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alamak, why so quiet?:(


cant believe how optimistic the philipines are about another SEA tour this year. should we be too?


Did Muse go to the Philippines the last time they did the tour? I can't seem to remember..

It would be great if they really want to come to SEA again! I'm all prepared for another gig here in and also in Msia haha.


lol yeah where's everyone else la? :(


you all can be optimistic about it.... i'm not. if they ARE having another SEA tour, i wont be able to go :( stupid SPM. sigh.


also, in case you all were curious, i didnt kena NS!!!! :D :D: :D:D:D:D


HAHA it's quite funny to know that girls are randomly chosen to do NS. I can imagine it can really be awful for them. Even guys are dreading it.

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lol yeah where's everyone else la? :(


you all can be optimistic about it.... i'm not. if they ARE having another SEA tour, i wont be able to go :(stupid SPM. sigh.


also, in case you all were curious, i didnt kena NS!!!! :D :D: :D:D:D:D


it's that time again, where everyone is busy and sleeping while i have to stay awake the whole night finishing an ASSignment. *yawns*


if they're coming back to malaysia, then it would be possible for me to go and watch 'em but for me to travel to another SEA country in Nov or early Dec is impossible. Yeah.. same here, deb. it's due to that thing we call SPM! oh why do i have to bertugas during that time????!!!!


hey, how did u noe u didnt kena? i thot they'll only announce after spm?



Did Muse go to the Philippines the last time they did the tour? I can't seem to remember..

It would be great if they really want to come to SEA again! I'm all prepared for another gig here in and also in Msia haha.




HAHA it's quite funny to know that girls are randomly chosen to do NS. I can imagine it can really be awful for them. Even guys are dreading it.


no they didnt. they only went to spore, indonesia and my beloved malaysia ( heh.. maklumla bulan merdeka..) . they didnt go to thailand too.. so hopefully they'll come back and do a proper SEA tour which include malaysia again. singapore tak payah la... u guys had too many concerts already! :p


i thot its also random for boys eh?


*gah.. needs more coffee*

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no they didnt. they only went to spore, indonesia and my beloved malaysia ( heh.. maklumla bulan merdeka..) . they didnt go to thailand too.. so hopefully they'll come back and do a proper SEA tour which include malaysia again. singapore tak payah la... u guys had too many concerts already! :p


i thot its also random for boys eh?


*gah.. needs more coffee*



HAHA don't be jealous! Imagine if you did go to ALL the concerts and gigs; you'll be broke! so too much of a good thing is never too good. :D


Random for you guys, but over here, no such thing as random! Oh no, don't even think, hope, feel, dream to be omitted!

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HAHA don't be jealous! Imagine if you did go to ALL the concerts and gigs; you'll be broke! so too much of a good thing is never too good. :D


Random for you guys, but over here, no such thing as random! Oh no, don't even think, hope, feel, dream to be omitted!


lol, didnt think it that way. but i wouldnt go to all the concerts la kan.. but u guys do have better gigs than us most of the time. and next year u guys will have an F1 night race on the streets! damn it, that sounds more interesting than the super hot race in sepang.


that's what u get la for being such a small country... :p which is good la actually. all sporean boys have been military trained at least once in their lifetime. talk about brainwashing. :rolleyes:

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and one thing good about a small country is that its easy to er, 'maintain' it in a way. SINGAPORE IS SO CLEAN!!!... or so i've heard. i've never been there before :( i heard its illegal to chew gum. is that true nutcracker? :stunned:


arnold, yeah there's a girl here about your age. her usename is muse_music, she's very enthusiastic :D though i'm not sure she comes here anymore :(


we're talking about SPM and National Service! you'll have to go through all that in about err, 4 more years!

