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That is also very true. I wonder if that has to happen for the experience to be fully authentic. If so, they should sell the buckets of juice with the Frujus.


How else would you get a bucket of juice?

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I wonder how Jo's liking her new job.

Um, only been two days but it feels okay so far. Lots to learn!


And I'm working for an American company in their tax team, basically doing admin and eventually learning enough to help out with working out tax obligations for the people who either work in the UK from other parts of the world, or leave the UK to go work in Europe/Middle East/Africa. Basically I work with a bunch of tax analysts and accountants.

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Whenever I get downhearted about NZ politics, I can always look to South Carolina and feel better.


Apparently they elected some unemployed guy in the Democrat primary just because his was the first name on the ballot! He hardly campaigned and has no credentials for the job. Nice one. :facepalm:

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I think there's a limit in terms of acceptable head tiltage whilst urinating.


I just walked into the men's toilets at work and a guy's head was right back. He would have been staring at the ceiling, had his eyes been open. I found this to be a very uncomfortable situation, even though I positioned myself as far away as possible.

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What did you think?


Nice pics btw :happy:




As for Lost...

When watching it, I just felt sad for them the whole time. Then at the end, it would have been nicer if we got just a little more information about the island and potentially how each of their lives were before they died, for those who did surivie that is. E.g, how did Hurley and Ben get on with the island, etc. But otherwise it was ok, the explanation of that other world after they died was a bit simplistic, but I guess that was as far as they were willing to go, lol.


What did youy think?



Richard, I saw this the other day and thought you might appreciate it:




Haha, that is too cute and one tolerant ram! :LOL::happy::happy:







I noticed that awhile ago but didn't want to bring anybody down by mentioning it lol. The earlier titles to these pages had 'campaign' in them, did they not? I am unsure how to campaign also. Template letter and get different people to send it..? I am all for campaigning!! :)


From my records, ahem, I see that we didn't get told about the tour dates until mid August... So we might be in for a bit more of a wait :rolleyes:


I want a moat.


I want a boat.

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Michelle with regards to Lost -- think it's all about the DVD release (gotta make more money) as there's a mini episode about Hurley and Ben.


I am so glad it's the weekend. I really need to plan some trips so I have something to look forward to.

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So last night I went out drinking with my sister in Whangarei. It was an experience. :LOL:


I felt quite out of place wearing a long-sleeved shirt and fancy pants. Most people were in jeans and jandals. And by about 8pm, people were starting to fall over. :erm:


Then a woman started hitting on my sister, and when I responded to her desperate "help!" looks, she gave me the evils for the rest of the night and said we had an "unnatural" relationship.


There are lots of photos of me expressing my alarm, disapproval and disdain for the other patrons. I hope they find their way onto Facebook.


The 9am bus back to Auckland was way, way too early. And the windy bits are no fun at all when you're unpleasantly hungover. :noey:

Edited by _Ed_
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Yeah, same. I'll be free for about a month after I hand my dissertation in on Friday. :awesome: My friend has his last exam on the same day. That'll be cause for celebration.


But I've got to finish it first. :(

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Politics actually, oddly enough.


The movement is quite political - a huge number of groups within the Hawaiian movement (about 300, according to one source I've used) are competing against each other for public recognition and legitimacy.

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At least you're not permanently trapped in anything at uni. I changed majors four times in my first two years!


You could always start out doing a BA/BSc, and if you're not comfortable doing both, you can easily drop the one you're not enjoying as much.

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