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Well if you compare the gigs between fort canning and Std Negara, the latter really kicked ass, and i'm not sucking up guys lol. It's too bad we didn't beg for an encore properly, like at Std Negara. :D



Oh yeah my first ever Muse gig!:musesign:




LOL I can imagine lil kids in sch uniforms hahahaha....



You know why we want to gate crash is because one of my friends came for the Muse gig pretty late, when it's already dark and he saw people jumping down from the walls. LOTS of them. And apparently the security guys saw them, but did nothing! So i hope we can be less obvious, and make it.


Any of you guys are welcomed to join us on this mission lol.



Haha sorry Nut I purposely asked that question so u will puji the Msian show again, heheh. But kudos to you for being the infamous ballon popper!



What a genius / devious plan, me likey! I hope they hire the same lax security people. Plan B : how to avoid getting caught :LOL:



Nut, count me in! i can't afford the tickets but i can afford the bus ride from KL to Spore. Plus climbing up walls sounds so much fun than lining up very early for the fest. :LOL:


Sounds like a plan Faz, I'm seriously considering this :D



whoa. i'm pretty sure the security for singfest would be tighter than that. singfest is a bigger deal than muse i'm sure.


i'd love to go! but i cant afford to. oh no :(


Tighter security? *gets paranoid*


Oh no, and I was just imagining u in the 'running across the field mode' :LOL:.


dammit! i so wanna go climb up walls! but i will be having training on those dates! why oh why?! :'(


Wajib ka training tu? Cant climbing walls be training as well ;) Sorry not helping.

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Count me in!

I want to see Travis!

Let's take zee bus together to JB first on Friday 1 Aug after office/school

Then from JB to Spore on Saturday morning


Nut, let's say if we don't climb, we can still hear from outside right?

Anyway, last year they reduced the ticket price at the last minute to $100 or something

So let's wait first

Or we just listen from outside (or gate crash)

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Haha sorry Nut I purposely asked that question so u will puji the Msian show again, heheh. But kudos to you for being the infamous ballon popper!


Tighter security? *gets paranoid*


Oh no, and I was just imagining u in the 'running across the field mode' :LOL:.




Wajib ka training tu? Cant climbing walls be training as well ;) Sorry not helping.


Eh? Oh! but i'm still curious to know why the M'sian gig was better.. haha.. so go on nut! tell us! :p:D


i dunno, :unsure: i just thought the security would be tighter since its a pretty big deal and all. but maybe if you all go at night or something, a few hours after it has started, then security wont be as tight? like for Sunburst, i went after it rained, which was about 8 something, and they didnt check me for any cameras or whatever. they just let me in and continued chatting among themselves. :D not like i brought a camera or anything la :$


lol! i may be able to run across the field back then because i was all hyper and young and energetic! now i'm too much of a couch potato to do anything :( there's something wrong with my knees now so i dont dare to run so much :(


lol that last sentance made me LOL :LOL:

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haha Deb of the dodgy knees and supposed couch potato self, dontla sound so old, u talking to a 30 year old here :LOL: Even I can still run across the field despite being the ultimate lazybones ever :p. Come la, doncha know the 'climbing walls when you're skint trend' is the new black?


I love how this thread is turning into the 'cheapskate / poor Musers but still hungry for Singfest thread. Weresodisco's idea is excellent. I'm the biggest cheapo / bargain hunter ever, so I will bring sandwiches etc, can picnic outside and listen to music outside the venue lor.



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Oh wow you guys if you're serious i'll be your host! You lot are making it sound so fun, to climb over the walls!


But you guys will have to face the possibility of not having a chance to climb over due to a serious step up in security, which might result in more security dudes around and near the walls...


But im still going nonetheless. Im just worried for you KL folks since u all will be coming all the way from ... KL! Weresodisco, you're right about being able to listen from the outside.

I know a balcony area where you can see the stage like in this vid

BUT i doubt it's accessible once the fest starts.


