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It's brilliant!


It's been whizzing it down all day today. My jeans are soaked to the knees, as tradition dictates. Also, Willow Court has become a death trap, as has Tree Court, oweing to all the damn wet leaves everywhere. Skiddy.


Wooo! You can come over and sit my phonetics exam in January now. Bwahaha.


Now to put on my wig and top hat, and join the children for dinner. :D


That mug is fa-habulous. Will be even more so once I send the tea over. I may have to post it in a shoe box. Haha.

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Fucking rain here too, and we were walking for like 40 minutes to the concert, and as long in a queue outside. Fuckers. Was nice though. Tequila and all :happy: I can send you some mp3's of the band later if you want Rhiân. *is too sober* :'(


Maybe I will :D If I didn't fuck up properly that is


I don't get it, why on earth a top hat? :LOL: It must be awfully classy though <3 Is it velvet or something?


Nice mug yes. And I haven't scribbled with a marker pen on it yet...I planned to before, but I don't know...'s classy enough as it is. Mmm.

Mmm shoebox, I'm trying to send my stuff in a similar package as the last one, hope it works out :happy:

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Awww. Learn to love the rain dear. We all have to here :D Oooh yes please! That'd be smashing, ta. Still sober after tequila? Jeeesus.


For my hallowe'en costume :D I'm going as Papa Lazarou :D





Edit: I went to the corner shop with Claire like that. Ok Daaaave?



Haha I did that with a mug. Wrote loads of Russian over it. Then it washed off. :(


Aye, a shoe box. It's rediculously huge for the boxes.. but it's the only thing I can think of that won't result in tea explosions. Or I could just get a special postal box... hmm. *ponders*

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I do love it really, just that it washed off my papaya scent! :'( I smell like car wash :D Yes, very much sober, the other girls did it with lime and salt though which is errr...not Russian :happy:


:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: Fabulous! That must be quite some work! Really cool though :happy:


Mmmm that's the bad side effect then...rubbish :indiff:


I'm sure a shoe box'll do just fine, and it'll work out if you send it to John's Shopping as well since my mailbox here is really small, and I still haven't found out if my neighbours are thieving bastards. Err.

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Awww. See, if you'd bought the travel size, you could've freshened up in the toilets :D But tequila's el Mexican. El hombre.


Only took about five minutes. Took bloody ages to wash off mind. :happy:


Aye. Even when I painted over the pen with nail varnish it washed off. Boo.


Well, I'll have a think on sunday when I'm doing laundry. All the best revalations happen when people are washing clothes. :happy:


Oooh, Eurosport.. they're so... mid 90s cool! They remind me (in a good way) of my 8th birthday party :D

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:LOL: Now that's a plan! :D Too bad they'd never grant me access to the ladies room no matter how gay I'd be. Boo. Mmmm it's a bit too Mexican, but I had to be manly and Russian-like. You know how it is. :happy: Met a girl who had a Polish grandfather too, that swooned me a lot :LOL:


I can see how that takes quite some time yes :LOL: Takes hours for me just to get off my bloody mascara. Errr.


Nail varnish? Err. Must give a nice taste to the tea :D My face tasted of poison this evening since the rain washed the salt water spray into les eyes and mouth. Errrr. I reckon nail varnish'd be a lot more dangereuse though :D


Don't they just? It's weird, I've been thinking of bringing a notepad to write stuff while I'm down there. 'S just a gleat environment. :happy:


8th birthday party! :LOL: So true. They're really cool and non-divas too, and really nervous, shy and modest. Beautiful shoes as well. <3 And they seem to have a really energetic fanbase in Lund :LOL: They'd need a bloody fence in front of the stage, and this was still the size of a normal pub, if not smaller. Mmm.


Going to beeeed, 'rents coming over tomorrow, don't want to be woken up by them ringing the door at 13.00 or something. Goooooooood nooooit dearest! :happy:

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I'm sure they wouldn't notice you sneaking in. Besides, Sverige is so liberal, they wouldn't care. Bork bork. *has been watching the muppets* Bork. Ahh Polish. :happy: The corner shop here sells 'special' ciggys after 6.30pm and they're cheap Polish imported Marlboro <3 I wish I smoked, just for the danger warnings <3


It's a different taste...


I've started to take work in there to do with me. Two hours in a room that's stuffy and smells of soap powder. Mmmm.


They sound pretty cool, very Pet Shop :happy: Wow, that's quite an intimate gig venue that.

G'night! I should hit the hay too. Sodding work tomorrow. *hates job* :indiff: Sleep well!