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yeah, any live concert dvds other than hullabaloo. and hey.. if u get any free posters from buying those dvds that i asked u to, u shud give 'em to me not to deb! :p:p;)


my friend didnt actually mind.. i didnt drag her to come to the meet up, she wanted to join. so, nasib ler hehe.. nasib baik dia tahan.


weresodisco, i just checked out the beaties's website and they'regonna be in London at the time u're gonna be there, mate! :eek: but the two london shows are sold out, there's other shows at isle of urm.. something, something. GO CHECK 'EM OUT! u are so lucky, lucky u!


gah...bring me along! i can hide in ur luggage!


wow, now there's a possiblity of muse coming to NZ. wat's next? SEA ??


YEAHHHHH Muse are gonna be in NZ in November!! I'm going to be there oooh yeah!


Okay so hi =] I'm from Malaysia but I live in NZ now. I narrowly missed Muse playing in Malaysia in Feb when I went back for hols... but the tickets sold out crazy fast apparently eh! I saw you guys' thread and thought I'd say hi =]

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YEAHHHHH Muse are gonna be in NZ in November!! I'm going to be there oooh yeah!


Okay so hi =] I'm from Malaysia but I live in NZ now. I narrowly missed Muse playing in Malaysia in Feb when I went back for hols... but the tickets sold out crazy fast apparently eh! I saw you guys' thread and thought I'd say hi =]

ooh hello! :D dont forget to take pictures and vids of the NZ gig! which part of NZ are you from?

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Everyday I read the this forum and have nothing to say because I have no idea what anybody is talking about for some reason.Is anyone here 13 or younger?


aww.. u so cute. how come u dont understand? is it because we used bahasa rojak all the time?


YEAHHHHH Muse are gonna be in NZ in November!! I'm going to be there oooh yeah!


Okay so hi =] I'm from Malaysia but I live in NZ now. I narrowly missed Muse playing in Malaysia in Feb when I went back for hols... but the tickets sold out crazy fast apparently eh! I saw you guys' thread and thought I'd say hi =]


hey! * waves* aww.. good on u. i'm so bloody jealous! i used to study in dunedin years back but there were no chance for me to check any great gigs back then. even Pearl Jam came to auckland when i've already left. talk about bad luck! have fun! are u going to both auckland and christchurch gig?



petition time yet again! the guys at the phil's thread made this one. come on now. sign it!

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lol, didnt think it that way. but i wouldnt go to all the concerts la kan.. but u guys do have better gigs than us most of the time. and next year u guys will have an F1 night race on the streets! damn it, that sounds more interesting than the super hot race in sepang.


that's what u get la for being such a small country... :p which is good la actually. all sporean boys have been military trained at least once in their lifetime. talk about brainwashing. :rolleyes:


LOL u ARE a big race fan huh! Im sorry to say but i'm feeling indifferent about the whole F1 being held here thing. :$


What i like about our small country is that you can get to anywhere easily, as transportation isn't a problem; Buses, train, taxi, walking.. Heh heh.


and one thing good about a small country is that its easy to er, 'maintain' it in a way. SINGAPORE IS SO CLEAN!!!... or so i've heard. i've never been there before :( i heard its illegal to chew gum. is that true nutcracker? :stunned:


Yeah you can say it is quite clean here. And yes, chewing gum is ILLEGAL here. So if you get caught at the immigration with it, down to the gallows dude. :LOL:


I love KL man. It's huge and there's so many malls/ shopping centres and all that shiznat! And most importantly the FOOD! heavenly cheap! Delicious! Fabulous! Magnificient!




I like the cartoon. We're all talking the same language, at least, rite! The root topic of everyday is always MUSE.

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ooh hello! :D dont forget to take pictures and vids of the NZ gig! which part of NZ are you from?


Yes I intend to take pictures like mad if we're allowed cameras in (altho with all the Muse gig pictures, I'm sure we will do)! I'm in Auckland =]


hey! * waves* aww.. good on u. i'm so bloody jealous! i used to study in dunedin years back but there were no chance for me to check any great gigs back then. even Pearl Jam came to auckland when i've already left. talk about bad luck! have fun! are u going to both auckland and christchurch gig?


