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I hactually had that for me tea last night. Mmmm with raisins. Mmmm. And Russian Black Bread! (Our special Lancashire Only supermarket sells Russian black bread! It's not as bitter as the real stuff... but it tastes like Nevsky!)


Excellent. Person smuggling :happy: Asylbewerber! Wooo!


Aw I'm sure you will have done much better than you think (it always happens) I thought I'd failed German because I used sie instead of ihr (and realised it walking out of the exam) but that was nailed, so you'll be graaaaaaaaaaaaand. S'stop sobbing :happy: *hugs*


All these Swedes converted to the way of the Welsh... *holds back a tear*

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Mmmmm Russian bread...congrats...must be wonderful :happy: Mmmm I'd kill for some Estonian sour bread...mmm...


Nah, I probably did bad, but I was planning to go the grammar lessons anyways. Bought some really complex Swedish phonetics and grammar books today :happy: Mmmm and a huge Arabic course/grammar for 60 kr! I still don't know if I'm doing Arabic or not...hmmm...


Mmmmmm Welsh...'s grand it is. You seem proud, and you should be :happy:


You don't happen to know some nice highlife artists, seeing your dad lives in Ghana and all. 'S impossible to find out about it here, especially guitar based music. Mmmm.


Nope, off to study and dlink coffee...argh

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It is. Mmm tastes of stodge.


Mmmhm grammar lessons. Mmmm words. :happy:


Erm, I'm not entirely sure, but Rose really likes some thing called Daddy Lumba (he's a reeeeaaaaally famous one) and Osibisa. In all honesty there's not that much Highlife played in Ghana anymore... it's all Westlife, Sean Paul and some weird stuff imported from the Ivory Coast .

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Okay, here I am.

Ja, det är jag, Mona, men jag vill inte att alla ska veta det. Försöker att inte vara sådär efterhängsen som all aandra. So ni kan typ glömma min tråd i The Love boat och så.


Det här är bra aktivitet.


Pelle, I desperately want to learn Russian.

Rhian, I desperately want to learn Welsh.

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It is. Mmm tastes of stodge.


Mmmhm grammar lessons. Mmmm words. :happy:


Erm, I'm not entirely sure, but Rose really likes some thing called Daddy Lumba (he's a reeeeaaaaally famous one) and Osibisa. In all honesty there's not that much Highlife played in Ghana anymore... it's all Westlife, Sean Paul and some weird stuff imported from the Ivory Coast .


Mmm stodge :D


Daddy Lumba you say...will be checked out. I'm trying to find some albums by the West African Highlife band at the moment...mmm...bloody Sweden though. Cursed Ghana not being the highlife fortress it should be :indiff:



Okay, here I am.

Ja, det är jag, Mona, men jag vill inte att alla ska veta det. Försöker att inte vara sådär efterhängsen som all aandra. So ni kan typ glömma min tråd i The Love boat och så.


Det här är bra aktivitet.


Pelle, I desperately want to learn Russian.

Rhian, I desperately want to learn Welsh.


Menar att du tog bort Muse i namnet alltså?


Learn Russian you say...well...we haven't started that much with proper lessons, I have some Swedish grammar tomorrow even if I did pass the best...since I'm horrid at it. With some grammar and dictionary I managed to translate 23 sentences into Russian too, so I hope my Russan's better than le Swedish. In the meantime, hit me with all questions you have and all. I still have the mp3 I recorded of the Russian alphabet and all :D


I'm almost sure I'm voting social democrat next year :stunned: Or nothing at all.


Mmmmm stressed

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I'll have a look out for you when I go out to Ghana next (will prolly be Christmas, if you can wait that long :LOL: ) they sell all sorts of bizare Ghanaian CDs on Takoradi market for about 20p each... I would get my dad on the case, but his memory is that bad, he owes me a birthday card from last year...


Mmm Grammar. S'delicious.


Social Democrat you say? Not the Swedish National Party? "Finns RAUS"


Stressed? Have a cup of tea. :happy: That stuff cures a million woes.

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Awww thanks, burri's alright, I'll have a closer look at the world music departments of the record stores here :happy:

Pretty bad-memoried dad awright :D You so should bug him about it.


