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Chinese Musers Thread

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Hi again Stan!


My actual (English) name is Doris; I do get tired of introducing myself as "a-m-3-n-3" when I actually meet board members in real life...


FYI I got that copy of Milk at the airport while waiting for my flight home--I think it came out the day before the concert. Last week seems such a long time ago already, even though I'm still getting over my jetlag and trying to stay awake past 10pm.


Even though the backstage assault didn't go as planned, I'm glad everyone got back home OK (and saw the band again before they left HK). Did I tell you that I ended up taking a taxi from all the way back to Mongkok? The lady taxi driver took pity on me and another girl that missed the Airport train. God it was expensive.


But I hope to come back again--I'm trying to come back w/my husband in June to do some gigs before we go to Japan. Hong Kong looks so much better than in 1997, and it was good to speak Cantonese again and see my relatives there. I miss the TV & the food already :(


Keep in touch!


ha i remember your name just dont know how to type it..:$

ahh,we almost missed the last train and we rushed in the last one without paying for tickets...the staff there came and warned us that we're doing illegal thing but since it's too late so it's ok then:LOL:we got back to airport station without paying the trip...

and in June...do the gigs?:eek:woaa...

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Speaking of Milk, this is from an older issue of (1 Mar), but as far as I know this was the only pre-gig writeup in HK. I hope I've not scanned it too small to read:




damn! i looked at that copy of milk with the gig review in it when i was in the airport yesterday flying back to london, but it was sealed so i didnt know the review was inside. i'll need to ask my gf to find a copy before she comes back next week, although she might not be willing as she already thinks i'm too obsessed with muse after forcing her to stop off in HK for the gig and then dragging her round Taipei book and record shops to find anything muse related!!


Any chance you could post the cover from this issue? i want a copy of that preview also. although it wasnt the only pre-gig write-up, there was an extensive one in the/a February issue that i got hold of in Taiwan. By the way, is this a monthly or weekly magazine?

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Any chance you could post the cover from this issue? i want a copy of that preview also. although it wasnt the only pre-gig write-up, there was an extensive one in the/a February issue that i got hold of in Taiwan. By the way, is this a monthly or weekly magazine?

Sure! The pre-gig writeup is in the Spider-Man issue, which was a supplement to Milk isse #293:



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good that you finally find this pic of dom speaking...

like his belt...but wait..is his pants a little too tight 4 him?

haha just kidding...:p

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:stunned: 抽你娃!




哈哈 确实啊


就跟半粒米是 一 national geography 国家地理杂志代言人似的

我觉得这衣服比那些带小花儿的shirt 都绝

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哈哈 确实啊


就跟半粒米是 一 national geography 国家地理杂志代言人似的

我觉得这衣服比那些带小花儿的shirt 都绝




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低胸 也没有一根胸毛 哈哈 他早期 明明特别瘦不拉圾得...


妈丫 就跟一张纸似的...感觉跟一羸弱的女生似的..


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低胸 也没有一根胸毛 哈哈 他早期 明明特别瘦不拉圾得...


妈丫 就跟一张纸似的...感觉跟一羸弱的女生似的..





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obviously somebody did...I should've saved some space for that damn I wanna hit myself.


那什么,你怎么知道是Gaia给他的(感觉我们又涉及到人家personal问题了...= =||)?




你说那是 取行李时候的号码牌之类的东西 我还觉得靠谱点儿..

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