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Wait, wait, wait... isn't the same person who told us off for talking about Drones and Abso the same one that's now made like 13 posts in here about Arctic Monkeys? :chuckle:


I was also tempted to mention this but thought it might border on picking a fight after my original response to that post :chuckle:

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I meant for Muse :(


I listened to the new 30STM album today...was absolutely horrendous and the final sign of it wasn’t already obvious that Jared Leto has permanently disappeared up his own backside and thinks he’s Jesus.


Listened to the new Alison Wonderland album that also came out today and that wasn’t much better...been a rough week musically besides a grain of hope this new Arctic Monkeys album can be something awesome!


Dig Down Contagion/The 3rd Law is an album that we already know will most likely disappoint us :(

If you turn to 30STM to save the year in music you’re already doing it wrong if you ask me :p
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Dig Down Contagion/The 3rd Law is an album that we already know will most likely disappoint us :(


Honestly you'd be surprised that this is a Muse forum at times. I frequent many forums over time and I've never been on a forum that can so fervently hate what it was made for. I go to a couple of muse discords, and see Facebook posts from groups I follow, and go to the official reddit, and they all seem to love Muse as I do. Everywhere I went I saw people loving Thought Contagion but come here and it can be intoxicating.


I'm incredibly excited to see what they'll do with this album. It's not as good a year musically for me as last year, no, because last year I got Alt J, Killers, Nothing But Thieves, Royal Blood, Chvrches, and Imagine Dragons, all of which with incredibly good albums imo. This year has my two favourite bands, though, Muse and Arctic Monkeys, so who knows what tomorrow will bring :)

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Honestly you'd be surprised that this is a Muse forum at times. I frequent many forums over time and I've never been on a forum that can so fervently hate what it was made for. I go to a couple of muse discords, and see Facebook posts from groups I follow, and go to the official reddit, and they all seem to love Muse as I do. Everywhere I went I saw people loving Thought Contagion but come here and it can be intoxicating.


I'm incredibly excited to see what they'll do with this album. It's not as good a year musically for me as last year, no, because last year I got Alt J, Killers, Nothing But Thieves, Royal Blood, Chvrches, and Imagine Dragons, all of which with incredibly good albums imo. This year has my two favourite bands, though, Muse and Arctic Monkeys, so who knows what tomorrow will bring :)

Eh, there was loads of hate for both Dig Down and Thought Contagion on most places, including Facebook, YouTube AND Reddit.


But yet you come here? Why?

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If it wasn’t for the inactivity nowadays, the board is still the best Muse platform tbh. Reddit’s slowly taking over but it’s still a bit overly-positive and you can get downvoted for stupid shit from what I’ve heard/seen. And the memes are shit.

Edited by Jobby
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If it wasn’t for the inactivity nowadays, the board is still the best Muse platform tbh. Reddit’s slowly taking over but it’s still a bit overly-positive and you can get downvoted for stupid shit from what I’ve heard/seen. And the memes are shit.


Explain what you mean for "overly-positive", because for the most part r/Muse isn't like that.

Instead, I've noticed there are many positive posts about "unpopular" opinions which are well arguemented there, they're not your usual overexcited fanboy always screaming "OMG!! I luv Meeooze!!1!" and blindly loving anything they release, and nothing else.

Also, of course you may be downvoted for God-knows-why, but they're the usual douches who just can't make better out of their time but trolling. Although sometimes there actually are some redditer on there who do nothing but bring down anything Muse does now because they just don't like what they've become, but it also seems they're annoyed at people who still like or love them because deep down they can't move on, and so try to subtly wreck positivity towards them.

Oh, and at least the memes, shit as they may are, are among those things that manage to keep fans engaged during quiet periods, otherwise the community would literally go in desolating hibernation.

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Reddit is decent imo. I hear people complaining that it downvotes anything negative as well anything positive, depending on who you ask. In reality it totally depends on who’s online at the moment. But I hate the whole voting system in general.


Oh and the memes are absolutely terrible.

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Reddit is decent imo. I hear people complaining that it downvotes anything negative as well anything positive, depending on who you ask. In reality it totally depends on who’s online at the moment. But I hate the whole voting system in general.


That's basically the voting system for any subreddit, and is why I agree with the last sentence.

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Wait, wait, wait... isn't the same person who told us off for talking about Drones and Abso the same one that's now made like 13 posts in here about Arctic Monkeys? :chuckle:


I actually interrelated it and talked about Muse and the new music. Whereas the debate about Drones vs Absolution is just completely irrelevant. But nice try :)

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There's still The Voidz and Jack White t listen to, that should drown out any memories of 30STM.


Jack White has been disappointing as a solo artist IMO; I’ll stick to old school white stripes any day!


I was expecting 30STM’s new effort to be rubbish and so it was :p

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Honestly you'd be surprised that this is a Muse forum at times. I frequent many forums over time and I've never been on a forum that can so fervently hate what it was made for. I go to a couple of muse discords, and see Facebook posts from groups I follow, and go to the official reddit, and they all seem to love Muse as I do. Everywhere I went I saw people loving Thought Contagion but come here and it can be intoxicating.


