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Hey, it was your animal magnetism which drew the strange man towards you. "sociology from Stirling" :LOL: Ahhh. *to stay at that hostel again, or to go back to Af Chapman* such is a moral dilemma.


It worries me how Ed has picked up the Russian I know in about 5 days, the Russian which has taken me three months to learn. Gah. Damn his young mind being a better sponge for language.


True, this weather is nice. We're off to Planter's Lodge today to mooch by a swimming pool and hopefully I'll get sunburnt. Sounds odd saying that in the middle of December. Mmm. Still, snow is so much nicer than Laterite dust.


:LOL: Oh god :LOL: reminds me of Mass does that film. I always had to restrain myself when singing the sodding thing in Latin from whacking myself with the psalm book.


Mona dearest, I'm glad you agree on the dress. Check the Fatherbear and I out with traditional hat:





Ooooh that scarf's really nice! I has summit similar meself, only in greens (best colour evoooh) You should try wearing it as a headband, Siberian worker style. :happy:


Funny :D Was Af Chapman any good? Shared cabins? Did they have a pub?


I can imagine it being annoying yes, but start teaching him wrong, then you'll be a step ahead haha :D Just like the squirrel/chicken thing. He won't know what hit him, especially after a few pints in the darkest HiLife bar in town.


So did you tan then? Or buuuurn? Swimming pool sounds really nice mmmhm.


Haha I can imagine that! :LOL: Mmm I hope they'll show some more Python films.


Wooooow heggstreme hats innit :LOL: Damn Sweden for not having a hat tradition :D


Hmmm headband yus...I must admit it doesn't help much when it snows into the coat, and all I've got underneath is a size 8 shirt :LOL: Green sounds nice, though that colour hates me for some reason.


Mr Eyelids, feel free to mock Sweden as much as you want, we all do, but coming from a Dane...pardon, but that's just too much :D

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God jul, god jul! Here you go!


Det sägs ju att man inte ska generalisera

och säga t.ex. att Tyskland ej är bra.

Det ska man inte heller

i allmänhet jag tror,

men detta gäller inte om

det land där norrmän bor.


Norge, Norge, det är ett ruttet land.

Norge, norge, ett jävla rövarband.

Norrmän, norrmän, dom fiskar dålig torsk.

Så om du ser en slisk

och han stinker rutten fisk

är han utan tvivel norsk.


Ja, norrmän är förskräckliga,

så fula och så små.

Med slipsar som är äckliga

med norska blommor på.

Dom larvar sig och sjåpar sig

och joddlar och står i.

Man frågar sig när man dom ser:

hur korkad kan man bli?


Norge, Norge, det stiger aldrig frem.

Norge, Norge, med de tusen hjem.

Norge, Norge, du skam fläck på vår jord.

Känn det står en stank

ända ner till Doggers bank

från ditt norska smörgåsbord.


Man borde ge en riktig smäll

åt Norge som nation,

för att dom har så fula fjäll

och taskig folkpension.

Dom gör ju inga bilar

och cyklarna är kass

och deras store ende skald,

han heter Peter Dass.


Norge, Norge, är världens sämsta land

Norrmän, norrmän, dom borde tas om hand.

Norrmän, norrmänn, det folk som Herren gav

en hopplös håg och en panna som är låg

så att hatten ramlar av.



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We stayed in the House, rather than on the boat. The boat looked really skit, but the house was amazing. I quite liked the bar, it was cheaper and more bar like BUT it didn't have any Malcolm. More interesting people to talk to in the kitchen though.


I think we're actually going to Africa Beach for New Years, they always have a HiLife band on there. Infact, new year of 97/98 they were there but I slept through them. Shit that's nearly ten years ago. :stunned:


become a Nigerian ,then you can have all the silly hats you want!


Green should love you though! You're blond! It only loves blondes and chestnuts.


