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I would have been really frustrated being at the gig last night because I would know that would probably be my only time in my life ever seeing Muse play the Groove and it would have annoyed me that people in the audience sang so loudly over such a rarity instead of just taking it in by listening. I agree, that Uprising sing-along does seem really awesome and fun! :) But they play that song hundreds of times and IN MY OPINION it lends itself a lot better to a sing-along than The Groove does.


my personal tendency does lean toward yours but it boils down to having fun vs. feeling any control in the situation. fun must win. sing along and do it as on pitch as possible :LOL:

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Trust me, you can hear the band over the audience at most gigs. Showing appreciation for songs like The Groove is NEEDED, and it's the reason we might hear songs like it again.


There are other ways to show appreciation of a song than singing really loudly over the entire song. Cheering and clapping at the END of the song. Or even cheering a little bit at the beginning of the song just to show recognition of it. Dancing and moving your body to the song. Singing along to the LYRICS of the song.


Absurd, unrealistic, hypothetical situation: What would you guys think if 100 people brought oboes into the gig and played along to the entire song on them?

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We 'took it in'/celebrated a rarity being played by having as much fun as possible with it, knowing that it might not get played again. Sort of like a 'enjoy it while you can' kind of thing. If I want to just listen to it, I'll play the studio version or watch a live video.


Let's stop going to concerts to listen to the band, We can always listen to the recordings at home for that! Let's just divide the audience up into 4 sections (bass, guitar, drums and vocals) and we can sing from the audience all the parts that Muse is playing. Who needs the actual band on stage?!?!?

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Let's stop going to concerts to listen to the band, We can always listen to the recordings at home for that! Let's just divide the audience up into 4 sections (bass, guitar, drums and vocals) and we can sing from the audience all the parts that Muse is playing. Who needs the actual band on stage?!?!?


Now you're just being dumb.

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Let's stop going to concerts to listen to the band, We can always listen to the recordings at home for that! Let's just divide the audience up into 4 sections (bass, guitar, drums and vocals) and we can sing from the audience all the parts that Muse is playing. Who needs the actual band on stage?!?!?


I like the oboes idea better :LOL:


oboes are so difficult to even get a sound out of they might not interfere at all :awesome:

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Let's stop going to concerts to listen to the band, We can always listen to the recordings at home for that! Let's just divide the audience up into 4 sections (bass, guitar, drums and vocals) and we can sing from the audience all the parts that Muse is playing. Who needs the actual band on stage?!?!?


Of course we listen to the band, we just join in and interact with the music that's being played. Plus, like Dee said, the more passion the fans show for songs like this, the more likely it is to stick around in some capacity.

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there was a gig where a bunch of us had kazoos along. that was an amazing idea that failed :LOL:


hahaha that's really funny. That sounds like a really fun and creative idea and if it wasn't done to be annoying I probably would have smiled and laughed at that. You agree that there is a time and place for it though, right? Would you have sang through your kazoo as loud as you could if Muse played a beautiful quiet song like Exogenesis Part 3 or Blackout?

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hahaha that's really funny. That sounds like a really fun and creative idea and if it wasn't done to be annoying I probably would have smiled and laughed at that. You agree that there is a time and place for it though, right? Would you have sang through your kazoo as loud as you could if Muse played a beautiful quiet song like Exogenesis Part 3 or Blackout?


It was for Knights. People will sing when they're going to sing. It's a rock gig so there's really no stopping it. As long as the spirit of the thing is positive I will participate. Most bands thrive off energy from the audience during a performance and if people are enjoying themselves they perform better. The Groove is a heavy rock song so there's no reason to be prim about etiquette or compare it to quieter songs that people end up talking through :rolleyes:

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Weren't you just worried that you wouldn't hear the song if people sang over it? Do you want people to be quiet or not?


Singing along to the lyrics has been happening for decades at gigs. Singing along to riffs is fairly new (last 5 years)

I've been going to see Muse since 2001 and nobody sang along to the New Born riff. And you know what...those gigs were fucking awesome!

Last night was great too, but just because I chose to stand back and enjoy it instead of sweating my ass off and getting elbowed in the head doesn't mean I had less of a reason to be there or pay my money.

Showing appreciation for a song was usually done once the song finished and there was a massive applause...or in the case of Endlessly, a muted applause.

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