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Knights Of Cydonia

New Born


Citizen Erased

Supermassive Blackhole

Map Of The Problematique

Apocalypse Please

Butterflies &Hurricanes



Feeing Good



Eternally Missed



Muscle Museum


Hate This & I'll Love You


Time Is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome

Plug In Baby






Ah my setlist is too long :rolleyes: I have too many favourites to queeze in ;) Muse never seem to play much old stuff live anymore :( I think they should..

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1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Map of the problematique + Maggies Farm riff

4 Supermassive Black Hole

5 New Born + riffs

6 Forced In

7 Sing For Absolution

8 Showbiz + Ashamed outro

9 Hoodoo

10 Apocalypse Please

11 Screenager (piano)

12 Feeling Good

13 Ruled By Secrecy

14 Space Dementia

15 Sunburn

16 Butterflies and Hurricanes

17 Invincible

18 Fury

19 Starlight

20 riff + Time Is Running Out

21 The Groove

22 Hyper Music

23 Muscle Museum

24 Plug in Baby

25 Knights of Cydonia


26 City of Delusion

27 Cave (Acoustic)

28 Falling Down (Acoustic)

29 Unintended


30 Assassin

31 Dead Star

32 Micro Cuts


33 Citizen Erased

34 Bliss


35 Blackout

36 Stockholm Syndrome + 10 mins of riffs


I will accept no less at Royal Albert Hall

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Dance of the Knights (Intro music)

Knights of Cydonia




Citizen Erased



City Of Delusion


Feeling good

Muscle Museum

Hyper Music



Plug In Baby


New Born




Stockholme Syndrome + Glastonbury exit riff


-I don't know if intro music counts but i don't care either way.

-I know i've put down 3 encore songs instead of 2 but tough either way.

-May i say there are some intresting set lists on this thread, I hope Bellamy is paying attention and making notes.

-Please feel free to comment on mine.

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1. Megalomania - MATTS BIG ORGAN SOLO!

2. Take a Bow

3. Hysteria

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Supermassive black hole

6. New Song

7. Citizen Erased

8. Ruled By Secrecy

9. Apocalypse Please

10. Sunburn

11. Butterflies and Hurricanes

12. City of Delusion

13. Time Is Running Out

14. New Born + riffs

15. Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


Encore 1.

16. Soldiers Poem

17. Blackout

18. Plug in Baby

19. Bliss (extended with balloons)


Encore 2.

20. Fury

21. Microcuts

22. ASSASSIN!!! GOB edit

23. Knights of Cydonia



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1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. New Born

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Hyper Music

6. Hysteria

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes

8. HooDoo

9. Apocalypse Please

10. Soldiers Poem

11. Ruled by Secrecy

12. Sing for Absolution

13. City of Delusion

14. Time is Running Out

15. Micro Cuts

16. Stockholm Syndrome


17. Plug in Baby

18. Knights of Cydonia

19. Random cover of 'It Was Our Idea' by Al Murray

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This would be my (kind of) plausible RAH set.


1. Knights of Cydonia

2. The Groove

3. Invincible

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Showbiz

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

7. Space Dementia

8. Stockholm Syndrome

9. Hysteria

10. Unintended

11. City of Delusion

12. Megalomania

13. Micro Cuts

14. New Born + some riffs


15. Citizen Erased

16. Map of the Problematique

17. Fury

18. Forced In / Bliss (extended)


19. Apocalypse Please

20. Muscle Museum

21. Plug In Baby

22. Take a Bow


This would be the ideal one. If they play this exact set tomorrow, I'll....errr.....be very happy.


1. Knights of Cydonia

2. The Groove

3. Futurism

4. Invincible

5. Showbiz

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

7. Space Dementia

8. Stockholm Syndrome

9. Hysteria

10. Uno

11. Cave

12. Megalomania

13. Micro Cuts

14. New Born + some riffs


15. Citizen Erased

16. Map of the Problematique

17. Shrinking Universe

18. Forced In / Bliss (extended)


19. Apocalypse Please

20. Muscle Museum

21. Plug In Baby

22. Take a Bow

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Right.. my most perfect setlist would include all of my fave ever Muse songs, being the following:


Setlist of Fave songs

Apocalypse Please


New Born

City Of Delusion

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Shrinking Universe


Citizen Erased

Space Dementia




Hyper Chondriac Music




Take A Bow

Micro Cuts

Stockholm Syndrome




Those are my all time faves..quite short but perfect songs :D


However, some songs just NEED to be played live and I NEED to see them performed whether they're my absolute faves or not, therefore I must include them in a fave live setlist:


Best live Setlist

Dracula Moutain+Apocalypse Please


New Born + awesome riffages!