No, I'll just be going to the Auckland one. It would be fantastic to go to both (when will a majorly awesome band even play in the South Island again :LOL:), but I think my mum will draw the line at me getting an air ticket to ChCh... I'll consider it though. Mostly it's the money factor.


Yeah you can say it is quite clean here. And yes, chewing gum is ILLEGAL here. So if you get caught at the immigration with it, down to the gallows dude. :LOL:


I remember the chewing gum thing! Didn't they tweak it a little bit last year? I don't remember... Singapore's too bloody confusing for me. Nice Vivo City, though.

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Never heard anything about the chewing gum issue dude.. Or maybe i'm just ignorant :D. Vivo city is ok, i think any other country has something similar or even better! Coincidently, i jus came back from there.:stunned:


I envy you for staying at where Muse is going to play HAHA! Hope you get to the front and rock out, hard.

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Never heard anything about the chewing gum issue dude.. Or maybe i'm just ignorant :D. Vivo city is ok, i think any other country has something similar or even better! Coincidently, i jus came back from there.:stunned:


I envy you for staying at where Muse is going to play HAHA! Hope you get to the front and rock out, hard.


Yeah I'm definitely going to try and get to the very front, to avoid the mosh and score front row! They went to Singapore in Jan, though, didn't they?


Vivo City is freaking huge. I spent a day there with my mate and we got so lost it was kind of funny I suppose. We don't have any multi-storeyed epics here in NZ... but I suppose it's just as well, since we have more earthquake risks than you guys do haha.

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Yeah I'm definitely going to try and get to the very front, to avoid the mosh and score front row! They went to Singapore in Jan, though, didn't they?


Vivo City is freaking huge. I spent a day there with my mate and we got so lost it was kind of funny I suppose. We don't have any multi-storeyed epics here in NZ... but I suppose it's just as well, since we have more earthquake risks than you guys do haha.


Oh Vivo is pretty confusing to navigate in, personally. So u guys weren't the only ones!


We have no risks of having an earthquake, not until the earth's axis screws up or they start having nuclear tests at the bottom of the sea or something major like that! (im trying to sound smart here..)


Muse came to Singapore in Jan as their first gig of this year! And i was there! WOOHOO! But i love the KL one more for many reasons. ;)

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Oh Vivo is pretty confusing to navigate in, personally. So u guys weren't the only ones!


Muse came to Singapore in Jan as their first gig of this year! And i was there! WOOHOO! But i love the KL one more for many reasons. ;)


Haha good to know. How was the KL one, then? I wanted to go but like I said before (I think I said it before...) I flew off a day earlier. My cousin went to get his tickets too late and they sold out... sucks!

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Oh Vivo is pretty confusing to navigate in, personally. So u guys weren't the only ones!


We have no risks of having an earthquake, not until the earth's axis screws up or they start having nuclear tests at the bottom of the sea or something major like that! (im trying to sound smart here..)


Muse came to Singapore in Jan as their first gig of this year! And i was there! WOOHOO! But i love the KL one more for many reasons. ;)

lol and why is that? because they played more songs? :D because the tickets were cheaper? because... er.... WE POPPED ALL THE BALLOONS IN TIME! MUAHAHHA! we should have met up when you came over to m'sia!


even though i missed Muse's gig in Singapore (even if i bought the tickets already), i still wish i went because (besides the fact that i'd be able to see Muse twice) they played Bliss there and they didnt play Bliss in Malaysia. i love Bliss ok :(


i've never been to Singapore before :$

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Haha good to know. How was the KL one, then? I wanted to go but like I said before (I think I said it before...) I flew off a day earlier. My cousin went to get his tickets too late and they sold out... sucks!


