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So true, they keep producing just about enough great material per album to keep me hooked. Although frankly my pessimism has grown to the point where I'm no longer thinking "so psyched for the new Muse album!!!" so much as "so psyched for the 2-3 great songs on the new Muse album!!!".


That's the same way I think about the albums too. Luckily even T2L/The Resistance had a couple tracks that kept me interested, TR to a lesser extent since I only really enjoyed MK Ultra and USoE

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Of the last two albums, the main single and the cheese was bad, aka Madness/Mercy & Big Freeze/Aftermath, other than that is ok, with some really brilliant songs.


If they continue with that patern, in the next album i'm going to hate the main single and the cheese, again.


But they need to attract more casuals to earn some money, so is fine.

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Ah cheers, thought so! Just trying to think of everything they've done which isn't in 4/4...


Take A Bow, Falling Down, Blackout, Exogenesis and RBS in 3/4, not a particularly 'out there' signature but ah well.

Animals and the outro of Agitated in 5/4.

Assassin and Micro Cuts with changes to 6/4.

Outro to Cave? Not listened for a while but is there a 5/4 change in there somewhere?


Might have missed a few. Some experimentation with odd time signatures would be great on a future album, they've definitely got the technical ability.


God I'd like to hear more stuff like Take a Bow. I love it when Muse get all theoretical with their composing - not that they've done it much granted.

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Just me that quite likes Aftermath then? I think it's better than the other songs of that type they've been doing for the last few albums anyway, and I think it fits nicely before The Globalist somehow.

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Great: Dead Inside, Reapers, The Handler

Good: Psycho, Mercy, Defector

OK: Aftermath, The Globalist (first verse and heavy part is great, rest is meh)

Crap: Revolt, Drones


One thing people seem to agree on so far is the best songs on the album.

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Can we also agree that it's some of Chris best bass work in a long time.


Agreed. There's some fantastic bass playing across the album, Reapers, The Handler and The Globalist being the standouts. I dislike the song but the fills in Aftermath are lovely.

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I'm fucking done. This was the most disappointing show I've ever seen. 12 fucking songs, barely playing over an hour...


Dropping IS, The Handler, the Resistance/MotP/CE/whatever rotation, even fucking Drones was skipped after TG.


Matt struggled even with stuff like the Madness falsetto's and DI's ending sounded like shit. The band looked as if they were here to grab some quick cash and get the fuck out as quick as possible.


12 songs is pathetic. But hey, at least Resistance wasn't played so that's something...


So. Got that out of my system :D

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