City Of Delusion

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Assassin GOB (..more like DMG!)

Shrinking Universe

Intro+Dead Star

Muscle Museum+ riffs


Improv+Time Is Running Out

Hyper Music (screeeeaamo version ;))

Citizen Erased


Space Dementia

Knights of Cydonia


Showbiz + riffages


Hyper Chondriac Music


Bliss (extended+balloons+madness)


Take A Bow

Micro Cuts

Stockholm Syndrome + 10 min riffage fest!


bold ones are added songs to first setlist..italics I've yet to see live. if only these could be real! :(

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Realistic RAH Set

1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. New Born

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Hysteria

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

7. HooDoo/Apocalypse Please

8. Soldiers Poem

9. Feeling Good

10. Ruled by Secrecy

11. Invincible

12. Starlight

13. Fury

14. Time is Running Out

15. Micro Cuts/Bliss

16. Stockholm Syndrome


17. Plug in Baby

18. Knights of Cydonia


My Perfect Set

1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Hysteria

5. Butterflies and Hurricanes

6. HooDoo

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Space Dementia

9. Ruled by Secrecy

10. New Born

11. Micro Cuts

12. Fury

13. Time is Running Out

14. Plug in Baby

15. Knights of Cydonia


16. Dead Star

17. Stockholm Syndrome

18. Bliss

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Realistic RAH Set

1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. New Born

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Hysteria

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes

7. HooDoo/Apocalypse Please

8. Soldiers Poem

9. Feeling Good

10. Ruled by Secrecy

11. Invincible

12. Starlight

13. Fury

14. Time is Running Out

15. Micro Cuts/Bliss

16. Stockholm Syndrome


17. Plug in Baby

18. Knights of Cydonia



Nearly realistic ;) Although you know full well that Bliss into SS won't happen. Here's my prediction (with a tiny bit of optimism):


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 Map of the Problematique

4 Supermassive Black Hole

5 New Born + riffs

6 City of Delusion

7 Citizen Erased

8 Ruled By Secrecy

9 Feeling Good

10 Butterflies and Hurricanes

11 Invincible

12 Fury

13 Starlight

14 Time Is Running Out

15 Bliss


16 Blackout

17 Stockholm Syndrome


18 Plug in Baby

19 Knights of Cydonia

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Ok. I'm going to create a slightly new look setlist, having just seen Muse. Obviously I'm not going to put Megalomania in it, because that was a one-off (even though it was heaven)


1 Take a Bow

2 Butterflies and Hurricanes

3 New Born + riffs

4 Supermassive Black Hole

5 Map of the Problematique + riff

6 Nishe

7 Citizen Erased

8 Bliss (Ext w/balloons)

9 Ruled By Secrecy

10 The Gallery

11 Space Dementia

12 Blackout

13 Hysteria

14 Starlight

15 Riffs + TIRO

16 Plug in Baby


17 Micro Cuts

18 Dead Star

19 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


20 Muscle Museum

21 Osaka Jam lol + Knights of Cydonia

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1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm riff

3. New Born + New outro

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Butterflies and Hurricanes

6. Fury

7. Apocalypse Please

8. HooDoo

9. Ruled by Secrecy

10. Invincible

11. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

12. Hyper Music

13. Bombtrack riff + Improvisation + Time is Running Out

14. Plug in Baby

15. Bliss


16. Megalomania

17. Stockholm Syndrome + Dead Star riff

18. Close Encounters of the Third Kind + Knights of Cydonia + Space Dementia Outro

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1. Take a Bow

2. Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm riff

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Hyper Music

5. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

6. Butterflies and Hurricanes (CO2)

7. Fury

8. HooDoo

9. Apocalypse Please

10. Space Dementia

11. Ruled by Secrecy

12. Showbiz

13. Whole Lotta Love riff + Improvisation + Time is Running Out

14. Dead Star

15. Micro Cuts

16. Stockholm Syndrome + Bombtrack riff + Execution Commentary outro


17. Citizen Erased

18. Megalomania

19. New Born + Microphone Fiend riff + Ashamed outro

20. Close Encounters of the Third Kind riff + Knights of Cydonia


21. Burning Bridges riff + Plug in Baby (balloons)

22. I Want To Break Free riff + Bliss (extended and falsetto)

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I mucked my last one up a bit


