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So, the brownies...


Well, the taste was fine. My friends seemed to be enjoying it almost too much! Scarlett was like, "how do you feel that you've made guys make that noise?" :LOL:


But, um, the texture...well, they had to be eaten out of bowls with spoons. :$

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that may have been it! as i said in my text, never made brownies (well other than the biscuity peanut brownie variety) so i'm not expert.


i really just want to get into my pajamas and climb into bed but i said i'd pick oren up...guess it'll be the last time i'd have to.

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sorry when i was stuffing it in the postage bag i was like "i should've washed this!" but i was already so late sending it -- that muse hoodie has been in a muse hotel room so it's priceless. ;)


No worries! It smells fine ( I will admit to sniffing it when I pulled it out) and I've been wearing it since I got home.

You have no idea how stoked I was to find it after the day I have had!!!! Better condition than you made it sound too! :p

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What a wannabe Lady Gaga. Edit: The bow woman, not you Kat :LOL:


I amused myself, and my mum, today by putting on a Scottish accent. That 'Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow' was playing on TV and one of the comedians was from Glasgow, so I was imitating him :LOL: I can say two things in a convincing Glaswegian accent now: 'waiting on a bus in the city of Glasgow' and 'I cannae take a liking to economics' :LOL: can't remember what the other one was.

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No worries! It smells fine ( I will admit to sniffing it when I pulled it out) and I've been wearing it since I got home.

You have no idea how stoked I was to find it after the day I have had!!!! Better condition than you made it sound too! :p

i nearly didn't have it considering the night i got it i dropped it outside of the st james and then i left it in morgan's room after as well.


glad you like it, only thing i didn't really like about it was it was quite short for a hoodie.

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I can say two things in a convincing Glaswegian accent now: 'waiting on a bus in the city of Glasgow' and 'I cannae take a liking to economics' :LOL: can't remember what the other one was.

You're completely sorted! You could go to Glasgow, just make those two comments, and immediately be warmly accepted by the locals.

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What a wannabe Lady Gaga. Edit: The bow woman, not you Kat :LOL:


I amused myself, and my mum, today by putting on a Scottish accent. That 'Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow' was playing on TV and one of the comedians was from Glasgow, so I was imitating him :LOL: I can say two things in a convincing Glaswegian accent now: 'waiting on a bus in the city of Glasgow' and 'I cannae take a liking to economics' :LOL: can't remember what the other one was.

stewart francis was on it right? i missed him because i was watching the stupid show on 2. but i saw mark watson at least.

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What a wannabe Lady Gaga. Edit: The bow woman, not you Kat :LOL:


I amused myself, and my mum, today by putting on a Scottish accent. That 'Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow' was playing on TV and one of the comedians was from Glasgow, so I was imitating him :LOL: I can say two things in a convincing Glaswegian accent now: 'waiting on a bus in the city of Glasgow' and 'I cannae take a liking to economics' :LOL: can't remember what the other one was.



Ha I was going to say, as much as I'd love to imitate her I don't often go without pants!


I love taking off British accents, we were doing Liverpudlian and Sotke ones today for amusement!


i nearly didn't have it considering the night i got it i dropped it outside of the st james and then i left it in morgan's room after as well.


glad you like it, only thing i didn't really like about it was it was quite short for a hoodie.


Extra special then!


It's a little short on me, but I've got a long sleeved lightweight jumpet thing underneath that makes it longer.


Need sleep now zzzzzz hope you guys on here are all well!

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but i saw mark watson at least.

I saw him live last year. He was really great. And then I found out the next day that he'd heard his wife was seriously ill and he couldn't go home until after the show. :( Felt a bit bad for enjoying it so much when he must have been suffering. He didn't show it at all, though.


I hope she's doing better.

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You're completely sorted! You could go to Glasgow, just make those two comments, and immediately be warmly accepted by the locals.


I could! Everything I need can be constructed out of those two sentences.


stewart francis was on it right? i missed him because i was watching the stupid show on 2. but i saw mark watson at least.