Finns raus :LOL: Yeah that'd be a prospect. God loves populists. :happy: Mmmmm Fremskrittpartiet in Norway. They have one or two rational ideas on tax lowering like everyone else, but they have to throw in something in the area of "we don't like them brownies" just to be special and loved by old people. :LOL: Bless


Too late for tea I'm afraid :'( Too tired to make it, and who can divert the attention when The Hope Chest by 10,000 Maniacs is on. Mmmm. <3


Awwww I miss the nights when I could hang out on le Board all nights long :happy: Cherish it dearly :LOL:


I'm sending you a noooooooooice Ebba Grön song on gmail whether you want it or not. I'm that inept. :happy:


Good night oh crwll world. :happy: At 14.15 tomorrow I take the special bus to school to be taught what an accusative is :LOL: (I so should stop whining and grow up. Bloody hell.)

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Well the offer's still there if ye want it come December. I've told dad I can't be arsed leaving Takoradi this time (no more 2000km landrover journeys, no waaaay.) so I'll need to have some quest to entertain me. (Putting rubber snakes in Ed's bed is soooo 2004.)


Old people and the working class massive. Ahhhhh <3


Aww *passes brew via medium of pixels* Mmmm 10,000 Maniacs.


I will cherish the increased risk of DVT. Mmmmm. Not long before I get to abandon it though... although I doubt I will abandon it. Couldn't see the absolutly irrelivant Muse i Sverige thread die a sorry death... or, god forbid... actually become about Muse in Sweden.


Ahh tack! I'll download it just as soon as this Tatu cover of How Soon is Now is done. :happy: Mmmmm.


Eehe! Enjoy that. The accusative is officially the gayest grammatical thing, next to the German passive. *pats reassuringly on back*. Never grow up... you'll become like thems in suits.

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Also: Mona, you're not on MSN but I have this for you:


Welsh lesson


so you get a rough idea of how it sounds... *feels like a prick*




Dwy'n siara cymraeg = I speak Welsh

Noswaith dda = good evening

Rhiân ydw'i = My name is Rhian

Dwy'n byw a Blackpool = I live in Blackpool

Mona byw a Stockholm (nearly said Blackpool for some reason. :$ ) = Mona lives in Stockholm

Sut wyt ti Mona? How are you Mona?


Ac Rhifau = and numbers (1-10)












diolch yn fawr! = thank you very big!



*continues to feel like a prick*

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Menar att du tog bort Muse i namnet alltså?


Learn Russian you say...well...we haven't started that much with proper lessons, I have some Swedish grammar tomorrow even if I did pass the best...since I'm horrid at it. With some grammar and dictionary I managed to translate 23 sentences into Russian too, so I hope my Russan's better than le Swedish. In the meantime, hit me with all questions you have and all. I still have the mp3 I recorded of the Russian alphabet and all :D


I'm almost sure I'm voting social democrat next year :stunned: Or nothing at all.


Mmmmm stressed


Ja, MiniMuse är ett tufft namn, men, det är irriterande nu. Skitsamma.


Well..teach me anything. Haha, well you'll do fine.

Then send it to me! E-mail it! sarcastic_@ho..


No don't vote at all! This country is still going to stay the same with lots of taxes and no changes. So, don't vote. You can't even call that politics.

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Ja, MiniMuse är ett tufft namn, men, det är irriterande nu. Skitsamma.


Well..teach me anything. Haha, well you'll do fine.

Then send it to me! E-mail it! sarcastic_@ho..


No don't vote at all! This country is still going to stay the same with lots of taxes and no changes. So, don't vote. You can't even call that politics.



If you abstain, you'll end up all apathetic and in a country like britain, where terrible governments get through on the skin of their teeth and then argh *needs sleep*


Wait.. Sweden uses proportional representation, dunnit? Bah in that case, it doesn't matter. You're doomed anyway.

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See? :p

Swedish politics upsets me. In that... there's just nothing to it. At least here at election time we have to vote tactically to keep the Tories out which is great fun, and there's quite some passion felt. There was talk in the Independent a while back of us campaining to get Proportional Representation enforced here (mainly because the Indy felt that the Lib Dems would've won - which with hindsight, I'm glad they didn't) but god forbid, if they do that... then we'd become as vague as Sweden. (Much as I love Sweden.. just not your politics.) I should sleep. Or at least eat something...

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Swedish politics upsets me. In that... there's just nothing to it. At least here at election time we have to vote tactically to keep the Tories out which is great fun, and there's quite some passion felt. There was talk in the Independent a while back of us campaining to get Proportional Representation enforced here (mainly because the Indy felt that the Lib Dems would've won - which with hindsight, I'm glad they didn't) but god forbid, if they do that... then we'd become as vague as Sweden. (Much as I love Sweden.. just not your politics.) I should sleep. Or at least eat something...

