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I see it :D (I mean the change of rain during Muse).


However....I don''t trust Buienradar or whatever. Last time they said that it would be dry till the afternoon at Pinkpop and when I read the sms about this which was sent by my son it was already raining.... :mad:


Edit: and the weatherforecast still says rain during waiting.....

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yeah, well i live near the north sea, but its always guessing what weather it will be... it has to do with the coast-wind and things like that, im not an expert in these subjects:$


well i just hope we dont have to swim there on the field, would be a nice view though:LOL:

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What information do you need?


I'm from Nijmegen




I would like to know, if it's possible to camp anywhere around the venue after the gig. On the maps it looks like a huge area. Or would it be better to go to an public campsite? We will trip by train so it would be good to camp as close as posible to the venue for us.

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o dear folks:

Muse: op tijd weg voor trein naar huis

woensdag 16 juni 2010 | 07:00



Muse speelt 19 juni in het Nijmeegse Goffertpark.



NIJMEGEN - Bezoekers van rockband Muse die met de trein reizen, zullen zaterdag na afloop in het Goffertpark haast moeten maken. Anders missen ze de aansluiting om nog thuis te komen. Daarvoor waarschuwt de NS.



Op verschillende plaatsen in het land vinden zaterdagnacht werkzaamheden aan het spoor plaats. Wie laat vertrekt uit Nijmegen, kan daardoor volgens de NS in de problemen komen. Er wordt gewerkt tussen Gouda en Utrecht, Nijmegen en Venlo en in de buurt van Deventer. Hoewel de laatste treinen uit Nijmegen niet vroeger vertrekken dan normaal, roept de NS toch op om tijdig vanaf het festivalterrein de bus naar station te nemen. Behalve werkzaamheden is daarvoor nog een reden. "Wanneer iedereen wacht tot de laatste trein (kwart over twaalf naar Arnhem, rond half een naar Den Bosch), zit die snel vol en kunnen niet meer alle reizigers mee."


Voor deze concertgangers valt te hopen dat Muse niet te veel uitpakt met toegiften. Volgens planning treedt de rockband op tot elf uur. Lopen van concertterrein naar de bus duurt de nodige tijd. De busreis van het Goffertpark naar het station neemt nog eens twintig minuten in beslag.{/quote]

and my attempt at a translation:


.. NIJMEGEN: Visitors of rockband Muse who travel by train, will have to hurry saturday after it ends. Because otherwise they miss the connection to get home. NS(dutch train company) warns.


On several places in the country they'll be working on the traintracks saturdaynight. That is why those who leave Nijmegen at a late time may come across problems according to the NS. Work will take place between Gouda and Utrecht, Nijmegen and Venlo and around Deventer. Even though the last trains from Nijmegen don't leave earlier then usual, NS does call for vans to take the bus from the festivalgrounds to the station on time. Apart from the work there is another reason for that: "When everyone waits for the last train(00:15 to Arnhem, around half past twelve to Den Bosch), it gets overcrowded and not all travellers can get in"


For those festivalgoers it is hoped(?) that Muse doesn't pack in to much encores. According tot he planning the rockband will perform till 11. It takes quite some time to walk from the festivalgrounds to the bus. And the bustrip from the Goffertpark to the trainstation will take another 20 minutes.



O dear. Good luck everyone!!!

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I would like to know, if it's possible to camp anywhere around the venue after the gig. On the maps it looks like a huge area. Or would it be better to go to an public campsite? We will trip by train so it would be good to camp as close as posible to the venue for us.

I'm afraid camping is not allowed in the Goffertpark. don't know of any public camping sites in Nijmegen, maybe other Nijmegenaren can help, the only one I can think of now is in Groesbeek. De Oude Molen for instance http://www.oudemolen.nl/ or in the middle of the forest http://www.staatsbosbeheer.nl/overnachten/kampeerterreinen/groesbeek.aspx


Good luck!