Deb what happened to your knees? U poor girl..:ohmy:

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Lol omg you guys. Climbing over walls and everything. Make me sound like an idiot for actually paying the tickets :LOL:


Haha we totally climbed walls back in NS! I always end up as the last person to climb over the wall because I'm relatively tall (meaning I'll help everyone else across the wall) but I also end up getting stuck at the 2m wall because I suck. Haha. My trainer would have to come over and push me up. Lol, those were the days.


If we all do go for SingFest though, we should have a Musers meet up! I'm only taking the bus down to Singapore on Saturday itself however - so let's hope they don't put Travis as the first few bands to play. I heard the gates open at 12pm? Anyone care to fill me in as to how SingFest works? Nut..? Heh. Coz at the moment, I'm only imagining it to be something like Sunburst :]

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Main acts will be at Stage 1


Refer link here http://www.singfest.sg/forum08/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=460&p=1512#p1512


'm not so sure about climbing walls, what if they detain us :-p LOL


Yup, Sistic site says it starts at 12noon, last act ends 11pm

OK so we can still catch the MRT if say Travis is the last act

(Unless the rest aren't planning to see Travis)

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Oh wow you guys if you're serious i'll be your host! You lot are making it sound so fun, to climb over the walls!


But you guys will have to face the possibility of not having a chance to climb over due to a serious step up in security, which might result in more security dudes around and near the walls...


But im still going nonetheless. Im just worried for you KL folks since u all will be coming all the way from ... KL! Weresodisco, you're right about being able to listen from the outside.

I know a balcony area where you can see the stage like in this vid

BUT i doubt it's accessible once the fest starts.


Deb what happened to your knees? U poor girl..:ohmy:


Aaw Nut, I was just imagining listening to Travis on said balcony area, while eating sandwiches......but even if it's cordoned off, we can still hear.


Actually I dont really mind the Plan B of just hanging out, as opposed to Plan A of climbing the walls :LOL: since security seems to be fearsome. With a wonderful Singaporean host and such great travelling companions, I agree with Nut, seems like good fun. :D




If we all do go for SingFest though, we should have a Musers meet up! I'm only taking the bus down to Singapore on Saturday itself however - so let's hope they don't put Travis as the first few bands to play. I heard the gates open at 12pm? Anyone care to fill me in as to how SingFest works? Nut..? Heh. Coz at the moment, I'm only imagining it to be something like Sunburst :]



Bus? Have u bought tix? I dont even know where to get them, have to research first. Or maybe u could help with a few pointers? :D



Main acts will be at Stage 1


Refer link here http://www.singfest.sg/forum08/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=460&p=1512#p1512


'm not so sure about climbing walls, what if they detain us :-p LOL


Yup, Sistic site says it starts at 12noon, last act ends 11pm

OK so we can still catch the MRT if say Travis is the last act

(Unless the rest aren't planning to see Travis)


Thanks for the info. Are u actually confirmed? Staying for both days or what?


+1 on Travis playing later, that's the headliner for me!



Nut if this is confirmed I will have thousands of qns to ask u, like the dirt cheap places to stay at etc :p Hope u dont mind?

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haha Deb of the dodgy knees and supposed couch potato self, dontla sound so old, u talking to a 30 year old here :LOL: Even I can still run across the field despite being the ultimate lazybones ever :p. Come la, doncha know the 'climbing walls when you're skint trend' is the new black?


I love how this thread is turning into the 'cheapskate / poor Musers but still hungry for Singfest thread. Weresodisco's idea is excellent. I'm the biggest cheapo / bargain hunter ever, so I will bring sandwiches etc, can picnic outside and listen to music outside the venue lor.




haha but really though, i was never athletic! neverrr :( but oh well, maybe the sudden surge of adrenaline will help me or something haha.

this reminds me of the LP gig back at 2003, i was at the side area and i wanted to climb over to the er... middle moshpit area (i didnt know it was a moshpit then), a lot of my friends climbed over and when it was my turn, the guard came and pushed me back! :'( then after that he just stood there and i couldnt climb over. wuwuwu. :( so my friends had a blast and i was left behind with another friend at the side area. tak syok la. meh. i fail and climbing stuff. lol.