Who doesn't hate the politics here? Ah well..

I'd like to vote in England sometime. Sound slike fun. THAT IS POLITICS.

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Who doesn't hate the politics here? Ah well..

I'd like to vote in England sometime. Sound slike fun. THAT IS POLITICS.

I bet Olof Palme didn't :'( :'(


I missed out being old enough to vote by 17 days this time. Really damn annoying (although I got my mum to use her vote for me). What we had to do, was vote Labour anyway.. so that the ones who'd deflected from Labour in light of the Iraq war (and there were a lot - the Lib Dems hold their most seats since like 1920) to the 'minority' parties/Lib Dem wouldn't swing the difference between Labour and Tory too much. So where I would've voted Lib Dem in the Nationals, I voted Labour so that the Conservatives wouldn't get in.


Then in the local elections, our seat is such a strong Tory Seat (is waiting, and I think my head is burning...) it didn't matter how I voted, since it wouldn't have made a difference. So then I voted Libs.


Had we had P.R then all of that would've been unnecessary, Lib Dems probably would've secured a slight victory (from what I've been told) and uni would be free. However Charlie would've stuck a spanner in the works with most things. So it's best really. *keeps telling herself* Once Gordon Brown (texture like sun) cleans up Tony's Mess over these next five years, hopefully we'll be back on track. And if Kenny Clarke wins the Conservative Leader vote, we'll be sorted. I can't think of anything better than Brown vs. Clarke. It'll be like the 1997 elections all over again. :happy:


And my addendum: I'm going back to bed. *dies* :horns:

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Whoa British politics :D I must admit you have a much more interesting political climate. All we do is trying to tell ourselves the parties differ...after all one bloc is 'left' and the other 'right', but at the moment the right-wings are becoming a bit of a workers' party.

Mona, of course I'll vote, would never do otherwise...only thing I could do is leave a 'blank' vote.


I must admit I'm dissapointed with the right alliance right now, though everyone says they won yesterday's debate. The national TV network that showed the debate made a poll amongst the viewers, the right won, but today it turns out only 80 or something out of the 300 asked actually watched the whole thing...that's horrendous. Seems like even the national networks are teaming up with the fascists. <3

I can't believe they want to lower the unemployment support to 5000kr a month or less...it's sick! They can't have studied even the least bit national economics if they think they 'spur' people to get a job in that way...it doesn't make sense, if you get no support from the government after you lose your job, and there is now chance of getting another one, what to do? Lay down and die?

It's horrible. Bloody fascists. Decreased support may 'spur' people to get jobs, but if there are no jobs? I'm so tired of this country.

Also, one of the right party's most frequently used argument; 'if the social democrats haven't done a good enough job thus far, why would they do it tomorrow?' Hmmm, it's fun to look back at '94 after the right parties made our country hit rock bottom :rolleyes:





Sorry :$


I will cherish the increased risk of DVT. Mmmmm. Not long before I get to abandon it though... although I doubt I will abandon it. Couldn't see the absolutly irrelivant Muse i Sverige thread die a sorry death... or, god forbid... actually become about Muse in Sweden.


:LOL::LOL: May God burn our heads in the Tory Seat should that happen


Oh and Rhiân, about your quest to entertain yourself in Ghana, why not start a highlife band? That'd be class :D All you have to do is play third intervals on your guitar <3


Mona, I'm sending the alphabet thingie soon, it's bad though, real bad :LOL:

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It's quite good, is our political climate. As I very, very vaguely remember explaining in Stockholm on the Malcolm night, it's all over the place, with the socialists becoming this that and the other. Hopefully when Gordon takes over from Tone Labour will re-socialistise. (You never see Gordon wearing a blue tie.. oh no sir. He ALWAYS wears a read one. Unlike Tone.) See, for a country so vague and sketchy with politics, you always manage to have debates on telly. We're lucky if we get extracts from PM's Question Time on Newsnight. :indiff: However we do have the BBC Parliament Channel <3 <3 Rebel MPs and Back Benchers <3 Mmmmhm.


There was talk of lowering dole money here a few years back. I think that's when Johnny M drove the final nail in the Tory coffin... but then Labour went on to 'reform' benifits into some dubious "Job Seekers' Allowance" with so many hidden traps... Ah the Social Democrats have done their job well, by making Sverige one of the most expensive countries to live in in Europe. Good old fugal system of most 'socialist' run systems.


