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Join the resistance - week 6 video download crashing.


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- Which operating system? (windows, mac, linux?) and which version?


- Which browser?


I can download and load it without any problems on my ipod nano.


Vista, version am not sure, can check in the evening. At work now.


Browser, no matter which one. Tried firefox, safari, ie. Always the same.


Had no trouble with any other video! :(


This one just starts downloading much slower than the previous ones, and just stops downloading after it's downloaded about 20 MB.

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Vista, version am not sure, can check in the evening. At work now.


Vista would be the version (when I asked). =P


Browser, no matter which one. Tried firefox, safari, ie. Always the same.


Had no trouble with any other video! :(


This one just starts downloading much slower than the previous ones, and just stops downloading after it's downloaded about 20 MB.



Im losing the connection too when I try to download it. That is odd, cause I was able to download it last week.


I think it escapes my knowledge, since it is probably something with their server.

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me and niall have both tried downloading it from http://muse.mu/members/ niall got it fine first time i had it fail on me but then it came through fine, i think it's just the server it is on is a little tempremental. maybe try again a couple of times and post back on your findings?


I will try with another video, btw.


and thank you

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