haha yeah you could camp out at the side of the walls of Stage 1, or the Main Arena.


based on this, http://www.singfest.sg/map/map.pdf (kudos to weresodisco :))


all the walls seem pretty er.. preoccupied, you know? there isnt exactly a real place where you can just slumber climb over without getting caught... or not, idk, i've never been to FCP before :$ it looks abit like that from the map la.


no harm trying though! :D


Oh wow you guys if you're serious i'll be your host! You lot are making it sound so fun, to climb over the walls!


But you guys will have to face the possibility of not having a chance to climb over due to a serious step up in security, which might result in more security dudes around and near the walls...


But im still going nonetheless. Im just worried for you KL folks since u all will be coming all the way from ... KL! Weresodisco, you're right about being able to listen from the outside.

I know a balcony area where you can see the stage like in this vid

BUT i doubt it's accessible once the fest starts.


Deb what happened to your knees? U poor girl..:ohmy:


wow that balcony place looks perfect for watching the gig :eek: aww man that vid brings back memories :happy:


my knees? errr.. hehheh. long story. basically now its all weak and my kneecap can easily be dislocated. it already happened 3 times when i was running sideways so er.. yeah. i'm a bit scared of running now :$

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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Nut, i was being dead serious about climbing walls for singfest man. :stunned: am a bit kedekut to pay more than what i paid for sunburst and muse in KL man! :LOL: but i really wanna go to singapore to hunt some books. so yeah.. count me in! haha..


for those who are thinking of going.. are u guys gonna be there for both days? i just wanna check out travis but my friend really wants to see panic at the disco and jason mraz. i don't think i can afford to be there for both days. i might just go there on friday and be leaving on sunday morning.. -- if am going that is-- so yeah guys.. if this singfest trip really happens it'll be seriously wicked to go there with u guys and climbing over walls with nut and his friends. i'd better go training climbing walls and learn how to be invincible now.. :ninja::LOL:



and that amazing balcony! wow.. is that a house balcony or from an office building?

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*starts training climbinng stairs etc*



How are u going Faz? Got any plan in mind?


Who else is heading out from KL, angkat tangan?


nteehehee.. well, to climb walls i believe u need to have strong arms not legs.:p:LOL: but those stairs sure help in being fit.


well, we plan to go there by bus. cheaper that way. but now i don't think am going la since panic at the disco has announced their KL gig on 4th of Aug and guess where??? Std Negara..or Std Niagara on their website but i seriously wanna watch travis..:unsure:




The way you all pakat, plan and all the conspiracy on the security and climbing up the wall sounds so much fun :chuckle


Jason Mraz and Panic in the disco?! O.O :eek: Wow.... Now i also feel like going.... :rolleyes::LOL:


it sounds fun la kan? :LOL: i love to do something crazy once in a while heh heh.. imagine if it's Muse.. i'll deffo be climbing over Fort Canning Park's wall during sound check! heh.. but if we get caught habis la.. our faces might come out on Berita Harian man!

"seorang guru dan timbalan pendakwa raya warga m'sia ditangkap menceroboh kawasan festival music di Singapura"


ok, sorry. am rambling..:$

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nteehehee.. well, to climb walls i believe u need to have strong arms not legs.:p:LOL: but those stairs sure help in being fit.


well, we plan to go there by bus. cheaper that way. but now i don't think am going la since panic at the disco has announced their KL gig on 4th of Aug and guess where??? Std Negara..or Std Niagara on their website but i seriously wanna watch travis..:unsure:




it sounds fun la kan? :LOL: i love to do something crazy once in a while heh heh.. imagine if it's Muse.. i'll deffo be climbing over Fort Canning Park's wall during sound check! heh.. but if we get caught habis la.. our faces might come out on Berita Harian man!



ok, sorry. am rambling..:$


Panic in the Disco is coming to Malaysia in 4th August?!!!!! :eek: I better start saving money for it now *counts my coins* :p


:LOL::LOL: Imagine that! The good thing is that we can be popular for climbing throught the walls :p:LOL::LOL:

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Bus? Have u bought tix? I dont even know where to get them, have to research first. Or maybe u could help with a few pointers? :D


Who else is heading out from KL, angkat tangan?

