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Chinese Musers Thread

Life must hate me

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almost caught them,we saw them walking throught that gate but we didnt chase after them.They're ready to go.

ahh that day was amazing...we finally saw Chris and had some chat,he went to play football in the daytime in Hong Kong University lol...and kirky showed up at last and help us pass the message we wrote to the band...he saw me reviewing lessons(cuz i was dragged there by annie...lol she's kinda hyper...) and he asked me if i'll have problems with my exam the next day since we've waited in the hotel til 12pm...how nice is he!:happy:


Whom did Chris play football with? With the touring staff?

Tom seems like such a nice person for asking you whether you were doing OK with your exam. I heard a lot of nice things about him but never had an opportunity to meet him.

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Whom did Chris play football with? With the touring staff?

Tom seems like such a nice person for asking you whether you were doing OK with your exam. I heard a lot of nice things about him but never had an opportunity to meet him.


yea maybe with the tour crews...they had fun!

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:( cant stand a day right now with no Muse news...



我身边人都安慰我来着,都看出我几度空虚了 我都双眼无神呆滞,面上麻木没有表情。。一副巨郁闷的样子

看到把精神支柱全放在muse身上 还是件挺风险的事。但是我 已经不能回头了啊。。。:stunned:

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刚刚从惠康买东西回来,今天天冷,天黑的早,我买完回宿舍,室友没回来,一进门我就看见我laptop上Starlight的屏保上写着THIS IS THE END...

妈的,真的是 THE END了,没开灯我站在那里呆了好久.

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刚刚从惠康买东西回来,今天天冷,天黑的早,我买完回宿舍,室友没回来,一进门我就看见我laptop上Starlight的屏保上写着THIS IS THE END...

妈的,真的是 THE END了,没开灯我站在那里呆了好久.



THE END。。。不管 保持信心。。。 有什么办法能联络tom之类的么?。。。除了pm。。

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Guest MUSE*

Stan,you guys are too lucky...

don't be so sad 'cuz you are lucky than many people..especially me!T-T"

I couldn't saw their face clearly in the gig..and it was too bad!!!!

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more luck one get,more sorrow one will have...




Am i being too sensitive?...:eek:


me too.. feeling so empty and sad

the past 1 week is like a dream

now back in boring reality

maybe we won't feel so sad now if we were not so lucky and met them

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