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Holy Cow those were epic and they went into SS. it'd be cool if they could use the scaffolding towers between the main stages at BDO for some similar effect.


Yeah, I'd love them to have something like that to project the images on. It's about time we have a chance to get spaced out on cool graphics.


hope we get




Yes, but preferably not Unintended! :ninja:


Sunburn, Showbiz or Muscle Museum instead would be good. Or even just Bliss. I want Bliss :(

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We were wondering about you! How have you been? What's new with you?

I had like a sickness-induced breakdown, and had to withdraw from uni, among other fun things...


But I'm okay now =)


Might be going to Canadia next year for like 6 months though, to like... go live at like an indigenous people of the world healing centre place though lol. If I do go I miss BDO though...


Anyway, you???


EDIT - omfg your avatar :LOL: <3

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Exogenesis or gtfo


That too, of course :yesey:


I had like a sickness-induced breakdown, and had to withdraw from uni, among other fun things...


But I'm okay now =)


Might be going to Canadia next year for like 6 months though, to like... go live at like an indigenous people of the world healing centre place though lol. If I do go I miss BDO though...


Anyway, you???


EDIT - omfg your avatar :LOL: <3


Oh, sorry to hear that. Glad that your better now :)


Shame you might miss BDO, but being in Canada will be awesome, plus Muse will be going there anyway for you to go see them ;)

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I had like a sickness-induced breakdown, and had to withdraw from uni, among other fun things...


But I'm okay now =)


Might be going to Canadia next year for like 6 months though, to like... go live at like an indigenous people of the world healing centre place though lol. If I do go I miss BDO though...


Anyway, you???


EDIT - omfg your avatar :LOL: <3


Oh no, that's unfortunate. Good thing that you're better now though. You seemed to be unwell for a long time so it's good that you're well again at last. :happy:


Wow Canada, awesome! That would be heaps of fun. Ooh that healing place sounds interesting!


Would you be staying with family or is that healing place like a resort/retreat place too?


:LOL: thanks, I think you're the only person on the board who likes my avatar

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My thoughts exactly.

:happy: thanks


Oh no, that's unfortunate. Good thing that you're better now though. You seemed to be unwell for a long time so it's good that you're well again at last. :happy:


Wow Canada, awesome! That would be heaps of fun. Ooh that healing place sounds interesting!


Would you be staying with family or is that healing place like a resort/retreat place too?

Thanks :happy:


And yeah, one of my aunt's takes one of the... I have no idea, course/program thingies there or something. So I'd have family close even though I'd be one of the people undergoing the whole healing thing, and living at the retreaty place, rather than helping out haha.


:LOL: thanks, I think you're the only person on the board who likes my avatar
:eek: But it's so awesome!


Yup, dates haven't been released yet, but they said they're heading back to the USA and Canada after BDO/March.
Again with the awesome face. :awesome:
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:happy: thanks


Thanks :happy:


And yeah, one of my aunt's takes one of the... I have no idea, course/program thingies there or something. So I'd have family close even though I'd be one of the people undergoing the whole healing thing, and living at the retreaty place, rather than helping out haha.


:eek: But it's so awesome!


Again with the awesome face. :awesome:


Sounds like it will be a great experience! So glad to hear that you are on the mend and hope that things start getting back on track for you!


Hope everyone's long weekend is going well! I am back from my trip up North earlier than expected due to some 'interesting' people that we met up there.



while at my friend's bach his current squeeze offered my friend and I and my 19 year old brother a little pill bottle. Horrified, I asked what it was : "oh just some MDMA and coke"


I am not into that kind of thing and if others want to do it, hey, that's cool but she then went around the house offering it to the others, and I think this guy's 15 year old son might have been given some. I just felt really awkward so we just went to bed and got away this morning.

I just have no time for that kind of thing, and I didn't want my brother to be in that kind of environment so that was a huge downer! I didn't even really think we had a cocaine scene here!!!!!!