*raises hand* I am! Going with my sister - if that works out. Currently we're observing the singapore exchange rate (it's currently at RM2.41 now), once it hits RM2.35 or something we're gonna get our SingFest tickets! :LOL:


There are a few comfortable coaches headed down to Singapore, among them are First Coach, Aeroline and this company called Nice. I'm looking at heading to SG on First Coach and coming back on Sunday (early) morning using Transnasional or something. It's better if we purchase our return bus tickets in Malaysia than in SG. The last time I travelled to SG I sat on Aeroline and the trip was pleasant, but it costs RM80 per trip.


"seorang guru dan timbalan pendakwa raya warga m'sia ditangkap menceroboh kawasan festival music di Singapura"



I think I'm serious (of going) :-p

Missing Travis/Coldplay combo in 2000 was not wise :-p


I'm going for Saturday only

Although it's cool if I can catch Jason Mraz also, but I can't

I have to go back on Sunday

Nope, not wise at all! Any idea what kind of a setlist would Travis play at a festival though? I'm hoping they'll play why does it always rain on me!

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Main acts will be at Stage 1


Refer link here http://www.singfest.sg/forum08/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=460&p=1512#p1512


'm not so sure about climbing walls, what if they detain us :-p LOL


Yup, Sistic site says it starts at 12noon, last act ends 11pm

OK so we can still catch the MRT if say Travis is the last act

(Unless the rest aren't planning to see Travis)


Don worry if it does end at 11pm, you stil have plenty of time to catcth the MRT to where ever you need to go..


Aaw Nut, I was just imagining listening to Travis on said balcony area, while eating sandwiches......but even if it's cordoned off, we can still hear.


Actually I dont really mind the Plan B of just hanging out, as opposed to Plan A of climbing the walls since security seems to be fearsome. With a wonderful Singaporean host and such great travelling companions, I agree with Nut, seems like good fun.







Bus? Have u bought tix? I dont even know where to get them, have to research first. Or maybe u could help with a few pointers?





Thanks for the info. Are u actually confirmed? Staying for both days or what?


+1 on Travis playing later, that's the headliner for me!



Nut if this is confirmed I will have thousands of qns to ask u, like the dirt cheap places to stay at etc Hope u dont mind?



I'll be going down to Bugis tmr which is near FCP. There's a B&B there which looks awesome... i'll check out the price for ya! Jus shoot me with your questions i'll try to answer them!



haha but really though, i was never athletic! neverrr but oh well, maybe the sudden surge of adrenaline will help me or something haha.

this reminds me of the LP gig back at 2003, i was at the side area and i wanted to climb over to the er... middle moshpit area (i didnt know it was a moshpit then), a lot of my friends climbed over and when it was my turn, the guard came and pushed me back! then after that he just stood there and i couldnt climb over. wuwuwu. so my friends had a blast and i was left behind with another friend at the side area. tak syok la. meh. i fail and climbing stuff. lol.


haha yeah you could camp out at the side of the walls of Stage 1, or the Main Arena.


based on this, http://www.singfest.sg/map/map.pdf (kudos to weresodisco :))


all the walls seem pretty er.. preoccupied, you know? there isnt exactly a real place where you can just slumber climb over without getting caught... or not, idk, i've never been to FCP before :$ it looks abit like that from the map la.


no harm trying though! :D




wow that balcony place looks perfect for watching the gig :eek: aww man that vid brings back memories :happy:


my knees? errr.. hehheh. long story. basically now its all weak and my kneecap can easily be dislocated. it already happened 3 times when i was running sideways so er.. yeah. i'm a bit scared of running now :$


Oh oh that's bad huh... you can't run to save your life! No lah just kidding... :(


The balcony is awesome. My bro was there the night before the Muse gig and he watched them soundcheck some songs including FURY! Too bad they didn't play it... He did call me while i was on duty in camp. It was awesome lol.


