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I think I found the link...

Just did a little bit more research, Mark Dice is Matt Bellamy's kind of guy


Dice founded an organization, variously called The Resistance, The Christian Resistance or The Resistance for Christ, which espouses fundamentalist Christianity and professes conspiratorial beliefs about the Roman Catholic Church, the Illuminati, freemasons, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the 9/11 attacks and Satanism, and which has been reported to "flood the airwaves of call-in radio and television shows" to promote them. His 450 page book, The Resistance Manifesto details these beliefs."
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Knights and Escape. You blates copy. Warner are gonna be on your aaaasss


Soo.... You're saying that soo many people are going to make the connection between an unreleased album with barely any information released & your thing?


yep, b/c we already get compared to muse.


this is like if muse's first EP was called "La Bends". (reference to the radiohead comparison)

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