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Mmmmmm Ikea. Tis the only place in England to sell Lingonberry jam and those awesome crispbreads like frizbees. :'( :'( sadly it be all the way in Warrington. :(


You're living up to that Swedish stereotype there ;)


Anyway, my migrane tablet is kicking in. Time for some sleep :D Sleep weeeeeeeell! Traum mal suess! (ganz schlechter Deutsch, aber's mir egal. Ich nutzte der Iperativ!)

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I'm sure they wouldn't notice you sneaking in. Besides, Sverige is so liberal, they wouldn't care. Bork bork. *has been watching the muppets* Bork. Ahh Polish. :happy: The corner shop here sells 'special' ciggys after 6.30pm and they're cheap Polish imported Marlboro <3 I wish I smoked, just for the danger warnings <3


It's a different taste...


I've started to take work in there to do with me. Two hours in a room that's stuffy and smells of soap powder. Mmmm.


They sound pretty cool, very Pet Shop :happy: Wow, that's quite an intimate gig venue that.

G'night! I should hit the hay too. Sodding work tomorrow. *hates job* :indiff: Sleep well!



Bork :LOL: Mmmm. I should get a wig and a purse, and I'm ready to go. Oh wait, scratch the wig :rolleyes:



Very intimate yes, and really nice. Next week it's Of Montréal. Mmm. Job? Errrrrrrr. *Hugs* I know how awful it can be.


Mona, that's just a lovely room, and the bed cover...mmmmmmmm...'s just great it is. Love the bed as well.

And VG on the test? Congrats! But I though you only finished the test yesterday? How can you get the results so early?


Gravity Eyelids, svenska saker må suga, men de är inte danska. Errrrr. :D:LOL:

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Why do I have a job? WHY did I go and eat the world's biggest pancake at the Dutch Pancake House? Mmm wig.


:LOL: Smoke make you and your children death. When we were in communist time. We death. Then pope saves. There were Russians at the tram stop today. One was just so beautiful. Mmmm. Krasnoy man. Or Krasnii man. Krasnaya not man. *too tired for endings*


Of Montréal sound vraiment cool :D *hugs back*

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Awwwwww *hugs* Just think of le daaaaawsh innit :D Pancakes? Mmmm. With whipped cream and lingonberry jam...MMMMM! :happy:


:LOL::LOL: *dies* Poor Poles :D


Russians? Mmmmm so nice. 'S krasiviy though, krasniy is red :D We've all made that mistake many a time :LOL: Thus красивый человек :happy: You should've moved in for the kill really :happy:


They are :happy:


I hate Swedish 2.8% beer, even after like 6 cans all they do is make you tired and not at all drunk. We've been listening mostly to old classics tonight though, so no beer was really needed, My Love and Fool Again by Westlife for example, and mmmm Lustans Lakejer. Mmm.


Oublie le resteuh du mondeuh!

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The dawwwsh is a saviour! Seventy beans for sixteen hours work. And a free coffee. :D Yeah! It's amazing! The pancakes are... huge. They're like the size of a small UFO. Fish and I were too full after the savoury pancake to even think about sharing a desert.. dessert? Sod it.. pudding.


Stupid sodding russian. *Cries* I have so much fakelore to read tomorrow... and laundry to do, and Corpse Bride to see and sleep to sleep... A student's work is never done.


I should've done. He was beautiful, even though balding.


Why are you buying 2.8% beer now you're all growed up and System-worthy? Ffwl! Haha my malenki brat sings Westlife all the time. Bless im. The bugger.


Car le moooonde t'oubliraaaaaaaaaaa.

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Is that before or after tax? In Sweden the union would be frying your boss right now :stunned: 'S pretty good though :happy: And mmmm free coffee, 's splendid. Do you enjoy it?

See that's why us Swedes combine the dessert with the main course with our whipped creaming of pancakes :D We're smart we are.


Awwwww *hugs* Remember to tell me if you want any help with anything else alright? I haven't even dared looking at my work schedule for next week! :'(


Balding equals maturity dunnit? :D Did he wear a grey/pink dirty track suit which was two sizes too small? :D Mmmm more and more beautiful people around Lund even though it's almost winter, I swear the spring love thing is a myth :D


Just had some left at Lisa's, 's all, and it's so nineties and nice! :LOL: Actually it's good sometimes when you do get drunk from it, but today wasn't quite one of those days errrr.

