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Wat. :stunned:

Youtube says either Eh-yah-fee-yuck-la-yokel or I-ya-fee-ah-ply-yu-ca-dool. I don't think either of those are really correct, but well done on the newscasters for getting it out :LOL:




That's weird, I saw fire engines and evacuated people in Newmarket the other day :erm:




What happened to the plane?


I heard that the volcanic ash can also scratch and chip away at the windscreens and stuff because of the rocks and glass it contains.


Found another new use of my new headphones :awesome: If I turn them up really loud, and turn my iPod up really loud, I can wear them around my neck in the car and they act like mini speakers. This is great because I don't have working speakers in my car! :happy:

the pilot glided the plane low enough down that it was out of the ash (due to problems with the oxygen masks) that the engines started again. the windscreen was sandblasted from the ash it made it very hard to land. it also created a sort of st elmo's fire effect on the plane, would've been pretty scary being told the engines have failed and seeing the plane glowing out the window.


shouldn't reread stuff when i'm flying in just over a week...hopefully this whole interrruption/eruption thing is sorted by then.

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There seemed to be some drama unfolding in central Auckland when I walked through on the way to up to uni just now.


Police had sealed off about a block and were directing traffic away from it. And there were thousands of people standing around trying to get a look, which is always a good sign that something awful's happened to someone. We're so considerate. :facepalm:


No mention of anything on any news sites when I checked though, so maybe it's a false alarm? Hope so.


What have you done now??? :p


I am also gunna look into this too.. I have an odd feeling my workplace is doing something illegal regaurds the employment act i am gunna look into it. They are giving people on work permits my hours. And not giving me anything it wont matter i have decided i will hand in my notice i am not putting up with it yes it may mean i will go on the winz unemployment standdown and then go on thier list but i have had a fucken gutsful of them and thier attitdude the lack of work was the reason i left last time and they doing it again so i am gunna leave now and not ever go back.


But if someone can tell me upon me also doing research what they are doing is illeagal

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That's an excellent solution! Good thinking.


Turns out that thing today was a bomb scare at the Queen/Victoria St ANZ. If it had actually been a bomb, it wouldn't have ended so well for those people eagerly watching outside...


no but it would of done us a favour though

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have you spoken to them about it?


don't know if it's illegal unless you have specified hours listed in your contract? do you even have a contract? that's where people can run into issues.


I have spoken to them about it but they are just saying we dont have enough work to go around for all and i am like well if thats the case then why hire more staff??


And upon that i am gunna look see if i can find my contract and see what that saids for itself

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the contract is definitely the first thing you need to fall back on as that's a legal document and if they breach that you have a case for a dispute.


i think the way to do it is speak to your employer, if that doesn't work, speak to the department of labour on 0800 20 90 20. they'll give the best advice. but you're looking at having to go through mediation and the employment relations authority if there a case. i'm no expert on employment law though.

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the contract is definitely the first thing you need to fall back on as that's a legal document and if they breach that you have a case for a dispute.


i think the way to do it is speak to your employer, if that doesn't work, speak to the department of labour on 0800 20 90 20. they'll give the best advice. but you're looking at having to go through mediation and the employment relations authority if there a case. i'm no expert on employment law though.


I know its looking that way. I am not happy about it i am still go ahead to leave the place i am not putting up with the same thing happening to me twice. I am now not too sure i will look for it that they did actually give me a contract when i went back to work there now when i think about it.


Upside: I am going to be paid for taking surveys :) not much but meh its better than nothing and have nothing to loose and also I will be taking part in a company that has this handheld device where you scan barcodes so i will keep you posted as to how that all works.

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That's an excellent solution! Good thinking.


Turns out that thing today was a bomb scare at the Queen/Victoria St ANZ. If it had actually been a bomb, it wouldn't have ended so well for those people eagerly watching outside...


Woah that's pretty scary.


the pilot glided the plane low enough down that it was out of the ash (due to problems with the oxygen masks) that the engines started again. the windscreen was sandblasted from the ash it made it very hard to land. it also created a sort of st elmo's fire effect on the plane, would've been pretty scary being told the engines have failed and seeing the plane glowing out the window.


shouldn't reread stuff when i'm flying in just over a week...hopefully this whole interrruption/eruption thing is sorted by then.


Good thing they got out of it okay. Yeah that would have been quite the freaky experience!