I'm incredibly excited to see what they'll do with this album. It's not as good a year musically for me as last year, no, because last year I got Alt J, Killers, Nothing But Thieves, Royal Blood, Chvrches, and Imagine Dragons, all of which with incredibly good albums imo. This year has my two favourite bands, though, Muse and Arctic Monkeys, so who knows what tomorrow will bring :)


Muse and Arctic Monkeys are my favourite bands and I like Thought Contagion. I am just skeptical about this new album and have a bad feeling. I am happy to be proven wrong and enjoy it!

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Eh, there was loads of hate for both Dig Down and Thought Contagion on most places, including Facebook, YouTube AND Reddit.


But yet you come here? Why?


The overwhelming majority outside of here are positive to all Muse, however. I frequent here because I semi know the regulars and everyone gets caught up in the hype and have a laugh. It's usually after a release, unless it's a more traditional rock song like Handler or Reapers, where toxicity occurs and the majority are claiming how shit Muse are. I mean, if you're that upset with Muse and are that annoyed and aggressive about it, why not just leave it and find something else for a while instead of hating them on their own forum?


I get constructive criticism. That's important. More important than positivity, in my opinion, because getting your favourite things and people to improve is better than having then get worse to universal applause. However, it's not constructive, most of the time, and seems to just be people saying that current Muse is shit and they want old Muse back. At that point if I were feeling as such, I'd just go and talk about something else I love somewhere else because negativity has a habit of only getting worse.


This place was the only place I'd actively frequent while into Muse until I joined the subreddit a couple of months back. It can be positive (just look at Jobby), and is always up for a laugh, but the amount of hate with their new music is a bit much and when there's a new release and I'm buzzing and ecstatic, that ecstasy drops substantially when I read most fans raging as I'm quite empathetic and the song loses its charm a bit for me.


It's just surprising when I see people talk about how much better other bands are atm when these are regulars on a .Muse forum, so surely Muse should be around the top of band lists to those who frequent?

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Jack White has been disappointing as a solo artist IMO; I’ll stick to old school white stripes any day!


I was expecting 30STM’s new effort to be rubbish and so it was :p


I can see that. Personally I love his new album. If the only solo work of his you know are the last two albums, you should really try the new one. It's very different and polarizing.


Yeah I listened to most of that new 30STM album yesterday. It's like someone digitally recreated Jared Leto's voice in a lab and put it over a carefully studied amalgamation of top 40 sounds, slapped some words over a solid background and called it a rock album.


I also listened to Attack yesterday. That was a great song.

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30STM have literally never not been bad


It can be positive (just look at Jobby)




Explain what you mean for "overly-positive", because for the most part r/Muse isn't like that.


Not gonna fib and say I even remotely frequent there so I could defo be wrong or it could’ve changed but, from what I’ve seen the few times I’ve gone there in the past, I mean that most negativity is likely to get downvotes, especially if it’s controversial. Like Tjet, I just don’t like an upvote/downvote system when it comes to opinions in general. Here, you can just chat shit and people tned to be pretty jovial when it comes to disagreeing opinions, especially if you seem alright. Put it this way - I wouldn’t feel free to bash Abso and praise Revolt on Reddit :chuckle:


Also used to see the odd comments/post of the Facebook/Youtube variety a la “I love EVERYTHING muse has ever done/real fans like everything, you lot just want OOS 2”, though nowhere near as common or egregious as those places tbf.

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It's just surprising when I see people talk about how much better other bands are atm when these are regulars on a .Muse forum, so surely Muse should be around the top of band lists to those who frequent?


Not disagreeing with what you're saying, but I think it's fair to say that people can have different opinions about what Muse means to them, particularly if they became fans at different periods. I got into them with Absolution and always felt they were something really special around that time. It's fair enough if fans from the older days feel something is missing or not to their tastes about the newer music, but that doesn't mean they don't still like some of Muse's other output, and that's probably where the divide comes from. For what it's worth, I've been on other forums where it's almost impossible to discuss Muse at all now, because the consensus is even more 'everything Muse have done in the last decade is rubbish' than here, which is actually quite appreciate of a fair amount of new stuff, if not quite everything. I've had times when I thought this place was negative too, and some people maybe go a bit too far with it sometimes, but I've come to think it's actually not really that negative as it might look at first. There's a lot of appreciation for a good song or a good show, and you're free to discuss things pretty freely. Most of what I see here is fairly healthy debate these days really.


That said, Dig Down is still fucking awful. :chuckle:

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I actually interrelated it and talked about Muse and the new music. Whereas the debate about Drones vs Absolution is just completely irrelevant. But nice try :)


People were comparing older and newer muse stuff and talking about disappointment in new stuff or how Drones gets shit on too much and there's too much pessimism surrounding Muse's new stuff. You basically did the same thing as the first group except compared hype levels for two different albums by different artists. Let's let both comparisons go unmolested.

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It's just surprising when I see people talk about how much better other bands are atm when these are regulars on a .Muse forum, so surely Muse should be around the top of band lists to those who frequent?

I think they're a mess of a band who is a vapid she'll of what they used to be and any hope of them showing even a glimpse of their former selves is now gone by the wayside. Also, they're my favorite band and I love them more than my own family. I think that's just how it works now. :D

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