Good god I'm sunburnt. I've been mooching on the balcony all morning. Being Pale and "too cool for suncream" whilst under the midday sun is not big, nor clever. Mmmm lobster and freckles.

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We stayed in the House, rather than on the boat. The boat looked really skit, but the house was amazing. I quite liked the bar, it was cheaper and more bar like BUT it didn't have any Malcolm. More interesting people to talk to in the kitchen though.


I think we're actually going to Africa Beach for New Years, they always have a HiLife band on there. Infact, new year of 97/98 they were there but I slept through them. Shit that's nearly ten years ago. :stunned:


become a Nigerian ,then you can have all the silly hats you want!


Green should love you though! You're blond! It only loves blondes and chestnuts.


Good god I'm sunburnt. I've been mooching on the balcony all morning. Being Pale and "too cool for suncream" whilst under the midday sun is not big, nor clever. Mmmm lobster and freckles.



They have a house? That must surely beat a boat at all times, since it can't sink :D (If Stockholm isn't built on a quagmire, which is isn't) I'm sure we could give Mackie a ring, since he ought to be staying at the Klint still, writing love poems dressed in black. He still owes me a pint y'know.


Wooooo the high life! I'm still impressed by you knowing a star. 'S wicked it is. Is Africa Beach in Takoradi?


Haha, becoming a Nigerian...'s not worth it :D


That makes sense, but not with me...my blonde's too...undefineable really. A long, red scarf though...damn you Rhiân, you make me want to consume. Silly tart. :D (I really do love kitchen-sink for overuse of those phrases :LOL: )


A sunburnt Brit :D That must be extreme :D Tiled floor? Taking all advantage of the laptop then? :LOL:


Mmmm I'm going for a walk. Thick snow + Coq Sportifs + silk scarf...now that's really not clever.

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They do! It's got a different name though. Skeppssomething? Like th'island it's on. He probably is, here's hoping they're as good as his sociology from Stirling line. :LOL: Never forget that. Ever. A pint you say? Shit, saying you'd buy someone a pint is like a legally binding contract.


Not me, Male! However we drove past him on his road yesterday. He looks mega old, just like Rose's daddy.


Not at all! Shame taking the piss out of their accent doesn't translate well in text. Mmm IPA it. Later.


Your blond is the one women kill for. Bleach for. Bald for. It's also the blonde I used to be when I was about 3. DAMN YOU. Mmm long red scarf. Consume! Be weak! Consume! Haha they are good phrases.


Sunburnt Brit... do we ever tan? No. Gah. Beach tomorrow and all. I'm gonna be the right lobster. Mmmm. Red.


You're just asking for Pneumonia there dear. At least wear a hat. :(


Edit: Yes, Africa Beach is in Takoradi. S'where my husband is. (well, once he pays the dowery he's been promising since 97)

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Ahaaa! Skeppsholmen something then probably. Hahaha awwww poor sod. That pint was his dowry I reckon :LOL: Mmmm holy bonds.


You do know him, guilt by association as you say :LOL: Meself I'd never pass on an opportunity to brag about someone famous. 'S why I "know" half of all hockey players in Jönköping :D


:LOL: Is it much different to Ghanaian/Twi/Ga riddled Engerlish? The joys of IPA innit.


:happy: Right then, hope I don't kill it off by curling it too often then innit. I don't get why hair colour should change though...mine was like pitch white when I was wee. I shall find a scarf, I will! Too bad Jönköping's not riddled with shopping places really. 'S so humdrum.


Tempting fate are you? :LOL: Oh God, sleeping with skin falling off your back from being in the water all day...'s nooooooo fun! Watch yerself dear! And get yer dad to rustle some sheep for dowry :D


I don't have a hat :( I'd quite fancy a white one though, they're pretty :happy: Especially on bints.

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That pint was probably laced with Rohypnol...


Ahh so true. Well in that case, I know Kofi Anan, cause he's from the Elmina Fante tribe that Rose is from... and J. J Rawlins, cause dad shook his hand once...


