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Barefoot!? Errrrr. Even when hammered that's harsh! Noone gentleman to carry you? :D


Errrr I you met her you'd know. :D TV is vile anyway.


Hahaha, gotta love the Estonians :D It's strange how it's hard to explain why drunken Finns are great, but Swedes are not. 'S odd that. Mmmm Petrograd, you're so lucky. I've been thinking about going someplace instead of the C or D course, not sure yet...might be better from a learning point of view instead of being stuck in some bland uni in Tweedun really.


Noooo! Thats sounds scary, though clothes are so worth it! And, what gig? :happy:


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the best thing I've seen all year! :LOL:


What's Blåbär Honung? :happy: Mmmm a Blåbär Honung body butter would be gleeeeat! *Waves hand in front of face* Mmmm I reek of strawberry :D

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Nah, but there were plenty of horrid kerb crawling Arabs trying to get me to go in their cars :stunned:


Yes, it is vile, but you miss it. You really do.


Salt of the earth are those Estonians. Haha, Swedes are great in whatever state! Mmmmhmhmh. You should come to Manchester. You seriously would adore the Russian department here. It's so small, so friendly and sooo interesting! Especially Rachel. *admires her so much*


Innit just! Too right! Tweed skirts are the new black <3


Another one of Rachel's specials. We were doing Folklore and Fakelore today, she said it's no different to the soviet folklore. She's so right.


It's some weird (yet delicious) pink goo I bought for my mum in Stockholm, then stole at the weekend. Mmmmmmm.

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Errrrrr that's crap, just like they do with Lisa every once in a while. Too bad you can't kick them in the nuts when they're in a car.


I have me own, that's why I can avoid the others with prevailing pride :LOL: 'S old and wobbly though, but I don't have to socialize :D 'S worth it.


I dooooo want to come! It'd be great if I could fly over in the summer or something, we'll see. Our Russian department is really small and cozy too, smelling of rotten books and a huge lovely garden, but soon they're moving to some main Humanist building, 's crap. I'd lurve to pay my respects to Rachel too :happy:


Tweed skirts? Mmmmmmmmm sounds fabulous! :happy: *Wishes he wasn't stuck in boydom*


Mmmm fakelore :happy:


Delicious? It tastes? What is it? Like lotion? Or custard? :LOL:

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It's horrible. Really damn scary. So in your infinate wisdom you stand at bus stops where there are people.. but then they're even worse. *cries* HOWEVER, the arabs do love to give me free things here. I can't complain. *sees future as opressed Muslim housewife in the M14 postcode area*


You should do! Budget airlines <3 Although I won't be in Manchester over the summer... or if I am, I'll be homeless :'( Aww, we're in the humanist building, but it's the west wing, where no-one ever goes. Near the 'Dutch studies' bit. (Dutch studies actually being a broom cupboard where Prof. Durrell keeps his tea)


H&M too :happy: so flouncy.. and itchy.


I hope to god it's not lotion, I've been having spoonfulls of it... and it's the only thing which seems to be easing my cough... haha I'd laugh if it is lotion. It's just a pink goo.

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Awwwww *hugs* Sounds horrible that, yet another reason to move to the posh parts of Sweden or something. Plus, if you move here it'll be just as easy to fulfil your oppressed wife dreams :D


Homeless!? You don't get to stay there during the summer? That's the ultimate crap!

Dutch studies seems great, I'll have to pay that a visit too :LOL: Mmm maybe I could do a guest appearance at the Nordic Society too :D Or some Swedish class if there are any in Manc :LOL:


Just cover yourself up with body butter so the itchiness doesn't get to your skin! :D


...that's strange...is it yoghurt? What's the name of it? Is it hudsalva? :D I'm getting all curious now!

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*hugs back* eeeeexactly! Mmmm Sverige.


Well, it depends on whether I go home, stay in halls, or we all find our own place really. That's aaages away yet though! Haha the Nordic soc would love you I bet. I've been too scared to go to any socials, incase they spot the fact I'm merely a pseudo-swede trying to pull and get a passport :LOL: Oh the shame.


Mmmm yes.


Here, have a kartina. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/milojazzlady/IMG_0944.jpg please don't tell me I've been taking body lotion to soothe my throat...

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It'd be cool if I could pop around in the beginning of the year or something...but we never get our schedules til late so it's hard...I'll try to find something at least though. :happy:

No! Of course you should go, maybe if I write you a letter of recommendation with the Official Seal of Official Swedishness? They'd love you no doubt! Or else, keep a straight face and recite 'yaaaargh behuuuurver' all the time :D


That's honey with a blueberry taste...errr...sounds nice but what the hell...pink goo? Pink honey? Errr. :D Mmmm Uppland, 's where my dad's relatives are fum mmmm.