Oh yeah you must've been depressed... i know i would be. One of my friend had also bought his ticket, but didn't get to go cuz he needed to be in the jungle at that time, thanks to NS. Lucky me.


lol and why is that? because they played more songs? :D because the tickets were cheaper? because... er.... WE POPPED ALL THE BALLOONS IN TIME! MUAHAHHA! we should have met up when you came over to m'sia!


even though i missed Muse's gig in Singapore (even if i bought the tickets already), i still wish i went because (besides the fact that i'd be able to see Muse twice) they played Bliss there and they didnt play Bliss in Malaysia. i love Bliss ok :(


i've never been to Singapore before :$


i did meet up with vspirit actually! She was with her friend. Nice people, gave me a lift back to my hotel haha. Thanks again vspirit, if you're still around.. But yeah i should've met up with the whole bunch of you. Maybe next time if there's another tour!:D HAHA yeah the tix for the KL gig was way cheaper, and the crowd was way better, it was indoors and they played 3 extra songs!! One of them being CITIZEN ERASED. omg that was the best. Too bad about Bliss though..


Singapore is no big deal, really. Go to HK instead, or something. heh heh heh.

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Oh yeah you must've been depressed... i know i would be. One of my friend had also bought his ticket, but didn't get to go cuz he needed to be in the jungle at that time, thanks to NS. Lucky me.




i did meet up with vspirit actually! She was with her friend. Nice people, gave me a lift back to my hotel haha. Thanks again vspirit, if you're still around.. But yeah i should've met up with the whole bunch of you. Maybe next time if there's another tour!:D HAHA yeah the tix for the KL gig was way cheaper, and the crowd was way better, it was indoors and they played 3 extra songs!! One of them being CITIZEN ERASED. omg that was the best. Too bad about Bliss though..


Singapore is no big deal, really. Go to HK instead, or something. heh heh heh.

what? really? aww. she doesnt come here anymore her last visit on the board was er... around june i think. yeah. i wonder what happened :( i'm sure this thread misses her alot. meh.


yeah if they have another tour, we MUST have a super grand meetup. lol. everyone on the thread must go! though i must warn you, i may be noisy on the board but in real life i'm actually very quiet, if not hostile :$ no i dont know why :(


i heard the people in HK are really rude... scary. i'd love to go there someday though! heard that shopping there is gonna be brilliant. the only place i've been too that's outside Malaysia is China. yeah. that place is great, if you minus the spitting and shoving the people do there though.

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so far, the petition has ONLY 6 Signatures Total. Heard Beyonce is next to come to Malaysia on Nov 1. Read in The Star online.


yeah.. its pretty pathetic isnt it? heard that for the israel's petition 300 peeps signed it. if there's like only 7 sigs am being very pesimisstic bout it. :( cant stand beyonce, btw!


LOL u ARE a big race fan huh! Im sorry to say but i'm feeling indifferent about the whole F1 being held here thing. :$


I love KL man. It's huge and there's so many malls/ shopping centres and all that shiznat! And most importantly the FOOD! heavenly cheap! Delicious! Fabulous! Magnificient!


I AM! lol.. might be going to spore next year to watch the race. the first race is always exciting. well, if u're not a fan then surely u're feeling indifferent. but it is very ambitious for spore to do a nite race in the middle of the streets.. really curious to see wat's gonna happen.


KL is sooo twisted! but i love living there. its a bloody rojak town.. very good environment. crowded at times but good most of the time.


what? really? aww. she doesnt come here anymore her last visit on the board was er... around june i think. yeah. i wonder what happened :( i'm sure this thread misses her alot. meh.


yeah if they have another tour, we MUST have a super grand meetup. lol. everyone on the thread must go! though i must warn you, i may be noisy on the board but in real life i'm actually very quiet, if not hostile :$ no i dont know why :(


i heard the people in HK are really rude... scary. i'd love to go there someday though! heard that shopping there is gonna be brilliant. the only place i've been too that's outside Malaysia is China. yeah. that place is great, if you minus the spitting and shoving the people do there though.


i noe just the place for the meet up, the airport! lol.. yeah, von did mentioned to me she was sending nutcracker to somewhere that day when i called her after the concert.


and i didnt noe they played bliss in spore! :eek: or was it becoz i didnt care? hmm...


oh btw drummarista, the only band that i got to check out when i was in south island was shihad. are they still around?

