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So tomorrow night will get PiB, Guiding Light, Assassin, TAB, and Reapers as the rotations, ya? (Just semi-wildly guessing.)


Tomorrow's the last chance for Showbiz :( Not gonna lie, maybe I was stupid for getting my hopes up in the first place, but I'll be disappointed if that doesn't come to fruition. What with the mention from Matt last year and the big fan push, this was probably the best chance of it happening that we'll get and if it doesn't happen tomorrow night I guess we can count it out completely.


Assassin would be amazing though, obvs. Though I'd be worried about it not popping up in London if it's taken 'til the 6th night in Paris.

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Muse's gigs seem kinda "samey" from tour to tour, and that IS a problem.


I saw Muse in Detroit on both the T2L and Drones tours. Aside from the new Drones songs, every song that they played this time around was also played last time. And on top of that, the only addition from the 3 times I saw them on The Resistance tour was Madness.


That's fine for anyone seeing them for the first time but pretty lame for returning customers.

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Rock movements are huge but they're just fine with not being the most popular.


And since Muse is seriously concerned with being "big" I was pretty surprised they decided to go back to rock. Not backing any of the rock singles fit their mo, but was seriously disappointing and, imo, still gave an angle of trying to sell out and not be true to themselves, honestly, as do the US setlists.

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I saw Muse in Detroit on both the T2L and Drones tours. Aside from the new Drones songs, every song that they played this time around was also played last time. And on top of that, the only addition from the 3 times I saw them on The Resistance tour was Madness.


That's fine for anyone seeing them for the first time but pretty lame for returning customers.


My boyfriend noticed immediately that it felt like the three tours he's seen have been "remove last tour's songs except the big single or two, insert new songs."


Philly was our 4th gig on three tours (1 TR, 2 T2L) and he was already complaining about Madness and Starlight, and a couple others, being "tired" and feeling "old and played out."

This is a guy who's never watched a Muse gig or video or anything, so it's not that.


It doesn't help that the band does a really by the numbers job with those massive repeat songs, typically doesn't bring a lot of energy to them, and even down to using the same posturing and gestures during them each gig.

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My boyfriend noticed immediately that it felt like the three tours he's seen have been "remove last tour's songs except the big single or two, insert new songs."


Unfortunately, the songs they removed were New Born, Plug in Baby, Stockholm Syndrome, Supremacy, Unnatural Selection, Survival etc. but they kept Starlight, Undisclosed Desires, Madness, Resistance etc.

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Unfortunately, the songs they removed were New Born, Plug in Baby, Stockholm Syndrome, Supremacy, Unnatural Selection, Survival etc. but they kept Starlight, Undisclosed Desires, Madness, Resistance etc.


I don't want to come across like I think they should remove any of those, though. Although they did remove UD.

Those songs got a HUGE fucking reaction, and I imagine people would have been infuriated to miss them.


They could just easily add 1-2 songs to the set to alleviate it.

15/16 songs is tragic, but even at that length, they're managing it in France right now.

Going for a big, shocking crowd pleaser like TaB, B&H, etc actually goes a long way to distract you from the fact you just watched the '09 Muse gig + Drones tour.


It's so painfully simple, which we in the US had been saying all along, and for some reason that makes us "whiney and entitled," or as if some casual fan's going to throw the tantrum of all tantrums standing through CE (or TaB; I saw it in '10, why the fuck not?) and then no one's coming to the next tour.

"omg, I got Starlight, and Resistance, and SMBH, and had the time of my life... then they played some 6 minute song I didn't know... and what a horrible gig!" said no one ever.

(Plus... The Globalist...)

Put some flashy lights and a giant balloon during a rarities slot, and you can trot out whatever you like. The kids'll just ohh and ahh and take selfies while the rest of the fans enjoy an awesome treat.

(*cough* The Globalist...)

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Playing the same songs + most recent album is pretty standard across the dozens of concerts I go to a year, but I agree... Muse can easily rectify things by extending their sets just a little longer as their catalog expands. It's definitely odd that they're doing 16-17 full songs this tour, a slight reduction from previous.


I just hope that this is more of an aberration tour where the technology overtook the songs, and next tour, they'll go back to something traditionally flashy, which will allow more flexibility with songs. I mean, the fact that Europe is still getting 16-17 songs, even though they're of greater variety than the U.S., speaks to things beyond just "the band feels a certain way" IMO.

