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yeah i bet he will...


hes pretty much had a different drum kit per tour!


BHAR - mirage

Absolution - chrome

OOS - Some other Tama kit...

Showbiz - most probably his first ever drum kit he ever bought! :LOL:


I like the sound of the video screen! But that would affect the dynamics surely!


Unless he gets like a fabric net light thing thats wrapped around!


That would either be epic...or tacky...haha


IYW/DS - blue sparkle

OoS - silver sparkle

Showbiz a shitload of kits (I added most of them to the drums page on muse wiki ages ago)


Something like this is getting close:

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IYW/DS - blue sparkle

OoS - silver sparkle

Showbiz a shitload of kits (I added most of them to the drums page on muse wiki ages ago)


Something like this is getting close:



there awesome! loads you can do with that kinda technology too :D

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hehe didn't think you'd remember me, i used to post here all the time. i run a site called drumscore.com :) i saw you were linked off the site, thats rather cool! :D


hmm i think there'd be a way to do this video screen thing without affecting tone, if the screens were light weight enough but still fairly firm they could be attached with minimal contact to the shell. lol am i thinking about this too much..?


i didnt know you were the creator of drumscore :D. I have had that site in my bookmarks for ages now.


Your scores are amazing :D. Im not too great with tabs so a google and i found your site :D.

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Alesis DM5 Pro....yay or nay? http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/72119


Its an electric, seeing as "R3333L DRUMZ R 2 LOUD" according to motharrr, so I looked into it and found these. Theyre to learn on really, Ive jammed on colleges drum kits a few times, so i suppose im not a complete n00b haha, but ye.


As i said, it'll be for learning really, so theres no real specific style I'll want to be playing yet. id like to play some muse, chili peppers and RATM eventually, but im sure I wont recognise the difference between good drum tone and crap tone yet, so that surely wont matter? haha.



Around £300 is my limit if you can suggest something better.

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Alesis DM5 Pro....yay or nay? http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/72119


Its an electric, seeing as "R3333L DRUMZ R 2 LOUD" according to motharrr, so I looked into it and found these. Theyre to learn on really, Ive jammed on colleges drum kits a few times, so i suppose im not a complete n00b haha, but ye.


As i said, it'll be for learning really, so theres no real specific style I'll want to be playing yet. id like to play some muse, chili peppers and RATM eventually, but im sure I wont recognise the difference between good drum tone and crap tone yet, so that surely wont matter? haha.



Around £300 is my limit if you can suggest something better.


Ive got those drum pads and theyre weird - theyre not rubber and theyre not mesh


you put real drumskins on them


and so because of that theyre quite loud for a digital kit and all you hear is CLICK CLICK CLICK where youre hitting them...


but other than that it looks cool! :)

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Can you hear the click even if you use headphones? Would i be able to turn the volume up loud enough to drown out the clicks, but not too loud to damage my ears?


I just want a proper drum set tbh xD silly mums


yeah - its the noise of hitting a chunk of plastic with a drumstick


i mean its FINE for practicing


but in terms of a digital kit its quite loud. :)

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Don't all electrics have that clicking sound though?


EDIT: You should be fine, my school has an electric kit in the music room and I've used it several times, I can always hear the drums when wearing headphones without it being too loud. It uses different pads but those pads shouldn't be too much louder

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Don't all electrics have that clicking sound though?


mesh electric kits have a kinda tssst noise when you hit them


And IMO they have a better feel to them


Yeah the mesh heads ar ethe best you can get - theyre really quiet and have the best response and feel


Rubber is next and that has a "thud" sound - you can get some reallly decent rubber padded kits


last is those and what I have (i naievely thought they were mesh heads! haha) and they make a loud clacking noise! lol


In other drum related news - have you heard about Travis Barker?! :(

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