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Deezer Closeup with Muse interview and playlist

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Matt's face when Uno starts :chuckle: Also, is it me or is that intro slightly sped up? Sounds brutal. Part of me wishes whoever sorted out the playlist had slipped in Creep, just for some #extr4ch33kybanterrr.


Interesting that he said he feels like he can perform more with a guitar, I'm guessing that's why we get less piano songs these days. Kinda had that theory for a couple of years tbh.

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Interesting that he said he feels like he can perform more with a guitar, I'm guessing that's why we get less piano songs these days. Kinda had that theory for a couple of years tbh.

Well he's said it a few times in interviews.
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I thought it was Dom that had an issue with Radiohead.


To my knowledge, it's Thom who has a problem with Muse. IIRC, Dom went up to him/them at an awards show years ago (2006 maybe?) to have a chat and tell them he really liked them but apparently he was told to piss off.


That, and Thom himself has said in an interview (a really old one tbf, but still) that he wishes Muse would 'crash and burn' or something along those lines.

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To my knowledge, it's Thom who has a problem with Muse. IIRC, Dom went up to him/them at an awards show years ago (2006 maybe?) to have a chat and tell them he really liked them but apparently he was told to piss off.


That, and Thom himself has said in an interview (a really old one tbf, but still) that he wishes Muse would 'crash and burn' or something along those lines.

WTF :o I have read before that thom is mean but this is too much do u have a link of the interview?

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WTF :o I have read before that thom is mean but this is too much do u have a link of the interview?


, first minute or two.


Not exactly what I remembered, he actually says that if they go down in a ball of flames then they deserve it.

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The one where Matt brings it up was an Italian interview with some magazine that I'm sure started with a P.

I remember that I never saw an actual scan of it, I assume it was translated by a fan, and the only place I saw it was on here with some sarcastic comments spliced in.

Certainly late '09 or early '10.


Matt tells the interviewer to ask Dom about how good friends he is with Radiohead, and Dom says they insulted him, I think.

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Matt tells the interviewer to ask Dom about how good friends he is with Radiohead, and Dom says they insulted him, I think.


Pretty much, Dom said: “Splendid terms my arse. I respect them musically, but the last time I met him we almost started a fight. He treated me badly, looking down on me. Matt, do you spread around this bollocks?”


I seem to remember the same incident being mentioned another time as well, but I've no idea where. Apparently Colin's fine with them though :chuckle:


not to turn this thread into another 'radiohead vs. muse: a history'

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Sounds inline with what I'd read, I think it was something along the lines of Matt making a joke about how Dom got snubbed by Thom, which is a bit mean. For both of them.


Didn't Thom once say something along the lines of "we created these clones of ourself, and they went on to become Muse?"


And yeah I've certainly seen the Dom one Jobby said before


I wonder what Radiohead's (Thom's in particular) reaction would be if they met up these days. Thom is meant to be more chilled out now or so I heard

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Wow i thought the radiohead thing was all a wind up, that's actually really annoyed me. Can't imagine the arrogance involved in telling someone to piss off when they aporoach you, are they 12 years old ffs


I've read some Radiohead fans' opinions around in which they think Thom is a genius musically speaking, but also a bit of a d**khead humanly speaking.

But it seems that he has toned down, now that he's older.

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