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I sort of imagine Aftermath to sound like Star Spangled Banner+Blackout+Soldier's Poem now :LOL:


I'm impressed by all the contradictions - there's so far been references to U2, Hendrix, Coca-Cola Christmas music and all the rest.


Bet when I hear it I will say it sounds like none of them. :chuckle:

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I'm not sure whether anyone will agree with me, as it may just be something personal, but I have found that if I am introduced to material from a band I had not previously known, I am a lot less critical about their work and accept it for what it is. However, once I know the band and they release new material, I become much more critical and look too closely at specifics rather than just enjoying the album as a whole.


I have found this with Muse, but also with pretty much every other band I like and I wonder if this is why forums like this tend towards negativity? When something new is coming out, expectations are raised to impossible levels, and therefore, regardless of whether the material is better or worse than their older stuff, it will not be received as well by the established fanbase.


Don't know if anyone agrees, but I think acknowledging this makes getting new stuff much more enjoyable, rather than raising expectations too high!

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Holy shit the title track is a William Byrd cover? Matt you're going places


This is really fucking weird, the article says Pierluigi da Palestrina in Italian but when you translate it with Google into English it changes to William Byrd. WTF?

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Missa Papae Marcelli is a mass which features a kyrie, a prayer set to music that repeats "Kyrie eleison", which translates to "Lord have mercy!"




Muse always have this wickedly creepy way of being relevant in my life in terms of what I've studied. T2L came just after I finished an environmental science class with heavy emphasis on the second law of thermodynamics, and I just studied this piece of music last year... (and drones in general in my political science classes)

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I don't if is already posted, I think not, surprise, in italian. It's like 5 facts about the album..




I want to share and translate this part with you guys.


5 – The Globalist è il pezzo migliore del disco

Sia chiaro, i gusti sono gusti e non si discutono. Ma The Globalist – traccia numero 11 e climax dell’album – è una di quelle canzoni capaci di farti sobbalzare sulla sedia fin dal primo ascolto (e che sai già che riascolterai un numero indefinito di volte senza stancarti). Doveva essere lo strombazzato seguito di Citizen Erased (parole di Matthew Bellamy), e in parte lo è: l’atmosfera che si respira è la stessa del pezzone tratto da Origin Of Symmetry, uno dei brani più amati dai fan dei Muse. Comincia con un taglio a la Morricone, si trascina lenta fino a un countdown che la fa esplodere in qualcosa di epico, poi si chiude in un’intima parte di piano e voce. La struttura “a capitoli” ricorda Bohemian Rhapsody, e anche se i paragoni con l’inno dei Queen sono sempre e comunque fuori luogo, qui i brividi sono assicurati.


Says Globalist is the best of the album.

Talks about epic song, how it has the atmosphere of Citizen Erased, and the Origin of Simmetry. strcuture resembles to Bohemian Rhaphsody..


I realised I understand way more Italian than I thought :D

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