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Ah, yeah, well I thought it'd be a laugh if they did YFMF and walked off stage for 30 secs, see what the crowd reaction would be. And I stick to my point that Pink Ego Box is one of the best things they've done! And I could see it with the Ashamed riffage at the end. That, or it on the end of New Born, like at reading 06.

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Small Gig:


1.Take A Bow

2.Map of the Problematique + Maggies Farm Riff

3.Supermassive Black Hole


5.New Born + Microphone Fiend Riff

6.Stockholm Syndrome + Riff + Dead Star/Hyper Music Jam

7.Space Dementia

8.Ruled By Secrecy


10.Muscle Museum

11.City of Delusion (acoustic guitar solo)


13.Forced In Jam + Bliss (extended)


14.Plug In Baby

15.Knights of Cydonia

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1. Take A Bow

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Supermassive Black Hole

4. Hysteria

5. Butterflies and Hurricanes

6. Apocalypse Please

7. HooDoo

8. Ruled by Secrecy

9. Invincible

10. Starlight

11. Plug in Baby

12. Bliss

13. New Born


14. Knights of Cydonia

15. Micro Cuts

16. Stockholm Syndrome

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1 New Born

2 Micro Cuts

3 Darkshines

4 Citizen Erased

5 Space Dementia

6 Screenager (piano)

7 Feeling Good

8 Megalomania

9 Hyper Music

10 Plug in Baby

11 Bliss


Above average set which is easily how OOS was supposed to be arranged.

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the day they play every single song they've ever written will be the day that I will say they've had the perfect setlist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)


of course they'd be able to have a short break every hour as the gig would last 10 hours or so....but then again....:p


I would like to see Muse not play Time Is Running Out, Supermassive Black Hole, Starlight, Invincible and Feeling Good. I've seen TIRO 4 times, and the BHAR songs 3, which I think is really enough. I hope Muse just completely drop Feeling Good forever now.

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I would like to see Muse not play Time Is Running Out, Supermassive Black Hole, Starlight, Invincible and Feeling Good. I've seen TIRO 4 times, and the BHAR songs 3, which I think is really enough. I hope Muse just completely drop Feeling Good forever now.


But Supermassive is one of the best live songs!!


Why dont you like it Wilf? I find it utterly fabulous. My obsession for Muse stems from Bliss, Hysteria, SFA and that song in particular. If those songs werent invented, I wouldnt even be here!

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But Supermassive is one of the best live songs!!


Why dont you like it Wilf? I find it utterly fabulous. My obsession for Muse stems from Bliss, Hysteria, SFA and that song in particular. If those songs werent invented, I wouldnt even be here!


Lol. I know it's a good song. And so is Time is Running Out (and to some extent, Starlight). I'm just a tad bored of them.


Of all the songs from BHAR, I prefer Take a Bow, Map of the Problematique, Assassin, City of Delusion, Hoodoo and Knights of Cydonia, which is a lot considering Supermassive Black Hole is the most likely song to survive next tour.

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1. Dead Star

2. Micro Cuts

3. Hyper Music

4. Cave

5. Sober

6. Fillip

7. Uno

8. Dark Shines

9. Escape

10. Citizen Erased

11. Space Dementia

12. Sunburn

13. Megalomania

14. Screenager (piano)

15. Feeling Good

16. In Your World

17. New Born


18. Hate This & I'll Love You

19. Muscle Museum

20. Showbiz


21. Plug in Baby

22. Bliss

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1 Ruled By Secrecy

2 New Born

3 Micro Cuts

4 Dead Star

5 Fury

6 Assassin

7 Map of the Problematique

8 Plug in Baby

9 Nishe

10 Falling Down

11 Space Dementia

12 Hyper Music

13 Muscle Museum

14 Cave

15 Showbiz + Ashamed riff

16 Bliss ext.


17 Take a Bow

18 Hysteria

19 City of Delusion

20 Knights of Cydonia


21 Screenager (piano)

22 Hoodoo

23 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

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Lol. I know it's a good song. And so is Time is Running Out (and to some extent, Starlight). I'm just a tad bored of them.


Of all the songs from BHAR, I prefer Take a Bow, Map of the Problematique, Assassin, City of Delusion, Hoodoo and Knights of Cydonia, which is a lot considering Supermassive Black Hole is the most likely song to survive next tour.


What annoys me the most is Starlight surviving. Starlight once struck me as a good song but I came off it after seeing how weak it is live. Never been a big fan of Tiro myself.


Muse have a tendency to leave the best live songs out which is really annoying.

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1. Minimum

2. Dead Star

3. Micro Cuts

4. Cave

5. Fillip

6. Hyper Music

7. Uno

8. Spiral Static

9. Dark Shines

10. Escape

11. Hate This & I'll Love You

12. In Your World

13. Coma

14. Shrinking Universe

15. Yes Please

16. Execution Commentary


17. Futurism

18. Showbiz

19. Agitated

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With no singles:


1.Take A Bow

2.Assassin (extended)

3.The Small Print


5.City of Delusion

6.Crying Shame

7.Citizen Erased

8.Screenager (Piano)

9.Ruled By Secrecy

10.Space Dementia



13.Shrinking Universe

14.Forced In

15.Micro Cuts






19.Hate This and I'll Love You


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1.Take A Bow

2.Map of the Problematique

3.Supermassive Black Hole


5.City of Delusion

6.Butterflies and Hurricanes

7.Citizen Erased

8.Space Dementia

9.Ruled By Secrecy


11.New Born

12.Micro Cuts



15.Time Is Running Out

16.Knights of Cydonia


17.Muscle Museum

18.Plug In Baby

19.Bliss (extended)