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BTW if you don't min a bit of a stroll, the trainstation is about 2.8 km from the Goffertpark, according to a dutch website it would take you just over half and hour and would save you waiting for/in the bus....


those who want to can check out:


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That's probably why they changed the start time to 20.45, so they can finish before 11pm and people can get out of there. What a palaver though!


And Karin, you're my new best friend, I'm so glad we're driving back! We may get stuck in traffic, but at least we'll get home!

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There is also a campsite in Wijchen, you can get there by bus and some walking.

€ 16,50 a night. Closer I couldnt find...


Thanks to our friends NS. They drive me crazy during weekdays, now they are driving people crazy during weekend.

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I also discovered today that you can't book advance train tickets online unless you have a Dutch bank account, it doesn't take credit cards. In fact, according to their website the only ticket machines at stations that take credit cards are the ones at Schiphol train station, all the other ones you have to pay cash or have a Dutch chip & pin card! :rolleyes:

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That's probably why they changed the start time to 20.45, so they can finish before 11pm and people can get out of there. What a palaver though!


And Karin, you're my new best friend, I'm so glad we're driving back! We may get stuck in traffic, but at least we'll get home!


It's nice to have a new best friend. And also that she loves Muse so do i. :LOL::LOL:

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Okay, here goes


Train tickets indeed cannot be booked in advance, however they're always the same price and no fixed seats.

Camping is not allowed in the Goffert, and indeed the closest campsites are Groesbeek or Wijchen, which are NOT close to the venue. Your best bet would be going out in Nijmegen and waiting for the first train out :p


Or going to Amsterdam and hoping you'll find Muse in a jazzy café :p

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Okay, here goes


Train tickets indeed cannot be booked in advance, however they're always the same price and no fixed seats.

Camping is not allowed in the Goffert, and indeed the closest campsites are Groesbeek or Wijchen, which are NOT close to the venue. Your best bet would be going out in Nijmegen and waiting for the first train out :p


Or going to Amsterdam and hoping you'll find Muse in a jazzy café :p


or in a coffee shop :LOL:

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People travelling by train you can save money if you buy a trainticket at Blokker. You pay for a two-wayticket € 29,95 for 2 persons! Even if you don't go with two persons it can be cheaper (Normally I have to pay about € 44,- for a two-wayticket to Nijmegen).


Sorry for crappy english, I'm in a rush.

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Now the max is at 8 pm. Seems like it will rain from 8 am til sunday.

It's like someone has decided to fuck up the concert.:LOL:



Well, I checked 4 weatherforcast websites and they all say it will maybe rain in the morning. There's about 40% of chance it will rain. And it's only 1mm.

So it's not really that of a big deal I think. Nothing to be really affraid of.

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Okay, here goes


Train tickets indeed cannot be booked in advance, however they're always the same price and no fixed seats.

Camping is not allowed in the Goffert, and indeed the closest campsites are Groesbeek or Wijchen, which are NOT close to the venue. Your best bet would be going out in Nijmegen and waiting for the first train out :p


Or going to Amsterdam and hoping you'll find Muse in a jazzy café :p


or in a coffee shop :LOL:


Mmmmh, I like your ideas! :LOL: Will discuss this with my friends :chuckle:

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People travelling by train you can save money if you buy a trainticket at Blokker. You pay for a two-wayticket € 29,95 for 2 persons! Even if you don't go with two persons it can be cheaper (Normally I have to pay about € 44,- for a two-wayticket to Nijmegen).


Sorry for crappy english, I'm in a rush.


Niiiice. Thanks a lot for the tip :)



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We will see if it's going to rain saturday. The weather today is just fine here. If it's this weather saturday then i'll sign for it!

But if bought 2 poncho's for if it's going to rain mine clothes won't be wet.

Still 2 days to go. I'm so Excitited!!!! I'm getting nervous when i'm thinking about it.

That's not normal or is it???



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