Take A Bow

Whole lotta love riff + Starlight

Supermassive Black Hole

Map Of The Problematique + Maggie's farm

Soldiers Poem




City Of Delusion


Knights Of Cydonia




The Small Print

Sing for Absolution

Muscle Museum

Hyper Music

Thoughts of A Dying Atheist


Citizen Erased

Butterflies And Hurricanes


In Your World



Whats He Building (Intro Music)


Crying Shame





Plug In Baby

Stockholme Syndrome + Various exit riffs

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1 New Song

2 Hysteria

3 Map of the Problematique

4 New Song

5 New Song

6 Starlight

7 Bliss

8 New Piano Song

9 Space Dementia

10 Ruled By Secrecy

11 New Born

12 New Song

13 Supermassive Black Hole

14 Time Is Running Out

15 Plug in Baby

16 Knights of Cydonia


17 Take a Bow

18 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


19 New Song

20 New Song

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1. Take A Bow (fire)

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Cave

5. Hyper Music

6. Forced In + Sing for Absolution

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes (CO2)

8. Fury

9. HooDoo

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Space Dementia

12. Megalomania

13. Ruled by Secrecy

14. Invincible

15. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

16. Muscle Museum

17. Whole Lotta Love riff + Bombtrack riff + Time is Running Out

18. Showbiz + Execution Commentary outro


19. Citizen Erased

20. Soldiers Poem

21. Riff + Sunburn

22. New Born + Microphone Fiend riff

23. Dead Star

24. Micro Cuts

25. Stockholm Syndrome + Agitated outro


26. Close Encounters of the Third Kind riff + Knights of Cydonia (CO2)

27. Plug in Baby (balloons)

28. Bliss (extended, falsetto)

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1. Take A Bow (fire)

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Cave

5. Hyper Music

6. Forced In + Sing for Absolution

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes (CO2)

8. Fury

9. HooDoo

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Space Dementia

12. Megalomania

13. Ruled by Secrecy

14. Invincible

15. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

16. Muscle Museum

17. Whole Lotta Love riff + Bombtrack riff + Time is Running Out

18. Showbiz + Execution Commentary outro


19. Citizen Erased

20. Soldiers Poem

21. Riff + Sunburn

22. New Born + Microphone Fiend riff

23. Dead Star

24. Micro Cuts

25. Stockholm Syndrome + Agitated outro


26. Close Encounters of the Third Kind riff + Knights of Cydonia (CO2)

27. Plug in Baby (balloons)

28. Bliss (extended, falsetto)


That's actually really good. I'd swap Knights with Showbiz though (atm, encore songs matter to me more than closing songs)

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01. Take a Bow

02. Map of the Problematique

03. Butterflies and Hurricanes

04. New Born

05. Supermassive Black Hole

06. Stockholm Syndrome

07. Citizen Erased

08. Apocalypse Please

09. Sunburn

10. Sing for Absolution

11. Fury

12. Hysteria

13. Plug in Baby

14. Bliss


15. Muscle Museum

16. Knights of Cydonia

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1 Take a Bow

2 Dead Star

3 New Born + riffs

4 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

5 Nishe

6 Falling Down

7 Citizen Erased

8 Ruled By Secrecy

9 Space Dementia

10 Starlight (piano)

11 Hysteria

12 Map of the Problematique + riff

13 Muscle Museum

14 Starlight

15 riff + Time Is Running Out

16 Plug in Baby


17 Screenager

18 Bliss (ext)


19 Supermassive Black Hole

20 Knights of Cydonia

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01. Knights of Cydonia

02. Hysteria

03. Muscle Museum

04. New Born

05. Supermassive Black Hole

06. Map of the Problematique

07. Butterflies and Hurricanes

08. Apocalypse Please

09. Sunburn

10. Sing for Absolution

11. Plug in Baby

12. Forced In

13. Bliss


14. Citizen Erased

15. Fury


16. Take a Bow

17. Stockholm Syndrome

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Muse Doing A 40 Song Setlist Like The Cure Did A Wembley Arena But With No Piano (Synth + Keyboard Are Used)


