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Algorithm relatively tame


idk this is based on next to nowt but if I’m right I guess I’ll claim it




Right not to sound mean but has that account actually posted anything worthwhile because maybe it’s just me but I feel like most of what they’ve posted is just pretending to know stuff they don’t


I don’t think so for the most part, it lines up with the rumor from that Japanese Warner Page (or whatever it was) that “something” is being released Thursday. Of course that could go back to your point they’re hopping on to that and acting like they know something, but the fact that it was deleted so quickly (either by themselves or Muse) was the part I thought was interesting

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I mean Matt loves them so, they do some great original artwork and stuff. Leave it be Jobby!


Matt has fun with it, sure, but I think he just appreciates fans who get into their stuff this much, especially this early.


I’m fine with fans doing artwork and getting into the album build up and stuff but, idk, leading other fans on by pretending to be ‘in the know’ for attention just rubs me a bit weird and most of what I’ve seen people mention from them comes across like that imo. Maybe I’m wrong though, I don’t have IG so I haven’t followed them properly. I’ll hold my hands up if I am.

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They say that they came clean about not being official as soon as people started thinking they were but that's obviously not true. They waited just long enough to get a following because they knew people wouldn't be interested if they said they were just fans from the start. At least that's how I see it.

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I don’t think so for the most part, it lines up with the rumor from that Japanese Warner Page (or whatever it was) that “something” is being released Thursday. Of course that could go back to your point they’re hopping on to that and acting like they know something, but the fact that it was deleted so quickly (either by themselves or Muse) was the part I thought was interesting


Could be linked to that, I’m 95% sure that Japanese thing isn’t bringing us anything new though.


And posting something vague then deleting it is kinda a classic way of making people think you’ve revealed something secret tbf


They've not made any "predictions" really, they just play games with Matt


Are they not the same people who started off making fake teaser vids implying some sort of ARG for fans to ‘unlock’?


maybe some people are jealous lol


lol indeed lmao

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Why are you guys hating on the algorithm squad? They've toyed with potential spoilers in an entertaining way and none of their "psychic premonitions" turned out to be false. They clearly had inside info about Pressure (at least the video, they posted a Back To The Future clip that Matt himself liked on IG), on Algorithm (the lyrics that, again, Matt himself cared to "correct" in a game that ended with a "Turing test") but they never posted leaks and they never said they were official, people just assumed they were (and some people still think they are).


I don't think Matt or any of the others care about info leaking, literally every Muse fan account was posting the same info the algorithm squad posted, and the Japanese thing surely didn't come from them (in fact they never supported this rumor) but from a French guy who does guitar covers and kept saying Propaganda would be out this week and other self-entitled Muse fan pages. There is a difference between leaking info/content and making a game out of that info, especially when it's already common knowledge. When people hate on others like you're doing, one can only assume their only motive is jealousy - Matt follows that account, their content is ace, therefore you're jealous. That's Muse fans to you. :rolleyes:

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Why are you guys hating on the algorithm squad? They've toyed with potential spoilers in an entertaining way and none of their "psychic premonitions" turned out to be false. They clearly had inside info about Pressure (at least the video, they posted a Back To The Future clip that Matt himself liked on IG), on Algorithm (the lyrics that, again, Matt himself cared to "correct" in a game that ended with a "Turing test") but they never posted leaks and they never said they were official, people just assumed they were (and some people still think they are).


I don't think Matt or any of the others care about info leaking, literally every Muse fan account was posting the same info the algorithm squad posted, and the Japanese thing surely didn't come from them (in fact they never supported this rumor) but from a French guy who does guitar covers and kept saying Propaganda would be out this week and other self-entitled Muse fan pages. There is a difference between leaking info/content and making a game out of that info, especially when it's already common knowledge. When people hate on others like you're doing, one can only assume their only motive is jealousy - Matt follows that account, their content is ace, therefore you're jealous. That's Muse fans to you. :rolleyes:


We’ve said why, ‘cos it kinda feels like they post a lot of stuff pretending to know things they don’t for attention and it leads fans who believe it on. The artwork/videos are cool on their own, it’s that other element that rubs me the wrong way a smidge. If you like it then fair enough, I just personally don’t. I definitely don’t hate them, just find it a bit...naff. Nobody said the Japanese thing came from them?