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Well sir, you know you're welcome! There's a bottle of calvados on that shelf there *points*

Haha that would be a good idea! Haha, just show them my fluency in Svensk and blow them all away.


THANK GOD! It's quite swish really. Doesn't taste like honey, more like syrup, which is a bonus as honey is vile. Oooh, y'learn something new every day.

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Mmmmm calva, I'm so there! :happy: I'll bring some Swedish goodness too :D

You're probably better at Swedish than the Danes so no worries :LOL: Bring the honey! :happy:


Mmmm sounds nice...mmm sugary :D No sugar high yet? I've never tried eating honey with a spoon, though I have to soon :LOL: Mmmm blueberries. Honey on toast with tea though...mmmmm...have to get meself a toaster soon

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Woo! No Jägermeister though. That's forbidden.


Haha probably. Ruddy Danes.


It's very muchly! Nope, I don't think I've had enough yet. Ooooh it's goood! Like eating syrup with a spoon. Ooh that sounds grand that. Aside from the honey part. We finally got a toaster this weekend! Huzzah!

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:LOL: Right then, I'll bring something more...errr...moderate :D


Is that an excuse for you to go see the cute dentist more? :happy: Mmm I'll have to meet him too :LOL: Oooh toaster, you have fun! :happy: I though that came government regulated to all Britons? :D

There was no toaster! THey made us use the grill.


Mmm my dentist honestly has the most amazing eyes ever. Crap I'm tipsy. Don't drink half a bottle of cheap red on an empty stomach.

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How are we feeling today dear? :happy:


'S me room:









Notice the booze shelf, gay bed cover and sexy view over the garbage disposals. Too bad the long line of lyrics from 'Wuthering Heights' over the bed doesn't show because of the cursed flash aargh

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I'm illlllll. Not hungover, just.. the flu's reared it's ugly head again. (I knew going round to Klaus' haus last night for more beer and conversation after the meal was a baaaad idea.) Infact... I've missed sooo many classes today :$ Nevermind.


Your room is swish! Swedish students definately have a better standard of living.. I mean.. look at your laminate floor! Much better than this university regulation poo brown carpet. The booze shelf is simply fabulous :LOL: But you mean to say there's still liquid in that Zurbrówka bottle?


Also, LIPTONS? That tea tastes like armpits. Infact, even though it's a British brand, they don't sell it here. I really must send you some Twinings/PG. A better breed of tea.

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Awwwww *hugs* Get better soon! Don't worry about the classes, you'll catch up no problem.


Mmm 's quite swish yes, but I always keep my blinds down so the ruddy burglars prowling around our building can't see inside. There still is wódka in that bottle, but I'll empty it the next time I fill up my flask, I promise :D Unfortunately I won't be able to make the next party at the institution! :'(


Liptons is crap yes, but it's the only stuff we get, I've been planning to go to some classy tea shop soon. Blackcurrant is passable though.

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Tack *hugs back*


I have to do that here too, oweing to the fact my room faces the carpark which is dead easy to get to from teh Wilmslow ruffian Road. Grrr. Awww, unlucky!


I'll get you some good tea on my weekly shop next monday. It's no good you having rubbish. It's bad for the mind.

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It's terribly oppressive. However, when your view is this:




the vile orange and green check curtains are slightly better.


Ah what's a couple of quid? I still need to send Mona her damn parcel too. *so scatty* I could trade you for Läkerol though.. :p


Have you heard Sat in Your Lap by le Kate Bush?


here have some pictures of Rusholme:






And one of near uni:



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Best city in England. No contest. 3rd best city in Europe. No contest.


Well, for a box of Earl Grey and Bergamont, PG and some delicious green tea, may I have some Cassis and... the rest is up to you :D Tttttack! Do you want loose tea, or tea bags? Also, do I send it to your yernshurping address?


it is! I'll gaymail it you... hang on...

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Aaaaaaargh I want to go there even more now! :'(


Tea bags would be nice since I'm potless :$ I do have one of those small thingies you could use for loose tea in a mug though, the little mesh ball working like a clamp you know...aargh my English is hollid! But tea bags are better :happy: Hmmm, maybe it's better to send it to Yernsherping, I haven't got proof of my neighbour's thieving capabilities yet so I don't want to risk it...you still have it?

I'll steal a bag off me 'rents and send it off :happy: Anything else?


Got the sooong fankies! Mmmm I lurve her voice!

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Just to rub it in a bit more... every morning I wake up happy cause I'm here, innit :D Even though it's like crime city UK.


Ah ok. I'll have to show you the proper way to make tea should you come over. Those things are rubbish. The best way is just a pot and a tea strainer :D TEa bags are eeeasier, but loose tea tastes much better :D I shall do. I think I have it in a PM somewhere :D Nej tack! I will be elated with just the Läkerol! Do you have my Manchester address?


It's brilliant! If you want any more Kate tracks, just shout up :)

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