Nut, i was being dead serious about climbing walls for singfest man. :stunned: am a bit kedekut to pay more than what i paid for sunburst and muse in KL man! :LOL: but i really wanna go to singapore to hunt some books. so yeah.. count me in! haha..


for those who are thinking of going.. are u guys gonna be there for both days? i just wanna check out travis but my friend really wants to see panic at the disco and jason mraz. i don't think i can afford to be there for both days. i might just go there on friday and be leaving on sunday morning.. -- if am going that is-- so yeah guys.. if this singfest trip really happens it'll be seriously wicked to go there with u guys and climbing over walls with nut and his friends. i'd better go training climbing walls and learn how to be invincible now.. :ninja::LOL:



and that amazing balcony! wow.. is that a house balcony or from an office building?


Based on the link provided by weresodisco, the place looks fenced up real good. I attended Sembawang Fest a couple of years back i think, and the fence was freakin tall. If it's the same set up then we're in for a major disappointment...

The balcony is just a 2 or 3 storey white building that has a cafe/restaurant and some rooms im not sure what for.. It's at the top of the sloping hill that Von almost died in. FCP is a pretty cool place. Got keramat also! SO it's pretty creepy at night when it's all quiet... Many stories from this FCP... heh heh heh...


*raises hand* I am! Going with my sister - if that works out. Currently we're observing the singapore exchange rate (it's currently at RM2.41 now), once it hits RM2.35 or something we're gonna get our SingFest tickets! :LOL:


There are a few comfortable coaches headed down to Singapore, among them are First Coach, Aeroline and this company called Nice. I'm looking at heading to SG on First Coach and coming back on Sunday (early) morning using Transnasional or something. It's better if we purchase our return bus tickets in Malaysia than in SG. The last time I travelled to SG I sat on Aeroline and the trip was pleasant, but it costs RM80 per trip.






Nope, not wise at all! Any idea what kind of a setlist would Travis play at a festival though? I'm hoping they'll play why does it always rain on me!


Set list for Berlin in May from travisonline:


Pipe Dreams


As You Are




Dear Diary


Song to self


All I want to do is rock


Coming Around

Blue Flashing Light



Selfish Jean


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Don worry if it does end at 11pm, you stil have plenty of time to catcth the MRT to where ever you need to go..





I'll be going down to Bugis tmr which is near FCP. There's a B&B there which looks awesome... i'll check out the price for ya! Jus shoot me with your questions i'll try to answer them!





Oh oh that's bad huh... you can't run to save your life! No lah just kidding... :(


The balcony is awesome. My bro was there the night before the Muse gig and he watched them soundcheck some songs including FURY! Too bad they didn't play it... He did call me while i was on duty in camp. It was awesome lol.




Based on the link provided by weresodisco, the place looks fenced up real good. I attended Sembawang Fest a couple of years back i think, and the fence was freakin tall. If it's the same set up then we're in for a major disappointment...

The balcony is just a 2 or 3 storey white building that has a cafe/restaurant and some rooms im not sure what for.. It's at the top of the sloping hill that Von almost died in. FCP is a pretty cool place. Got keramat also! SO it's pretty creepy at night when it's all quiet... Many stories from this FCP... heh heh heh...




Set list for Berlin in May from travisonline:


Pipe Dreams


As You Are




Dear Diary


Song to self


All I want to do is rock


Coming Around

Blue Flashing Light



Selfish Jean



Wow.... You all have it all plan it out. Sounds fun that the Muser gang can go there lepak and do the sleepover thing :rolleyes::LOL:


Ps. Is there a Singpore thread in here?