As for the jealousy thing, not that it’s even worth addressing, but at the age of 22 I genuinely can’t remember the last time I felt jealous about anything :LOL: and, like I’m not big headed in the slightest and really don’t wanna sound that way, but I’ve had my own experiences with the band that are sufficient enough to not feel envy over Matt following someone on a platform I don’t even have an account on

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Most of us had these thoughts way before Matt stared interacting with you.


Matt's never interacted with me but okay. I mean, I don't get your hatred for that account, I personally love it and I don't see how they're doing any bad to you or the band. People assume stuff all the time, many believed Takeabow19 was Tom for the longest time but it never caused any drama. Don't see why it should be different for the algorithm squad. They posted a clever riddle on Twitter, people assumed it was Muse because it was well done, I guess, they clarified they weren't and kept posting riddles and "spoilers" until Matt noticed them and started interacting with them. Why is there even drama about this it's a mystery to me.

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When did I express any sort of hatred? And it's pretty clear that you, someone who just registered for this specific discussion is one of the people in the group.


Btw Takeabow19 was a member here for years, AND he told us his real name, so not sure how that's comparable. When did people think he was Tom? Feels like a twitter thing.

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btw for some reason I wanna link this


Hello, it is me, not a member of the algorithm squad.


aren't the algorithm squad so cool and suave and handsome? Honestly if I could I'd marry the algorithm squad. btw here's the contact info for the algorithm squad, if you feel the same way about them:


I don’t think it is them tbh lads (maybe, idk) but this did make me giggle, fair enough :chuckle:


Btw Takeabow19 was a member here for years. When did people think he was Tom? Feels like a twitter thing.


Aye, that doesn’t sound familiar? And Liam (was that his name?) generally just put a ton of effort into making some great community content (on Musebootlegs at least, was never a fan of the YT stuff but, eh, that’s just me) and got a lot of deserved respect for it. Only ‘drama’ (which is a word I wouldn’t apply to that or this) he ever received was for some thing implying Debase would be on a DVD when it wasn’t or something, I can’t fully remember. Other than that, there was less than 0 reason for anyone to ever have a problem with him.

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We’ve said why, ‘cos it kinda feels like they post a lot of stuff pretending to know things they don’t for attention and it leads fans who believe it on. The artwork/videos are cool on their own, it’s that other element that rubs me the wrong way a smidge. If you like it then fair enough, I just personally don’t. I definitely don’t hate them, just find it a bit...naff. Nobody said the Japanese thing came from them?


Idk man, they only posted hints to stuff that turned out to be true, like Pressure music video containing references to Gremlins and Back to the Future (I'm talking about Instagram, so if you don't have an account there it might not be easy to verify this heh). The whole point of the incorrect Algorithm lyrics was in fact to demonstrate how fake news spread (they called it "thought contagion" which again I think was very clever). Matt saw the lyrics and actually started playing with them and so now we have legit Algorithm lyrics thanks to their interactions. I like to think of it as engaging fan activity, they're not a "news" account. They don't repost every info, and they surely don't act until they're sure it's legit because they never even reinforced the "blood drive" rumor (while EVERYONE was saying that Propaganda was going to be released on October 23).That's what makes them more reliable, imo.


You don't have to like it, of course, I was just surprised to see such harsh tones directed to that account because I really think the guys running it are doing a great job of keeping the hype alive... especially since Muse PR hasn't been very entertaining lately. One could say there's almost no PR for this album. :rolleyes:

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When did I express any sort of hatred? And it's pretty clear that you, someone who just registered for this specific discussion is one of the people in the group.


