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Outside of a bootleg concert here and there, I actually don't download things that I could purchase. That's what's the pisser about it.

They have so far failed to tell me what triggered the alerts.


My ISPs have never complained to me about any of that lol

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Yeah, honestly I'm really finding the ISP itself just does NOT want the bother.

The impression I'm getting is they have to get the alerts from the content owners, and then when they do they are forced to press you about it.


I had one warning from downloading a stupid SNL video years ago, but they so far haven't told me what the other ones were.

I do know the reports all came from NBC or Warner, though, which has made me a bit nervous.


I don't download things I could pay for just out of principle, so there's no need for me to have equipment to do it. Not that this hasn't made me rethink my stance on the issue...

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Does this mean we can post without ridicule?





EDIT: Matt says that Drones is Muse's best album... DigitalSpy



They've said that about every album. And then apparently forget that because as part of the quote he said he hasn't been able to say that for a while. Absolution is their best album with OoS close behind and I don't see that changing with Drones unless The Handler, Revolt, Aftermath, The Globalist and Drones are mindblowing to combat the meh we've gotten so far.

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Same here but that doesn't mean it's not illegal. ISPs are pretty reluctant to do it anyways.


;) I'm pretty reluctant to do things the right way too. I may soon be able to get things from that place online that nobody is supposed to mention

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;) I'm pretty reluctant to do things the right way too. I may soon be able to get things from that place online that nobody is supposed to mention


It's weird with the whole downloading thing. Me and my gf have the same ISP. I've downloaded at her house and gotten her emails/letters and threats. At my house nothing ever happens lol. And I dl way more at my house.

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I know there are mixed reactions around here, but I have honestly loved every song we've heard so far. I have such high hopes for this album -- I feel certain it will blow TR and T2L out of the water!


lol it already has with Psycho and Reapers alone

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The way I'll judge the album is whether I skip a track every time after


I do it with Invincible, Plug in Baby, Feeling Good and Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, doubt they'll top Citizen Erased and City of Delusion, but so far they're 4/4 for songs I won't skip and The Globalist and Defector sound fantastic so I'd say that's a pretty solid indication that I'll enjoy it.


I'm more worried about being annoyed by the interlude tracks than I am with actual song quality at this point.

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Is this serious?? LOL three people in a row who don't like MK Ultra? It's one of the few recent Muse songs that is actually their signature rock sound and does not have extremely straight forward lyrics and overly obvious influences.


r u sure about dat 1?? none of them hit as hard as the two I listed~


And yeah, Reapers I still think is the worst of the 4 we've heard. It's Muse trying to do 80's rock and has too many obvious influences. Doesn't sound like Muse aside from Matt's voice. Verses are great though.


Psycho I was good with at first but I wish it was less campy and the verses sung in a completely different style considering how the pre-chorus is delivered.

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And yeah, Reapers I still think is the worst of the 4 we've heard. It's Muse trying to do 80's rock and has too many obvious influences. Doesn't sound like Muse aside from Matt's voice. Verses are great though.


People are so polarized on Reapers! :LOL: It's my personal favorite out of the four we've heard (I know a few others who agree with me), but I also know many people who share your opinion... Guess the studio version will be the real test!

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I don't see the point of comparing Reapers or Mercy to the other tracks until we have studio recordings of them all.


I see what you mean, but I think live performances are a pretty good indication of song quality -- I mean, pretty much every song is better than (or at least as good as!) the album version! (In my opinion, at least!)


For me, it's Reapers > Dead Inside > Psycho > Mercy, but I honestly love all four songs (including Mercy) in different ways (and Dead Inside & Psycho sometimes switch position based on my mood :LOL: )

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