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The dudes I was talking to in the queue said they didn't vote because they didn't know all of the songs that were listed, and they were aware that it was going to be a very "Muse version of marvel fanboys" gig, and they didn't feel that they should take away from it because they got their tickets from someone who works at the venue (apparently)

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Ha, on the Absolution IEM Matt says "Oh sorry it's 'nowhere left to hide'" super fast before seamlessly going into the next line. I missed that on the night and in subsequent watchings of the recordings.


I hope the guy uploads the rest of the show in IEM. Lots of fascinating tidbits.

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can't believe this is real life. lost a watch, sprained my ankle. but god damn, a show to tell yer kids aboot!


Was it a metal silver watch with a black face? I found one at the back and handed it to one of the security guys. The strap was broken though...

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Here are my videos of the gig (missing only Plug In Baby). I was going to record rare songs, and well we got many of them, and decided to tape some "not so rare" ones when I had to give up my spot at the front. Pretty good audio imo, but some are very shaky due to my jumping, insane crowd and such :D


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Great show. Fury, Easily, Futurism and Glorious all played so 4 of my 10 chosen, not bad at all. Easily literally my favourite song of all time so was a pleasure to gets it debut.


So far of my 9 Muse gigs, I've had the honour of seeing the debuts of MK Ultra, The Handler and now Easily. Lovely stuff.


As for "non-fans" in attendance... I was stood to the left about central, and this couple near me had the chap explain to his girlfriend how this was a big deal as it's a big band playing a small venue, and she was just nodding. From the sound of it she didn't even really know any of their songs. What a waste of a ticket.

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Okay, now that I'm finally home from Italy and can post without worrying about battery or data, here's some proper thoughts:


+ Crowd was just incredible, applause all round. My shirt's never been plastered to my body quite like that before and it's even come away with a few rips :chuckle:


+ The amount of fun the band had can't be overstated. Matt going mad during the post-New Born/Yes Please riffage and seemed so hyper/confident while bantering with the crowd, loved him letting the crowd sing that MM verse as well. Dom practically skipping back on-stage for Futurism, constantly beaming and looking on the verge of orgasm for Glorious.


+ Mad props to Matt's stamina throughout the night. Constantly rocking out and still pulling off some impressive and demanding vocals for Showbiz, S4A (was massively surprised by that mostly chest outro!) and Futurism despite them being later in the set.


+ Assassin through Fury was frankly god-like flow, particularly Glorious > Glasto Jam + Butterflies > CE > Showbiz - I mean wtf even is that


+ Matt's playing for Glorious was majestic to watch up close, 'specially the outro. Oh, and Chris' takeover of the main riff after the first chorus - always loved it and was just as great live.


- Had some problems with security personally. Water down the front was really scarce, we had to scream for some for ages before they brought out a couple of cups and when I stayed behind to ask for one more at the end 'cos I felt faint I was told to 'stop being cheap and go to the bar'. Also, scanner organisation wasn't great at first in priority queue, ended up causing panicked rushing and lost me my barrier spot (still got to the front though thankfully).


- Matt's vocals could've been higher in the mix but it wasn't a big problem, crowd was drowning him out half the time anyway.


- Set slightly missed Bliss imo. Didn't mind hits like PIB and Hysteria at all but it should've closed over Knights, just to change that up for once. Almost glad it didn't though 'cos I was so close to passing out by the end that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it properly.


If I could have the time back, would've loved to have met some boardies and stayed behind for the band afterwards but I was honestly sooo fucked after the gig. As in - I couldn't really move and when I did I wretched :LOL: maybe another time, you lovelies <3


Eternally missed would have brought the flow to a crashing halt. It's good, but it doesn't quite have enough going on



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Here are my videos of the gig (missing only Plug In Baby). I was going to record rare songs, and well we got many of them, and decided to tape some "not so rare" ones when I had to give up my spot at the front. Pretty good audio imo, but some are very shaky due to my jumping, insane crowd and such :D



These are really good. And yes audio is v good especially on Easily. Well done 🙂

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More likely to have been a judgment call based on the rest of the setlist. Eternally missed would have brought the flow to a crashing halt. It's good, but it doesn't quite have enough going on


the way they (matt) wrote the setlist, i think it could have snuck in right behind glorious and done just fine.



- Set slightly missed Bliss imo. Didn't mind hits like PIB and Hysteria at all but it should've closed over Knights, just to change that up for once. Almost glad it didn't though 'cos I was so close to passing out by the end that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it properly.



bliss would have been a nice alternate closer, and so would take a bow. i bet the former got more votes than the latter, though, and, upon considering the setlist again as it played out, maybe TaB would have felt slightly out of place.


What a show, one of the best i have attended (and i i have attended so many).

It was like a Time Machine, feeling myself 15 years younger.


Hope you enjoy the tracks :D


i will for some time. thanks-a-mucho!

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What a show, one of the best i have attended (and i i have attended so many).

It was like a Time Machine, feeling myself 15 years younger.


Hope you enjoy the tracks :D


Ah, hi! Finally I can thank you "in person" for the tracks, excellent! I tweeted a reddit-link with them, and it exploded! Thanx again. But..how did you get them? :eek:

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bliss would have been a nice alternate closer, and so would take a bow. i bet the former got more votes than the latter, though, and, upon considering the setlist again as it played out, maybe TaB would have felt slightly out of place.


I think SS would have been great as an old school closer, too.

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Not seen anyone else mention it yet but did y'all see Matt getting a bit emotional during MM? Particularly as it got closer to the end. He'd switch from looking angsty to his bottom lip starting to curl up a bit - I was in awe, 'specially seeing it so close up, looked like a time machine back to '99. Can't stop thinking about it.


Surprised he didn't mention it along with Showbiz, Easily and Glorious as one of his faves.


I think SS would have been great as an old school closer, too.


I think they'd run out of riffs after New Born tbf :chuckle: God, that was fucking incredible.

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