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Is there really another reason to why the vocals would cut off in exactly the same place for several gigs in a row? I mean obviousy they mean to cut them off, and that could really only mean that he doesn't wanna fuck up in front of everyone, and that he even does it should then mean that he does it for a purpose, ie practicing.


Lots of assumptions, but I can't think of any other reasons.


Well, the one video I watched where the mic cut out, it sounded like the vocal was supposed to have some sort of effect on it (might have just been because the mic was cutting out). Assuming this is the case (there was supposed to be a vocal effect), I know that mic's can be set up so that the singer can trigger these effects on-stage. If Mat didn't fully trigger the effect, or there was something wrong with the effect, then I could see it cutting out.


Again, this is all just speculation, since I don't even know if there was/is a vocal effect on that part.

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:eek: That falsetto at the end - incredible. Wish it was in the studio version!


sorry but what is so good about it? matt is a bit off during the first verse and the first chorus isnt great either



really it is not that great of a performance (because matt is really flat most of the time)



bad vocal performance by matt tbh


I see what you're saying and he is a little off, but it's a really tricky song to sing and play live so I'll give him a break. I'm just happy he's clearly feeling more comfortable with the song and therefore willing to take a chance vocally on that last falsetto. With time I think this song will just get better and better live.

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sorry but what is so good about it? matt is a bit off during the first verse and the first chorus isnt great either



really it is not that great of a performance (because matt is really flat most of the time)



bad vocal performance by matt tbh


Not perfect I agree, but much emotionnnnn

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Not perfect I agree, but much emotionnnnn


Reminds me (kinda) of a famous russian pianist called Horowitz. When he was young he was lauded, by Rachmaninoff among others, as the greatest living pianist, but as he aged his fingers began to miss, he'd start to hit wrong notes with greater and greater frequency, but his reputation just increased, along with the plaudits. By the end of his life in the late 80's when he too was in his late 80s he was considered to be as good if not better than he had ever been, because of the *way* he played. He played with such emotion, drama, feeling, touch and grace that those missed notes simply didn't matter. His music was sublime, even if his fingers weren't quite as good as they used to be. Bit of a mad example, but I think matt's singing in the werchter handler was too, sublime. Yes, he missed notes, some were flat, some were a bit strained, but the power in those notes, you can feel the agony in those last notes and the fear in his voice at the start. It was brilliant.

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I guess it depends on what qualifies as "fits" but stuff like that bothers me on a level that's just not at all normal.

I have to be careful not to buy things that are "sets" because I have to have it all, or I obsess about it to an unholy extent.

The invention of Magic cards when I was young was nearly the death of me, and that's probably less hyperbolic than I want it to be. :chuckle:

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I guess it depends on what qualifies as "fits" but stuff like that bothers me on a level that's just not at all normal.


If you have always been that way, how do you know what 'normal' is? How do you know that obsessing over wierd shit isn't normal (and it pretty much fucking is btw!)


I'm not OCD in any medical sense of the word, I'm still a perfectionist though, also I don't like walking on gaps, im terrified of static shocks from supermarket fridges, etc :L


And 'fit' is a very clearly defined medical term that means, varying from from uncontrolled jerking movement to as subtle as a momentary loss of awareness. Not particular fair to get defensive about me not taking your OCD serisouly while it was coupled in the same sentence with an entirely throwaway comment about having seizures, is it now.

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Sorry, I meant "fit" as in those kinds of temper tantrums kids throw. Seem to be commonly referred to as "having a fit" or "throwing a fit" around here. Maybe it's some weird colloquialism.

I wasn't even aware of the other definition.


I hope it's not normal, honestly. I once unknowingly watched part 2 of something, and literally spent every spare hour for two days futilely trying to find the first part.

I was constantly having to get new boxes of crayons when I was a kid and my sister ate one.

