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I didn't hear them, but I still got insanely excited when I was on a plane a couple days ago and I got up to use the bathroom and as I walked down the aisle, this guy moved his elbow out of my way and I glanced down at the iPod in his hand and he was listening to Unnatural Selection :LOL:


I wanted to say something, but I chickened-out and instead just smiled awkwardly at him before continuing toward the bathroom :LOL:

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I didn't hear them, but I still got insanely excited when I was on a plane a couple days ago and I got up to use the bathroom and as I walked down the aisle, this guy moved his elbow out of my way and I glanced down at the iPod in his hand and he was listening to Unnatural Selection :LOL:


I wanted to say something, but I chickened-out and instead just smiled awkwardly at him before continuing toward the bathroom :LOL:


Cool story :chuckle:

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Eh, just heard the swedish neutron star collision advert in spotify. And yes they mentioned Twilight.


Well well...


I Haven't heard that one yet! :eek: This is the first time I've actually been trying to get a commersial going on spotify instead of just switching song before the end of it :LOL:

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I didn't hear them, but I still got insanely excited when I was on a plane a couple days ago and I got up to use the bathroom and as I walked down the aisle, this guy moved his elbow out of my way and I glanced down at the iPod in his hand and he was listening to Unnatural Selection :LOL:


I wanted to say something, but I chickened-out and instead just smiled awkwardly at him before continuing toward the bathroom :LOL:


Whenever I'm going somewhere by foot and I'm listening to my iPod, I always turn up the volume on the off chance that the person I walk past is a Muse fan and that they notice, so I can actually talk to someone about Muse! So far no luck :(:LOL:

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I Haven't heard that one yet! :eek: This is the first time I've actually been trying to get a commersial going on spotify instead of just switching song before the end of it :LOL:


Haha, trust me you don't want to hear it! It's awful. Feels like I wanna strangle someone everytime i do.

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Whenever I'm going somewhere by foot and I'm listening to my iPod, I always turn up the volume on the off chance that the person I walk past is a Muse fan and that they notice, so I can actually talk to someone about Muse! So far no luck :(:LOL:


LOL! I thought I was the only one who did that! :LOL:

I heard New Born in American Eagle

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Whenever I'm going somewhere by foot and I'm listening to my iPod, I always turn up the volume on the off chance that the person I walk past is a Muse fan and that they notice, so I can actually talk to someone about Muse! So far no luck :(:LOL:


I do the same thing but differently because i don't have an ipod. lol! I wrote on my converse and it says MUSE in big bold letters and I always point my converse in the direction of a person who looks like they would be a muse fan. :LOL: So far I got this one girl whose eyes went all bugged out in excitement.:D

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that's actually quite good.

although, I'm sure he says "green nobs wrapped around our minds"

or is it just me? :)


Yeah, it's pretty good. When I saw it, I was like :awesome: for the rest of the night :p Don't like the lead singers in the first verse though. But the choirs are cool :happy:

Yeah, I guess it sounds like she sings "nobs" :p

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How about now lol... I am busy on a muse messageboard looking at threads and I was thinking about asking mom if i can play a muse dvd wish its the latest one :( and what do ya know uprising plays on the radio i think muse knows when to play thier music on the radio....

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