bit, it's because in one match (FA Cup?) vs Arsenal the young Brazillian totally bossed the midfield and cancelled out Cesc. No offense Arsenal fans!

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I just got back from a workshop since Monday....bleh...I didn't concentrate at all !


Anyways, here is the Travis Singfest setlist :


1. Selfish Jean

2. Eyes Wide Open

3. Writing to Reach You

4. Pipe Dreams

5. Beautiful Occupation

6. Side

7. Love Will Come Through

8. Closer

9. Sing

10. J Smith

11. Something Anything

12. Long Way Down

13. Song to Self

14. As U Are

15. Driftwood

16. All I Wanna Do Is Rock

17. Turn



18. Flowers in the Window

19. Slide Show

20. Why Does It Always Rain On Me? Pogo style lol



1. Andy climbing the pillar while playing guitar on All I Wanna Do Is Rock

2. Dougie & Andy playing the guitar for Fran during Flowers In The Window, & the band being together in front of the stage singing the song

3. Fran playing guitar while standing on Neil's drumset & jumping off to the stage on Side

4. Fran stopped playing & calling his guitar tech saying his guitar sounded like putting strings on a shoebox lol on Pipe Dreams

5. Why Does It Always Rain on Me? Pogo style after the chorus

6. The 4 new songs !


Pictures.....in next post


Debbie, the Travis dude is Fran Healy. Sweet & funny Franny...he's very nice, I wish I'd met him. I actually waited at the airport for about 3 hrs, but no luck :-(


He talked to the crowd before every song, explaining a bit on the songs & making jokes ! Ooh, with that lovely Scottish accent :-)


Guilt Stricken, yeah, I saw Andy's pictures with Fran on Travis' messageboard ! So lucky! I'll super-impose my face on the picture haha !

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Fran, singer, guitarist,occasional pianist,songwriter



Another pix of Fran



L-R : Neil,Fran, Andy



Andy climbing up the pillar while playing guitar on "All I Wanna Do Is Rock"



The band singing "Flowers in the Window" together.



Dougie & Andy played guitar for Fran at one point of the song.Dougie strumming, Andy doing the chords - taken from Travis messageboard by Gingy


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wah. *terasa* lol.

you're 30 and i'm 17.. thats the difference :( my parents laaa. aiyaaa. i'm sure i'm gonna regret not going. i love panic! and i'm so gig-deprived!




come on! be rajin! like your students! :D set a great example! hahaha.


haha yeah cancel avril and bring anyone else instead


i dunno how to get to Bukit Jalil you know usually when i go to the Putra Stadium (for Cheer and stuff) last time, my friend's parents would fetch. but this time for panic, none of my friends are going (they dont think its worth it to see a band that sucks live). and the ones that ARE going are going at like 2pm, and they're leaving the place at 12am because they're hardcore fans!


but NOW i realise that i could've just followed them there, but go home earlier and take the LRT home instead. oh why oh why did i not think this through


after seeing weresodisco and guilt_stricken photos, i don't think i'll be posting anything from the Panic gig lol.. i didn't bring a camera anyways, but my friend did but am just too lazy to ask for pictures from her hehehe... *very bad teacher*


deb, u didn't miss a great gig. well, PATD was great live. they sounded tight imo.. but the crowd meh.. like miele said la.. depressing.:stunned:




Andy climbing up the pillar while playing guitar on "All I Wanna Do Is Rock"




Dougie & Andy played guitar for Fran at one point of the song.Dougie strumming, Andy doing the chords - taken from Travis messageboard by Gingy



WOOAAAHHHH..:eek::stongue: awesome pix la!! thanks a lot for posting! :happy::Ddid u use the same camera when we met Incubus at the airport arr? hehe..


Andy reminds me of what Ed Vedder used to do when he was young! :D and forgive me, but Dougie( the one with yellow shirt?) looks like Dom there! :LOL:

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