That's always the way, amirite? Its like when you're sick and you can't help but read all sorts of self-diagnosises online :LOL:

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i think watching it has made me feel really safe about flying at least. when i first started at my work i got so paranoid about car accidents because i was seeing 10 a day sort of thing and people just doing such stupid things.


i remember when we were flying back from italy and i was looking out the window, which wasn't much to see as it was dark, and suddenly there was big bright flash from the wing light (not the normal flash it does) and a fighter jet flew past really close. i turned to my sister and said "there's a fighter jet" which resulted in us talking for 20 minutes about air crash investigation episodes while this passenger beside her stared at us in horror.

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I prefer flying to being in a car. There's less that can go wrong because of all the safety things, and I feel less sick.


In other news, there was a guy playing She's a Mod on the trumpet in the background of the Crusaders/Cheetas rugby game. :awesome:

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In other news, there was a guy playing She's a Mod on the trumpet in the background of the Crusaders/Cheetas rugby game. :awesome:

Haha, sensational.


Fuck, what an exhausting day. I went to the races and stayed there until about 5, which was awesome, but then I went to uni and did what I should have spent all day doing in about three hours. I was so looking forward to just coming home and lying on the couch in front of the TV, but then I got a text - "dinner, drinks and karaoke tonight. You should come!"


So tired now.

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always the way that you get invited to something the day you want to stay home.

Yeah, exactly. And had to somehow summon the energy to be good company, so I bought two coffees on my way and skulled them. :LOL:

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i've spent most of my night researching family genealogy with my dad. managed to locate 7 kids i didn't know about and a place i'll have to visit in devon.


thinking about bed now after dosing up on more ibuprofen.


Wow that's really cool! It's always fun finding out about loads of relatives you didn't know you had!


In relation to the bomb threat, I was at my friend's apartment on Queen St and we heard a load of commotion and squealing that went on for some time, but didn't know what it was. Might have been that.


Went to the Massey uni bar on Friday to see my friend's band, and while we were there the DJ played KoC twice in the space of an hour. :D:D Thought of you Rich!! :)

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In relation to the bomb threat, I was at my friend's apartment on Queen St and we heard a load of commotion and squealing that went on for some time, but didn't know what it was. Might have been that.

Hope so! The mind boggles over what it might have been otherwise. :erm:


Speaking of squealing and commotion, the people in the neighbouring karaoke booth seemed to be farting into their microphones. :facepalm: Some people. :noey: But I drowned it out with Plug In Baby and Showbiz, and did by darnedest to hit the high notes in both. I might sound like that "What a Wonderful World" guy tomorrow.


But I couldn't share my Lady Gaga rendition with my friends. :( I probably would have struggled anyway because I was sober this time!


KoC twice in an hour is amazing! But is it almost too much? Maybe three times is the cusp.


Although I have been known to listen to it four times in a row, so... :$

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As you should. That's the KOC dance. :yesey:


I sang Bad Romance at Shadows karaoke last Wednesday. It felt right at the time. And it drew a standing ovation from crowd...I'm nervous about ever setting foot in that place again.


How have you been?

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As you should. That's the KOC dance. :yesey:


I sang Bad Romance at Shadows karaoke last Wednesday. It felt right at the time. And it drew a standing ovation from crowd...I'm nervous about ever setting foot in that place again.


How have you been?


Standing ovation? That's pretty impressive. I hope you were in costume!


You know they might even have played KoC again that night, I left after the second band and the DJ was getting ready to start again....



I'm pretty good, just started working at Waitakere hospital doing the kiddie lists in preparation for Starship next month, it's freaky as!


How about you?

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See, I'm not sure if the standing ovation was saluting the awesomeness or the awfulness of my performance. I think I was wearing a Muse t-shirt...is that suitable attire for Lady Gaga singing? I'm no judge of these things. But I think a Muse t-shirt is pretty fucking awesome for any occasion really.


Yeah I can imagine that being freaky. Are you still working similar hours to the ones you had at North Shore? That would mean some really unfairly early wake-up times.


I'm not bad thanks. Same old, really.


I sent out an email at work on Thursday night trying to organise karaoke (I've become mildly obsessed), and I'm hoping I don't get shut down. I used this picture...


Wouldn't that make you want to go? Come on. Who'd say no after seeing that?

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