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hey guys!! how ya'll doin?

i've entered uitm, doing performing arts managing!

it's sooo fucking boring there, i'm soo glad i'm currently home in an air-conditioned room

but i'll be going back there tomorrow :'(

wow, it has been a week and quite a lot of new things happened aite?

avril and such. and PATD!! but it'll be on monday, and i have classes on monday :'(

i hate campus life.... it's not even a proper campus *sigh*

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Oh oh that's bad huh... you can't run to save your life! No lah just kidding... :(


The balcony is awesome. My bro was there the night before the Muse gig and he watched them soundcheck some songs including FURY! Too bad they didn't play it... He did call me while i was on duty in camp. It was awesome lol.


The balcony is just a 2 or 3 storey white building that has a cafe/restaurant and some rooms im not sure what for.. It's at the top of the sloping hill that Von almost died in. FCP is a pretty cool place. Got keramat also! SO it's pretty creepy at night when it's all quiet... Many stories from this FCP... heh heh heh...


I can, but i might die trying because i'll probably fall and dislocate my knee cap and whatever that's out to get me will.. well, get me. hahaha. SO GAY. i better start working out more. the only way to 'cure' this thing without going through knee surgery is to work out my leg muscles kao kao. i was actually thinking of taking up tennis! :eek:


har? Muse were sound checking even on the night before the gig? i thought they only sound checked on the day of the gig itself :$ OMG FURY!!! (one of) MY FAVOURITE MUSE SONG(s)! i'm dying to hear it live la. seriously. arghahgaksdj;f/.


hey are you still in NS btw? and what's a keramat? :$ my BM is really poor. lol. but you all knew that already haha.



hey guys!! how ya'll doin?

i've entered uitm, doing performing arts managing!

it's sooo fucking boring there, i'm soo glad i'm currently home in an air-conditioned room

but i'll be going back there tomorrow :'(

wow, it has been a week and quite a lot of new things happened aite?

avril and such. and PATD!! but it'll be on monday, and i have classes on monday :'(

i hate campus life.... it's not even a proper campus *sigh*


hey! how're youu?

lol they're all planning to climb over the walls of Fort Canning Park and catch Singfest for free. we're so malaysian :p:LOL:


I wanna go for PATD and Avril :$:$ but i heard they both suck live. and i'm a bit broke. so i dunno who to go for. meh.


aww its alright :) you'll get used to campus life after a few weeks dont worry! the first few weeks will be a bit tough but you'll get through it lah :) got any interesting room mates? haha.

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I can, but i might die trying because i'll probably fall and dislocate my knee cap and whatever that's out to get me will.. well, get me. hahaha. SO GAY. i better start working out more. the only way to 'cure' this thing without going through knee surgery is to work out my leg muscles kao kao. i was actually thinking of taking up tennis! :eek:


har? Muse were sound checking even on the night before the gig? i thought they only sound checked on the day of the gig itself :$ OMG FURY!!! (one of) MY FAVOURITE MUSE SONG(s)! i'm dying to hear it live la. seriously. arghahgaksdj;f/.


hey are you still in NS btw? and what's a keramat? :$ my BM is really poor. lol. but you all knew that already haha.




You should hit the gym then and just concentrate on your knee area i guess!


Yeah Muse were sound checking the night before! Damn cool lah. I had to be in camp :mad:. Im still in NS but it's going to be over on the 6th August of 2008!!!!!!! :party:

A keramat is something like a tomb? But i don't think the body is buried there? Not really sure exactly. Someone else might be able to fill you in on this.. :p FCP got ghost, ur right heh heh... It's a hill where the Brits used to have their HQ or something lah before the WW2.. Kinda forgot my history... And there're WW2 sites as well, like tunnels and stuff..


And i just got back from Bugis. Found the backpacker's guesthouse.




It says in the pamphlet that there are 4-person female dorms with air-con @ $17/person but prices may change.


Bugis is damn near Arab Street, where Matt bought some rugs from!!