Btw Takeabow19 was a member here for years, AND he told us his real name, so not sure how that's comparable. When did people think he was Tom? Feels like a twitter thing.


Dude, I registered because I was alerted by a Reddit post that tracklenghts are out and I wanted to keep an eye out for leaks. I come here and see you talking shit about an account I follow and feel like defending, my apologies for daring to voice my opinion on the matter. You're all here spewing yours, thought mine wouldn't matter... but since my opinion happens to differ from yours, I'm not welcome and/or I must be lying. Okay.


Reminds me of why I fucking hate Muse fans.:rolleyes:

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but since my opinion happens to differ from yours, I'm not welcome and/or I must be lying. Okay.


...you know you could just as easy flip this round for calling people jealous and ‘hating’ because their opinion of an account differs from yours though, right?


Reminds me of why I fucking hate Muse fans.:rolleyes:


Its not that deep fam

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Dude, I registered because I was alerted by a Reddit post that tracklenghts are out and I wanted to keep an eye out for leaks. I come here and see you talking shit about an account I follow and feel like defending, my apologies for daring to voice my opinion on the matter. You're all here spewing yours, thought mine wouldn't matter... but since my opinion happens to differ from yours, I'm not welcome and/or I must be lying. Okay.


Reminds me of why I fucking hate Muse fans.:rolleyes:

I think you need to chill out a bit. There's a lot of strange leaps here.


Btw I haven't been keeping up with the timeline to know about what "inside" info came out when in regards to Pressure, but the Algorithm lyrics that were posted by the Algorithm squad were literally just from the released artwork, were they not? They were up both here and on reddit the second the artwork was released.

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Btw I haven't been keeping up with the timeline to know about what "inside" info came out when in regards to Pressure, but the Algorithm lyrics that were posted by the Algorithm squad were literally just from the released artwork, were they not? They were up both here and on reddit the second the artwork was released.


Yeah, that was the first thing that tipped me off to say “lads I’m p sure this isn’t real, they’re just posting what we can roughly already see”. The only Pressure stuff I can see on their account was posted a few days after the vid came out, unless there’s something I’m missing, idk.


Either way, ultimately, yeah, there’s really no need to get so invested in...2/3 people saying they aren’t a fan of a fan-run social media account. We’ve defo not said anything to suggest we are hateful/vitriolic or whatever. Let’s just keep it cool.

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I think you need to chill out a bit. There's a lot of strange leaps here.



You literally assumed I was one of the people who run the algorithm squad because I'm defending them. :stunned:


I'm not one of them (I wish!), but I do follow them and I like their content. I'm only replying to what you guys said about them posting "fake" rumours and leading people on, because that's not true. Of course them being cryptic little bots doesn't exactly help as people are so hungry for news that they will interpret everything as a potential spoiler, but all they do is referencing video stuff and turning info that has already leaked (just like the Algorithm lyrics, like you said) into a game and I personally find it entertaining. Matt's support of that account is just an extra, I was already following them before they started their little game.


Btw, back to the real reason why I'm here: any hope for an early leak?

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I'm only replying to what you guys said about them posting "fake" rumours and leading people on, because that's not true.


It kinda is though, come on. Even you said how they came out afterwards and said something about how the fake stuff was a form of ‘Thought Contagion’ (which comes across to me as something you’d say to excuse yourself after being caught but who knows), no?


Like I said, I’m not aware of everything in between but I remember those initial videos claiming fans had to ‘unlock’ something or break a code, now you’ve got this ‘Thursday.’ then delete comment and you can’t deny stuff like that does clearly imply they know something and are teasing fans, when they’ve shown that they don’t.


Btw, back to the real reason why I'm here: any hope for an early leak?


I think we’re well past the point where any leak could be called ‘early’ tbh but I think anytime is possible from here on out.

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