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what? really? aww. she doesnt come here anymore her last visit on the board was er... around june i think. yeah. i wonder what happened :( i'm sure this thread misses her alot. meh.


yeah if they have another tour, we MUST have a super grand meetup. lol. everyone on the thread must go! though i must warn you, i may be noisy on the board but in real life i'm actually very quiet, if not hostile :$ no i dont know why :(


i heard the people in HK are really rude... scary. i'd love to go there someday though! heard that shopping there is gonna be brilliant. the only place i've been too that's outside Malaysia is China. yeah. that place is great, if you minus the spitting and shoving the people do there though.


Lol i'm quite different in person too i guess. I think it's natural. It will be a grand meetup, i imagine! Definitely.


I've never been to HK or China. I'd love to. I just heard stories about how cool the place is! Yeah a haven for shopping, HK is. Lol some of us right here in Singapore spit like no one's business too. yucks.


yeah.. its pretty pathetic isnt it? heard that for the israel's petition 300 peeps signed it. if there's like only 7 sigs am being very pesimisstic bout it. :( cant stand beyonce, btw!




I AM! lol.. might be going to spore next year to watch the race. the first race is always exciting. well, if u're not a fan then surely u're feeling indifferent. but it is very ambitious for spore to do a nite race in the middle of the streets.. really curious to see wat's gonna happen.


KL is sooo twisted! but i love living there. its a bloody rojak town.. very good environment. crowded at times but good most of the time.




i noe just the place for the meet up, the airport! lol.. yeah, von did mentioned to me she was sending nutcracker to somewhere that day when i called her after the concert.


and i didnt noe they played bliss in spore! :eek: or was it becoz i didnt care? hmm...


oh btw drummarista, the only band that i got to check out when i was in south island was shihad. are they still around?



I think im the seventh person to sign the petition.. Yeah i think KL has that vibrant feel to it. It can be fun being there i guess!

Yeah Bliss!! And it was after Bliss that Dom told us to pop the balloons, and i popped the last onE!! HAHAHAHA. You could hear it in the audio recording. :D:D:D:D:D

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Wow, I've missed so much. Hello again everyone!


It's great that u guys keep updating on the meetups, hope to make it someday if ever in Klang valley. It would be fun to discover what you guys are like in real life (like how shy Deb is, for example). ;) And maybe someone can solve the mystery of where v-spirit is. Such an interesting person. :D


Nutcracker, thanks, you've made me all nostalgic (in a good way) for the KL gig. :D


On that note, I've just signed the petition and am the 12th person to do so. How bout it you guys? :D

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oh btw drummarista, the only band that i got to check out when i was in south island was shihad. are they still around?


They sure are! :D They have a new album coming out next year, actually. Beautiful something... Beautiful Machine! I reckon I can safely say that they're NZs best exports, in terms of a live gig. I also reckon they went downhill after all that stupid "Pacifier" jazz... always stick to their old stuff, back in the days when they were proper NZ homeboys.


But yeah. That's enough ranting for today :)

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Everyday I read the this forum and have nothing to say because I have no idea what anybody is talking about for some reason.Is anyone here 13 or younger?


hey Arnold! lol, no pun intended..no seriously. i mean you. Arnold. hey you. Arnold. ok.

:D well, im 13! You?


YEAHHHHH Muse are gonna be in NZ in November!! I'm going to be there oooh yeah!


Okay so hi =] I'm from Malaysia but I live in NZ now. I narrowly missed Muse playing in Malaysia in Feb when I went back for hols... but the tickets sold out crazy fast apparently eh! I saw you guys' thread and thought I'd say hi =]


Hi! wow you're so lucky...:(:happy:


signed the petition already. :D

i wanna sign it again.

and again.

and again.

and again.



and again.

and again again.

and again again and again.

and again.

again! again! again! again!

and again.

does the word 'again' look weird and unfamiliar to you already?


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