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Stockholm Syndrome @ T in the Park 2004 is the best performance of SS ever


Bliss @ Live 8


Knights of Cydonia @ Madison Square Garden 2009


Micro Cuts @ Wembley on June 16th 2007 (which just so happens to be my birthday! :D)


Showbiz @ MCM 1999


Recess @ MCM 1999


Do We Need This @ MCM 1999


Cave @ Düsseldorf Philipshalle 1999


Plug in Baby @ Eurockèennes 2000

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I've seen plenty of Bliss performances, and Wembley 2010 is the best IMO. The vocals are perfect, the intro is just sublime, the extended outro... ahh, it couldn't be better.




And here's City of Delusion. I won't spoil anything, but amazing shit happens at 4:30. :)




One more... I can only embed two videos, but here's an early version of Exo-Politics, also with some amazing vocals.


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