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Hmm, interesting. Just gave it a first listen.

My first impression is that I'm not particularly fond of it I must admit. The guitar is, as always, proof of Bellamy's skills with the instrument, and the 'wow wow' noise at the start is at once something different and something very Muse-y. The rapping is not the best choice I would think, there's not really much to it, which I find to be somewhat typical of Mike Skinner. I mean it worked for some of The Streets other songs like... what was it called? The one that goes 'Lights are blinding my eyes..." (sorry Streets fans, I don't really listen to them so I don't know the name) because that song was about drugs and so it seemed to fit but doesn't have the same effect here. Skinners indifferent tone almost works here in a humorous kind of way, especially when he says 'I don't know why I wrote this prose'. Didn't like the chorus at all, the words didn't fit and didn't have a pleasing rhythm.

The guitar kind of reminded me of the start of Dead Star (the intro before the first verse kicks in), anyone else get that impression?

I think the song is good as the result of a jam and experimentation, but not Single material. Still, good on them for giving it a try, experimentation keeps Muse fresh and collaborations make for good debate.


And that, my friends, is my long-winded opinion :D.

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If it is MUSE then I'm sure it's just a laugh I mean come on they do need to muck around it just them being them. But I really don't like it. I've listened to it 12 times and I hate it even more than the start. If they do play it a V I will hate it. PLZZZZZZZZZZZ don't perform it. i can't wait for V and if streets are playing I'm going to die. This song is starting to hurt my ears.

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