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Locations? Dates? Suggestions please!

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Right, anyone wishing to come to Brum for the thank you vid, I'd like you to post any suggestions on where you'd like us to visit, and possible times (Bearing in mind the August deadline). There are obvious ones - by the bull, selfridges, and outside symphony hall would be good for during CD. Once I know exactly what we've got to do, singing, actions etc., I'll be needing your help, for example we'll probably need at least a loud hailer to coordinate everyone etc. :)

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Hey, I'm gunna have to go on holiday in a few days, so I feel I'm not really in the best of positions to be organising stuffs, cos I'll be away from a computer etc..., so if someone wants to take over, I'm cool with that :) Still up for coming and participating though :D

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