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Slovenija Musers Thread


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Je še dolgo do plače? :D


Sicer pa so danes tudi oznanili še nekaj datumov jeseni in pozimi v Nemčiji. Predaleč? No ja, meni bi vsaj zaradi šprahe bolj ustrezalo. Nemško znam, italijansko ne - pač malo manj težav imaš s sporazumevanjem s tamkajšnjim življem. :D

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Oj, samo a ste videli to - BHAR se je povzpel na prvo mesto angleške in irske lestvice albumov...! :happy: Mislim, da je Muse končno uspel tisti res veliki met. :yesey:


Kaj pa pri nas? Sama od 3.7. že ves čas spremljam časopisje (kjer so tema novi albumi), pa o Muse niti besede. :confused::( Shame on you, slovenski novinarji! :erm::mad:

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Hm, jaz bom ravno takrat zelo verjetno imela precej dela... Če bi bilo čisto konec avgusta ali septembra, bi pa gotovo šla.


Drugače se pa samo čudim, koliko koncertov bodo to leto še imeli. Noro, da zdržiš gige praktično vsak dan, enega za drugim.


Btw.: danes pa v Vikendu v odebeljenem tisku piše "Muse": namreč da "so Snow Patrol med tršimi Muse in Placebo ter mehkejšimi Coldplay in Starsailor"... :p No ja, za začetek bo že... :rolleyes::D:LOL:

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glede frequencyja se razmisljam.... ful me mika priznam.

nocem pa tudi nekaj na hitro delat, mislim jst bom 16. ponoci prisla domov.

muse so 17. ali 18.??? ah pa sej ni vazno. najverjetneje ne grem, ni pa se 100%


drugace pa ste slisale glorious??? :D ful je lepa, res mi je vsec. take stare klase.

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Jaz sem si zadala, da jih enkrat to leto moram iti pogledat. :yesey: Bomo pa še videli, kje in kdaj. Pri meni je pač tako, da lahko stvari bolj kot ne tik pred zdajci splaniram. In še malo (kakšen mesec ali dva) moram počakati, da vidim, kakšen bo urnik mojih obveznosti to jesen in zimo...


Upam samo, da ne bo kart prehitro zmanjkalo...:unsure::eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh joj po tem ko sem videla radiohead, nisem prepricana da si se zelim videti muse. po drugi strani pa so nekoliko izboljsali set listo;

1. Map of the problematique

2. Hysteria

3. Bliss (long version)

4. Forced in intro

5. Supermassive black hole + new riff

6. Starlight

7. Invincible

8. Plug in baby + Riff

9. Butterflies & hurricanes (best version ever!)

10. New born

11. Stockholm syndrome

12. SS-riff + new riff (very loud riff)

13. Take a bow

14. time is running out

15. Knights of cydonia


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Whoah!! a slovenija thread! that's insane! the one time that the language would have been fun to talk in. All my relatives get so angry at me that i can't speak the language, as all my grandparents came from Slovenija, but i don't really have anyone my age in Australia that is Slovenijan so there wasn't a lot of point to learnin it, as my parents don't speak it at home, just when they speak to their parents.


Well i just wanted to drop in and say how cool it is that there a few Fans form the country that all my heritage is from on this board! I can't wait to go to the country!!

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my friend has relatives in australia and their children don't speak slovene, but i can't blame you or them - if you don't have anyone to talk to in slovene. :)

too bad your parents don't speak slovene, then you'd be bilingual which is very handy, especially if you travel. :) anyway, i hope you visit slovenia soon, and thanks for the post :D

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One hello from me, too, Chaos Theory! :)


It's amazing to meet someone with Slovene roots on this board. I don't blame you for not speaking Slovene, too. Maybe we can give you a crash course here. :D Or you can visit Slovenia for instance in summer time (your winter) and attend one of the courses of Slovene language. ;) You're always welcome! :happy:

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One hello from me, too, Chaos Theory! :)


It's amazing to meet someone with Slovene roots on this board. I don't blame you for not speaking Slovene, too. Maybe we can give you a crash course here. :D Or you can visit Slovenia for instance in summer time (your winter) and attend one of the courses of Slovene language. ;) You're always welcome! :happy:

he he that would be cool!

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Tudi jaz sem to (na moje veliko presenečenje) ugotovila. Je pa malo čudno, ker tega termina na uradni strani Muse nisem zasledila. ?? A sem to le spregledala?


Za tole jesen pa izgledajo moje variante takole:


1. Dunaj s koncerti.net

2. Berlin: lastna režija, krajše potovanje in eventuelno obisk kolega v enem drugem mestu

3. izžrebajo me v igri Stargame in grem v VB :D:pirate:


Ali pa mogoče tudi München, bomo videli.

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he he that would be cool!


A crash course here or a trip to Slovenia? ;):D


If you insist on the crash course: let's start with the grammar. :D Well, Slovene is one of the rare languages that not only has singular and plural, but also dual. The latter is present not only in nouns (and, of course, adjectives) but also in verbs. Moreover, you also have to cope with 3 genders - again in nouns and adjectives as well as in verbs.


Shall I continue...? As you can see, Slovene crash courses can also be one of the longest... :D:p But don't worry. I've never met anybody learning Slovene anew saying our language is easy. ;):D


More fun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovenian_language :D

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