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I know i know this has been done so many times...but I have found a page of ALL his posts, here


He thinks this should have been the cover to Sunburn (in this thread)


Here someone thinks Matt is rubbish at football, but Matt says 'groupy obsession? i dont think so'


This is a thread made by him about pictures...


Matt is dodgy here :rolleyes:


About summer dates here


Doesn't know how to check PM'shere


Matt's goatee "well the truth is that i cant grow a full beard, im a bit of a late bloomer you see, so whenever i dont shave for 2 days i get a natural goatie, and people think i shave it to shape and i dont, the current status is clean shaven haha" :D Sorry for no link, it's in the list somewhere...


'well the truth is that i cant grow a full beard, im a bit of a late bloomer you see, so whenever i dont shave for 2 days i get a natural goatie, and people think i shave it to shape and i dont,

the current status is clean shaven

haha ' :LOL:


Matt's in here too...


Here Matt answer's the some Irish guy (not the stalker!)


He's interested in Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll here


Want to be in Feeling Good? Here...


'Want to be in the next Muse Video? Then email theman@tastemedia.com with

your Name & Telephone number. You must be available Saturday the 21st at

11:00am in West London.


cheers matt '


'Post Origin Artwork' here


Matt says 'q' here


EDIT: Here is proof about the zipper in Space Dementia ;)


'we were looking for a high percussion sound for the end of the song `Space Dementia` and we tried shakers, salt and pepper things, and even palm rubbing, but we ended up miking up Matt's trouser zipper ' Nice one Matt.


I'm sure there are more things but I'm busy atm, this took me soo long!

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How I wish I could go back in time .. when there was no PMT and all that .. I wish I'd been a fan back then .. *nostalgic sigh* ... I love to randomly chat with my idols. Especially when they have a strange sense of humour. :LOL: If anyone builds a time machine please let me know.

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How I wish I could go back in time .. when there was no PMT and all that .. I wish I'd been a fan back then .. *nostalgic sigh* ... I love to randomly chat with my idols. Especially when they have a strange sense of humour. :LOL: If anyone builds a time machine please let me know.


*in David Tennant voice* Oh yes!


You know I read an article in the paper about Michio Kaku (awesome guy you should look him up) and he knows how to build a time machine! Just he hasen't got the right materials...seriously humans are awesome :happy:


Are any of these posts going to be put on MuseWiki?

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*in David Tennant voice* Oh yes!


You know I read an article in the paper about Michio Kaku (awesome guy you should look him up) and he knows how to build a time machine! Just he hasen't got the right materials...seriously humans are awesome :happy:


Are any of these posts going to be put on MuseWiki?


Gotta love that Doctor fella.


Oh really? I think I recently heard about that man. Today, actually. Coincidence!

Maybe in the near future time travelling will be possible. I'm hopeful. Although we'd have to be careful not to change anything in the past. You know those Back To The Future films.

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Gotta love that Doctor fella.


Oh really? I think I recently heard about that man. Today, actually. Coincidence!

Maybe in the near future time travelling will be possible. I'm hopeful. Although we'd have to be careful not to change anything in the past. You know those Back To The Future films.


:D New episode at Christmas! :p


Anyway he's quite famous, he was in the Muse documentary 'Stairway to Devon' lol...true though

And yeh, those Back to the Future films are probably true! :eek:

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Ever heard of that one place called PMT? That alone is enough to keep Matt away from this forum. Sadly I doubt we'll see him posting again. He couldn't handle those PMT posters who would immediately attack the poor guy. The age of the posters has gone down drastically and the attitude has become more fangirlish and obsessed, and strange. Which is why I hope the time machine will become reality at some point. I wanna go back to 2001 and the fun, random Muse times. If only ..

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I've been on the board for a while and I still don't understand what's so bad about PMT! Do you want to attack him physically?!


I'd love just a short note from Matt or something! Not from Kirk or or anything...


EDIT: Here is proof about the zipper in Space Dementia


'we were looking for a high percussion sound for the end of the song `Space Dementia` and we tried shakers, salt and pepper things, and even palm rubbing, but we ended up miking up Matt's trouser zipper ' Lol! It's not a shaker, it's a cabassa!

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