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Muse BR is not going to buy tickets

Lucas Quintanilha

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It's pathetic how many upvotes posts on reddit are getting that dismiss the situation and say, jokingly or not, that Brazilians deserve this. Trashy fanbase there for sure


I'll admit the joke about "come to brazil" was quite amusing, but these prices aren't fair, at all.

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I really hope this gets campaign gets lots of exposure in music media, especially if Muse/Muse management fail to provide any response to the fans concerns. It is truly awful, especially coming from a band that supposedly dislikes the greed of the capitalist system.



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Blimey the promoters look like such a bunch of twats. Seeing as its been said that the gigs in Argentina and Colombia are cheaper, its even more ridiculous.


The rip-off early entry fee is something I've always found a bit stupid in concept, but here its obscene.

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Gah, this is a really shitty situation. And true, I doubt the actual band has much to do with it, nor does Dom Anderson, although I wish he was being more sympathetic. Hopefully he will try and get to the bottom of it, but really what can even be done at this point? If they by some miracle lowered prices, that will just make the fans who have already bought tickets irate. And I don't see them issuing partial refunds or anything.

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I don't think Dom's defending it. But I agree that. "Pearl Jam did it" shouldn't be an excuse to justify.

I wonder how much of the facevalue will get to the band. Probably not much. It's pathetic how Labels and promoters not only get more money but even worse have more influence on both bands and fans.

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They can threat to cancel the show though right? I know it's not gonna happen but Muse has been preaching how bad capitalism is for the past 3 albums i'd expect them to do something.


They already canceled their show in Brazil last year so this is not even an option if they want to appease the fans.

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But wouldn't Dom's role not come into play until after the booking? It seems like whoever does bookings with the venues is who would be most closely involved. And by the time Dom is involved, isn't it too late to do anything? Well I don't know, but whenever he realized this could be a problem, he should have had some damage control in place. I'm not sure Muse cancelling is the answer either. It would make a statement, but would also upset all the people that forked over the money, even if it's refunded. What a mess. :noey:

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Hey, I might be a bit late, but I'd like to clarify that this was tweeted a minute after they officially announced the prices, so it means they're not actually mocking the Brazilian fans, but warning the fanclub that they made the announcement. They still haven't said a word about the protests, though.

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Tbf it's not the first time it has happened. IIRC there was a similar situation and outburst a few years ago by Ukrainian fans about the extortionate price of tickets for the gig in Kiev but I don't think anything happened in the sense of change to the tickets price.

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Also, T4F didn't refund most of the tickets for that cancelled gig last year. There's a lawsuit going on, and Dom [Anderson] is helping the fans communicate with the company. With this history, I get a little aprehensive when anybody mentions cancelling the gig. However, I still don't see a viable way to get out of this mess. The prices have been announced, the band management is well aware of everything, T4F hasn't said anything.

As I see it, the concerts might be cancelled (and a whole shitstorm will come through), or there won't be anyone when Muse plays, which will certainly be dissappointing for everyone involved.

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Hey, I might be a bit late, but I'd like to clarify that this was tweeted a minute after they officially announced the prices, so it means they're not actually mocking the Brazilian fans, but warning the fanclub that they made the announcement. They still haven't said a word about the protests, though.


Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification!


But wouldn't Dom's role not come into play until after the booking? It seems like whoever does bookings with the venues is who would be most closely involved. And by the time Dom is involved, isn't it too late to do anything? Well I don't know, but whenever he realized this could be a problem, he should have had some damage control in place. I'm not sure Muse cancelling is the answer either. It would make a statement, but would also upset all the people that forked over the money, even if it's refunded. What a mess. :noey:


The tour manager usually gets the financial information from the booking agent in order to budget for the shows and be able to pay the crew. True, he probably doesn't have a say in the ticket price, but he would know what it was.

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They can threat to cancel the show though right?
Without a valid excuse? Unlikely. There are contracts for this stuff.


I hope this matter is addressed by the band/ management. I have no doubts that the responsability for this outrageous situation falls on the promoters but in the end it is the band's image that is affected.


Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if the result of all this is the band not bothering to return in the future. A hassle to negotiate, fans get ripped off and blame the band too - and this for gigs where it's likely they don't make as much money as they do in other parts of the globe.


Good luck to all the Brazillian fans.


Tbf it's not the first time it has happened. IIRC there was a similar situation and outburst a few years ago by Ukrainian fans about the extortionate price of tickets for the gig in Kiev but I don't think anything happened in the sense of change to the tickets price.
I'm pretty sure that something did happen, though? Didn't they sell cheaper tickets after the complaints? Edited by mjartrod
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Extortionate pricing, seems to be a common theme for gigs/import goods in Brazil. Keep at them, vote with your wallet and they will get the message eventually. They will only charge what you are willing to pay.


All that being said, I hope for some sort of resolution for you guys!!

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Yeah, I echo the sentiments that the band likely had no knowledge of this. Most bands probably don't even know what cities are part of a tour, much less the ticket prices. Management and promoters, definitely. Charging that much for a show is shocking, and that's not even taking into account the extra ridiculous "early entry" fee. Hopefully something can be done about this, because it's just pure greed.

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You guys are being really rough on Dom Anderson, imagine waking up to a ton of tweets complaining about prices and looking up prices for similar bands in a similar venue.


If anyone of importance is reading, please raise the price of US tickets a couple cents to offset the price of playing a gig in areas like Brazil and please play India and Phillipines. We can afford to take the hit. Those guys have been waiting forever.

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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You guys are being really rough on Dom Anderson, imagine waking up to a ton of tweets complaining about prices and looking up prices for similar bands in a similar venue.


If anyone of importance is reading, please raise the price of US tickets a couple cents to offset the price of playing a gig in areas like Brazil and please play India and Phillipines. We can afford to take the hit. Those guys have been waiting forever.

I think Dom will manage, at the end of the day he is responsible for negotiating these contracts.
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