So we went to Wenderholme instead and ate fish and chips on the beach, and then had a movie night back home. Quiet, but nice. And safe. My friends and I weren't on pins all the time wondering if we were going to have to do any CPR.

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i would've been the same. its not exactly drugs you would think someone would just offer up to anyone who wants it!


although that was how it was like in england. at leeds fest, people were doing cocaine off their car keys right beside me just sitting in front of the stage. and in bars and stuff anyone and everyone would offer it to you like it was candy. people were so blase about it, which i never really understood, especially when with my work i saw exactly how drug addiction ruined people's lives.

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Yeah, I'm used to people smoking a bit of weed around me and whatever, but I think it was the way she was just so blase about it, real casual, and through further conversations it became apparent that it WAS the norm for her. Blah it was nasty.

And also because my friend and I both work in theatre, we tend to be a bit overimaginative and prepare for the worst as usual so we worked ourselves up a bit too!


If people want to do it go ahead but I'd rather they did it sneakily so I don't have to worry about them!!!!!!

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I did indeed get my new shoes.


Labyrinth = AWESOME.


My friend is housesitting for his sister, and I went to his place tonight. I managed to get lost on the way there - this was Beach Haven, which is right next to the suburb I live in. Embarrassing.


We watched a DVD of The League of Gentlemen. Absolutely hilarious show! Had never seen it before.


How was your trip north, apart from the unpleasantness?

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my sister and i sing magic dance as magic pants.





Oh man, the first time I watched it as a 'grown up' it was all I could see! Is it a sock? What IS that thing? Haaaaahaaa!



I did indeed get my new shoes.


Labyrinth = AWESOME.


My friend is housesitting for his sister, and I went to his place tonight. I managed to get lost on the way there - this was Beach Haven, which is right next to the suburb I live in. Embarrassing.


We watched a DVD of The League of Gentlemen. Absolutely hilarious show! Had never seen it before.


How was your trip north, apart from the unpleasantness?


Shoes! Explain.


I'm not surprised, Beach Haven is a BLACK HOLE that you just get sucked into. My brother lives there and I still get lost going to his house, it's like a vortex that sucks you in and you can't find the way out!


The League of Gentlemen? Is that the extraodinary leauge?


The bach was really nice, dinner was lovely, cooked in a pit in the ground, then we got on the drink, but I went to bed pretty early. Lazed on the deck in the sun all morning watching all the boats in the water, that was pretty epic, and it was just nice to see the sun! And to not have to be anywhere or do anything!


It's my brother's birthday tomorrow, I can't believe he's going to be 19!


What are you up to for the rest of the weekend?

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I just got a $30 pair of plain black shoes...bit boring, really. Comfortable at the moment, though.


The League of Gentlemen is a sketch comedy show. Very, very funny.


What's your brother doing to celebrate his birthday?


I don't really have any plans for the rest of the weekend. Work tomorrow, then probably uni stuff Monday.

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Comfort is so important!


I think we are going climbing tomorrow, and then having a family dinner tomorrow night and our climbing couple are coming. He's talking about having drinks next weekend.


And then armageddon on Monday ! :D Yaaay!


Oh I haven't heard of the sketch, thought you meant that movie and I couldn't remember it properly!


OH I got my assigment back today. We had 7 weeks to write it and I wrote it in about a day. Got 59%, so not a wow mark but I was just going for a pass, I hate this paper. Stoked!

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Yeha, this whole paper is a bit of a joke, to be honest. It was added to the Diploma while I was nearly half way through, and even though it was added so late my year still ended up having to do it!

So my year has had to do two extra papers than what we originally signed up for.


Grrr AUT.


And this one is a sort of tacked on nursey paper that doesn't really have much bearing on anything that we do at all. It's more the sort you would do as a special interest paper after you had graduated.


It was brought in really quickly too, so the assignment question didn't really make any sense and they had to re issue it twice and then write us a huge thing to clarify what exactly it was they wanted us to do. So to pass the assignment, I am stoked. Now just the exam and then only two papers left!!!!!!!!!

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