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Just to rub it in a bit more... every morning I wake up happy cause I'm here, innit :D Even though it's like crime city UK.


Ah ok. I'll have to show you the proper way to make tea should you come over. Those things are rubbish. The best way is just a pot and a tea strainer :D TEa bags are eeeasier, but loose tea tastes much better :D I shall do. I think I have it in a PM somewhere :D Nej tack! I will be elated with just the Läkerol! Do you have my Manchester address?


It's brilliant! If you want any more Kate tracks, just shout up :)


I can see how you do! :D *Steals Manchester* Haha!


Mmmm yer it tastes better, we only did loose tea at home but now I'm restricted to my water-boiler and my 'Mother' mug, so I can't be very luxurious :$ I don't fink I have your adress? PM it to be sure :happy:


Will do thanks! :happy:


Sounds much more fun than digesting chunks of Nachala for the fortnightly test tomorrow :'(


Awww I can help you with stuff now if you like? At least give you a push in le right direction so you can sit back and laugh at the other's puny attempts at Rusk! :D

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OI! Don't steal my city. :indiff: Bloody Ruffian. :indiff:


Aw that's sad that. Never mind. The right teabags can be good. ish. I shall do any minute now. :happy:


YES PLEASE! I'm so confused with the whole 'what' situation. Like.. 'what are you doing' 'what you read' and such.


I don't suppose you fancy hopping over and taking my test tomorrow do you? :happy:

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:happy: That warms my heart so *keeps it*


Just post what you want help with here and I'll do me best. :happy: I'm quite initio meself but I hope I can solve some problems anyway. I could skip on over to Manchester, but I have private conversation with Svetlana tomorrow yay! So sorry. :D


What are you doing - Что ты делаешь?

What are you reading - Что ты читаешь? for example

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You'll soon tire of police patrol units, car alarms and sirens.


Ah that's too bad. Still, you could always have our conversation class with Dave, Steve, half Swedish Annie and anoying pillock better than you Daniel and Olga <3 <3


AH! That's all I wanted! Thank you! :D :D

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Mmmm yes, like in Vasastan, but the sirens may be set off by posher crimes of course :D


:LOL: 'S like Irina who just stares at you with her crazy eyes if you conjugate the accusative feminine subgender wrong when talking, acting like she doesn't understand a single word you're saying until you nail the last ending (or no ending, that's even worse haha) <3


Ingeeeen orsak! :D Well my work here is done for the moment, and since I promised myself when I woke up today that I never, ever should go to bed after 21.00 I'd better skip off to bed! :D Спокойной ночи!

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For some reason it just won't shift. (I blame my smoking housemates and their fumes) *hugs back*


Da! Eta nye bolshevik. I made it to Sainsburys today though! Their tea selection is nothing special, but you've got quite a supply on its way at some point this week if I can think of a way to package it... :D

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Mmmmm! So what exactly qualifies as curry? :$ We only have our huge kebab culture here, no curry :$ *Must resist the urge to put on Bengali in Platforms or Asian rut* :D


Fire alarm!? Scary! Especially nocturnal ones :indiff:


IPA errrr. Lisa's teachers always badmouth IPA, turns out Lund's been repsonsible for loads of things happening in the phonetics area *smug* :D Like the vowel trapezoid err.

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Oooh, lots of things! From the mild Korma to the death trap put your toilet roll in the freezer Vindaloo. Mmm. Whack it with a bowl of rice, some naan and popperbombs and you've got yourself a 'curry' and Britain's most popular dish :D Rusholme Currys are some of the best in England. <3 <3 God, you'd love the Manchester kebabs... I found the best one the other week. £2 for a massive kebab and a drink. Proper student food.


Mmm. Not as bad as the one we had at 6am in freshers' week though. That wasn't fun.


IPA is great! I now know I've been pronouncing loads of German words wrong. Ooh, I may casually drop the name into my tutorial with Wiebke then. She'll love me even more then hahaaha.

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Ooooh sounds like regular Indian food here then, but then again we have more Arabs than Bengalis in platforms so I reckon it's quite logical kebabs are more abundant :happy: That'd be quite hexpensive here though. Bastards. You can get great falafels for 15 kr here which is nothing really, perfect drinking 4am food...I've been planning on starting a diet on those since it's cheaper than...well...everything really. Bar couscous :D


:indiff: Morning fire alarms err.


