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Do you like Dead Inside?  

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  1. 1. Do you like Dead Inside?

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Hmm, I quite like it, but it's not the best song in the world - agree that some vocal melodies are all over the place. Still, moody vibe like Absolution, electronics like some Black Holes & Revelations stuff. They played it last night after Map of the Problematique and it worked really well :D


The Bond stuff is silly, despite Dead Inside and Supremacy, Sunburn still sounds more like a Bond song than anything else Muse have done.


And, as for recent Taylor Swift lyrical themes, it can't just be me who finds it pretty silly to have a song (Shake It Off) that goes "Just ignore the haters! Like I did in this song that I bothered to write and record about them" :LOL:

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I don't like the general sound and theme of it

I don't like how over-produced it sounds

I don't like the lyrics at all

I don't like how generic almost every element of it is

I don't like Matt's voice in it

I don't like that it's the album opener


I don't like it tbh.


Exactly the same i feel for the song

although i really love Matt's voice here (but i hate how he sounds on the second half, almost at the ending, what the hell happened there)

And the damn DEAD INSIDE bit has been stuck in my head all day.

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I don't like the general sound and theme of it

I don't like how over-produced it sounds

I don't like the lyrics at all

I don't like how generic almost every element of it is

I don't like Matt's voice in it

I don't like that it's the album opener


I don't like it tbh.


That song Dead Inside Song!

That Dead Inside Song!

I do not like

that Dead Inside song!


Do you like you like that song Dead Inside?


I would not listen to it

here or there.

I would not listen to it


I do not like

that song Dead Inside.

I do not like the song

here or there.

I would not like it


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I think its a good album opener, the songs they have shown us so far (Dead Inside, Psycho, Reapers) are all early/mid album, I think the latter stage when this character in the story starts breaking, we're gonna hear some heavy shit, its like Dead Inside is the last connection to TR/T2L, then its just gonna be a downward spiral into riffage and chaos, hopefully anyway.

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I dunno, it's basically Showbiz hidden inside a dark love song. Pretty meta.


Haha, nice description: And I love it!, the vocal delivery from Matt makes me feel what I love from Muse's most feely songs, the reason I like them; you can argue the impartial "quality" of the lyrics (choice of words, structure) is not great, but they ARE in line with Muse's standards. I'm really happy for hearing this song. :D :D :D


What I fear is that he's losing inspiration to compose music, and is just going to use cookie-cutter mold of pop music. At least I would like a interesting MELODY in 1 song from the album..

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After weeding through pages of Taylor Swift and U2 talk (could you get a worse combination? Maybe if Kanye got involved...), we get to the real crux of the matter.


Yes. They said it would be a rock album. This is not a rock song. For fuck sakes, even their "pop" song singles on OoS, Absolution, and BHaR had decent rock bits (Feeling Good, TiRO, Starlight, Supermassive, Invincible). Whereas this is just another Queen-U2 ripoff. A continuation of their strayed desire to be popstars rather than a rock band again, and to reach the ever elusive #1 single on the billboard charts.


^^^ Word


Very valid comments, even if they did upset a few sensitive souls.

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After weeding through pages of Taylor Swift and U2 talk (could you get a worse combination? Maybe if Kanye got involved...), we get to the real crux of the matter.




^^^ Word


Very valid comments, even if they did upset a few sensitive souls.


I guess I just don't understand what the concern is. We've heard three songs from the album, and 2 out of 3 have been rock songs. Another has been confirmed to be the Citizen sequel. All signs point to this being a rock record.

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After weeding through pages of Taylor Swift and U2 talk (could you get a worse combination? Maybe if Kanye got involved...), we get to the real crux of the matter.




^^^ Word


Very valid comments, even if they did upset a few sensitive souls.


These types of comments are from those in the minority. People complain that a new track isn't "heavy" or "rock" enough once it's released, then when a heavy rock track is released these same people complain that it wasn't done right or was boring. Most people here understand that Muse will never be Breaking Benjamin but there are a select few who persist against this reality

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I remain completely obsessed with this song.

Vocals are amazing, and it's just well put together.

I'd be completely okay if the album wasn't "rock" if it was this good.

Rather have a good pop album than a mediocre rock one any day.

(That said, hopefully the "rock" songs are still good... because it's probably the rest of the album.)

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I guess I just don't understand what the concern is. We've heard three songs from the album, and 2 out of 3 have been rock songs. Another has been confirmed to be the Citizen sequel. All signs point to this being a rock record.


I really hope it is, but when the lead single sounds like it is then it's hard not to be a bit worried. I hope it's the only one of its kind but recent history shows that there's a good chance of that not being the case unfortunately.


These types of comments are from those in the minority. People complain that a new track isn't "heavy" or "rock" enough once it's released, then when a heavy rock track is released these same people complain that it wasn't done right or was boring. Most people here understand that Muse will never be Breaking Benjamin but there are a select few who persist against this reality


Of course you can't please everyone but attacking someone because they don't get aboard the bandwagon is pretty stupid. The Queen/U2 comments are valid and I for one hate U2 so anything Muse does in that direction isn't going to work for me, and I'm entitled to say that.


Telling people to get off the board because they don't tow the party line is hilarious :LOL:


I bet you're one of those who signed the Glastonbury anti-Kanye petition


God no. I think his music is shit and he's a tool, exactly like Bono actually, but that's about it. If people want to spend their hard earned to go see him then good luck to them.

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I really hope it is, but when the lead single sounds like it is then it's hard not to be a bit worried. I hope it's the only one of its kind but recent history shows that there's a good chance of that not being the case unfortunately.




Of course you can't please everyone but attacking someone because they don't get aboard the bandwagon is pretty stupid. The Queen/U2 comments are valid and I for one hate U2 so anything Muse does in that direction isn't going to work for me, and I'm entitled to say that.


Telling people to get off the board because they don't tow the party line is hilarious :LOL:




God no. I think his music is shit and he's a tool, exactly like Bono actually, but that's about it. If people want to spend their hard earned to go see him then good luck to them.


This Queen/U2 meme bullshit is as old as the Radiohead one. This song isn't remotely reminiscent of either band so get that shit out of here

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These types of comments are from those in the minority. People complain that a new track isn't "heavy" or "rock" enough once it's released, then when a heavy rock track is released these same people complain that it wasn't done right or was boring. Most people here understand that Muse will never be Breaking Benjamin but there are a select few who persist against this reality


Can you elaborate on the Breaking Benjamin reference? Just saying those guys are terrible...idk if you were saying people wish Muse went in that straight forward generic garbage direction or?? The opposite? lol.

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Can you elaborate on the Breaking Benjamin reference? Just saying those guys are terrible...idk if you were saying people wish Muse went in that straight forward generic garbage direction or?? The opposite? lol.


You got it. Just the same old sound in every track without deviation.

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