20.Apocalypse Please


22.Stockholm Syndrome

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1. Dead Star

2. Micro Cuts

3. Hyper Music

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Sing for Absolution

6. City of Delusion

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes

8. Citizen Erased

9. Space Dementia

10. Sunburn

11. HooDoo

12. Screenager (piano)

13. Ruled by Secrecy

14. Invincible

15. Plug in Baby

16. New Born


17. Blackout

18. Stockholm Syndrome

19. Knights of Cydonia


20. Take A Bow

21. Bliss

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1. Knights Of Cydonia

2. Hysteria

3. Bliss (Ext.)

4. Showbiz

5. Map Of The Problematique

6. New Born

7. City Of Delusion

8. Assassin (Ext.)

9. Citizen Erased

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Megalomania

12. Invincible

13. Supermassive Black Hole

14. Time Is Running Out

15. Plug In Baby


16. Dead Star

17. Micro Cuts

18. Stockholm Syndrome


19. Take A Bow

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Hoodoo (album version), but Muse appear during the big ending and play last quiet bit live, then launch into...

2.KoC- Dom cracks a joke then....

3.Uno- Matt apologises that no-one knows this song

4.New Born




8.Feeling Good

9.FURY- then Matt introduces Orchestra and launches into

10.City of Delusion

11. Butterflies and Hurricanes (orchestra leaves to standing ovation)

12.The Small Print

13.Hyper Music

14.Ruled by Secrecy

15. Sing For Absolution


17.Muscle Museum

18.Hate This and I'll Love You

------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------


20.Time Is Running Out


22. Plug In Baby

------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ------

23.Citizen Erased


25. Stockholm Syndrome

26. BLISS (extended) + serious Balloonage


I would actually die if they played this. It's just a but long is all.

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1.Take A Bow


3.Map of the Problematique

4.Uno (for a laugh)


6.City of Delusion

7.Butterflies and Hurricanes


9.Supermassive Black Hole

10.Micro Cuts

11.Citizen Erased

12.Space Dementia

13.Ruled By Secrecy


15.Forced In

16.Muscle Museum

17.Time Is Running Out

18.Bliss (long)


19.New Born

20.Dead Star

21.Hyper Music

22.Stockholm Syndrome


23.Apocalypse Please

24.Plug In Baby

25.Knights of Cydonia

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1. Take A Bow

2. Bliss

3. Map of the Problematique

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Hyper Music

6. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

7. Sing For Absolution

8. City of Delusion

9. Butterflies and Hurricanes

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Space Dementia

12. HooDoo

13. Ruled by Secrecy

14. New Born

15. Micro Cuts

16. Dead Star

17. Showbiz


18. Muscle Museum

19. Hysteria

20. Stockholm Syndrome


21. Plug in Baby

22. Knights of Cydonia

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1 Take a Bow

2 Dead Star

3 New Born

4 Map of the Problematique

5 Assassin

6 Butterflies and Hurricanes

7 City of Delusion

8 Sing for Absolution

9 Showbiz

10 Citizen Erased

11 Ruled By Secrecy

12 Space Dementia

13 Starlight (piano)

14 Apocalypse Please

15 Sunburn

16 Muscle Museum

17 Hysteria

18 Fury

19 Supermassive Black Hole

20 Time Is Running Out

21 Plug in Baby

22 Knights of Cydonia


23 Nishe

24 Falling Down

25 Blackout

26 Bliss (Extended)


27 Micro Cuts

28 Stockholm Syndrome + riffs

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01. new born

02. muscle museum

03. map of the problematique

04. dead star

05. darkshines

06. soldiers poem

07. citizen erased

08. hoodoo

09. apocalypse please

10. interlude/hysteria

11. plug in baby

12. space dementia

13. sunburn (guitar)

14. time is running out

15. supermassive black hole

16. butterflies & hurricanes (guitar)


17. take a bow

18. starlight

19. sing for absolution

20. bliss


21. unintended

22. showbiz

23. in your world

24. invincible

25. stockholm syndrome + riff

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01. Knights of Cydonia

02. Butterflies and Hurricanes

03. New Born

04. Supermassive Black Hole

05. Map of the Problematique

06. Citizen Erased

07. Hoodoo

08. Apocalypse Please

09. Ruled by Secrecy

10. Sunburn

11. Invincible

12. Forced In

13. Sing for Absolution

14. Plug in Baby

15. Stockholm Syndrome


16. Hysteria

17. Fury

18. City of Delusion


19. Take a Bow

20. Bliss


I'd like to include Micro Cuts but Matt cant sing it as well as he did before.

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another one:


New Born

Dead Star

Map of the Problematique

City of Delusion

Hyper Chondriac Music

Soldiers Poem

Citizen Erased


Apocalypse Please

Time Is Running Out

Sunburn (guitar)

Space Dementia

Supermassive Black Hole

Butterflies & Hurricanes (guitar)


Take A Bow





Stockholm Syndrome


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another one:


New Born

Dead Star

Map of the Problematique

City of Delusion

Hyper Chondriac Music

Soldiers Poem

Citizen Erased


Apocalypse Please

Time Is Running Out

Sunburn (guitar)

Space Dementia

Supermassive Black Hole

Butterflies & Hurricanes (guitar)

Take A Bow




Stockholm Syndrome



That one is nice :)

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