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Thought I was the only atheist!

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Thank goodness I found you guys! I was gonna make an atheist group, you guys all ready did! Yeah!!!!!! So what are your thoughts of dying??????? I think that there are several possible things: we return to the universe, and our energy is recycled over and over. Or, we just become dirt! :LOL:

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Yep, I'm an atheist of the Scarlet A variety. I even give Richard Dawkins a run for his money. If he's a 6.8 on his 7 point scale then I'm 6.999 & I'm just as outspoken – except I don't pretend I am not ha ha!


I'm not an atheist of the “stamp out religion” kind though. I have no desire to convert people. I like having philosophical debates with people of different religions. And the sorts of questions atheists get asked (like where do your morals come from, meaning of life...) are fascinating in themselves and are likely to end up as much of the subject matter of my blog in future for that reason.


Holy hell forgotteninjune, move to NZ – there are heaps of atheists here!


StarlightNight: Thoughts on dying... when you die – you're dead. I don't think a separable personal soul seems very probable so I can't see how reincarnation would work unless it's more of a general thing to do with matter getting reused. This happens all the time. You are made up of reused materials right now.

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forgotteninjune: yeah actually i think matt's an agnostic now too. i read in musewiki about how matt might believe in a supernatural being, but who knows, you can never really take what matt says seriously haha


i agree with Turing Machinehead; when we die, we die. that's really about it.

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yes just think... before you were born....

you were practically dead because you weren't alive, right? so nothing was there, sure you can IMAGINE things back in the day but nothing was happening... that's death for ya!!!

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Yes, I agree definitely in terms of personal consciousness. But tricky question is at exactly what point are you “dead” before you are born?... i.e. at what point back in time do the prerequisites for creating you cease & you become truly non-existent? When you are a sperm & egg in two different people? When your parents were? Before biological evolution? Abiogenesis? The Big Bang?


Maybe we're not individuals but just appear that way & the universe is a self-referential, continually evolving, indeterminate thing of which we are just aspects of it, but not separate. Just cogs in a machine. And consciousness is just self-referential cogs. So matter recycles itself & ideas live on in the form of cultural memes but it's just one big continuum that never really dies. Just transforms it's shape continually. In this sense I'm not sure I believe in “death” per se, only losing your temporary “individuality” in the time line of the universe & your unique perception of it happening.

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That is a great point forgottenjune! And Turing Machinehead I feel like I know you! I agree with what you are saying and am over joyed that you have found this thread. Please let me know when you want to debate/talk about anything! I would love to participate in the conversation.

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Ha ha Starlight – have you seen the size of my posts? They are like small encyclopaedias! Could be funny and challenging debating here with only 1,000 characters but we can try.


So how would you describe the universe and continuity compared to what I said in my last post? Do you come to the same conclusion about death?

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Why are you scared Starlight?


I'm not bothered by the idea of being dead because I won't know I'm dead. The actual dying part might not be much fun though! But there are so many scientific discoveries that I think might not be made in my lifetime that I would love to know the answers to and probably never will. And it's a shame you only get a limited amount of time to spend with your family and friends or to achieve your ambitions. Maybe that is why the concept of life after death is so popular. Because none of those things have to end if you have an eternal soul. I just don't believe I have a separable soul so I can't see how any of it would be possible outside of what I said above.

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What_the_Keck: What about debating people online then? I think Christian-Atheist or Creationist-Evolution debates are fun. By that I mean proper philosophical debates between intelligent opponents who are civil & construct well thought out arguments & challenge each other to look for genuine answers. (Not the brain dead kind that disintegrate into us vs them insults & thoughtlessness.) I've debated with a few people online before & gotten some interesting emails from Christians too. I haven't ever gotten anything as funny as Dawkins' “I hope you get run over by a church van tonight & die slowly” mail but I did get one from a Christian once who started off with “Dear Fanatical Atheist with Half A Brain!” (well, they got 1/3rd right) & finished with “Damn it! I actually like what you are saying & now I have to agree with you!” ;)


I'm watching a debate now between Michael Shermer & Dinesh D'Souza. It's good.


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