1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Crying Shame

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Cave

6. Fillip

7. Hyper Music

8. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

9. Sing for Absolution

10. Butterflies and Hurricanes (no piano)

11. Fury

12. Eternally Missed

13. Spiral Static

14. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

15. The Small Print

16. The Groove

17. Minimum

18. New Born (no intro)

19. Micro Cuts

20. Dead Star

21. Assassin (GOB)

22. Uno

23. Futurism

24. Showbiz


25. Muscle Museum

26. Citizen Erased

27. Screenager

28. The Gallery

29. Shine

30. Host

31. Dark Shines

32. Hyper Chondriac Music


33. Knights of Cydonia

34. Yes Please

35. Shrinking Universe

36. Stockholm Syndrome

37. Falling Away With You


38. Blackout

39. Plug in Baby

40. Bliss



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Muse Doing A 40 Song Setlist Like The Cure Did A Wembley Arena But With No Piano (Synth + Keyboard Are Used)


1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Crying Shame

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Cave

6. Fillip

7. Hyper Music

8. Osaka Jam + Hysteria

9. Sing for Absolution

10. Butterflies and Hurricanes (no piano)

11. Fury

12. Eternally Missed

13. Spiral Static

14. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

15. The Small Print

16. The Groove

17. Minimum

18. New Born (no intro)

19. Micro Cuts

20. Dead Star

21. Assassin (GOB)

22. Uno

23. Futurism

24. Showbiz


25. Muscle Museum

26. Citizen Erased

27. Screenager

28. The Gallery

29. Shine

30. Host

31. Dark Shines

32. Hyper Chondriac Music


33. Knights of Cydonia

34. Yes Please

35. Shrinking Universe

36. Stockholm Syndrome

37. Falling Away With You


38. Blackout

39. Plug in Baby

40. Bliss




I'll fucking have you here ;)


1 Take a Bow

2 Hysteria

3 The Small Print

4 Map of the Problematique

5 Crying Shame

6 Supermassive Black Hole

7 Nishe

8 Falling Down

9 Escape

10 Invincible

11 Starlight

12 Sunburn (guitar :p)

13 Fury

14 Hyper Music

15 Agitated

16 Forced In

17 Sing For Absolution

18 Muscle Museum

19 Plug in Baby

20 riff + Time Is Running Out

21 Cave + riff

22 Showbiz

23 Do We Need This?

24 Minimum

25 Citizen Erased

26 Eternally Missed

27 The Groove

28 Glorious

29 Knights of Cydonia


30 City of Delusion

31 Nature 1

32 Soldiers Poem

33 Unintended

34 Screenager

35 Blackout

36 Bliss (Extended w/ balloons)


37 Assassin

38 Dead Star

39 Micro Cuts

40 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


At which point everyone thinks "Oh come on. They played almost half their songs but no Falling Away With You"


And then they come back on


41 Falling Away With You


and then everyone's like "Yeah! they played as many as the Cure at Wembley Arena, a gig that Milky Joe would have gone to had he found out they were playing before the actual day. Although let's be fair, he only knows about 20 of their songs, so the chances are, he'll be bored for half the gig. Closing with Killing an Arab? interesting choice. God that gig was so tiring. 41 songs! Unbelievable, and closing with FAWY :eek: I'm so glad the didn't put it anywhere else, cuz that would not reflect the true amazingness and importance of this event; that would truly be a cock up. Thank heavens for Milky Joe. I wonder what life would be like if hucksy! was the trademark setlist writer... probably not worth living. Honestly... Who decides there should be no piano songs? Not Milky Joe, that's for certain. What a guy that man is. If I ever saw him in a pub, I'd buy him a pint."


Everyone else would be like "WTF"

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and then everyone's like "Yeah! they played as many as the Cure at Wembley Arena, a gig that Milky Joe would have gone to had he found out they were playing before the actual day. Although let's be fair, he only knows about 20 of their songs, so the chances are, he'll be bored for half the gig. Closing with Killing an Arab? interesting choice. God that gig was so tiring. 41 songs! Unbelievable, and closing with FAWY :eek: I'm so glad the didn't put it anywhere else, cuz that would not reflect the true amazingness and importance of this event; that would truly be a cock up. Thank heavens for Milky Joe. I wonder what life would be like if hucksy! was the trademark setlist writer... probably not worth living. Honestly... Who decides there should be no piano songs? Not Milky Joe, that's for certain. What a guy that man is. If I ever saw him in a pub, I'd buy him a pint."


Everyone else would be like "WTF"


:LOL:. :LOL:. :LOL:.


You really ARE a legend, Wilf.

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