Isnit great when you finally find out exactly how to pronounce words? 'S like epiphanies it is! Like all the assimilations in Russian for example where you instead of шесть часов (6 o'clock) almost say шистщисов :D Ooh the trapezoid is English though, just pointing out the 'errr'-ness in it. :indiff:


Mmmm 1991 Russian National Anthem, it's godly! Want it?

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Ahhh. Oooh that is quite cheap. I'm yet to check out the Falafel restaurants in Rusholme, since you can buy them in Sainsburys for cheap. Or make them for cheaper. Mmmm.


Great wakeup call. Now if they go off, I tend to just feel the floor/back of my door. If it's hot, I get out, if it's cold (which is usually the case) I just roll over and try to block out the noise :D One day I'll burn to death...


Yes! Mmmm. Gah I hate ть I mean, the sound is great... just the amount of times we've had to say it. Which reminds me... Russian oral at 12 and I've not slept at all bwehehehe.


OOH DA! DA! DA! :D I can trade you for the current one's instrumental version, for a wee bit of Russkii Karaokskii si vous voulez

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Would you be able to get them served by proper Kurds who put gherkins in them though? :D


:LOL::LOL: Nice tactics! :D


Is that the palatalised t? You'll get it down eventually, or just do as the Yugoslavs do, make a faint ц out of it instead. :happy: Just remember to have your tongue in Swedish 'i' position, or English 'ee'. Oooh oral! Nice! Just came back from Topshop, didn't buy anything thank God, the size 14 shirt didn't fit me :$ Way too big, even if I bought a 14 last week :confused: Also 2 body butters from Body Shop, papaya and passion fruit for 298 spänn. Errr. And I need to buy guitar strings too! :'(


Sent! Oh yes fank you verr much! :happy:

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Would you be able to get them served by proper Kurds who put gherkins in them though? :D


:LOL::LOL: Nice tactics! :D


Is that the palatalised t? You'll get it down eventually, or just do as the Yugoslavs do, make a faint ц out of it instead. :happy: Just remember to have your tongue in Swedish 'i' position, or English 'ee'. Oooh oral! Nice! Just came back from Topshop, didn't buy anything thank God, the size 14 shirt didn't fit me :$ Way too big, even if I bought a 14 last week :confused: Also 2 body butters from Body Shop, papaya and passion fruit for 298 spänn. Errr. And I need to buy guitar strings too! :'(


Sent! Oh yes fank you verr much! :happy:

Oh my god I've been awake for 28 hours and a bit. My arms are numb.


Yes, the really stupid t. Grr *so tired* Brrr Swedish TopShop. Rhabbish! AH! I have that very Papaya one! But you should've done the travel sized ones! You can get 4 small ones (which last ages) for the price of 2 big ones, so you get more smell variety. Still, excellent choices there dear! Be warned about the papaya one, it stings a bit after leg shaving.


It's always hit and miss with topshop sizes. Sometimes, I'll be a 10 (on rare, rare, rare days) then sometimes an 18 (which is horrific and for the obese.)


I shall send it in a mo. Until then, oggle the delights of....


NACHALA! after 6 weeks wait, it FINALLY arrives!

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Awwww! Insomnia's the worst thing ever! Warm milk doesn't work? Or tea? Mmm.


Swedish TopShop is rhâbbish yes, but at least we don't get Swedish Topman here in Lund, which is possibly worse :indiff:

Ooh they didn't have the other sizes, and there weren't really any others I fancied...maybe coconut, but that was a bit plastic...now my guitar's neck smells of papaya/passion fruit and my pick tastes like rat poison! :D Stings after leg shaving you say? I'd have to use me strawberry one then :happy:


Innit just? 'S really strange it is. They had a really pretty top there, but only in 8,10 or 14! :'(


Mmmmmsssssovyetski sayuuuuz! Fanks dear! *hugs* The '91 does sound like Oh Canada yes :LOL: Errrr. But better. The bass part of it sounds a bit like Star Spangled Banner too.


Ooooh Nachala, just look at those two gay guys! :LOL: Oh dear. Is it exciting?

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