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I think I'm serious (of going) :-p

Missing Travis/Coldplay combo in 2000 was not wise :-p


I'm going for Saturday only

Although it's cool if I can catch Jason Mraz also, but I can't

I have to go back on Sunday


oh wow.. yeah..u should go. the sunday acts are mostly pop contemporary acts, it seems. i can't believe rick astley is also gonna be performing. lol..


*raises hand* I am! Going with my sister - if that works out. Currently we're observing the singapore exchange rate (it's currently at RM2.41 now), once it hits RM2.35 or something we're gonna get our SingFest tickets! :LOL:


There are a few comfortable coaches headed down to Singapore, among them are First Coach, Aeroline and this company called Nice. I'm looking at heading to SG on First Coach and coming back on Sunday (early) morning using Transnasional or something. It's better if we purchase our return bus tickets in Malaysia than in SG. The last time I travelled to SG I sat on Aeroline and the trip was pleasant, but it costs RM80 per trip.






Nope, not wise at all! Any idea what kind of a setlist would Travis play at a festival though? I'm hoping they'll play why does it always rain on me!


is the aeroline the double decker bus? should be very comfortable for quite a long ride. 80 bucks is quite ok compared to air asia tickets.. i can't believe how expensive the tickets are what with the exchange rate! :stunned: oh gosh, i don't think i can afford that!


hey guys!! how ya'll doin?

i've entered uitm, doing performing arts managing!

it's sooo fucking boring there, i'm soo glad i'm currently home in an air-conditioned room

but i'll be going back there tomorrow :'(

wow, it has been a week and quite a lot of new things happened aite?

avril and such. and PATD!! but it'll be on monday, and i have classes on monday :'(

i hate campus life.... it's not even a proper campus *sigh*


hey mel! aww.. it's always hard to start a new phase in life. as deb said, u'll get used to it soon. at least u got in uitm, an opportunity that a lot of young kids wished for but didn't get. so be thankful for that dear. :) performing arts managing sounds awesome. what do you study actually?




hey are you still in NS btw? and what's a keramat? :$ my BM is really poor. lol. but you all knew that already haha.



I wanna go for PATD and Avril :$:$ but i heard they both suck live. and i'm a bit broke. so i dunno who to go for. meh.


haha.. yeah. what's keramat arr? i always hear about kubur keramat or tangkal keramat something like that. it's like a superstitous believe that something is keramat (sacred ) la... or has spirits that guard it. something like that eh? People always ask for "numbers" at keramat places..lol.


i know! both suck live.. that's what i've been telling my friend. i don't get PATD music, seriously..


if only travis is coming.. :(

Edited by crazy_mary
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You should hit the gym then and just concentrate on your knee area i guess!


Yeah Muse were sound checking the night before! Damn cool lah. I had to be in camp :mad:. Im still in NS but it's going to be over on the 6th August of 2008!!!!!!! :party:

A keramat is something like a tomb? But i don't think the body is buried there? Not really sure exactly. Someone else might be able to fill you in on this.. :p FCP got ghost, ur right heh heh... It's a hill where the Brits used to have their HQ or something lah before the WW2.. Kinda forgot my history... And there're WW2 sites as well, like tunnels and stuff..


And i just got back from Bugis. Found the backpacker's guesthouse.




It says in the pamphlet that there are 4-person female dorms with air-con @ $17/person but prices may change.


Bugis is damn near Arab Street, where Matt bought some rugs from!!


double post, sorry.. hehehe..


i think muse did a sound check the day before their concert in spore coz it was their first gig of that year after a long holiday break rite? that's why you guys got the special treatment. but too bad they didn't play FURY at the time but played it in Oz and Nz. bleh..


that's a rather cool guest house nut. i love the fact that the National Library is quite near to the place. can we non-singaporeans enter the library?

Edited by crazy_mary
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You should hit the gym then and just concentrate on your knee area i guess!