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Playing the same songs + most recent album is pretty standard across the dozens of concerts I go to a year, but I agree... Muse can easily rectify things by extending their sets just a little longer as their catalog expands. It's definitely odd that they're doing 16-17 full songs this tour, a slight reduction from previous.


I just hope that this is more of an aberration tour where the technology overtook the songs, and next tour, they'll go back to something traditionally flashy, which will allow more flexibility with songs. I mean, the fact that Europe is still getting 16-17 songs, even though they're of greater variety than the U.S., speaks to things beyond just "the band feels a certain way" IMO.


They're in a arms race with themselves where every tour has to be "bigger" and more flashy than the last. I imagine next tour is going to find ways to be even more excruciating, until the performance is completely swamped by it, sadly.

Which, if the band is going to be so inconsistent with their own on stage energy, might do them some favors.


I mean, they had the "we're stripping back the music" moment and Matt was also talking about not knowing where they could go from there in terms of stages, too, because he was referring to all the shit in Rome, talking about how they didn't want to be remembered for giant robots, etc... and then they totally went the other way.

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They're in a arms race with themselves where every tour has to be "bigger" and more flashy than the last. I imagine next tour is going to find ways to be even more excruciating, until the performance is completely swamped by it, sadly.

Which, if the band is going to be so inconsistent with their own on stage energy, might do them some favors.


I mean, they had the "we're stripping back the music" moment and Matt was also talking about not knowing where they could go from there in terms of stages, too, because he was referring to all the shit in Rome, talking about how they didn't want to be remembered for giant robots, etc... and then they totally went the other way.


There's always a limit and a moment of reckoning. So who knows?


**28 months later**

"Muse proudly announces its new Hoverboards and Holograms World Tour!!!"

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Interesting that The Handler falsetto is still so rough but having just watched the Paris Supremacy he actually sounded decent with the falsettos in that


Yeah, but I think his main issue with TH is catching his breath before the falsetto. It seems to me he usually doesn't have time to breathe properly before the big YOU, and that's probably partly responsible for the strain and roughness.

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Hm, yesterday by far not as good as the one before. I was hoping the trend would continue. What I do like though: Swapping out the UD/Blackout slot for Stockholm, also because that's a much better place to play Stockholm because of the ensuing JFK break, so it's a bit of a set closer. Second thing I really like is that they're starting to rotate things further back in the set. Before, once having reached JFK the rest of the set would've been predictable and the suspense over. Now there's still a bit of a surprise left.


Anyway, for tonight I suppose Assassin will pop up. Showbiz would be awesome and at least they've certainly been reminded by fans, so we'll see.

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I think that if he's having the occasional off night (vocally) on this tour, Showbiz isn't going to get played, even at half a step down. Who knows though...the band are certainly are aware now so maybe if Matt's feeling more confident he'll attempt it at some point. I wish they had given Showbiz a go on T2L tour when he was at his peak.


Assassin would be great tonight, hope it gets a good reaction and they keep it on rotation for future shows.

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If Showbiz gets soundchecked then I guess we can get hype (albeit at our own risk). If it doesn't...I guess that's confirmation? :( Would've thought they'd soundcheck it more than once and a couple of days in advance if they were even thinking about playing it though.


Originally, Matt only mentioned it for Bercy and London so if it doesn't pop up tonight I can't see it happening anywhere else.

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I think that if he's having the occasional off night (vocally) on this tour, Showbiz isn't going to get played, even at half a step down. Who knows though...


I kinda thought the same about Take a Bow though, and they played that. Plus they also did Micro Cuts last Summer. Those songs seem similarly difficult to Showbiz...


About your question: Yes, Paris (6 nights) and London (5 nights, if you're counting that one London gig that's over a week before the others) are the longest ones. What I just realized again: Milan's also got 6 nights (in May).

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If Showbiz gets soundchecked then I guess we can get hype (albeit at our own risk). If it doesn't...I guess that's confirmation? :( Would've thought they'd soundcheck it more than once and a couple of days in advance if they were even thinking about playing it though.


Originally, Matt only mentioned it for Bercy and London so if it doesn't pop up tonight I can't see it happening anywhere else.


He's also reportedly only mentioned Map for like Finland or something, so it's up in the air.


His voice here so far would be a huge problem with Showbiz, and it's one of those songs that's pretty dependent on those lines.

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