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helium-3 IS warner. I don't understand their selective process of blocking videos. there are many videos with the actual songs on them with no action taken against them. but a cover is put down so quickly ...


Right now they're blocking anything referring to the new album.

And while there might be a lot of things NOW that don't have action taken against them, it was an absolute plague in the last few years. For some reason the muting was taken off a lot of clips recently, but I'm starting to see them blocked again.

But yes, fuck them.


Strange to think that riff has been around for nearly as long as I have, save a few years.


Whelp... I'm officially REALLY old... :'(


Sure beats coming up with a flaccid one.


... and still thinking of the album as a limp weenie. :chuckle:


I've read somewhere that the release delay was due to the guys being unable to come up with the choice of a suitable front artwork for the album. It's a bit ridiculous, isn't it?


I actually read somewhere it was delayed while they were getting the rights to use the photos Matt pirated off the Internet for the album... Don't know if that was accurate or not, though.


I remember him! His avatar was pikachu?


Christian-something, but he had it changed because it was apparently his real name.

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Yeah, wednesday is very likely. Wednesday youtube and thursday radio.


Hopefully tomorrow we get some official news.


As likely as every other speculated date pulled from thin air



Do you think they will drop the single with the official video or with a lyrics video first? And why?


Considering this image by Tom 2 days ago, with a video it looks like



Edited by nendo
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What exactly are you on about? Non-lead singles are hardly expected to char extremely high. They're to keep the buzz alive about the record. You conveniently disregarded Uprising and Madness here, which as lead singles charted extremely well.


True, however I wouldn't call #25 (Madness) extremely well in the grand scheme of things, every single from OoS, Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations charted higher (I'm just wikipediaing this as I go)

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True, however I wouldn't call #25 (Madness) extremely well in the grand scheme of things, every single from OoS, Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations charted higher (I'm just wikipediaing this as I go)


Madness topped the Alternative charts for 19 weeksand broke numerous records. Doesn't necessarily have to be #1 on Billboard Hot 100 to mean anything. Sales as well. Simply looking at view count and guesstimating sales from that should tell you enough, but Madness and Uprising sold far more copies as singles than anything before Black Holes.

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If the single comes out finally this week, Friday or Thursday we can get it. And obviously, we would have official news.


Yeah, "if" being the key word. It's still speculation, and considering how many other events/dates have been speculated for the release/just to hear it, the date of Wednesday is no more likely than all other speculated date. There's nothing to say this Wednesday is "very likely" other than pure wishful thinking.

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Madness broke the record for most weeks at number 1 on the US Alternative charts.

It broke into the Top 40 charts, even.


It was a monster here, and it was EVERYwhere for a while. A long while.


I didn't hear it once on the radio where I am. :/

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So it's that time again...


Just for future reference - please respect Muse's and their record labels' intellectual property. It's apparent they're not happy with any covers or derivatives being shared, so please refrain from doing so. The new single will be along soon!


Thanks :) (and expect the usual anti-leak announcements to appear soon too!)

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Madness broke the record for most weeks at number 1 on the US Alternative charts.

It broke into the Top 40 charts, even.


It was a monster here, and it was EVERYwhere for a while. A long while.


It's really just proof of the state of American music scene. Muse release SS, Hysteria, nothing. Madness (weakest single in history). Break records.

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Madness topped the Alternative charts for 19 weeksand broke numerous records. Doesn't necessarily have to be #1 on Billboard Hot 100 to mean anything. Sales as well. Simply looking at view count and guesstimating sales from that should tell you enough, but Madness and Uprising sold far more copies as singles than anything before Black Holes.


ah, I'm talking specifically the UK not internationally, they would of sold more in America with their recent output than their old output.


Either way being released the same week as M&S isn't going to make much difference, Psycho isn't going to be fighting for any form of top spot when it comes to sales over here

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So it's that time again...


Just for future reference - please respect Muse's and their record labels' intellectual property. It's apparent they're not happy with any covers or derivatives being shared, so please refrain from doing so. The new single will be along soon!


Thanks :) (and expect the usual anti-leak announcements to appear soon too!)


It begins :facemelt:

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Yeah, "if" being the key word. It's still speculation, and considering how many other events/dates have been speculated for the release/just to hear it, the date of Wednesday is no more likely than all other speculated date. There's nothing to say this Wednesday is "very likely" other than pure wishful thinking.


Illusions and speculations, but left two months and a half for the first concert. Wednesday or not, left few days for the single and news.


Someday there must be news, I say. For some people seem to be no news ever XD.

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So it's that time again...


Just for future reference - please respect Muse's and their record labels' intellectual property. It's apparent they're not happy with any covers or derivatives being shared, so please refrain from doing so. The new single will be along soon!


Thanks :) (and expect the usual anti-leak announcements to appear soon too!)


Muse have nothing to do with any of these claims (I refuse to believe the band would take action against fans who mean nothing but showing their appreciation with such covers)

Labels however do take themselves way more seriously than bands do, and in Warner's case, they've outsourced the whole thing to Grayzone inc which adds a whole new level of personal opinion and selective action to it.

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