I don't know, I was too distracted playing around with an accent to watch the others :$


Has anyone else lost the ability to read roll over text on facebook pictures to see who has been tagged?

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That seems to be a solution to a lot of life's issues.


Hey Rich, remember how you watched that Most Hated Family doco the other day? I just read someone's post on a webpage about their experience at a counter-picket against them. Made me smile:




The homophobic hate-mongers of Westboro Baptist Church (infamous for picketing schools, street corners and funerals with signs like "God Hates Fags", "Jews Killed Jesus", and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers") decided this week to pay a visit to my home state and picket not only my current college, but my old high school as well. To drum up media attention they post their entire protest schedule publicly on their site, and a few savvy groups took it upon themselves to stage a counter-protest at every stop along the way. I was only able to make the high school gathering.


I decided to cosplay because I figured looking like a queer dandy weeaboo would tick them off appropriately well, and I decided to cosplay young Ples because (as we all know) Ples is Rainbows, but I didn't have enough time to do the make-up. I shined my shoes, straightened my tie, made a sign, and strolled down the street to a MASSIVE. RAINBOW. FLOOD. OF AWESOME. [Also not pictured - sorry, they ran too].


The turnout was tremendous: Westboro's puny seven-person protest was swamped by what must have been 500 counter-protesters at minimum. Most of our signs included the words "love" or "peace", although nearly half were references to internet memes ("[Citation Needed], "I HAVE A SIGN") and gay music videos ("It's Okay to Be Gay" "Shut Up (and Sleep With Me)!") or parodies of the WBC signs themselves "God Hates Signs", "God Hates Figs").


Petitions were being signed. Charity fundraisers were being run. Someone gave me a free brownie. The building itself was plastered in rainbow chalk and banners, and even the school's electronic announcement board was streaming slogans of love, peace, unity, and acceptance.


WBC never spends more than 30 minutes at any location, so I knew I had to act fast if I was going to get a picture. I spent ten minutes inching through the crowd to get to where they were huddled together. As I was waiting at the crosswalk, however, they decided enough was enough, picked up their signs, and left.


Well, they tried.


When it became clear that the clan of bigots was chickening out early, the tension of the crowd ramped up to something both joyous and fierce. Traffic be damned, we all piled into the street after them, marching as a mob down the road, staying clear of the group's protective SWAT-team bodyguards but jeering louder than ever as they disappeared into their escape van. Someone started chanting "JESUS WAS A JEW!". Then everybody was chanting it. I held my sign up and cheered, slightly frightened but mostly laughing.


As the van pulled slowly away through the mass of protesters, I caught sight of the woman in the passenger seat. Eerily calm, smiling mirthlessly, she held up a video camera to videotape the whole thing. Our eyes met for a brief moment. I thrust my fists in the air and bellowed in triumph. She caught me on film, and was gone.


Once the van was out of sight the crowd dispersed elatedly, and in the confused calm I managed to convince a stranger to borrow my camera and take this (rather splendid) photo.

I didn't manage to make it to the other two protests they had planned today, but I'm told there were upwards of a thousand counter-protesters at each. And it rained. ♥




How ironic that they need and accept the protection of a SWAT team.

Edit: Oh right, Ples is from a webcomic. He's a gay character.

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That's fantastic. :awesome: That's what freedom of speech should be all about - they have a right to make their views heard, but they can't expect those of us who find them offensive to take it quietly.


Oh right, Ples is from a webcomic. He's a gay character.

Oh right, thanks for clearing that up. Wasn't sure what that bit was about.

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That's fantastic. :awesome: That's what freedom of speech should be all about - they have a right to make their views heard, but they can't expect those of us who find them offensive to take it quietly.


Oh right, thanks for clearing that up. Wasn't sure what that bit was about.


I love that there were like 7 church protesters and up to 1000 counter-protesters :LOL: And I just saw on another site that some people had signs like 'God strongly dislikes hate' and 'God is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down' :LOL:


Yeah I found the post because they had posted this picture of themselves cosplaying as Ples:




and it caught my eye.

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