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Your Top and Bottom Muse Song Names


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Now that the track listing is out for the resistance, what is everyone's favorite and least favorite songs just based on the names?


Top 5:

Knight of Cydonia

Apocalypse Please

Butterflies and Hurricanes

Ruled by Secrecy

I Belong To You (don't ask me why i like this, i think its because i'm a cheeseball)


Bottom 5:


Guiding Light

Undisclosed Desires


Hate This and I'll Love you

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1. Map of the Problematique (this one by far, most epic name ever!!!!)

2. Knights of Cydonia

3. New Born

4. Hyper Chondriac Music

5. Deadstar



dislikes... I can't say I dislike any of the names, as I've kinda grown to love all Muse's songs and even though there are obviously some I like less than others, the actual titles I all like as they are... When trying to think of some songs to list here, I went through my iTunes library and looked at titles and imagined certain songs but without that name, and it just felt weird hahaha so i'm not gonna list any, cos each song's title ultimately suits the song I think. :)

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Map of the problematique


Hyper Music




The only two song names I really cannot stand are Nishe and United states of Euraisa - they are both so uninspiring compared to their other song titles.

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how can you guys dislike something you haven't heard yet. You just heard matts poorly explanation of the songs and you hate it either based on that or the title.

anyway, here is my top and bottom:


Top: Hyper Music

Bottom: Fillip

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how can you guys dislike something you haven't heard yet. You just heard matts poorly explanation of the songs and you hate it either based on that or the title.

anyway, here is my top and bottom:


Top: Hyper Music

Bottom: Fillip


because it's not based on how good the actual song is or what it's about, it's purely the song name

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Execution Commentary

Bedroom Acoustics

Hate This & I'll Love You

Spiral Static




Muscle Museum

edit: Piano Thing



yeah, that's it. I just think it's lame they went to a dictionary to find the words before and after "muse"...no creativity points for that one, I'm afraid. :noey:

edit: also could have called one of the nicest piano compositions something ELSE. ;__;

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Top 5:

Map of the Problematique

Stockholm Syndrome

Butterflies and Hurricanes


The Gallery

+ MK Ultra from Resistance :D


Bottom 5:




Pink Ego Box

Cave, Twin, Host, Coma, Overdue and other early one-word named songs

+ Guiding Light

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Heh, I could easily find a dozen bad song titles but barely 5 that I think are great...


Anyway, my top 5

Space Dementia

Citizen Erased

Thoughts of a dying atheist


Cave (probably because I had to do a little reading on Plato and I like the images it brings up :D )


Bottom 5


Yes Please (can you get more banal?)

Muscle Museum (LOVE the song though)

Screenager (just sounds really stupid)

Undisclosed Desires/Unnatural Selection (just sound gimmicky and forced)

Uprising (sounds too RATM)

Hate this and I'll love you (again, sounds awkward)


I'm not quite sure what to make of "Stockholm Syndrome". It IS a cool title but then again maybe a bit over-used in popular culture (interestingly, both Die Hard and an episode of X Files erraneously speak of "Helsinki Syndrome" instead of "Stockholm Syndrome :nerd: )

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Based on names, not content:


Top 5:


1. Map of the Problematique

2. Knights of Cydonia

3. Citizen Erased

4. City of Delusion

5. Exogenesis


Bottom 5:


1. Forced In (sounds like a description in a romance novel)


Thats pretty much it.

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Oooo cool thread lol, hmmm, ok:


Best 5:

Knights Of Cydonia

Map Of The Problematique

Citizen Erased

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Dear Star


Worst 5:

Pink Ego Box


Piano Thing

Showbiz (id have never put that as its in my top 5 Muse songs but lookin at the previous posts made me think, great song, not great name :( )

Jimmy Kane

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hyper chondriac music

space dementia

knights of cydonia

piano thing



muscle museum

too many i like :D



time is running out

assassin .. not sure why

falling away with you .. even that's not too bad really

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In no particular order:


Top 5:

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Take a Bow

Citizen Erased

Falling Down


Bottom 5:


Knights of Cydonia



Map of the Problematique


They do come up with some pretty terrible song titles :LOL: Thank god the music is so damn good!

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