He does? Ahhhh that's just great. There's nothing quite as liberating as just screaming out My Love with a beer can in hand. I should join Swedish Idol really :D


I carn't understand why they let someone else rewel our laaahnd! <3's Scottish jingoism :LOL:

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That's without tax. Students don't get taxed here (plus, I'm paid cash in hand, so it's not declared.) S'only about 40p short of minimum wage anyway. At 80p a pint in 5th Ave, it goes a long way :happy: Ahh you clever Swedes. :happy:


Be prepared for a load of work on the prepositional case then. I missed the classes when we were introduced to that last week. :'(


Too right. Mmmm. Must've only been late 20s though. Nah, he was really well dressed for a Rusk. Same here. It's the fact that winter brings out boys in scarves and pretty jackets and coats. Mmmm. According to my flatmate we're going out on a man mission next tuesday. That could be fun. :D


Ahh, fair enough then! Sad thing is, I probably could. I've become so alcohol intolerant since starting uni. Haha! You so should! Make communistic versions of the pop classics. Ahhh.


Errr. Scottishland. *listens to Electric Six and remembers camp disco days*

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Ooooh shady :D But who cares when the pints are...WHAT!? 80 pence? What the...who the...what the...


:stunned: That's...just not fair! Mmmmm.


Ooh right then, that's locative I guess? Most of the time it's just what it says on the tin, it's a case you use after a preposition, like "В Москве"( "In Moscow") "На столе" ("On the table"). And, it's quite nifty since it's not just some superfluous case ending, but if you'd say "В Москву", for example, you'd be saying "To Moscow", same preposition but conjugated like the accusative. Also it's just after "o" which means "about". For example "Я говорю о Москве", "I'm talking about Moscow" or "Я говорю о Райане", "I'm talking about Rhiân". Mmm.


Mmmmm same with girls :D Mmmman mission! You should come to the place we go to concerts at, loads of cool people to be found. Mmm. Bar the odd Arab I have to physically keep of my sister :LOL:


:LOL: Awww white week with salads and mineral water in sight then? Errr.


The Proclaimers are forgiven for being Scottish though :D Mmmm childhood mem'ries

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Bwahaha. Yes, Manchester is so, so cheap. Although I did pay £2.95 for a Grolsch with dinner. Hmmm. Ripoff.


Possibly? Ahhh. I get it. I probably won't get it once Katya and Terry Wade have had their wicked way. Hehe Райане.


Are they beyooodiful with silly hair and stubble? Mmmm. Oh god, your poor sister. I feel her Arab related pain. Vile they are. Horrible vile, sleazy, leery men. You're a good brother for fending them off.


Haha possibly. :LOL:


That is true. Although... let's face it, they're just not Welsh enough. :happy:


Edit: haha they're playing trolley races in the carpark.


Edit two: Now I hear sirens. Haha. BUSTED.

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Poifect student city it must be then? Mmmm. But I still raise you our 15kr de-he-licious falafels. Mmmm. *gets dreamy thinking abou them* :D


You'll get it don't worry, you should worry more about keeping track of the billions of prepositions which for no reason control the genitive, instrumental or dative or something, 's quite ridiculous. Errr. And genitive's supposed to be an easy, simple "possession case". Russian begs to differ. Errr.


Stubble can be fixed yes. And silly hair maybe, depends what that is :LOL: The Arabs are indeed vile. Fuckers. Except for the good ones, when they occasionally rear their faces :D


But do you have any bands singing about Stranraer's keeper, hand-outs and general jingoism in just one song, with an overlaying layer of Christianity? I think not :LOL:


Hahahaha bastards! Trolley racing...so ruffian *dreams more*


I neeeeed sleep! Aaargh. Mmmm Twinkle.

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It's the top rated one in Virgin's Alternative Guide apparently. All we do is booze, yet we still rank 43rd in world league tables and 13th in the UK :D *kinda smug*


I hope so. I can say the words... I just can't say the order. And stuff.


Corrrr. We like Lund. Yes we do. Mmmm. I'm yet to encounter a nice male Arab. The worst ones are the ones who really try it on and then waffle on to their companions in arabic, then try it on again. *shudders*


No, we don't. BUT we have the Cwm Rhondda. Which is on its way to you in a gmail now. HA.


You'd hope so too, when it costs a pound to steal a trolley haha.


Sleep then ffwl! Have one of my wonderful migrane tablets to knock you out for 20 hours :D

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jeg har det samme cd rack :D mind you svensk er skit :p


Some Pelle sa, dem är i alla fall inte danska.


Pelle, it wasn't such a big test.. more like a quiz. So that's probably why he corrected them so fast.

Yes, I have a communistroom. Red. Just need some green stuff now =)

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