Yeah Muse were sound checking the night before! Damn cool lah. I had to be in camp :mad:. Im still in NS but it's going to be over on the 6th August of 2008!!!!!!! :party:

A keramat is something like a tomb? But i don't think the body is buried there? Not really sure exactly. Someone else might be able to fill you in on this.. :p FCP got ghost, ur right heh heh... It's a hill where the Brits used to have their HQ or something lah before the WW2.. Kinda forgot my history... And there're WW2 sites as well, like tunnels and stuff..


oooh.. creepy.. :eek::stunned: you guys better not go exploring the dark areas of FCP! you dunno what you might see :eek:


haha.. yeah. what's keramat arr? i always hear about kubur keramat or tangkal keramat something like that. it's like a superstitous believe that something is keramat la... or has spirits that guards it. something like that eh?


i know! both suck live.. that's what i've been telling my friend. i don't get PATD music, seriously..


if only travis is coming.. :(


i quite like PATD a lot actually :$ i really like some songs from their old album, A Fever You Cant Sweat Out. want me to intro the few favourites of mine? :D

they're really different now though. last time their music was a bit dark and emo, but now its all happy and positive. but so far i've only heard 2 songs of PATD's new album so what do i know? but so far they all sound pretty happy la. :happy:


double post, sorry.. hehehe..


i think muse did a sound check the day before their concert in spore coz it was their first gig of that year after a long holiday break rite? that's why you guys got the special treatment. but too bad they didn't play FURY at the time and played it in Oz and Nz. bleh..


that's a rather cool guest house nut. i love the fact that the National Library is quite near to the place. can we non-singaporeans enter the library?


oh yeah it was their first gig of the year! and they smashed matt's guitar. i also want la :( lol.

eh yeah now that i think about it, they surely must've landed on singapore a few days, or a day before the gig because they did an interview thing for MTV and explored singapore a bit right?


i think they only started playing Fury after Wembley... right? :unsure:


eh i just noticed, DAVID ARCHULETTA ON YOUR SIGG! so cuuuute haha. and what's your avvy?

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double post, sorry.. hehehe..


i think muse did a sound check the day before their concert in spore coz it was their first gig of that year after a long holiday break rite? that's why you guys got the special treatment. but too bad they didn't play FURY at the time but played it in Oz and Nz. bleh..


that's a rather cool guest house nut. i love the fact that the National Library is quite near to the place. can we non-singaporeans enter the library?


Yah that must be why Muse needed 2 sound checks! They're thinking there're getting rusty lol. On the day itself they also sound checked take a bow but didn't play it! I still think it's because we didn't demand for a proper encore lah..


There's no restrictions on foreigners. I think Sg is pretty open to foreigners cept for army camps and places like that! If you want to go book shopping, Kinokuniya is at Takashimaya Mall on Orchard Road and about ten min away is Borders Bookstore. You can take a bus at the bus stop from the guest house, which is about 10 seconds away.:D


oooh.. creepy.. :eek::stunned: you guys better not go exploring the dark areas of FCP! you dunno what you might see :eek:




i quite like PATD a lot actually :$ i really like some songs from their old album, A Fever You Cant Sweat Out. want me to intro the few favourites of mine? :D

they're really different now though. last time their music was a bit dark and emo, but now its all happy and positive. but so far i've only heard 2 songs of PATD's new album so what do i know? but so far they all sound pretty happy la. :happy:




oh yeah it was their first gig of the year! and they smashed matt's guitar. i also want la :( lol.

eh yeah now that i think about it, they surely must've landed on singapore a few days, or a day before the gig because they did an interview thing for MTV and explored singapore a bit right?


i think they only started playing Fury after Wembley... right? :unsure:


eh i just noticed, DAVID ARCHULETTA ON YOUR SIGG! so cuuuute haha. and what's your avvy?


I think it was the day before the gig that they arrived here.... Oh i wish they will come again next year... heh heh heh.


Her avatar is definitely Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid game. Damn cool character. If you've seen escape from LA the movie, the main character's name is also snake and he speaks like him as well.

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