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If the organisers had concentrated on actually setting a live performance up instead of seeing how many half arsed, shit acts they could fit into an hour, maybe the artists could have had good (non mimed) performances.

You didn't even notice so why do you care :LOL:

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They definitely got blown away by footage Freddie, but Brian May was ridiculous and that performance with Jessie J was awful. But many of the anticipated performances were let downs, Spice Girls were embarrasing for example.


As for Muse, it was a weird mix of Matt being nervous and then (because he was nervous?) just making a mockery of the whole thing AND trying too hard. It wasn't terrible but I doubt that made them any new fans. Dom in particular seemed to be enjoying himself though. Eh, just another day in the Muse fandom.


I think because Matt was nervous, he was determined to give it all he had. I don't think that released him from the nerves though. I don't think he made a mockery of it, just kind of tried to force the confidence out maybe and give it his best.

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