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Sorry, I meant "fit" as in those kinds of temper tantrums kids throw. Seem to be commonly referred to as "having a fit" or "throwing a fit" around here. Maybe it's some weird colloquialism.

I wasn't even aware of the other definition.


I hope it's not normal, honestly. I once unknowingly watched part 2 of something, and literally spent every spare hour for two days futilely trying to find the first part.

I was constantly having to get new boxes of crayons when I was a kid and my sister ate one.


Yeh throwing a fit I understand, does that fall under a medical symptom of obsessive-compulsive? I'm not sure...


Having a fit means to have a seizure, i.e. lose motor control of your body and for the skeletal muscles to have rapid convulsions (in the more 'textbook' cases)


Tbh, I'm not sure if you have indeed been diagnosed as OCD or not, but those examples that you listed sound kinda normal to me, maybe I'm OCD...

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So yesterday I made a version of the handler with arpeggios that I made myself in reaper and added in. I uploaded it to youtube and within a couple hours it was taken down and I received a strike against my account saying that if I got more, my account would be deleted. The only other time this happened to me was when I uploaded a cover of the Globalist before it came out (I learned by ear from the leak). So basically they take down unreleased material, because I uploaded covers after the album was released and they're fine. Which leads me to the conclusion that The Handler was originally going to include arpeggios! And apparently it would have sounded something like the one I made or it wouldn't have gotten taken down. I included the mp3 and my custom cover art :)




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Uh, yeah...doubtful.


Your video of The Handler was likely taken down because it pretty much solely uses the actual audio of the song, just slightly edited by you. Covers are usually treated differently because it isn't a direct rip and the focus is more on the creator performing their own version of the song, at least in part. Even then, covers have been known to be taken down/muted from time to time.

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I was diagnosed when I was younger, but I don't know if it was more than a doctor just going "yeah, that's what she has" - I was pretty young. It's also specific to a few select types of things, not everything, but I do wash my hands about 50 times a day, and I'm obsessed irl with getting some things absolutely correct, and I have to push myself not to redo conversations that my brain convinces me I've screwed up somehow, or rewrite things.

I went through some training for it at one point, when my "collecting" was causing me actual anxiety attacks, and I was resorting to theft when money wasn't an option. Especially when I was young, that would present itself as having sort of a tantrum when I couldn't get my way, which I guess I've always referred to as "fits."


Noticed around the time of the Psycho Tour that when I was watching the rare songs and highlights I had to find and capture the entire setlist worth of videos, even though I've probably never watched them at all, and got anxious when I couldn't find all of 'em.


I suppose it could be some side effect of the consumer culture we're inundated with as children, and not actual OCD. Like the Pokémon "gotta catch em all" syndrome.

Pokémon was a bit after my time... but I do own probably over 200 My Little Ponies...

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So yesterday I made a version of the handler with arpeggios that I made myself in reaper and added in. I uploaded it to youtube and within a couple hours it was taken down and I received a strike against my account saying that if I got more, my account would be deleted. The only other time this happened to me was when I uploaded a cover of the Globalist before it came out (I learned by ear from the leak). So basically they take down unreleased material, because I uploaded covers after the album was released and they're fine. Which leads me to the conclusion that The Handler was originally going to include arpeggios! And apparently it would have sounded something like the one I made or it wouldn't have gotten taken down. I included the mp3 and my custom cover art :)



Lol just because it was taken down doesn't mean it was going to have arpeggios. Loving the logic though

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I love this song. since i heard it for the first time ive been playing it everyday. I just think all aspects of it are phenomenal, not only the lyrics and thier personal relevance to this strange stage in my life, but also the dark and heavy feel that is absent from the majority of new music, especially mainstream new music--not to mention Matt's hypnotizongly sexy vocals. In addition to all of these points i also think the song was well executed and is distinct yet compliments other muse albums and songs, it could be played next to something like darkshines and sound incredible. I love drawing and painting and i think this song is going to be an inspiration for whatever i do next.

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