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I don't actually think the 'ass' line is inherently cringeworthy or bad, it just sounds that way because it's not a word we're used to Matt saying because it's just not a word he'd use, and on top of that it's also American spelling which also makes it sound weird.


'I'll turn you into a super drone' on the other hand... :LOL:

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this is why i love MUSE. have been a fan since 98. seen em 10 times. once in a small club about 400. every album is a journey not to really be compared to the latter or any album in their roster(even though they ar always compared). they explore, they entertain, they create. and yes they start a debate amongst fans hardcore/new comers alike. like a great movie, it is always good to debate. its healthy. if they weren't worth fighting for, arguments wouldn't be happening over their new sound or yada yada. i for one, have never really cringed at any of their music. sure i love their bombastic stuff...but i love all the albums they have put out. if i debated anything. cause i have been a drummer for 20 yrs. i would say some albums Dom's drums are a little week and wet in the mix(the resistance) i like when his drums sound huge(eternally missed).


one thing is for certain though. they are a live band at heart. so the albums just capture the songs on tape.... the live shows is where they take form and really come to life. i remember after the absolution tour, i took some friends to a show. who never heard of them or never like them in the first place. and obviously after. they were sold and blown away... i remember popping absolution in my buddies car on the way back, and all of them said, the recording doesn't do the way they are live justice at all.


the same goes for the ones that a lot cringe to. like survival. such a badass live song(obviously what they had in mind in the first place) and even a finishing song of all things.


anyway i am just ranting. cause i have been reading everyones reactions from the new tune on youtube and here and a few other places. i fucking love it. i love the drill sgt even. cause they have never done that before with a song. makes it gritty. plus obviously this album sounds to be the most conceptual album they have done to date. and will probably be even more story oriented then the previous ones attempting that. so i think it will fit in the concept.


either way good morning /good afternoon fellow Musers can't wait for this album to come out! ect ect :)

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I'm used to Full Metal Jacket references in music, mainly because some of the most popular songs in the Industrial/EBM scene heavily sample the dialogue from it. I really enjoy those songs myself, which is why Psycho doesn't phase me in that sense (although they're nothing like Muse genre-wise.) Lyrically, it's part of a grander concept, so it'll be better in context of the album. Muse have always been more of an album band, rather than a single band anyway.

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Considering that Psycho was mixed under a tight deadline and out of context with the rest of the album I wonder if it will be mixed again. Obviously it will be mastered again.


I actually have to admit, it's brilliantly mixed! I'd be happy with it to stay the way it is tbh.


Does anyone else think they're cutting it all a bit close though? Mixing has only just been finished (as far as we're aware), and they're using the footage from the gigs next week for the bonus DVD. I know the latter will probably only be 3-4 tracks at the very most, but surely there needs to be time for editing?

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had a friend visit there to see her grandma around then always brought me treats. MUSE was one of them I never looked back. then during the rise of Napster I downloaded some live footage. back then i think it took 30 days for one snippet of NEWBORN. i was like holy fuck!!! started preaching them to every body i knew ever since! first show was here in st. louis(get ready to get jealous) for $1.57 in a venue no bigger than probably around 4-600 people during the american absolution college tour back in 2001.



it was around the release of BHAR that i was like "i talk about no other band as high stature as i do MUSE" and no one band turns me on more, even though i love loads of bands. no band makes me cry at shows either....... i get so fucking excited at their gigs like i don't cry for anything funerals, sad movies, when the last fry is eaten... you name it. but MUSE accomplishes that feat every time i see them or hear new shit. that's when i said they are my favorite fucking band. and still are.

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had a friend visit there to see her grandma around then always brought me treats. MUSE was one of them I never looked back. then during the rise of Napster I downloaded some live footage. back then i think it took 30 days for one snippet of NEWBORN. i was like holy fuck!!! started preaching them to every body i knew ever since! first show was here in st. louis(get ready to get jealous) for $1.57 in a venue no bigger than probably around 4-600 people during the american absolution college tour back in 2001.



it was around the release of BHAR that i was like "i talk about no other band as high stature as i do MUSE" and no one band turns me on more, even though i love loads of bands. no band makes me cry at shows either....... i get so fucking excited at their gigs like i don't cry for anything funerals, sad movies, when the last fry is eaten... you name it. but MUSE accomplishes that feat every time i see them or hear new shit. that's when i said they are my favorite fucking band. and still are.


I had to download Origin of Symmetry from Kazaa when it came out since it wasn't available in the US. I think I was missing Screenager for about 6 months before I finally found it.

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Does anyone else think they're cutting it all a bit close though? Mixing has only just been finished (as far as we're aware), and they're using the footage from the gigs next week for the bonus DVD. I know the latter will probably only be 3-4 tracks at the very most, but surely there needs to be time for editing?


I'd expect 4 to 5, maybe even 6 songs tbh. As for editing, they'll have about 2 months between the gigs and when the album comes out which should be more than enough time. It's not like it's a big production or anything, considering they're only small gigs, so there shouldn't really be that much editing to do.

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'I'll turn you into a super drone' on the other hand... :LOL:


All day I've got this image in my head of Matt behind a writing desk writing down "turn you into a drone"




*changes 'drone' into 'super drone'*


*looks satisfied*

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had a friend visit there to see her grandma around then always brought me treats. MUSE was one of them I never looked back. then during the rise of Napster I downloaded some live footage. back then i think it took 30 days for one snippet of NEWBORN. i was like holy fuck!!! started preaching them to every body i knew ever since! first show was here in st. louis(get ready to get jealous) for $1.57 in a venue no bigger than probably around 4-600 people during the american absolution college tour back in 2001.



it was around the release of BHAR that i was like "i talk about no other band as high stature as i do MUSE" and no one band turns me on more, even though i love loads of bands. no band makes me cry at shows either....... i get so fucking excited at their gigs like i don't cry for anything funerals, sad movies, when the last fry is eaten... you name it. but MUSE accomplishes that feat every time i see them or hear new shit. that's when i said they are my favorite fucking band. and still are.


I think your dates are slightly off...

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I read some You Tube's comments...

Definitely, Muse fans are too demanding.

In my opinion, Psycho is better than most of the songs included in 2nd Law



youtube is just a vessel for hate. meanwhile, look at the thumbs up...71k... 71:1 like to dislike ratio. also just hit 2 million views in about 24 hours. pretty good :)

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All day I've got this image in my head of Matt behind a writing desk writing down "turn you into a drone"




*changes 'drone' into 'super drone'*


*looks satisfied*


I wonder what kind of faces Dom and Chris make when he shows the lyrics to them. "Y-yeah Matt, "super drone" sounds amazing! *avoids eye-contact*"

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I wonder what kind of faces Dom and Chris make when he shows the lyrics to them. "Y-yeah Matt, "super drone" sounds amazing! *avoids eye-contact*"


I do actually wonder about what they feel about the lyrics.


Considering how good Chris' lyrics were on his tracks, it makes me wonder how much they just sort of nod along and smile at Matt and his ideas.

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