Yeah it is, however an argument in the Pondering place is trying to say otherwise :LOL: com com com com...


Good! Yeah... I was born with black hair and blue eyes... summit not right there. Aww but it has two os with dots... damn this new keyboard... S'not humdrum.


I am indeed. Skin cancer ahoy. Although tomorrow I use lotion. Sheep? S'all about cows here :LOL:


Aww you needs a hat!

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It probably was :stunned: Oh I should've taken his offer and followed him to his cabin...ah to have his blood on my shoes :D


'S that so? :D One could say you run the UN. One could.


:LOL: I'll have to agree too then. Don't want to screw up in front of my future HiLife pioneers innit. I wonder how my surname would be said in Ghanaian though :LOL:


Not right indeed :D Can you not make ö's? What about an o with a trema? Too bad there's no 'circle over letter' key on the keyboard :D Mmmm å. It is humdrum. I always realise that when I'm out walking...it is dull, but I guess I romanticise it a bit too. Mmmhm. Mmmm industries.


Good decision on the lotion :happy: Cows? Pah, they're harder to rustle are they not?


I doooo, but then only after a good haircut, otherwise I'll look like a hockey player. Woooo Jan and his son comes tomorrow! Woooo! So much fun! So much drinking!

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Hahaha! You got the offer of Malcolm cabin? You never said! I remember hearing him telling someone he'd lost his key the day after you left. :LOL:


One could... but Rawlins killed many... on live TV and all.




Well I can if I faff about and press this key here and then these.. but it's faff. Plus I'm not used to it yet so I can't have it in default Swedish like my old one was at home. Still, my Mozilla and MSN are Swedish, so it's almost there.


Mmm. Lotion is very needed. Ow. Not Ghana cows. They're pretty easy....


Ahhh get a flowepor hat :D Hooray for Jan! Send him my salutations/love/whatever.

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There's a lot of things you probably don't know...:$:D


Still a celebrity riiiight? :D


I see, quite the dilemma. You should get a Swedish keyboard along with the Rusk one...they're fabulous. My Mozilla's in English :$ I can really imagine you having the Swedish one though :D Mözillä Firefåx!


Mmmm I reckon body butter would work poifectly for burnt skin...if they have those in Ghaarna. I'll have to remember that for next summer. Mmmmhm. Haha Ghana cows, I can imagine, they're not used to being rustled all the time, since they don't live in Wales innit.


A what? :$ *is thoroughly ignorant and tired* I will send the highest regards possible to Jan!

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Hahaha! Did he make a pass? :LOL:


Well, he was the most popular president here... Possibly out of fear...


That sounds wonderful! Yep. We're all Swedish here, well... not really. I would if I could...:LOL:


Oooh! It could! Shame I left it at home! Ah well. But yes! Ghana cows are slow and useless. Gotta love em!


Whoops, Flowerpot... My bad. Just a hat that looks like a flower pot :D


I'll try and Gmail you a Nigerian dialect song, if this crap Ghana internet can cope... Unfortunately they only do HiLife on casettes here.

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God jul, god jul! Here you go!






Haha! I love it!


Mine's not that long. And it's in Swedish, so you understand it all ;)


Jag är inte sjuk, (inte sjuk)

jag är bara svensk. (bara svensk)

Jag är inte sjuk, (inte sjuk)

för jag är bara svensk. (bara svensk)


Nå kan du vel fortsette med å fortelle meg hva som er så flott med Sverige?

That'll be interesting.

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Haha! I love it!


Mine's not that long. And it's in Swedish, so you understand it all ;)


Jag är inte sjuk, (inte sjuk)

jag är bara svensk. (bara svensk)

Jag är inte sjuk, (inte sjuk)

för jag är bara svensk. (bara svensk)


Nå kan du vel fortsette med å fortelle meg hva som er så flott med Sverige?That'll be interesting.


Allt som ni norrmän inte har. Stolthet, hjärna, utseende..

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