Anyway, I'll stop now. We've got a new kitten and it wants to play with my toes. OW.




Haha starting a band in Ghana? *shakes head* the Ghanaian attitude to life is about fifty times more laissez-faire than mine so that'll neeeever happen.


Haha that alphabet is wonderful! Much nicer to listen to than zee Welsh. :happy:

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Malcolm night :LOL: Bless.

There might be some future for proper Labour Britain then? I wonder if any PM ever could be a good one at that when it comes to foreign politics though...or if they'd just follow mr. Bush like Tone. The American leash is certainly a hard one to break out of...

I love your parliament though...'s so violent :LOL: Sorry for your loss of debates...maybe if you change your political climate just a tad :happy:

Job seeker's allowance...mmm we have that too, 's very dubious as well :happy:

And yes, Jesus bless our Swedish expensiveness :happy:


New kitten!? Awwwwwww that's nice! What's his'er name? Pictures! Pictures! :happy: Mmmmmmm I love small cats. Just before they get scary :LOL:


:LOL::LOL: Poor mr Howard! <3


But see in bands you don't do anything, just sit around in the sun playing thirds...'s nuffin! <3


Got a reward too from me lovely, lovely 'rents for managing to stay alive for 20 years...who knows if I'll survive the night though, but I'm counting on it :LOL: Pictures later. Mmm oh dear. I'm such a brat.

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I'm sorely dissapointed he never did stalk you properly. Never mind.

Ah maybe. Mo Molam, Robin Cook and Gordon are the only socialists left in Labour... but since the other two have snuffed it in dubious circumstances... hmm Hutton Enquiry? Let's have one of those white washes again...


Eeehehehe yesh and she's sooooo cuuuute! And small! :happy: I wanted to call it Magdalena Goebbels, but mum said no. So we settled on Miffy, since mum couldn't pronounce Nijntje properly.



:happy: awwwww.


Bah, roll on Kenny Clarke's what I say. I may even vote Tory if he gets in. Pro Europe Drinker. That's my man.


Opened prezzies already? Tut tut! You should wait until tomorrow! :happy: Looking forward to properly leaving being a troubled teenager behind? :happy:

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Ah well, I'm trying to live with it :D Hope the Norwegian guy kept my number <3


Yesh, the death of proper good commies is bad...like Palme and Lindh o'r here. :indiff: Everybody complains when Putin kills someone, but when Der Englische Führer wacks his allies: nothing :D


Awwwwwwww soooooooo cute *hugs le katt* Just...just adorable <3 Nijntje would be nice indeed, but Miffy too :happy: If you change the y for an o you have a popular Swedish thing to call someone :happy:


Pro Europe drinkers? Seems like our man in Britain alright :D But then again, don't all Brish politicians dlink? <3 I couldn't even imagine Tone drinking even a pint though...? In fact he's too bland to picture doing anything! <3


Nah, no regular prezzie opening, just that dad's a bit hexcited as well :D And, who's leaving teenagerdom behind? Errrr. It's only just begun.


Me 'rents do have faith in me though, now I'll have to do me best to actually put them in the old people's home I promised them when I was 7 :D. Also I'll be fetching dad beer from the fridge for as long as I live. And I thought it'd end when I turned 20. :LOL: Mmmm it's so sexy. *hugs ma and pa* :happy:



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If you still have that number you should sooo phone it. Offer your services. :LOL:


All the best politicians die. At least shooting/stabbing them is nice and obvious, and not smothered in MFI.. MI5 hush them up jobbies.


Twenteen are we tomorrow then? :happy: WOOOOOWZAH! Look at that, you very lucky almost birthday boy! That's what you've been after for a while, innit? You'll be fetching beers for a looooooong, looooooong time! (And I suspect buying them, since it'll be propah legal :D)

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Now that's a plan! :happy: I actually do have the number...'s a shame I couldn't find it on Norwegian yellow pages :D


Nice and obvious yes...we should have our own Lubyanka too...now that's as obvious as they come...mmm... :happy:


Twenteen yes :D And will be celebrated as such, hopefully some 14 year old's favourite beer and calvados (if I can afford it, I'll just have to skip eating for a century), such a gleat clash :happy: Mmmmm legal buying...I can't believe it yet <3

Mmm been after it for oh oh so long...hope I can find some train to go home on Friday :LOL: Me mum seems proud:



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